The Collection of The End

Chapter 460 Biography of Sun Jian (1)

——AD 172——

There are thirteen prefectures in the Han Dynasty. Unlike Sili, Qingzhou, Yuzhou, and Yanzhou, which are battlegrounds for military strategists of all dynasties in the Central Plains, there are only two prefectures south of the Yangtze River, Yangzhou and Jingzhou, with intertwined waterways, vast land and sparsely populated areas. In the south, Jiaozhi, adjacent to the South China Sea, is full of high mountains covered with plague and poisonous insects.

In Jingyang and Yangzhou, the climate is warm and crops mature more than a year. In addition, officials in Luoyang are competing for power. Government orders are blocked and the authority of the government is lost. The real power in counties and counties is held by "clan" who control their own armed forces and population.

In the fourth year of Yongjian of the Han Dynasty (129 years), Wu County was established to the west of Kuaiji, the seat of Yangzhou. Wu County was subordinate to Wu County, Yuhang, Wuxi, Fuchun and other counties. Among them, there was a family named Sun in Fuchun, who was said to be a descendant of Sun Bin during the Warring States Period. Lived here for many lifetimes.

Several ancestors of the Sun family had served as officials. However, although Sun Zhong, the head of the family of this generation, was brave and brave, he refused to serve as an official and started growing melons at the foot of Yangping Mountain. Because he was filial to his parents, he was kind to the heroic merchants, and he led his family to wipe out several groups of sects who came to rob. Thief, Sun's name has spread throughout Yangzhou before he has passed the age.

In the first year of Xiping (172), because the melon harvest was 40% higher than in previous years and the family was short of servants, Sun Zhongping and his seventeenth-year-old son Sun Jian escorted the boat to Qiantang.

When Sun Zhong's wife was ten months pregnant, she dreamed of the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, and rivers entering her belly. She was so surprised that she gave birth to a son. She told Sun Zhong about this and suggested that he name her Sun Qian or Sun Kun. Sun Zhong didn't take it seriously and named his son "Jian". When he was older, he also named his son "Wentai".


"Father, I went to Wu County and saw that the skills of those county captains were far less than even 30% as good as yours. Why did you refuse the military governor's offer?"

Seventeen-year-old Sun Jian is taller than his father. Although his physique is not too strong, his muscles are very strong. In addition, there is a lot of water vapor on the river at this time. He is only wearing a pair of waterproof leather pants and a red cloak. Like a tiger ready to go.

The faces of the two people standing side by side were relatively similar. They both had tiger eyes, thick eyebrows, and wide mouths. However, Sun Jian looked more... honest than his father.

"Conquer?" Sun Zhong did not turn around, but replied with a mocking smile in his tone: "For whom? The magistrate of Fuchun? The magistrate of Wu County? The prefect of Yangzhou? Or far away in Luoyang, calling the eunuch to do it? Father's Son of Heaven?"

"..." Sun Jian was speechless for a moment.

Although the news from Yangzhou is lagging behind, and there is no way to know the details of Luoyang, there is no doubt that scholars, relatives, and eunuchs fought two large-scale battles in Luoyang, although no matter who among them won, they would continue to fight in the end. Support the emperor, but everyone knows that this is based on the extraordinary force of "Sword Master" Wang Yue. If others don't mention it, those "unparalleled warriors" who once made a big fuss in Luoyang will never be able to challenge the imperial power again. There is a shred of awe.

In the world today, the only person who can be compared with the "Sword Master" Wang Yue is the "Magic Spear" Tong Yuan. They became famous almost at the same time. One is in charge of the center with his side skills, guarding the dignity of the royal family and eliminating disloyal subjects, and is also known as the "Emperor". "Sword", the other refused to join the officialdom. He just traveled around, taught his disciples, acted chivalrously and righteously, and was nicknamed "The First Ranger of the Han Dynasty".

Although many people want to know which of the two is stronger, everyone with a discerning eye knows that due to their positions, it is impossible for them to fight each other, even if they are competing.

Obviously, Sun Zhong admired Tong Yuan more than Wang Yue, so he followed his example and refused to serve as an official.

Seeing that Sun Jian had some enlightenment, Sun Zhongcai said slowly: "Although Wang Yue is almost invincible, he is already old. The day he can no longer draw his sword will be the day when the Han Dynasty collapses and all the heroes rise together - in the sky. Meteor, this is the inevitable result after Wushuang awakens, but Wang Yue was able to delay it for a period of time with one person's power, this great achievement is enough to be recorded in the annals of history."

So Father, are you going to be one of those "heroes" or are you going to follow one of them? Sun Jian struggled to stop himself from asking this seemingly childish question.

"Jiang pirates! No, they are pirates!" There was sudden chaos in front of the Sun family's fleet.

Of course they were not river thieves. Sun Jian looked ahead. The waterway from Fuchun to Qiantang was one of the most important trade routes in Yangzhou. He only saw the various merchant ships in front and behind the Sun family fleet that were not familiar even if they were unfamiliar. As we know, if there are water pirates who make a living on the river who dare to get involved, the merchants jointly offer a reward enough to catch them three times, so only those pirates who are prosperous on the southeast coast, know nothing, and act recklessly will They broke into the Qiantang River Estuary and robbed - the boat they robbed was the observation tower.

"That seems to be the Wu family's fleet in Qiantang, father?" Sun Jian looked at the tall ship surrounded by more than a dozen shabby ships from a distance, tried hard to distinguish the flag it was flying, and then asked Sun Zhong.

Since pirates are called pirates, they naturally don't buy and build ships - they all rely on robbing, so that's why the ships in the fleet are so dilapidated and have a service life? Just hold on until the next robbery.

