The Collection of The End

Chapter 462 The Biography of Cao Cao (5)

——AD 174——

"It's completely unexpected that behind such scenes, there are countless hidden fightings." "Yes."

Cao Cao and Yuan Shaozheng were standing side by side on the roof of a restaurant in Luoyang West City, watching the setting sun, the city dyed orange and the number of pedestrians gradually sparse.

Although Emperor Ling liked to collect wealth, was incompetent, doted on eunuchs, issued arbitrary decrees, and eliminated dissidents, the lives of the people of Luoyang were not much different from before, and could even be said to be better.

Because the intrigues in the court, the armed duels between unparalleled warriors, and the games between the central government and the localities have nothing to do with them, and those officials who exploit and oppress the people will be punished once their opponents seize the evidence and send the evidence to the emperor. You can wait until your home is ransacked.

Of course, this was not because Emperor Ling wanted to protect his people. He simply believed that "corrupt officials must have a lot of money." The harvest after confiscating the houses also proved this. The result was that officials in Luoyang had no problem in exercising power. , after all, you have to pay money to the emperor for any official position, but if you want to get money, it is best to use a method that will not get caught. Otherwise, the only penalty for this is "confiscation of all personal property."

The strange situation in Luoyang forced many officials to be "simple". Even if their families were rich, they could not enjoy luxury, otherwise they would be labeled as "greedy" or "misappropriation". However, Emperor Ling directly sent ten officials without looking at the evidence. Chang Shi came to investigate and found out that there was indeed money - not guilt. After that, the money belonged to the emperor.

Moreover, even if he could defeat the Ten Constant Attendants, it would be completely impossible for him to use his own force to make waves with Wang Yue behind him.

Because of the emperor's strange behavior, Cao Song stood out from the crowd. He was the only official who could openly make money and spend money without having his house confiscated - after all, the great Sinong himself managed money for the emperor, and Cao Song had been in charge of the emperor's money for many years. He did a very good job, and Emperor Ling was so satisfied that he even waived the "office money" he had to pay every year as a great agricultural minister.

The consequence of this situation is that the matchmakers who came to propose marriage to Cao Cao almost stepped down the threshold of Cao Cao's mansion. From the governors of various places to the three gongs and nine ministers, almost all those who had legitimate daughters of the same age at home were eyeing Cao Cao.

Although there are many factors such as family background, camp, and personality that need to be considered when marrying, which parent doesn’t want to make her daughter’s life better when marrying her off? Although Cao Cao is the "grandson of an eunuch", the Chongcao family is currently the only family in Luoyang that dares to be openly extravagant. This flaw can be easily recognized by pinching one's nose.

"Mengde..." Yuan Shao said with a bitter face: "Do people have to get married? My mother has been asking me what kind of girl I like recently."

The nineteen-year-old Cao Cao already had his own name "Meng De", which means Confucius and Mencius' morality, which is very consistent with Cao Song's character. Yuan Shao, who was of the same age, also got his own name "Benchu", which seems to be a symbol of the former Han Dynasty. He had used the reign name. Mr. Yuan, who was the Third Duke, chose this name for him. Was it an expectation or a pure accident?

"The legal provisions do not govern men," Cao Cao said, looking at his childhood playmate who was older but not very intelligent. "But if a woman does not get married when she becomes an adult, her natal family will be taxed."

"Huh? Doesn't Zhenji have to pay taxes?" Yuan Shao said in surprise.

At this time, Cai Yong became the official censor and wrote "Dongguan Han Ji". He also began to unite a group of scholars to write the "Xiping Stone Classic", which was very famous. His eldest daughter Cai Wan was also known as a talented woman in Luoyang. , many people had gone there to test whether they could get married. Cai Yong left the matter to Cai Wan to decide on his own, and those matchmakers would hide their faces and leave soon after talking to Cai Wan.

Years ago, Cai Yong's old tree blossomed, and his wife gave birth to her next daughter, Cai Yan. Cai Wan stayed at home to take care of her younger sister and refused to see anyone who proposed marriage.

"What?" Cao Cao glanced at Yuan Shao, "Do you like Zhenji? Do you want to marry her?"

"Hey!" Yuan Shao took two steps back in horror and almost fell off the room: "Absolutely impossible! I was fine when I was a kid.

When talking to Jung Hee recently, I always feel like a monkey! "

"It's more than just like..." Cao Cao shook his head and did not continue to attack Yuan Shao's IQ.

The Yuan family has a large population. Although Yuan Shao himself is the legitimate son, he is an adopted son. Neither his father nor his father have much expectations for him to continue the family line, so the pressure is not great, but Cao Cao is different.

Although it is not good to speak ill of grandpa, eunuchs are many times more persistent than ordinary people for their descendants. Because Shi Changshi was favored by Emperor Ling, many elderly eunuchs of Cao Teng's generation consciously stopped appearing in front of the emperor, and Cao Cao lived leisurely in the relatively deserted palace. When he occasionally went to visit his grandfather with Cao Song, he would encounter a group of veterans from the fourth and even fifth dynasties who forced him to marry...

Cao Cao himself didn't really object to getting married. Although the beautiful image in his heart never disappeared, he knew that it was almost impossible to marry her, so when his parents arranged for him to meet the legitimate daughters of the aristocratic families, they never refused.

But what's going on with those green little girls? Only thirteen or fourteen years old, right? The oldest one is only sixteen. How poor are those aristocratic families? Is it necessary to marry them off as soon as possible for fear that you won’t be able to pay the taxes?

So far, what Cao Cao can barely accept is his mother Ding's niece who lives far away from the fifth server. She is about eighteen years old and seems to be called "Ding Yi"?

