The Collection of The End

Chapter 461 History of the Eastern Han Dynasty (5)

[Tip: Sun Jian and Wu Rong’s ‘bond’ has been upgraded to ‘irreconcilable friends’]

When I was chasing Yu Ji, I accidentally saw the prompt that prompted my sister to swipe. I almost fell to the ground. Of course, it was a near miss. If I really fell, the old man would probably run away at the risk of being beaten by me. Come back and laugh.

This "Kindness" system comes from Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13. The order from unknown to unknown is: friend, relative, close acquaintance, husband and wife/sworn knot.

If you think this has reached the top, you are wrong. There are still fifth levels behind, such as the "Peach Garden Oath" between Liu Guan and Zhang, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's "Friendship of Broken Gold", Liu Bei and Zhuge's "Friendship of Fish and Water", Cao Cao and smoked fish, I mean Xun Yu's "My Son's House".

Closer than a couple...well...

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 is a weird version. Soldiers recruited from major cities cannot be transferred. No matter how far they go, they will disband and return to the city where they were recruited after the battle. This makes some players who like to assemble millions of armies feel sad.

Although this point restores the historical situation of "when fighting, young and strong civilians will be recruited nearby to fight", but it obviously erases the concept of "standing army". This is also a rare version that I gave up directly before unifying the world - because the road is far away , the military rations cannot keep up, and it is more difficult to defeat Meng Huo than Cao Cao.

Going off topic, let’s come back and take a look at Sun Jian and Wu Rong, who can’t be called Wu Guotai yet. As soon as this couple met, they skipped the stage of friends and relatives and entered the state of “more than friends, not yet lovers”. Do you want to give it to the two of you? Play some BGM? !

[Get a little closer, and I’ll let you hold hands~ Be a little braver, and I’ll go with you~]

Stop it!

I temporarily switched to the "root" system to kick the idiot away, and before Yu Ji could react, I switched back again and continued to chase him.

By the way, the appearance of Yu Ji and Zuo Ci, the old and the young, are just changes. There is no need to "respect the old and love the young" towards them.

"Fairy Nanhua——" the old man shouted angrily as he ran: "I just hindered a marriage a little bit. I shouldn't have violated the creed of your sect——"

Obviously, although Zuo Ci was beaten up by me, because he had no choice but to do anything about his behavior that happened to get stuck, he didn't keep it secret when he was secretly poking and causing trouble in Luoyang. As a result, he was beaten by these two "immortals" without knowing it. "The analysis revealed something, even the "sect creed" came out.

Probably in Yu Ji's view, as long as he doesn't harm the "good guys", he won't be interfered with by me, so he ran to rob a pirate fleet, and then transformed Seaweed into a "pirate" in order to kidnap Wu Rong so that she would not be able to survive. Will meet Sun Jian to prevent Sun Ce from being born.

It's a pity that I'm not chasing him because of Sun Jian. The troubles in the couple's relationship are their own business. What does it have to do with me? I'm not the neighborhood committee aunt.

The key to the problem lies in those pirates. Although this world is limited to the thirteen states of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Youzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou and Jiaozhi are all along the coast, so there are many pirates. Japanese pirates belong to the "doomsday element fragments", so kill them. But what Yu Ji caught was a group of "local pirates". After he robbed the ship, he threw them all into the sea.

This group of local pirates are basically a bunch of rookies - just look at those rotten ships. Because they are not good at merchant affairs, they occasionally successfully rob merchant ships and let the merchants take away the goods and only take the belongings they carry with them. , As a result, so far, no one in this group of pirates has killed anyone.

More importantly, there was a leader among these pirates whose surname was Gan. His wife who was left on the shore gave birth to a son for him a few years ago, named Gan Ning...

After I picked up the pirates one by one and threw them on the desert island to let them play in the wilderness, I had time to chase Yu Ji who drove the fleet into the Qiantang River estuary. It happened that he had just commanded the waterweed monsters to kill Wu Rong. The fleet is surrounded... Just misunderstand it, if they see that I am not prepared to let anyone die,

Maybe more troubles will arise.

In the end, I successfully caught up with Yu Ji, but the old man seemed to see something, and shrewdly changed his appearance to become much older, like a candle in the wind, which made me unable to do it even though I knew it was a transformation technique. In the end, he had to give him a black eye and turned around to leave.


When I rushed back to the vicinity of Qiantang, Sun Jian's father had already led a group of servants to clean up all the weird pirate ships. Then he joined the officers and soldiers coming from Qiantang and successfully rescued the Wu family observation tower ship.

After many inspections, they determined that those "weed pirates" were caused by a certain pirate's awakened "Wushuang", and the culprit had already seen the situation and escaped.

In a sense, they did not make a mistake in judgment.

As for the Wu family members on the Wujialou boat, because they encountered such unlucky things just after leaving home, they unanimously decided to return and wait for a good and auspicious day in the future to go out for fun.

In fact, it can't be regarded as "unanimous". Just looking at Wu Rong's three steps and turning back to look at Sun Jian, you can tell that she no longer cares about the view.

Gee, is Sun Jian that handsome? I called up Sun Jian's monitoring. He was following his father's side and communicating with the many Wu family members who came to thank him. Sun Jian was not handsome at all. He had a broad face and fierce eyebrows. It was just his straightforward and simple temperament that made many Wu The family members all nodded secretly.

