The Collection of The End

Chapter 434 That legend has forgotten my loneliness

[Reminder: ‘Simian Flu’ has spread to ‘Tianzhu Country’. 】

"That is the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, the Great Emperor Guanyin Bodhisattva who appointed the special envoy to collect the Western Sutra——"

[Tip: ‘Simian Flu’ has infected the whole world, and the antidote has not yet been developed. You can choose to evolve fatal symptoms to end the game. 】

"——The Monkey King of Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong, the Monkey King!"

Because I couldn't see the situation in heaven at all, I could only be excited about the screenshot of Brother Monkey, wearing a golden light, soaring into the sky, while my sister reported the progress completely unmoved. Even so, I still insisted on reading the last part of RAP. One sentence:

"Handsome! Here! Drop! Scum!"


Who cares about "MonkeyKiller"? Are we afraid of "MonkeyKings"?

No matter what trouble the opponent makes in the heaven, the Monkey King will get through it all the way. Just like in the Justice League, when Da Chao appears on the stage, there is no room for others to take action, unless there is kryptonite to ride in the face... huh?

I went back and looked through the screenshots of Brother Monkey from various angles... By the way, why does the Great Sage wear a gold hoop on his head?

[Tip: The 'Ying Shen' projected by the 'Monkey King' into this world has been detected, and its image is only a visual effect. ] Prompt sister to explain.

How do I remember that "yingshen" is a Buddhist thing? It seems to be said that the true body of a Buddha is called the "Dharmakaya", the statues in many temples and Buddhist scriptures are called the "Sambhogakaya", and the ones that change at will to enlighten the world are called the "Yingshen".

Hmm, maybe the Great Sage felt unhappy with the "Fighting and Defeating the Buddha", so when he became the Monkey King, he took away the convenient magical power of "Ying Shen"?

It doesn't matter, even the "Ying Shen" can exert most of the magical powers of the original body, which is enough to make trouble in the heaven.

[Tip: This ‘Yingshen’ is in a state of rapid decay and may disappear at any time. ] Prompt my sister to pour cold water on me again.

It seems that this is the case. In those Buddhist allusions, the Buddha's "responsive body" will disappear quickly after enlightening mortals. Sometimes it is even just enough to finish speaking the enlightenment words and then disappear directly, indicating that those corresponding bodies cannot carry it. The power of the original body has been too long. The great sage is much stronger than the ordinary Buddha. It should be enough to cause trouble in heaven...

Wait, I saw that the Great Sage was a little excited, and he even forgot about the heroic brother who appeared earlier than him. Where is he?

Since I called the heroic spirit myself, I didn’t need to ask the prompting sister. I swiped the surveillance screen a few times and found the red L, the Bull Demon King, and the Iron Fan Princess.

Oh, Red Boy, it’s not that surprising, but this look... the default skin of a heroic spirit from the future?

As for the Bull Demon King and Cuiyun, they did not get along as awkwardly as I thought. On the contrary, they entered the state of an old married couple at a very high speed and began to spread dog food everywhere, completely unable to look directly at them.

"If you want to avoid the attention of gods and Buddhas as much as possible, why not go hide in Huaguo Mountain? The Macaque King and others should be on guard in the mountain. We can borrow two mansions in Shuiliandong to stay." The Bull Demon King in the scholar form said.

"Two mansions?" Princess Iron Fan glared at him.

"Huh? Then, one place?" The Bull Demon King giggled.

"You dead cow!" Princess Iron Fan went to twist his ears: "It's three places!"

"Ouch! I know! You, I, and the baby each have their own place!" The Bull Demon King cried out in pain.

"Ruyi and Xiao Honghong are in separate places. Do you still want her to sleep in the cow pen?" The iron fan continued to twist.

"Okay! Three places, three places!" The Bull Demon King only dared to shout but did not dare to move.

Red Boy kept smiling, as if he was used to it, while Qingniu was still chewing something in his mouth, quietly watching the interaction between the two.

