The Collection of The End

Chapter 426 World Honored Tathagata Buddha

That bastard named Lu Yue, you successfully caught my attention.

If Yuan Hong usually fights with others, at most he will temporarily burst into self-evolution due to the serious situation, but this Xingjun is better. He is as fierce as a tiger in one move and has 250 DNA points.

After I clicked away the DNA bubbles created by some unknown moves, Yuan Hong had already beaten him back to the Hall of Valor. What a waste.

[Tips: ‘Simian Flu’ received an unauthorized ‘symptom evolution’ command and has rejected it. ] Prompt sister’s explanation was belated.

Hey, sure enough, there was a backdoor when Tianting made that "Concentration Pill", but it has obviously failed, but it is not yet clear whether the same is true for "Monkey Killer".

If nothing else goes wrong, if Heaven begins to study the antidote, it must reverse the evolutionary steps through the current "symptoms" of the original "Nengshen Pill" and "Simian Flu", and thus determine its own structure to create the antidote. .

[Tip: The antidote development progress of ‘MonkeyKiller’ has reached 40%]

Well, it seems that the gods in heaven who are responsible for developing the antidote are not all fools. Through the method of the plague god just now, they have roughly judged the direction of the mutation of the "Concentration Pill", but I don't know where they looked.

But it's a pity that even if they wanted to break their heads, they couldn't guess that someone would not play with symptom transmission and instead go to evolve monkeys~

I was thinking about whether I should find a way to let Yuan Hongtao hide his power for a while, and wait until the "Monkey Killer" antidote is developed at a high level to cause trouble again. I saw the Third Prince Nezha and Erlang Shen Yang Jian coming together again, and Yuan Hong also mocked without politeness.

Okay, okay, you members of the Three-Headed-Six-Armed Club go ahead and fight.

——The 10th year——

In the Kingdom of Tianzhu, Wangha City.

"[I'm so hungry, so hungry, so hungry~ I'm really hungry~ The Queen Mother always says that I usually eat too much~ but people really~ get hungry easily~]"

Princess Tianzhu, who is wearing a bright red pearl embroidered dress, a gold crown on her head, a gauze veil, and a bright red eyebrow, is practicing singing in the imperial garden. Her voice is crisp and rhythmic. The maid beside her who doesn't understand at all is still nodding in time, but she can barely sing. The king of Tianzhu, who understood what Zhou was saying, was twitching.

"Holy Monk," on the other side of the imperial garden, a banquet was being arranged for the king to thank Jin Chanzi for curing the princess from being "possessed by evil spirits." After the king toasted Jin Chanzi with tea instead of wine, he said with an embarrassment, "Can you please Can my little girl's treatment be more 'normal'?"

As a Buddhist country, Tianzhu has no shortage of eminent monks. However, after the princess's accident, the king searched for many days and invited many eminent monks and sages, but all of them were helpless about the princess's problem of "singing Buddhist scriptures" and "attracting people to worship". The person who admired and asked if there were more items - this person was naturally invited out by the king.

Although it is a good thing for a Buddhist princess to love Buddhist scriptures, the king has no children, so he only has this daughter. He also hopes that she will find a son-in-law, but she does not intend to send her to Banyi Buddhism. At a time when she is at a loss, these "sutra collectors" from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty However, he broke into the princess singing place and used another weird song to drive away all the Buddhist tunes that the princess often sang. Although the effect was good, the princess did not return to her original state. Although she no longer sang Buddhist songs, it seemed to be more serious, so While the king was entertaining them, he again asked for help.

"Amitabha," Jin Chanzi said, "the princess still has a long-cherished wish. When it comes true, the 'evil' will leave, and the poor monk will take the opportunity to arrest her."

"I don't know what my daughter's long-cherished wish is." The king was quite doubtful about this.

Jin Chanzi didn't answer, but turned to look at the girl with a small bony forehead and slightly dark skin.

"If I'm not wrong, this princess probably wants all the people of Tianzhu to like her...not as a princess," the girl explained, and then added: "This is quite difficult."

The king frowned, but did not refute.

My daughter knows that since she was a child, she has been trying to win the love of everyone she comes into contact with, so she has done some things that harm the royal family's face. It would not be too surprising if this attracts some demons who can see into people's hearts.

However, if you want everyone to like her, this range is...

"Only counting the citizens of Tianzhu? Regardless of the surrounding small dependent countries, or even the countries on our way?" This is the only two men in the team of strange holy monks, a heroic young general Ao Lie.

According to common sense in Tianzhu, those women who are willing to go with him on the road should all be the wives of this young general, but he is worthy of their sisters - why on earth would he bring a group of family members to escort a monk westward?

"All my men went to the surrounding countries to explore, but they didn't know that there was a singer princess in Tianzhu." "Girl Jingjing", wearing a black dress and a mask covering her forehead, responded to the young general.

"This is what I did," the king said helplessly: "Whether it was the weird Buddhist songs in the past or the recent food songs, there is something a little..."

"Huh?" As he was eating hard at the banquet, the girl in pink clothes, whom Ao Lie called Sixth Sister, suddenly raised her head and looked over. The king felt as if he was facing a giant beast that could swallow him whole, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. .

