The Collection of The End

Chapter 438 1 Tuping 900 waves, 9000 wrong

——The 10th year——


There are thirty-six palaces and seventy-two palaces in the heavenly palace. Like the Pixiang Palace, it is easily controlled by the red-eyed heavenly soldiers. There is also the Guanghan Palace, which no one dares to disturb. Because these rebel heavenly soldiers only control everywhere, they do not As for what the Xian'e Star Lords would do, those with great magical powers in the heavenly court who had the ability to handle this incident all kept waiting and watching tacitly. If this was another "catastrophe" of Zhang Bairen, who participated randomly and was entangled in cause and effect, it would be trouble.

However, at this time, a monkey who was not afraid of trouble, not involved in cause and effect, and had superior strength came in from the Nantian Gate, which made all the gods and gods look at him with suspicion.

"[Oh, this kind of method is quite rare.]" Sun Wukong waved his hand as if to shoo away flies, and hundreds of them came in. The heavenly soldiers with blood-red eyes all flew back, turning into gold powder in the air and flying towards a golden light. The flashing hall rolled back.

At the same time, streams of gold powder like fine waves were constantly rising from the lower world.

"[Dabai did a pretty good job, and my teachings are not in vain.]" The Great Sage Qitian glanced at the "Hall of Heroes" a few more times, but did not intend to get close. He walked leisurely towards the Supreme Being with his golden cudgel. Laojun's Tushita Palace.

Along the way, Sun Wukong hardly changed his posture. With only a few small movements, all the weak heavenly soldiers were thrown into the air. Only occasionally when the heavenly generals appeared could Sun Wukong be allowed to move the golden sword on his shoulders. They broke their hands and feet one by one with hoops and threw them on the roadside.

This "injury but not killing" was his promise to the Jade Emperor at the Dianjiangtai. Although the Jade Emperor was irrelevant, the Monkey King's promise was true. After all, the "Hall of Heroes" reshaped the heavenly generals and Xingjun's body seems to be many times more difficult than ordinary heavenly soldiers.

"This great sage, please stay!"

Sun Wukong had just arrived at Tushita Palace after defeating two heavenly generals when he saw a rather heroic Xingjun wearing black gold armor blocking him at the entrance of the palace. Apparently, the gods in heaven did not know his name, but they learned from Yuan Hong The title of "Great Sage of Pingtian" leads to a name for the powerful demon clan, which is this "Great Sage".

"[Oh? Tianxi Xingjun? Why did you come to Laojun's alchemy room instead of witnessing the mortal wedding with Yuelao?]" The Great Sage Qitian turned the golden hoop in his hand and looked at Xingjun's limbs, as if Consider where to start.

"The world is in chaos at this time. Where can anyone hold a wedding?" Tianxi Xingjun stepped back two steps: "Because I am the Xingjun who is closest to Tushita Palace and has not lost control, I was ordered by the Jade Emperor to guard this place. Although The alchemy furnace was thrown down to the lower realm, but there are probably clues here left by the fake 'Tai Shang Laojun' and the Niu Tong and Qing Niu who escaped to the lower realm."

"[Unfortunately, I am here to demolish the Tushita Palace this time,]" Sun Wukong raised his stick and pointed at the arc-shaped Tushita Palace with the alchemy room as the center: "[I want to study the Laoshizi's Concentration Pill' It’s the Jade Emperor’s plan, but I’m not prepared to leave such a hidden danger.]”

"Great Sage, please don't embarrass me." Tianxi Xing put on an attack stance: "Otherwise..."

"[Otherwise? What?]" Sun Wukong quickly took back the golden cudgel and walked straight towards Tianxi Xingjun.

"Otherwise I won't be a guest -" Tian Xixingjun was halfway through his harsh words, but he was surprised to find that his original gaze towards the unknown monkey demon sage had turned into looking up. Then, he realized that he had fallen on his back. The whole body was unable to move except for his head.

"[It's really disappointing. I originally thought there were some special means, but it turned out to be just big words. It can't even block the most common body-holding technique,]" Monkey King Qitian walked to Tianxixing and lifted up his armor. The leader then walked towards Tushita Palace: "[Let me see what you are hiding.]"

"No..." Tianxi Xingjun's eyes widened.

"Who I thought was making the noise outside, turns out to be you, 'Big Brother'~"

In the main hall of Tushita Palace, two Taoist boys, the Golden Spirit and the Silver Spirit, were sitting cross-legged obediently, listening to a charming woman dressed in the blue dress of a female official from heaven lecture them.

The woman had a pair of fox ears on her head, and behind her were nine furry tails that were emitting a faint golden light. When she saw Sun Wukong walking in with Tianxi Xing in his hands, he raised his eyes and greeted him.

"[Don't scream so affectionately, fox, I'm not familiar with you,]" Monkey King Qitian plucked his ears and threw Tianxi Xingjun over casually: "[Is this the husband you threw away?"

"The situation between me and the Great Sage is different~" The nine-tailed fox used a force-removing technique to catch Tianxi Xingjun and placed him next to Jinling Yinling, and then said: "Every 'nine-tailed fox' is 'I' , but 'I' am not every 'nine-tailed fox'. 'We' are not as lucky as you, senior brother. We have a 'true self'. Therefore, who is this Star Lord looking for? 'I' am not as lucky as you. Not very clear~"

Tianxi Xingjun has been staring at the nine-tailed fox closely since he was thrown over. Hearing this, the light in his eyes suddenly dimmed a lot.

