The Collection of The End

Chapter 437: After all, I have really walked through this world

I am naturally strong at multi-tasking.

After all, I can listen to the gang leader arranging offensive and defensive tactics in the voice, while watching the group battle map, saying "good fight" to the opponent, throwing a fire blast on my face, and then cutting back with two swords to kill the dart-stealing little cat. Get off the horse, and finally send messages to the queen mother and best friend to say "get online soon" and "go to bed soon" respectively.

Hmm...something seems wrong?

It’s not that I’m feeling nostalgic, it’s just that I instantly opened the “Expedition” interface for more than 300 countries in four continents and the feeling I had when I opened “Multiple Opens” was very similar. Although there were a hundred times more things to pay attention to, I still feel Time does not only have one pair of eyes and one pair of hands. Rather, this ubiquitous "quantum state" is very handy in processing those different surveillance pictures, and will not miss any at all, but it also has no time to pay special attention. Which one to focus on.

For example, I saw from a surveillance camera that after a group of monkeys in Nanzhan Continent introduced the heavenly soldiers into the woods and killed them all, they would naturally switch to another battlefield in the country. Although I knew their layout and plan as well as the mistakes and remedies in the implementation process, But there will be no comments such as "It's wonderful" or "What a pity". Perhaps the heroes sitting on the Hero's Seat also feel the same way when they watch what the servant's incarnation does.

The difference is that I am not looking at "all" surveillance pictures, but "every" picture. But strangely, the perspective that is supposed to "overlook all pictures" does not appear.

Just like a single-celled seaweed, if you ask the cells on the whale it is attached to, "Which one of you is the whale?", they can only answer "We are all the same whale." My current perspective is all the "whale cell" perspective, and There is no “whale itself” perspective.

Just when "I" thought about this question, my sister's voice sounded exactly right.

[Tip: Failed to ignite the divine fire, insufficient divine power, and the Bagua furnace has been extinguished. 】

Which god would use the Flame Mountain to light the divine fire!

At this time, almost all the invasions of the heavenly soldiers had been stopped by the monkey army. As the "pictures" that needed to be paid attention to were reduced to the point where one pair of eyes could see them all, I was also out of the "quantum" state of "everywhere" , reappeared before the globe "collapsed".

If the stupid system is usually in this state, it is understandable that it is mentally retarded, huh.

"Sister Hint? What are the benefits of lighting the divine fire? I remember that I collected a lot of priests in Lao Gun World?" I asked Sister Hint while staring at the remaining pictures.

[Tip: After igniting the ‘divine fire’, you will use your own ‘divine nature’, possession of ‘divine position’, and collected ‘divine power’ to determine the level of your ‘divine personality’ in order to become a god. 】

"Hmm...then what impact does the level of godhead have?"

[Tip: It has no influence on the host world. When joining other hosts, the influence on the world is determined by the level of godhead. 】

Oh... So, since it's your own world, you can do whatever you want, but when you go to other people's worlds to cause trouble, your level of godhood determines what kind of cheating methods you can use besides controlling the 'doomsday element'?

And it is precisely because of this that in this Westward Journey arena world, I can hardly have any impact on the world itself except for evolving "Simian Flu". "Expedition Order" is only an accessory ability of "Simian Flu". In comparison, That "MonkeyKiller" has so many little tricks that it's outrageous.

"So, being able to embed 'cheating clips' at will will remind my sister that you must have a very high level of divinity, right?"

Tip my sister to not respond.

"Then, let's change the question. Currently, these worlds with gods are fine, but if we encounter a world without the concept of 'god', how will it work?" I waited for a while, and after confirming that my sister would not answer, I changed my mind. asked.

[Tip: Use natural phenomena, coincidences, accidents, etc. to achieve this. 】 feels quite troublesome.

If it really doesn't work, I'll just keep playing single-player.

While I was thinking about it, several more surveillance screens disappeared, leaving only the image in Huaguo Mountain. Perhaps because this is Yuan Hong's hometown, there were particularly many heavenly soldiers and generals rushing towards them. The demon king is still in a state of overeating and digesting, so Yuan Hong can only lead other demon kings and demon generals to resist this invasion.

At this time, the remaining surveillance screen showed the scene of a golden monkey demon. He was wielding a pair of pumpkin-like golden hammers and was being besieged, or in other words, suppressed, by two heavenly generals.

It's no wonder that he used a heavy double hammer, but the two generals used double hooks and double thorns respectively. If they were not careful, their weapons would be snatched away. He had to hold the handle of the hammer with all his strength and fight with them at the same time. , even through the golden retriever, you can see that it is covered in sweat.

"Severely injured General Beng", this was the name of the golden monkey. He didn't know what he was thinking. He could no longer hold on, but he kept shouting, making the demon king who was going around to rescue him think he was okay.

Speaking of which, Yuan Hong's identity should be "General Ba". His friend who was originally on an equal footing with him suddenly became the king of demons. He might not be able to show it off at ordinary times, but at such a critical moment, it is likely that he wanted to prove that My own thoughts of "not that bad" prevailed, "I must defeat these two generals independently, otherwise it doesn't matter if I die" - something like that.

