The Collection of The End

Chapter 439 Lingyun crosses into a positive state

——The 10th year——

Tianzhu country.

Because all the surrounding countries were disturbed by the heavenly soldiers, the king of Zhu Kingdom was very panicked and busy arranging soldiers to guard everywhere, leaving Jin Chanzi and his party to do what they wanted. So they left the Wangshe City and went to find Lingshan Mountain.

Along the way, I saw strange flowers and plants, ancient cypresses and pines, all different from those on the previous road. However, when I encountered people, every family was doing good deeds, monks were worshiping in every house, I didn’t pick up things on the road, and I didn’t close my door at night. There must be people practicing at the foot of the mountain, and I often met guests in the forest. through.

Jin Chanzi said on the horse: "The so-called 'darkness under the lamp' is nothing better than this. Because we are in a Buddhist country, the folk customs are simple and there are no demons to harm us, so the number of Buddha and Bodhisattva appearances is actually less than those around us. So although the king knew There is a spiritual mountain of Buddha in the country, but we don’t rely on it.”

Ao Lie said: "Why don't you tell me?"

Jin Chanzi said: "There were kings in the previous generations who knew about this, but what they did was no different from ordinary people. Some kings even abandoned their thrones and went to Xunling Mountain to worship Buddha. Oh, of course they couldn't do it. "

Ao Lie asked curiously: "Then you can find it? Remember you once said that you usually fly in and out of Lingshan Mountain, so you don't know the way?"

"Master has hidden the Lingshan Mountain so that no one can see it. However, at the foot of the Lingshan Mountain, the Jade True Temple of the Golden Summit Immortal was built by mortals and cannot be covered up." Jin Chanzi pointed forward: "Isn't that right?"

In the forest ahead, there is a towering pavilion, soaring hundreds of feet into the sky. A towering man can watch the setting sun with his head lowered. He can pick flying stars with his hand. The open-minded windows swallow the clouds and mist. The tall buildings meet the rosy sky. The yellow cranes come to see the old catalpa tree. Luan writes until the evening breeze clears.

"Since it is a Buddhist temple, there must be enough supplies." Ao Lie touched the slightly listless Ao Yu beside him and said.

Although every family worships Buddha and every household eats monks, those families are small families after all. No matter how much money the third prince throws around, they can't have more food. It is barely enough for them to entertain a group of people, but if they want the sixth princess to eat enough, it is Absolutely impossible.

Jade Rabbit once said that there were many elixirs she had brewed there, and she could eat them happily. However, Ao Yu only tasted a few mouthfuls and firmly refused to eat any more, which shocked the girl with rabbit ears.

"Amitabha, Almsgiver Ao knew it when he saw him." Jin Chanzi gave it away.

As he spoke, the pavilion was already in front of him, and there was a Buddha coming out of the mountain gate to greet him. He was wearing brocade clothes, shaking jade dust in his hand, with an immortal basket hanging on his elbow, bare chest and abdomen, wearing wooden clogs, and his head was smooth.

"I've seen the bald immortal," Jin Chanzi dismounted and clasped his hands together.

"You golden cicada, I haven't seen you for several years, why haven't you smoothed out that broken mouth?" the golden-crested immortal laughed and scolded.

"Why don't I call you the Great Immortal with a protruding belly?" Jin Chanzi looked down.

Hmm... It does seem that the supplies are sufficient, Ao Lie nodded secretly.

"All benefactors, please follow me." Jinding Daxian chatted with Jin Chanzi a few more times about strange issues such as the Buddha living in the temple, etc., and then he said to everyone in Tongxing that he should lead the way first.

Although the time has not yet arrived, the Golden-crested Immortal brought the group to the dining hall as expected, and then said: "According to the Buddha's decree, the Six Princesses of the West Sea must be fed here. In addition, the Jade Rabbit of the Moon Palace must bring all the The 'elixir' stays."

"Great!" "Why!" the two girls shouted together.

"If you want to see the Buddha, you just want to ask why the elixir you created is so ineffective. The Buddha has the answer to this matter, but there is no need to take them there." The Golden Summit Immortal replied to the Jade Rabbit without feeling dissatisfied.

"...Okay." Yutu wanted to say something more, but was pulled back by Su'e, so she remained silent.

