The Collection of The End

Chapter 435 The hero deserves a bad reputation

——The 10th year——

The foot of Huaguo Mountain.

When Tota King Li Tian led one hundred thousand heavenly troops to go down to the realm to catch demons, the demon kings of the caves in Huaguo Mountain had already arranged the evacuation plan. Marshals Ma, Liu, and General Beng led the small demons with little strength to stay away from Huaguo Mountain and hide in the mountains. Lao Lin.

The standard for this "not humble" strength is that when facing an ordinary heavenly soldier alone, he will not be captured or killed instantly, and he must be able to hold on for at least ten rounds to wait for rescue.

Monsters whose prototypes are relatively weak, such as squirrels, rabbits, and sparrows, as well as herbivorous monsters with little attack power, such as elk and deer, cannot be left behind.

During this process, a surprising discovery was made by the demon king leaders: as long as they are monkeys, even if they have not transformed into an intelligent person, they have quite good combat effectiveness. In the end, it can only be attributed to Yuan Hong's role as a good example. .

However, the so-called "staying in Huaguo Mountain" only means that these little demons can guard the caves where the demon kings originally lived. If you really want to fight side by side with the demon kings, you must have the means to be on par with ordinary generals.

As for helping the Great Sage Yuan Hong, you probably have to be able to resist the alchemy furnace falling from the sky...

The alchemy furnace fell, split in half, and golden light shot into the sky. Before the demon king leaders could recover from such a shocking situation, they saw tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers descending from the clouds to kill their generals.

"Those guys in the Heavenly Court are playing tricks and want to sneak attack the Huaguo Mountain base camp. We will never let them succeed!" General Beng, who looked like a golden monkey, shouted loudly: "All the troops attack!"


West Sea Dragon Palace.

"Sorry, could you please say it again?"

At the main entrance of the Dragon Palace, a noble and dignified young man from the Dragon Clan asked the leaders of the hundreds of heavenly soldiers in front of him expressionlessly.

"Prince Mo'ang, because the precipitation in the Tongtian River exceeded the original regulation by 50%, you were arrested by the Jade Emperor. Please come with us." The leader of the soldiers said again, and showed the shining golden edict in his hand.

"Ha..." Moang sneered: "Only in towns, villages and fields where mortals live, rainfall will be specified in detail, and all the rain I dropped at that time was used to wash away a gathering point of mutated monsters at the bottom of the Tongtian River. , are you telling me now that this behavior is not only useless, but actually a crime?"

"If you have anything to say, go and argue with the Jade Emperor yourself," the leader of the soldiers said that day: "You have repeatedly pushed back, is it because you want to resist the order?"

"Why do I think you are falsely conveying the imperial edict?" Moang raised his hand, and a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs gathered around him: "I heard that there seems to be a big problem with that batch of goldfish, and the messenger only came to catch me now, I’m afraid it’s just that I jumped over the wall when I was at the end of my rope.”

"The Prince of the West Sea resists arrest, take action!" The leader of the Tianbing soldiers also sneered. He waved his hand, and a mixture of dark and red smoke spread out. The surrounding shrimps, soldiers and crabs would all turn into prototypes after being affected, and Moang was also completely powerless. Fall to your knees.

"This is the effect of your rushing away from that thing," the leader of the heavenly soldiers said coldly: "If you hadn't been so nosy, I wouldn't have been sent to get you during this full-scale attack."

Moang closed his eyes to eliminate the strange influence and refused to refute.

"Beat these grandsons!" The heavenly soldiers were about to capture Ao Moang and all the fish and shrimps present, but they heard a burst of shouting from behind, and saw a group of monkeys in helmets and armor holding big sticks rushing out, with green bodies on their bodies. The light flickered, completely ignoring the black and red mist, knocking many heavenly soldiers to the ground.

"Impossible! That 'epidemic' can only spread on land!" The "Heavenly Soldier Leader" was shocked. After parrying several moves in a panic, he was beaten into a pile of black powder by the obviously stronger monkey leader.

"Damn it..." The vague voice quickly faded away.

"Prince Mo'ang, you can say thank you later. I have to take the children to defeat the heavenly soldiers heading to the other Three Dragon Kingdoms. Hurry up and open the 'Four Sea Passage'." The monkey stepped forward, helped Mo'ang up, and laughed. chuckled.

"It seems...I allowed my fourth sister to establish a zoo.

This move that was also extended to the four dragon kingdoms unexpectedly saved his own life..." Moang smiled bitterly and shook his head. He walked to the side of the Dragon Palace and rang a purple gold bell with the authority of the prince, and a deep vortex appeared out of thin air.

"I don't know how to solve the black mist, so you can use other transformed monsters as guards first. If my king asks you later, remember to tell him that this feat was made by me, the 'Smart Worm'!" the monkey leader shouted. , led a group of monkey demons into the passage and disappeared.

Act as a guard? Moang looked at the jellyfish floating around, the sea urchins covered with thorns, and the starfish running around with legs, and silently covered his forehead.


Xiniu Hezhou, Sanqing Town.

"I'm so stupid, really. I should have known that the dignified Sanqing would not look directly at us monsters, and there must be something wrong with the exercises and elixirs they gave us. Now that we are in this situation, it is all our own fault. ..." The thin Immortal Yangli hid in the Sanqing Temple, looking at the many townspeople with red eyes outside who surrounded the Taoist temple like menacing faces, and kept mumbling to himself.

"No, no, no, it's me who should be sorry. The people in this town were originally nice. We just came back to make a deal, but somehow we got violent. It must be our fault." Monkey King Jinggui was leading a group of short apes. The monsters and a few Sanqing townspeople were fighting against the violent townspeople who wanted to break through in Sanqing Temple. They were in a difficult situation because they could not let them in or hurt them.