[Tip: The antidote development progress of ‘MonkeyKiller’ has reached 80%. 】

[Tip: Four major continents were invaded by the ‘Monkey Killer’ at the same time. 】

After two consecutive prompts,

The "globe" was instantly covered with invasion marks scattered everywhere. No matter which one you clicked on, there were a large number of "celestial soldiers infected with Monkey Killer" or "such and such star king infected with Monkey Killer".

This again? Just when you're about to lose, you evolve and develop all the fatal symptoms. Is that disgusting? But I'm not fighting alone now!

It looks lively on the globe, but the opponent still has to follow the rules. All "invasions" are carried out on a national basis, and I have spread the simian flu to the whole world. So, no matter where he invades, I always have a monkey army. Something that can be fought against.

Since I was in the "everywhere" quantum state at this time, I easily issued expedition orders from all countries and pointed them back at myself.

And...this army of monkeys...can't die either...

——The 10th year——

The lady serving the fragrance is anxiously looking at the Dianjiang Cloud Platform outside the Nantian Gate.

As the guards of the Jade Emperor, even if they did not clearly hear the Jade Emperor's orders and arrangements, Kui Su and Kui Mulang could sense that the Lord of Heaven was planning something big, but it was definitely not to annihilate some troublemaker monkey.

Heaven itself mainly maintains the order of the three realms and is not good at force. This kind of demon king who absorbs too much spiritual energy and cannot control it is not unprecedented. According to past experience, if it is really impossible to capture and bring him to peace, he will most likely be handed over to someone who does not belong to the family. It can be said that it has never happened before that the powerful gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in heaven have conquered, established a general station, and put on a decisive battle posture with such great momentum.

Therefore, before he followed the Jade Emperor to go on an expedition, he specifically told Shi Xiang to go out of Nantianmen, but never approach the general platform.

Shi Xiang did as he was told and hid outside the Nantian Gate. He first saw the heavenly soldiers descending to the realm one after another, and then saw the general station on fire. Until then, there was no movement at all. He couldn't help but start to consider approaching to investigate. However, if something really happened there With her ability, it would only be a hindrance.

As a flower fairy, she was only selected as the "Fragrant Lady" because of her ability to "make a specific fragrance appear within a certain range without using incense." It is hard to imagine how this ability would be helpful in combat. If The words "Golden Boy with Sword" might be of some use, but he secretly went down to earth with another flower fairy not long ago, and said he wanted to be a king... he must have talked to Qing Shi.

Shi Xiang was hesitating when he suddenly saw a flash of golden light in front of him, and a monkey wearing gorgeous armor and a flaming cloak appeared. He walked to the Nantian Gate carrying a red stick with a golden hoop on each end. , swung the stick into the wind and enlarged it dozens of times, and hit it according to the house sign.

That's Nantianmen! Shi Xiang suddenly held his head and squatted down to avoid being hit by the flying gravel. However, after waiting for a moment, there was no explosion sound and gravel flying as expected. When he timidly raised his head, he saw the monkey walking in front of him and spoke. asked:

"[Baihuaxi, do you know where this useless guard of Nantianmen has gone? If I, Old Sun, demolish it now, wouldn't I be called a 'traitor of the empty gate'?"

"This is Xingjun," Shi Xiang stood up and saluted, but for a moment he couldn't think of any fairy who looked like this: "My little girl's name is 'Hundred Flowers', not 'Hundred Flowers'."

"[Hey, cows chew peonies and wolves eat chrysanthemums,"" the monkey who called himself "Lao Sun" bared his teeth: "[Whether it's shame or death, if you delay me for a moment longer, your wolf will probably burn. Burnt.】"

her home……

Judging from Kui Mulang's behavior of chatting with her alone from time to time, caring about everything, and giving gifts several times, he probably meant something for her. Although he often chatted to death, said the wrong words of concern, and gave gifts that made people laugh or cry, But it is still closer than ordinary friends. If it is proposed formally, it is not impossible to consider it.