"[I don't have time to discuss this with you,]" Sun Wukong waved his hand, turned around and left with the golden hoop on his shoulder: "[Since you are here, the matters related to the 'Concentration Pill' must have been sorted out, and I will find an opportunity to hand it over to Yu. Emperor, I’m going to fulfill my last promise—to demolish that old man’s Lingxiao Palace.]”

"Well..." The nine-tailed fox tilted its head to watch Sun Wukong go away, and then said to itself: "At least 'we' won't disappear from any world~"


Near Nantianmen.

The Jade Emperor is leading the heavenly soldiers and generals who have not been controlled to gradually regain the heaven occupied by the rebels. Traveling with him are King Li Tianwang of Tota, Erlang Shen who returned from the human world, and the third prince Nezha, as well as those who learned that the inner elixir of the Five Poison Beasts has been stolen. Marshal Tianpeng hurried over with Li Yingqiong after being taken away by the strange heavenly soldiers.

Since the priority of the "Concentration Pill" command to attack the monkey was too high, almost all the heavenly soldiers would rush over to kill the monkey sage after seeing it. Therefore, the recovery work at this time was very easy, and only those heavenly generals who were seriously injured and fell to the ground were needed. They collected Li Jing's exquisite pagoda and confirmed that there were no out-of-control heavenly soldiers in each palace.

"There is news from the Tianxi Star that has sealed off the Tushita Palace," the Jade Emperor said to the generals around him: "The remnants of the initial elixir transformed from the 'Nengshen Dan' have been found in the alchemy room, which should be able to solve the problem of our cooperation with Nanhai. Significant progress has been made in drug research and development.”

"It's best to hurry up. These 'out-of-control people' can't be locked up in my pagoda for a long time." King Li Tian of Tota said.

"Don't worry, no matter what the fake Taishang Laojun's plot is, it has completely failed at this time," the Jade Emperor said in a good mood: "He wanted to use the name of eliminating the monkey demon to cover up his plan to control the heaven, but Unexpectedly, it was the monkey demons who were targeted who stopped his plot."

"It's all because Your Majesty is good at planning." Li Jing said.

"Huh..." The Jade Emperor did not answer, but continued to receive requests from various parties in the heaven: "What? Does the great sage of the demon clan want to demolish the Lingxiao Palace?"

Zheng - buzz -

An indescribable harsh sound spread throughout the heaven. When the Jade Emperor and the generals followed the sound, they saw the magnificent Lingxiao Palace slowly tilting, then shattering and collapsing, slowly but without hesitation in front of the immortals. Turned into ruins.

"Hey..." Yang Jian was the first to react among the crowd, and said with a smile: "It has brought such a large-scale unreasonable disaster to the demon clan. If I have a chance, I will destroy it."

"No, if it's just to vent your anger, there are more targets to choose from," Li Jing said: "Could it be that the Lingxiao Palace still has a back-up plan left by the fake Laojun?"

"That's not true. This hall is only used during the great dynasty conferences, and there are not many heavenly soldiers stationed there at ordinary times..." The Jade Emperor paused and smiled bitterly: "From the perspective of beating the face of heaven, the effect is outstanding."

"How can a heaven that can cause civil strife and rebel heavenly soldiers everywhere be repelled by monkeys have any dignity?" Nezha said.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Li Jing scolded.

"Hey...if you keep putting on airs, I will live at Guanjiangkou." Nezha muttered softly.

Tianpeng listened to the discussion of the generals and did not speak, but just thought silently.

Because this incident did not affect the Tianhe Pier, the strength of the Tianhe navy, which has not been significantly reduced, has become the largest armed force in the heaven at this time. At least until the nearly 800,000 heavenly soldiers are resurrected, the influence of Marshal Tianpeng will be greater than that of the army without soldiers. General Li Jing can only rely on him to complete the task of clearing out the remaining poison of the "Condensing Pill", so... he is actually very dangerous? But where does the danger come from?


A ray of golden light rose from the ruins of the Lingxiao Palace, shot straight to the zenith, and finally disappeared. The Jade Emperor and his generals, who were attracted by this vision, could not help but stop and observe.

At this moment, Tianpeng suddenly felt that a huge threat was coming towards his back. The distance was so close that there was no way to avoid it. He had to turn his body slightly and heard a soft sound, and the sharp weapon was ignored on him. The armor penetrated from the lower back.

This sword seemed to contain extremely strong poison. Even with Tianpeng's experience in many battles, he could only tilt his head slightly before falling completely to the ground. And he saw the person standing behind him, his eyes glowing red. Li Yingqiong was holding a sword in both hands, but looked confused.

In the flash of lightning, Tianpeng recalled the speculation about her by the fourth marshal of the navy. Because Li Yingqiong occasionally lost control and attacked people with "monkey" concepts, but it never aroused other people's hostility towards her, so she was probably a "monkey". With the existence of "weapon", the victim will naturally not have any emotions towards the instrument. On that day, everyone also speculated that the reason why this "weapon" was finally abandoned may be that it is difficult to control and use. However, if one day her creator will not hesitate to If you want to "use" it, some unlucky guy will definitely be poked into the Hall of Valor.

The assassination of himself must be to extend the time for the "Concentration Pill" to be expelled, so the fake Laojun must have other plans, and this kind of control must be related to the inner pill taken from the Five Poison Beasts - although the Tianpeng moment I thought about a lot of things, but there was not enough time to tell them all.

"It's not... her fault..." Tianpeng finally had time to finish this sentence with difficulty before completely losing consciousness.

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