"Shut up!" The female deer power immortal shouted: "There must be nothing wrong with the skills given by Sanqing. Didn't you see that we are not out of control at this moment? Moreover, no townspeople who have achieved success in cultivation have been seen. There are no people outside. These are the fools who hurriedly ate it after they heard it could be done quickly!"

The sturdy Lu Li Daxian silently guarded the main entrance alone. Whenever an enemy rushed towards him, he would take advantage of his height and length to grab it and throw it away.

"Hahaha! It's finally my turn to appear!" When Sanqing Temple was in danger, the Great Immortal Huli appeared at the entrance of the town with a group of carnivorous monster townspeople, and shouted loudly: "Do you want me to save you? As long as you agree to let the mayor Just let me be the one!"

"No, you can't. If the carnivorous monster is powerful and unruly, it will probably run out to eat people." Yang Li shook his head repeatedly.

"But before that we will be killed by these vegetarian monsters!" Zhan Li retorted, and then responded loudly: "If you save us, I will give up my position as mayor to you!"

"Hahaha! That's right!" The Great Immortal Huli showed his minions: "Young men! Follow me——"

Before this group of carnivorous monsters made any move, they saw a large group of unusually tall and strong monkeys rushing towards the mountains in the distance like lightning. They passed through Sanqing Town and rushed straight to Sanqing Temple. All kinds of violent monsters were knocked away along the way.

"Small ghost!" The leader of the huge monkey said in a thunderous voice: "We follow your instructions. If we haven't gone out after burning the incense, we will rush in to find you - and what will we do next?"

"Well... Anyway, let's catch those monsters with red eyes and grinning teeth at you first," said the subtle ghost.

"What kind of monkeys are they? How come they listen to you?" Zhangli asked the Jinggui as he saw Huli dejectedly following the group of big monkeys.

"They call themselves 'gorillas', and I don't know why they recognized me as their leader as soon as I came into contact with them." Jinggui said with his hands.


Looking south to Buzhou, the Liusha River enters the sea.

A group of wooden fleets on the sea are being chased by another group of flying steel fleets. Logically speaking, there should be no suspense in this duel. However, the operators of those floating steel warships seem to be novices. The spaceship was driving swaying, so if it was not careful, it would be thrown away by the fleet on the sea.

However, as long as the distance was slightly further, these spacecrafts would fire their guns brazenly, forcing the surface fleet to slow down again and enter the misalignment range of the spacecraft's main guns. The two sides were in a stalemate, unable to get away or catch them.

"Damn it! What's going on with this group of Tianhe naval forces? They are leaving but not leaving, and fighting but not fighting." On the flagship deck of the surface fleet, there stood a tall and sturdy man, wearing a white cloak and a pair of tall hair. The ape with the raised white beard looks quite angry.

"I think they may be playing," said a thin monkey with yellow fur standing next to the white-bearded ape: "Just like when a cat catches a mouse, it often doesn't kill it directly..."

"Hateful! I'm going to dismantle those ships! Who's with me?" Whitebeard was angry.

"But, we can't fly?" said the yellow-haired monkey.

"Then hit them with mortars!" "Chief, think twice!"

Seeing the white-bearded ape striding towards a trebuchet-like mechanism, other monkeys on the deck rushed over to stop it, causing chaos for a while.

Boom! In a panic, the ship shook violently, as if it hit something. The monkeys were checking around, but they saw a monster covered in water and weeds jumping onto the deck.

"Where is the monster! Tell me your name!" Whitebeard shook off the little monkey hanging on his body and strode towards the monster.

"I am Juan... no, I am 'Yong Du Liusha River'," the monster bared its teeth and said in a very hoarse voice, "You can also call me 'The Destroyer of the Glazed Light'."

What are these weird names?

"You seem to be in some trouble?" The monster didn't wait for the monkeys to respond, and looked up at the warships in the sky: "Do you mind if I knock them down?"

Whitebeard frowned suspiciously, but still said: "If you can."

"Haha...Shhh!!" The monster covered in water and weeds shook his body, revealing a set of rusty armor and a bearded face. He raised his hand to his mouth and blew a whistle vigorously.

"Hush! Hush!" Following an off-key whistle, a slender red flying sword ejected from the water, striking all the steel warships in the air in random and irregular arcs.

The monkeys were marveling when they saw the flying sword flying back, piercing the monster's chest, and then shook it proudly before diving back into the water.

"Ahem! It doesn't matter, that's the price of driving it." The water monster looked around and found a place to sit down: "Do you mind if I go with you for a while?"

All the monkeys shook their heads.


Beiju Luzhou.

In the arbor forest on the edge of the battlefield where the dragon and phoenix battle took place, a group of monkeys were living in a hut, completely ignoring the melee of ice and fire several miles away.

"Is it dangerous for us to stay here?" A little monkey was restless and asked worriedly.

"Haha, are you new here?" A monkey basking in the sun beside him said lazily: "Stay a little longer, and you will know that there is nothing safer than here."

"We have no weapons and do not show aggression. With the pride of the two ancient races, they will ignore us. If anyone makes a mistake and attacks here, they will be stopped by the other side in time." Another monkey said .

"What if you show aggression?" asked the little monkey.

The monkey basking in the sun seemed to be planning to explain, but he closed his mouth again and just raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

The little monkey looked up to the sky and saw several warships of the heavenly army descending from the sky. However, the next moment they exploded into fireworks all over the sky, leaving only a big word "Go" in the sky.

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