"Damn it! I refuse to accept it! I won't lose!" After losing half a move again, the golden monkey suddenly went crazy, shouting and launching an attack on the two heavenly generals. His momentum even made the heavenly soldiers and monkey monsters fighting nearby eat. He was shocked, but his name at this moment had become "The Dying General Beng".

"You respect yourself! Can a mere ordinary monkey compare to the 'Sick Monkey Zero' of the same series as mine?"

I kept knocking on the "Globe". Although I have obtained a lot of bubbles due to resisting the heavenly soldiers and have quite a lot of DNA points, even if I maxed out other transmission methods and resistances, it would be of no use to this battle...

But there’s no telling, what if there will be a combo attack?

Resistance to heat, cold, moisture, drought, drugs and other useless transmission methods, as well as water-borne, air-borne, bird, mosquito-borne and other useless transmission methods, have all evolved to level three. However, in addition to the fire avoidance method, the wind avoidance method Except for the useless combo ability, there is nothing that can help this golden monkey survive.

[Tip: All the 'methods of transmission' and 'special abilities' of 'Simian Flu' have been evolved, and the combo is achieved: 'Monkey King', which greatly enhances the mutual sensing ability between apes and unlocks the 'Dispatch' command , can give orders to individual apes. 】

Oh, that's good, I immediately ordered that stupid monkey to escape.

I pointed at the surveillance screen to pull out a "dispatch" line from General Na Beng, and retreated to Shuiliandong. Let's go!

After the monkey ran away, I suddenly realized...unlocked "my" control over a single monkey?

"If I understand correctly, this 'Monkey King' refers to... me?" I twitched my eyes.

Cue my sister to remain silent.

"Don't be silent! I know you are at home! If you have the ability to give people nicknames, you have the ability to open the door!" I took a photo of the globe vigorously.


——The 10th year——

Dongsheng Shenzhou, Huaguo Mountain.

boom! boom!

After Yuan Hong used the "Red Lotus Evil-Breaking Stick" to knock down the generals who were besieging the Lemur King, he looked at Huaguo Mountain, which was still in chaos, and felt a little anxious in his heart.

After hearing the words of the Monkey King, "Stepping on the southern sky, shattering the sky," he had roughly guessed that Heaven's recent inexplicable targeting of Huaguo Mountain was caused by someone, no, there was a god behind it.

According to the information collected so far about the "Concentration Pill", it can be seen that the target of the opponent's plot cannot be him, the little monkey demon king, but is probably something bigger and more extensive, such as the Great Sage Grandpa. Is it the "Bodhisattva" that he talks about but never realizes, or is it the entire world, all monsters, etc.

A plan of this scale is definitely beyond the power of the "Great Sage Pingtian" who will occupy Dongsheng Shenzhou and has not yet been integrated. Therefore, what he has to do now is to try his best before the fight between those gods ends. Save Huaguoshan, the demon king brothers and the little demons.

But the trouble in this battle now is that there are too many monsters on Huaguo Mountain who like to show off their strength. He has always led many monsters to conquer Dongsheng Shenzhou with no disadvantages. Almost no one can stop their progress for too long. , even the recent contraction was with the intention of waiting for an opportunity to ambush.

This fact made all the monster kings quite inflated. Some monsters with weak brains even shouted the slogan of going to heaven. So when the heavenly soldiers and generals suddenly came down, they confidently went to fight against them. If not before, The forced evacuation of the weak monsters was successfully completed, and Huaguo Mountain had already turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Yuan Hong's eyes passed from one battlefield to another, and then suddenly turned back. When he looked closely, as expected, the green bull who was selected from a group of green bulls and reluctantly called the "Si Demon King" was fighting three heavenly beings alone. The general was clearly dead, but he did not hesitate to use his inner elixir bezoar as a magic weapon and continued to fight as if nothing had happened.

boom! Boom!

Yuan Hong flew down in a somersault cloud, knocked down three generals, and then threw the nearly out-of-control bezoar back to the Demon King Si: "Take it and go rest, or do you plan to be a farm cow in the future?"

"Haha..." Demon King Si laughed dryly, "If you can fight, Great Sage, so can I."

Yuan Hong disagreed with him and carried him all the way back to the Water Curtain Cave before Jia Yun went to support the other demon kings. These demon kings only saw that they could easily defeat the heavenly soldiers, but never considered that under the guidance of the Great Sage, The strength is already far beyond theirs.

As for the Peng Demon King, he is naturally powerful and cannot be learned.

Yuan Hong patrolled the clouds and quickly found another powerful demon.

General Beng of the Golden Monkey, his opponent when he was still called "Dabai", has slowly improved in strength and cannot even become a demon king. Even so, being able to fight two heavenly generals alone is considered to be a desperate enough effort.

Yuan Hong was rushing to rescue him when he saw an unusually huge phantom of a girl appearing in mid-air. He stretched out two fingers and pressed towards General Beng. With a slight stroke out of thin air, the golden monkey, who was originally planning to fight to the death, feinted. Zhao jumped out of the battle group and headed straight for the Water Curtain Cave.

What? !

The Monkey King was distracted for a moment and lost all strength in his hands. He smashed one of the two generals who were still chasing him to pieces and burned the other to ashes.

The demons around him all cheered to Yuan Hong as if they didn't realize it, but when Yuan Hong looked at the sky again, he didn't find anything.

That is... "Bodhisattva"?

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