A vegetarian banquet was enjoyed by the host and the guests, and Ao Yu was indeed full. However, the "elixir" that Jade Rabbit poured out from the pestle filled the warehouse where many ingredients were originally placed.

"There seems to be something wrong with those 'elixirs'," Bai Jingjing wandered to Ao Lie's seat and whispered in his ear: "They seem to be somewhat similar to my bone-faced servants."

“I’ll keep an eye out.

"Ao Lie nodded.

Since they had already arrived at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, Jin Chanzi was not in a hurry to go there after the banquet. Instead, he planned to stay at Yuzhen Temple for one night and read Buddhist scriptures in preparation for the mountain climbing tomorrow to debate Buddhism and comment on scriptures.

Ao Yu rarely had enough to eat, so he played with Jade Rabbit and Su'e in the many pavilions of Yuzhen Temple, while Ao Lie strolled around the scenic spots in the temple.

"Third brother," Ao Cunxin followed with the pearl: "After we send the golden cicada to the west, should we return to the west sea?"

"Although there is a slight problem with your wording, it is generally true," Ao Lie nodded: "If Buddha can solve my physical problem of getting angry at the sight of pearls, Pearl can also wear some normal clothes."

"This is very convenient." Pearl raised her hand slightly, and the chitin armor on her body quickly condensed into a ferocious helmet to cover her head and face, and then quickly removed it as she lowered her hand.

"Well... you won't just stay in Lingshan just because the Buddha gave you a title?" Ao Cunxin asked again.

"Of course not...why do you keep asking weird questions?" Ao Lie turned to stare at his fourth sister.

"Just asking." Ao Cunxin raised her head, quickly ran past Ao Lie, and seemed to hear her cheering from a distance, "Fortunately I didn't succeed."

"You won't follow?" Ao Lie looked at Pearl.

"If the third prince decides to stay, Pearl is also willing to follow him as a protector." Pearl responded.

"That's not what I asked!"


The next day, Jin Chanzi took a bath and changed clothes, bid farewell to the bald immortal, and climbed up to Lingshan Mountain. He saw only five colors of sky and thousands of auspicious mists. When he looked up from below, he could see that it was a towering mountain, but he could not cast his gaze beyond three directions. Five miles away.

After climbing the mountain for five or six miles, I saw a line of running water blocking the road. The terrain was obviously gentle, but the current was rolling and turbulent. Because my eyesight was blocked, I couldn't see further. I only saw a lonely slippery narrow strip on the river. There is a single log bridge, and there is no one around.

When Ao Lie took a closer look, he saw a plaque on the bridge head with three characters "Lingyun Ferry" written on it, and below it there were six slightly smaller characters saying: "This is the road" and "This is the bridge".

Ao Lie was puzzled by what he meant when he heard Jin Chanzi say from behind him: "Master once said that there is a river of people flowing at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. There are roads and bridges, but where is the road and where is the bridge?"

The third prince of Xihai laughed and called Jin Chanzi to come and see, whereupon the reincarnated Buddha fell silent for an instant.

Ao Cun's heart skipped a beat as he climbed onto the single tree and walked dozens of steps back and forth, feeling as if he were walking on flat ground. Then he said, "There are no special hardships or tests, and the use of spiritual power has not been banned. Maybe it's just an ordinary wooden bridge?"

Bai Jingjing said: "It wasn't originally a test for you. I'm afraid things will change after Jin Chanzi steps on it."

Hearing this, Jin Chanzi moved his eyes away from the plaque of Lingyundu. After a moment of encouragement, he jumped onto the bridge and stood firmly. When he was about to take a step, he suddenly stopped.

"What?" Ao Lie took two steps forward, preparing to save Jin Chanzi from falling from the bridge.

"This bridge is eight miles long and divided into nine sections. Each section has nine sections," Jin Chanzi said: "The sections lead to 'tribulations'. If you have not suffered the same number of 'tribulations', you can only 'let down' one piece in the mortal world. People or things must cross it, otherwise, the bridge will fall apart in an instant.”

"Nine-nine...eighty-one?" Ao Yu did the math.

"Thanks to the help of Donor Ao, even if we count the setbacks in this poor monk's life, no matter how small, there are only twenty 'kalpas' at most," Jin Chanzi looked at Ao Lie: "But I have never regretted it."

"Then let it go. Is it difficult? There are more than eighty-one monkeys in our Xihai Zoo." Ao Cun thought to himself.