Contrary, contrasting cuteness?

[Generally speaking, people want to be different and don’t like other people who are similar to themselves. For example, smart people often quarrel with each other, and people with strong military skills always like to compete with each other. Domineering people are not allowed to do so. The other subordinates are domineering, and no subordinate of a benevolent person will deliberately show benevolence.] The stupid system interjected: [But there is a kind of people who attract each other, and that is those who value brotherhood. 】

"I always feel like you secretly hacked Boss Cao and Uncle Liu Huang?"

[No way, it’s an illusion. 】The stupid system answered in seconds.

I was about to communicate with the stupid system when I saw the Wu family taking out a lot of healing elixirs and distributing them to the many warriors injured in the battle - those were Zhang Jiao's flagship products.

Due to problems with the appearance and use of "Fu Shui", only common people and low-level soldiers could use it. Scholars and officials used the "Jiuhua Yulu Pill" developed by Zhang Jiao for them.

Originally, I planned to name it "Nine Turns of Resurrection Pill", but thinking about it, "curing all diseases" is already an exaggeration. If it is claimed that it can revive human flesh and bones, it will be completely untrustworthy.

At this time, Zhang Jiao and his Taiping Taoists were well-known in the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty, but they seemed to be regarded as an organization of doctors who helped the world and saved people. So many Taiping Taoists, tired of explaining themselves, simply claimed that they "only healed people". Trauma doctor".


After Zhang Jiao became famous, his team members who originally stayed in the "Fairy Forest" and refused to leave also left one after another, following him to spread the "talisman water" of Taiping Dao everywhere.

And after all the mortals left, I was finally able to move the "Fairy Forest" and "Saint's Pavilion" to other places.

Although I can follow the example of Zuo Ci and Yu Ji and look like they are traveling around and calling themselves home all over the world, but wouldn’t the style of a “Fairy Mansion” that is “ubiquitous” be even higher? And for those two guys who always want to cause trouble, the existence of a mysterious "master" in "Lin Hao" can be regarded as a deterrent.

Of course, there are also situations where people cannot be intimidated, such as that Wang Yue.

He can be said to be the pinnacle of strength in this world. I don’t know how ordinary people think of him, but for me, his force value is an off-the-chart 178. There is also Tong Yuan, whose force value is 169...

While other players were playing the Three Kingdoms honestly, the two of them went directly to the Heroes of the Three Kingdoms, and they were still in the same state after killing many immortals.

Wait, it seems like he really wants to chop me down.

At that time, because he was tricked by Zuo Ci, Wang Yue directly used the "Tianhen Immovable Real Sword" to kill him - and sure enough, even the moves were copied from the Legend of Heroes of the Three Kingdoms!

Obviously, this is Zuo Ci who wants to test my strength. If I can't resist this move, the talisman will be able to save me in some way. Then he will ask for repayment and come to tell me what to do. Clichés like supporting the great virtue to end troubled times.

But it is a pity that even if Wang Yue's strength is at its peak, it is only a relative peak. When he climbed to the top of Mount Everest and waved the flag, thinking that he was the highest in the world, he never thought that I was passing by in the stratosphere above him in a plane.

Command, force, intelligence, politics, and charm are all capped at 255 points, which are the attributes of "Lin Hao". Compared with the previous world where you occasionally had to use the body to cheat, this incarnation is enough to single-handedly unify the Three Kingdoms... It's a pity that I'm not here to do it. This.

After blocking the heavenly sword with the "Permanently Closed Gensokyo" move, Zuo Ci's talisman completely lost its vitality, while Wang Yue and I looked at each other for a moment across the sea of ​​flowers, and then he pulled away as if he understood something. I swear I didn't make any suggestive moves or expressions, I just carefully studied the appearance of "Juggernaut" - well, a pretty handsome old man.

After that, he returned to Luoyang and trained the "Ten Constant Attendants" with superior martial arts. As expected, he was completely incomprehensible.

[The look in your eyes at Wang Yue must have revealed some kind of information, such as, ‘Will this person die before the Yellow Turban Rebellion? ’, but he saw through it, and it turns out that you are just a ‘strong person’ with a lot of attributes, and it’s still early for you to fully control yourself. 】Stupid system said this at that time, and then he was beaten.

After that, several small-scale rebellions broke out in Luoyang, but they were defeated by Shi Changshi with lightning speed. Emperor Ling was overjoyed and relied on them even more. He even called Zhang Rang "father", and even the government was controlled. They didn't care. In addition, he himself was relatively incompetent, and the government orders became more and more confusing.

For example, an official in Liangzhou was jealous of Dong Zhuo's reputation and wrote to the emperor to suggest that he be transferred out of the country. Emperor Ling actually agreed and ordered Dong Zhuo to be transferred to Yizhou, and then turned around and forgot about it. The second jealous person did not know this. After the incident, he once again submitted a letter to slander, and Emperor Ling ordered Dong Zhuo to be transferred to the Western Regions...

The two conflicting orders arrived almost at the same time. The messenger was embarrassed, but Dong Zhuo laughed, resigned and ran to Bingzhou.

At that time, I saw Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu looking at each other from the distance, and I had only one thought in my mind: The Han Dynasty was about to end.

However, the people on the screen looking at each other from a distance are Wu Rong, who left with the family fleet, and Sun Jian, who was standing at the dock looking at her. Bah, I won't eat this dog food, shut it down.

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