"It's Ding'yi', the one where the little bird clings to the person." The girl retorted at that time, and also made a funny "little bird clinging to the person" gesture, which left a slight impression on him, and at the same time he also had a general understanding. Why would she be kept until the age of eighteen... If it doesn't work out, just choose her. It's better than those little girls who look like they might cry.


"Hey! How long are you two going to stand on the roof of the building!" A voice of dissatisfaction came from the room in the restaurant below.

"Oh, did you come so fast?" Cao Cao and Yuan Shao looked at each other, walked to the edge of the roof, jumped down, put their arms on the eaves, and jumped in through the window of the restaurant.

Sitting in the room were the friends Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had made in Luoyang over the years. Most of them were children of aristocratic families, such as Zhang Miao, Xu You, Yang Hong, Wang Xu, Yuan Shu - not counting this.

This dinner was a farewell banquet to celebrate Cao Cao and Yuan Shao both being filial and honest, and they were going to be appointed officials on a certain day. Since they had known each other for a long time, they were not too polite, they just told each other some anecdotes.

Cao Cao glanced at his "substitute" for a moment. He was sitting majestically by the window, eating and drinking when he should, but others completely ignored his presence.

Over the past few years, although Cao Cao has not deliberately exercised, his strength and skill have been growing at a strange speed. It seems that it is because of the growth of this substitute.

The substitute did not have the possibility of "growing up and replacing himself" as Cao Cao expected. Although the two "people" looked exactly the same, their personalities were completely different. For example, it was "he" who proposed to hold the event in the restaurant with the best view. party, but just now she firmly refused to watch the sunset.

Cao Cao, who has no brothers or sisters, now regards his "substitute" as a brother that others cannot see - maybe he was originally?

"Can you tell me now why the banquet must be held here?" After a few toasts, Cao Cao sat down next to his "substitute" and asked in a low voice.

"Of course I want to give you a surprise~" The "substitute"'s voice was exactly the same as Cao Cao's, but his tone was strangely proud and uplifting: "Ding just barely meets your preferences, right?"

"Asking knowingly." Cao Cao's tone remained unchanged. After all, the two "people" fought side by side in the first place. It was enough for each other to know what they saw and there was no need to say it out loud.

"Look over there and listen carefully." The "substitute" raised his hand and pointed out the window.

There are many residential buildings around Luoyang West Market, most of which are occupied by merchants or craftsmen, so as to maintain market operations nearby. At this time, as the sky is getting darker, lights are lit in every house.

In the direction pointed by the "substitute", at the end of the bluestone alley, there is an ordinary courtyard. From the dim lights, it can be seen that its owner is not very wealthy, but there seems to be faint singing.

"[After passing through the alley, you can see the setting sun at the ancient street next to the green wall~]"

"[Just because it was a casual glance~ disturbed my thoughts day and night~]"

This——Cao Cao almost froze, turning his head little by little to look at the "substitute".

"Don't be too excited. Although the voice is 70% to 80% similar, the appearance is only 30% to 40% different." The substitute shrugged: "That's a family of singers and dancers, their surname is Bian. As for the singing lady, it seems that Zhang Rang took a fancy to her. I bought it and planned to use it as a 'dishi' (a name for the eunuch's wife)."

"Eunuchs deserve to die!" Cao Cao broke his chopsticks.

"..." The people attending the banquet were silent for a moment. What should I do? Meng De scolded his grandfather.

Cao Cao was about to explain something when he saw a palace-style green cloth sedan with a red flower randomly tied on it stopped at the entrance of the courtyard. A servant came forward and said something arrogantly, and then sang. Stopping, a woman wearing a red and white dance costume and covering her face with a folding fan walked out of the house.

Because the distance was too far, Cao Cao could hardly see what she looked like, but her long snow-like hair made his eyes narrow dangerously.

"I'd like to remind you that this young lady is twenty-four years old and is considered unlucky because she suffers from 'white head syndrome' and is not allowed to appear in public." The substitute paused: "Because of 'her' charity actions in Luoyang in recent years, the influence has gradually been accepted."

"Ha... What a waste of natural resources," Cao Cao snorted and turned to his friends at the banquet: "Everyone, after today we will all go our separate ways, why not take this last time to make a big fuss?"

"Okay!" Yuan Shao responded first: "Shall we go and beat Zhang Rang?"

"...No," Cao Cao took a serious look at Yuan Shao, who was quite stupid, but could hit him right from time to time: "We want to take away his newly married 'taishi'."

"Haha, I heard that Zhang Rang has a private house nearby." Several people were still in a daze, but Xu You had already found a handkerchief and tied it over his face: "Let's do it, Meng De!"

That night, Zhang Rang, the first of the ten permanent servants, had his palace outside the palace stolen and was robbed. All the servants fled and the singer he had just bought disappeared. Zhang Rang was furious and appointed Cao Cao, who had just promoted filial piety and honesty, as the Northern Lieutenant of Luoyang to conduct a thorough investigation. this matter.


Cao Mansion.

"[I want to turn into Zhuang Zhou and become a butterfly ~ ride the purple smoke through the palace in the sky ~]"

"[I never know how sad farewell is in the world~The fallen leaves are blown away by the autumn wind~]"

The white-haired singer finished her song and saluted Cao Cao: "My little girl Bian Ling, thanks Mr. Cao for saving her, but she is alone and has nothing to repay. She is willing to give up her name and play the role of the person she likes for Mr. Cao."

"No..." Cao Cao closed his eyes slightly, then opened them: "You, it's you."

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