"I told you not to raise terrestrial animals on the seabed!" Ao Lie glared at her.

"How can you put it down if you have never picked it up," Jin Chanzi sighed: "If the four princesses gave each monkey a name, knew their preferences, walked with them often, helped them achieve their long-cherished wishes, treated them as friends, and were even willing to do things for them, Only by making some sacrifices and concessions may we be able to 'let go' of them."

"Bah, wouldn't I become the Monkey King?" Ao Cunxin's expression changed.

"So, if you want to let them go, you are just letting go of 'a zoo'." Jin Chanzi replied while thinking, and finally retreated from the bridge: "The poor monk does not have people or things that can be easily let go. .”

"Get on the boat! Get on the boat!" At this time, I heard shouts from upstream. I followed the sound and saw a boatman driving a ferry approaching Lingyun Ferry.

"Master," Jin Chanzi did not get on the boat, but just said to the boatman: "Even if you use the 'sambhogakaya' of 'receiving the Buddha', my disciples can still recognize it."

"Since you see that I am the Sambhogakaya, you should know that although what you say at this moment will be known by the 'Dharma body', it will not respond to you personally like the 'Ying body'." The Buddha said: "If you don't If you are willing to 'let go', I will 'cross' you. There is no other way to reach Lingshan."

"That's not necessarily the case." Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together and smiled.

"Is it possible that you can become a Buddha immediately? Although Tathagata Buddha's seal has been loosened, it is still too early for it to be unlocked by itself." The guide led the Buddha to park the boat by the river and step onto the shore.

Jin Chanzi was about to answer when he saw the Buddha's light and chaos suddenly split open in the sky, and a ball of colorful light that seemed to be wrapped in something fell straight towards Lingyundu.

"This, alas..." The Buddha was in a daze for a moment, and then with a sigh, he threw away the image of the boatman, revealed the golden Buddha body, and used his magical power to steadily guide the colorful light down.

"Hey!" Jade Rabbit dragged Su'e and ran away.

When the colorful light dissipated, the first thing he saw was a strong-bodied heavenly general who was sealed by black ice and with black mist rising around him. Next to him, there was someone who was constantly freezing him to prevent the black mist from spreading. He was wearing a moon palace costume. , a fairy with a pale face; there is a girl from the Phoenix tribe sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, the flames flying around her body burning the black mist; there is also a girl with short white hair, wearing a weird leather armor, who is trying her best to control the black sphere in her hand, the only one who is calmer The other one is a female general with short hair and light armor, who was maintaining the luster before.

"I have seen the Buddha!" ​​After seeing the Buddha being introduced, Yisheng immediately prostrated himself: "Marshal Tianpeng was captured by the Five Poison Evil Lord, and he was about to be reborn with this 'Five Poison Pearl' before his eyes. We support him." It won't be long before the Buddha is merciful, please save him! The little girl is willing to accept the punishment for trespassing on Lingshan!"

"Slow down, don't be in a hurry." Jieyin Buddha waved a puff of Buddha's light to cover the canopy so that his injuries would no longer worsen. Nishang and Fu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and fell down at the same time. However, Jieyin Buddha's next words made them feel as if they were Falling into the abyss: "Who told you that Lingshan has a way to cure him?"

"No, no?" Fu Ling managed to stand up: "If I achieve nirvana in advance, I should be able to burn away these poisonous mist..."

"Don't be impulsive!" Nishang quickly stopped her: "Why don't you ask Lord Taiyin Star to freeze the marshal, and then figure it out slowly."

"Although I am the Tathagata's Sambhogakaya, my supernatural powers are not much different from the Dharmakaya. At least I can't do anything about this thing," he said to the Buddha, "Wait until I go to Lingshan to meet him..."

"That's not necessary." Jin Chanzi said suddenly, and then pushed Ao Lie into the crowd with both hands.

"Hey, don't make trouble. This thing seems to be serious...serious?" Ao Lie looked at the new batch of people and was suddenly stunned.

Marshal Canopy was haunted by the black "death" he often saw on dying things. However, the "source of death" that he had never noticed was being held in the hands of the little girl with golden eyes and white hair, although the outline was vague. Pasty, but overall spherical.

What did they call this thing just now? Five poisons... beads?

【——————! 】

Accompanied by indescribable, soul-piercing screams, the black sphere burned up in the sudden flames.

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