However, when Shi Xiang secretly went to Yue Lao to ask, the comment Yue Lao gave her was inexplicably "The Domineering Xingjun Qiao Princess". Do you think she didn't know that it was a stupid storybook written by Wenqu Xingjun?


"The four generals of the Demon Family guarding Nantianmen, Clairvoyance and Shunfenger followed the Jade Emperor to Dianjiang Yuntai not long ago to watch the battle. There was a strange noise and fire there, but Kui Su only asked me to stay at Nantianmen and not allow me to approach, so I don't know what happened. What's the matter?" Shi Xiang said in one breath.

"[His judgment is quite accurate,]" the monkey nodded, put away the golden cudgel and turned to the silent general station, slightly narrowing his golden eyes: "[Even the Jade Emperor is trapped, you Being there is useless.】"

"Trapped, trapped?" Shi Xiang was quite surprised, but the monkey stopped explaining, carrying the golden hoop, and walked towards the point of the cloud platform slowly but really quickly.


On the general cloud platform, many heavenly generals who had been watching the battle were now fighting together. On one side was the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, who was protected by the towering king with the exquisite pagoda in his hand, and a few heavenly generals who had come from spiritual practice. On the other side were It is the "Tai Shang Laojun" and the twenty-eight stars who were originally demons, many star monarchs, and almost all the heavenly soldiers.

The latter had an overwhelming advantage. If they did not have powerful magic weapons, the protection of the Linglong Pagoda would have been broken long ago.

"I should have thought earlier that with [Tai Shang Lao Jun]'s philosophy of being quiet and inactive, how could he take the initiative to participate in the transformation of the 'Spirit Condensation Pill'?" The Jade Emperor was trapped on the high platform, but his expression did not show any depression: "However, the situation is obviously different at this time. Without your control, it will start in advance, so the whole thing is not perfect."

"If we don't advance, wait until you develop the antidote?" Although "Tai Shang Lao Jun" was revealed to be not himself, he still maintained his original image: "Control all those who take it, and let them kill them subconsciously without being controlled." What kind of harm does the monkey demon do to Heaven, so that you conspire with Buddhism to study how to destroy it?"

"The original 'Spirit Condensing Pill' can only affect the demon clan, but after your transformation, by using the Moon Palace elixir and the Hall of Valor's Resurrection, not only mortals, but even immortals can be affected. Unexpected effects have occurred many times. If you change it, Will you let it continue to spread?" The Jade Emperor said: "Looking at the 'out-of-control monkey demons' you mentioned, I only know that they have returned to order and have no record of harming anyone."

"I have clearly 'degraded'!" The fake Taishang Laojun snorted angrily: "But forget it, a mere hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and a few heavenly generals can't affect my plan. At this time, all the 'concentrators' have already set off. , it won’t take a moment to separate those unaffected monkey demons and mortals——”

"[Take a stick from my old grandson!]"


The fake Laojun was about to say something to the Jade Emperor, but he was suddenly pressed down by a huge golden hoop and iron rod, and was instantly beaten into powder.

"[Huh? He is so weak?]" Sun Wukong jumped up to the general platform and poked the powder pile on the ground with his golden hoop, looking surprised.

"Beware of this great sage!" the Jade Emperor said quickly: "The original demon is the incarnation of Laojun. It has a method similar to that of transforming three pure beings into one qi. It cannot be destroyed easily."

The Jade Emperor heard that Yuan Hong and other demon kings were called "Great Sage". Although he didn't know who he was in front of him, it was better than calling him "Monkey".

As he spoke, many of the accused generals who originally besieged the Jade Emperor and King Tota sensed the presence of monkeys, and turned their eyes full of murderous intent.

"[Hey, Jade Emperor,]" Sun Wukong played with the golden stick in his hand: "[Would you mind if I broke all the hands and feet of your subordinates?]"

"...Please ask the Great Sage to show mercy."

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