"Sixth Princess, please don't look at people while eating, you will scare them." Wearing plain white armor with a faint sense of sharpness all over her body, the woman called "Pearl" blocked the girl's sight.

This team looked like it was full of gods, Buddhas and demons... The king secretly wiped his hands from cold sweat. However, the reason why he dared to receive the holy monk and his entourage even though he knew that there was a problem was because this country was the Buddha's mortal dojo, and the real sin was heinous. It is impossible for monsters and monsters to set foot there.

"If you have an objection to the song itself, rather than being dissatisfied with the princess being a singer, I have a few good songs here." She is known as the "Fourth Princess" and looks somewhat similar to Na Ao Lie. The woman in the white dress suddenly smiled and said: "Besides, the lyrics are also very suitable for the occasion."

"Even if there are good songs, it will take a long time for the princess to tour all over Tianzhu, and there may be changes." Ao Lie objected.

Ao Cunxin chuckled: "Of course we need our help at this time. I have to borrow your pearls."

I always felt that these extraordinary people were going to cause big trouble... The king was hesitant to stop it for a moment, but when he saw General Pearl conjuring a huge conch, he knew it was already too late.


Tianpeng originally thought that the Heavenly Court would soon interrogate or deal with those monsters. In this case, whatever marriage the Spring Thirteenth Mother had with him would definitely be broken off.

But except for the Erlang God Yang Jian who came to inquire about their battles with the Huaguoshan monsters, the Jade Emperor did not have any instructions on how to deal with them and had to continue to be imprisoned in the naval prison.

Although Tianpeng knew about the gathering of many heavenly generals to behead the monsters in Huaguo Mountain, in comparison, dealing with his own inexplicable marriages was the most important thing at the moment.

Although he had a talk with Fu Ling, trying to convince her that he was devoted to her, as a result, although the relationship between Xiao Feng Nu and him became much closer, she became more and more targeted at other marriage candidates.

The Spider Spirit is imprisoned in a prison and cannot move around at will. After the Fu Spirit is prohibited from visiting, he can temporarily ignore it. However, if he wants to send Fairy Nishang away, he must first help her find Su'e and Jade Rabbit.

So, when the Jade Emperor issued the order to "descend to the realm at will depending on the circumstances", Tianpeng, Yisheng, Nishang, Li Yingqiong and Fu Ling went down to Tianzhu to look for Jade Rabbit and Su'e.

There seems to be a slight problem with the team configuration, but as long as Fu Ling doesn't notice it, it will be fine.

After taking the "Jackdaw" to the lower world, Tianpeng quickly found the traces left by Su'e in Fengxian County. However, since she had left and it seemed that some gods had taken care of the beginning and the end, although there were still "odd flowers" in this country, "Exhibition" exists, but mortals' memories of the impatiens once growing wildly have been blurred.

"'Prayer Possession', it seems they really just want to play." After Nishang checked the governor's daughter without leaving a trace, she said to Tianpeng: "After Su'e left, this mortal girl had already made her Those things naturally come down to yourself.”

"Then, she did not return to Heaven but went to Tianzhu Kingdom because Jade Rabbit ran away and became a princess?" Canopeng stood on the deck of Jackdaw, listening to Nishang's investigation about Fengxian County while turning the ship's bow Wanghacheng, the capital of Tianzhu.

This country of Tianzhu is different from ordinary countries in the world. Many cities are almost all built on the seaside, as if to make room for the Lingshan Mountain in the middle, whose location is uncertain.

"It is so difficult for a daughter of a county to have a wish. If Duke Zhu had been more willful that day, Yutu might not have been able to fulfill her long-cherished wish - but she originally just wanted to be a princess and have fun, so nothing would happen... right? ." Nishang said with a little worry.

"This matter is actually-" Tianpeng was about to reply, but the Jackdaw had already entered the border of Tianzhu, and the day instantly turned into night.

"This..." Fu Ling, who had been close to the canopy, looked up into the sky and sighed: "The Jade Rabbit is really generous in making medicine."

In the dark sky, many stars were shining, and an unusually huge bright moon was shining brightly everywhere.

Tianpeng was about to say something when the sound of Jade Rabbit singing that seemed familiar but not the same came to his ears.

"[I will send my love to the bright moon, hoping that you can notice it~ I will write you a poem and send it to you thousands of miles away without evil~]"

The music pauses for a moment and the rhythm becomes slightly faster, just like a human heartbeat.

"[You are the one who makes the crescent moon white with dreams, so that there will be joys and sorrows~ You are the one who dyes the maple leaves red with the wind, so that my thoughts are all over the mountains and plains~]"

Everything in Tianpeng's eyes softened with the singing. When he subconsciously turned his head to discuss it with everyone, he saw that the whole body of Fairy Nishang was glowing with the tone of the song. Seeing Tianpeng looking at it, she slightly A smile can make a country fall.

With a bang, no matter the dark sky, the stars or the huge bright moon disappeared, they were replaced by the illusion of a huge golden body of Buddha standing in the sky. Maybe it was an illusion, but the canopy felt that the Buddha seemed a little angry.

No, compared to that, the attractiveness of the colorful fairy to him, who has obviously lost the moonlight bonus, has only increased.

Oh no, that "marriage" is waiting here...

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