For the same reason, they will not rob cargo ships that need to be sold, such as the Sun family's melon ship, and the fleet transporting rice and wood in front of them. They are targeting the obviously rich observation deck ship. , which is also a matter of course.

"Haha..." Facing his son's inquiry, Sun Zhong waved his hand and said loudly: "Run over! Get ready to kill the thief!"

Bump...bump over? Sun Jian's eyes widened. He saw that his father didn't seem to be joking, and he felt the sudden acceleration of the ship under his feet. He couldn't help but feel his blood boiling. Then he pulled out the sword on his waist with a loud sound: "My son is willing to fight side by side with his father!"

"Yeah!" Sun Zhong nodded, and added: "Bravery without wisdom is just recklessness. There are two things you need to know about this assistance: First, the Wu family is a wealthy family in Qiantang, and they are also a big buyer of our melons. Second, the surrounding fleet has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, and ships have already docked for help."

"...?" Sun Jian didn't know why, so he could only nod to show that he remembered.

Boom - boom!

The Sun family's melon ship violently collided with a dilapidated pirate ship. The hull of the pirate ship was completely unable to block the collision angle and sank deeply into it, causing the naval battle to go directly beyond the strings and jumping gangs into hand-to-hand combat - speaking of cargo ships Why install a collision angle?

"My sons, follow me to kill the enemy!" Sun Zhong shouted and jumped into the cabin of the pirate ship from the deck first. A group of Sun family servants who could fight also rushed in with melon cutting knives (?).

"This is probably the third test that dad gave me, right? Look for the key in everything." Sun Jian did not go to the shabby pirate ship to beat the drowned dog, but just looked upward. On the deck of the pirate ship, there was a cable connecting it to The observation deck boats are tied together.

Although not clearing out the remaining pirates on the pirate ship will lead to a cutoff of the escape route, if the delay is too long, it will be difficult to say how many people will be left on the ship being robbed.

Sun Jian looked around, and several of them jumped to the deck of the pirate ship, and then climbed all the way to the observation deck ship by climbing on the cable.


"I think... it's necessary to talk to dad about his idea of ​​'taking advantage of the chaos in the world' to start trouble. He is obviously being targeted." Sun Jian walked through the corridor of the building in a slightly embarrassed manner, surrounded by the empty sky. There was no one there, but there was a thick mist that made it difficult to see more than a few feet away.


A piercing strange scream sounded, and Sun Jian immediately dodged sideways quickly, causing the fishy blow to miss, and then quickly turned around to face the "pirate".

It was in the shape of a human being, with hands and feet, and a hatchet in the hand, but its whole body was wrapped with dense seaweed, and no skin was exposed at all—or rather, there was no skin at all.

In fact, Sun Jian has killed several similar monsters in the past half an hour. Once they "die", they will turn into a pile of seaweed that has been rotting for many days, leaving nothing behind.

"Hoo!" the "pirate" shouted, attacking again.

Sun Jian dwarfed, dropped the handle of the knife in his hand, turned it into a slash, and sprang out, directly cutting the "pirate" in half again with an overly simple movement. As expected, it turned into the floor again. A pile of smelly seaweed.

"It's fine if someone who masters the weird 'Wushuang' is causing trouble," Sun Jian said to himself as he continued to move forward: "But if it's Haizao who understands Wushuang, then things will be very serious."

"Hehe~" A woman's chuckle came from the thick fog: "I heard that the Sun family has many varieties of melons, but unexpectedly they can grow human-shaped melons?"

The waterweed pirates can't speak...could they be the Wu family's female relatives? Sun Jian remained vigilant and walked towards the direction of the sound, replying: "Sorry, girl, those pirates are not ours."

"Isn't that melon right in front of me?" As the voice gradually became clearer, a girl slightly shorter than Sun Jian and with a graceful figure appeared in front of him: "A 'big fool'."

I saw that the girl was about twenty-eight years old, with long black hair shawl, wearing a light red dress, a pair of Qiankun rings on her waist, a red short bow on her back, and a gold-trimmed belt in front of her forehead. She had a beautiful appearance and lively eyebrows. There is light, the sandalwood mouth is lightly opened, and he is laughing.

"Girl of the Wu family, this place is dangerous. Please follow me and leave." Sun Jian did not relax his vigilance, but adjusted his posture to include the girl under his protection: "My name is Sun Jian, not Big Fool."

"..." The girl was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Hey~ When you came here just now, I noticed you from a distance. Did you feel strange? Have you ever thought that those waterweed monsters were under my command?"

"It's a bit strange, but those monsters cannot be commanded by a girl," Sun Jian said seriously: "They are too ugly, but the girl is very beautiful."

"..." The girl was completely speechless.

"Quack!" "Quack!"

As if attracted by the conversation between the two, two "weed pirates" suddenly jumped out of the fog. Sun Jian slashed the monster closest to him with a sudden slash. When he went to rescue the girl, he saw that she had already taken off the short bow from her back. Kill the monster with three consecutive arrows.

"Girl of the Wu family, this place is dangerous..." "Okay! Look!" Seeing that Sun Jian seemed to be planning to repeat what he said before, the girl suddenly raised her hand, and the surrounding fog instantly dissipated, revealing the ascending wooden ladder guarded behind the girl. .

"This is my 'unparalleled' fog. It can greatly reduce the enemy's field of vision, so I can see you from a distance. It is also the reason why we dare to go to sea alone in a ship." The girl wrinkled her nose: "Who knows those pirates If I’m not a human being, I won’t run away because of this, so I have no choice but to stay here——”

After saying that, the girl pulled the string of the short bow in her hand again, and curled her lips: "Come on, kill one~"

"What a courage!" Sun Jian praised: "In this way, before my father cleaned up the surrounding pirate ships and arrived, I fought side by side with the girl."

"No girl, my name is Wu Rong——"

"Okay, Ronger."


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