The Collection of The End

Chapter 464 Zhang Jiao Biography (5)

——AD 175——

Jizhou, Julu County.

Taiping Road, which originated from here, relied on a series of actions such as curing diseases with talisman water and saving people with elixirs. Its influence has far exceeded that of the Han Dynasty. This is also related to the fact that most of Jizhou belongs to princes and not counties.

The administrative seat of Jizhou is located in Wei County. When the relevant decrees of the prefect and the county magistrate are sent to Julu, they are all sent directly to Taiping Road, instead of the Julu County Yamen, which has no control except within the Yamen. If the people have disputes, they can only Will go to Taipingdao for arbitration.

Logically speaking, this situation should be reported to Luoyang by the county magistrate, but the problem is that the official position of Julu County Magistrate was bought. If he dared to report that the civil society organizations were powerful and the decree was unreasonable, the fun-loving emperor would not do anything about it. Don't hesitate to remove him and replace him with someone who will report that "everything is normal" as the county guard.

Moreover, with Taiping Dao here, there is no need to worry about surrounding security issues. If banditry occurs, there is no need for him to dispatch troops. The Taiping Dao disciples will go directly to take down all those indifferent bandits - none of them are ruthless. He is afraid of death, and no matter how injured he is, he will be alive and active in an instant after taking a bowl of talisman water or a pill. How to fight this kind of opponent?

What's more, the Taoist Patriarch of Taiping Dao was rumored to have been taught by immortals and was omnipotent, so provoking him was simply because he thought he would die too slowly.

We can only hope that one day they will not suddenly want to be an official.


On the outskirts of Julu City, there is the main altar of Taiping Road.

Sure enough, people's talents have their limits... Putting down the "Earth Escape Book", Zhang Jiao sighed.

After twenty years of struggle, he is now known as the "Great Master", has millions of followers, nearly a thousand loyal companions and disciples, masters many wonderful spells, and is extremely powerful by virtue of his control of "phantoms" , but not only is it not one step closer to the "immortal", but it is further away.

He has a basic grasp of the Book of Human Escape, very little understanding of the Book of Earth Escape, and knows nothing about the Book of Heaven Escape. Five years after getting the three volumes of the Heavenly Book, Zhang Jiao's analysis of them hit a bottleneck here. In the following years, although it was difficult The land has mastered some spells, but there is little difference in overall progress.

According to Zhang Jiao's analysis, the key point lies in the "realm". As a mortal, what he can do is already the limit. According to the explanation in the book "The Escape of Human Beings", if he can "draw Qi into the body", he can be called extraordinary. , and "unparalleled" is their manifestation. Only when you step into the next realm can you be called an "immortal".

Meteors fall from the sky, spiritual energy is revived, and it is not difficult to "introduce the energy into the body", but what happens after that? How to "refining Qi and transforming into God"?

Since there was no progress in more than ten years, Zhang Jiao even tried to refine the "Spirit Condensation Pill" that is said to make a person ascend to the sky in one step, but he only made an enhanced version of Fu Shui, "Nine Flower Jade Dew Pills" - the name is still That Lin Fairy started it.

Yes, of course, the "Old Immortal of South China" didn't just throw him three volumes of heavenly books and leave him alone. Many of his disciples and companions were there in a mysterious "fairy forest" that could simulate the battlefield. "After training in the army, it can be said that if they were all thrown into the army of the Han Dynasty for some training, they would definitely become famous generals no less than Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun (jun).

Even if the fairy eventually moves the forest away, which is exactly what the fairy family does, Zhang Jiao can still contact her through "sacrifice".

Mix various unrelated herbs with unknown meanings together and put them into a large cauldron and ignite them. The herbs that should have burned out quickly will actually burn very slowly, and bursts of thin smoke will rise. As long as you inhale this smoke a little, you can communicate with the "South China Fairy".

This is a method of "sacrifice to heaven" recorded in the "Book of Earth Escape". If you think about its meaning carefully, it will inevitably make people a little creepy. However, what dilutes this sense of horror is the information Zhang Jiao obtained from it.

"[It doesn't matter]" "[It's up to you]" "[As long as you're happy]" This is after he talked about the current situation.

The most rewarding answer was that the "Southern China Fairy" seemed to be busy with something and had no time to talk to him.

When he was still developing in Jizhou, Zhang Jiao was quite puzzled by this. It was not until his power gradually penetrated into other state capitals located on the border of the Han Dynasty that he suddenly realized that the fairy was busy saving more people from the aliens. Kong ignored this small Taoist sect that was developing steadily in the mainland.

From the pre-Qin and pre-Han dynasties to the new dynasty, alien invasion has always been a serious problem in the Central Plains. Although famous generals have appeared in large numbers in the past dynasties, they have never completely solved it. The scattered Great Wall built by Qin Shihuang in the north was not only not abandoned, but gradually The fact that they are connected together and reinforced a lot is evidence of this.

Therefore, in Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Liangzhou, the three state capitals that border the Wuhuan, Xianbei, Xiongnu, Qiang and other foreign ethnic groups, the rangers are extremely active and focused on dealing with the foreign ethnic groups. Without the "South China Fairy" "If he intervenes, he will eat Jie'er's apricot-yellow flag!

As for that flag, it proves from the side that the South China Fairy actually doesn't care much about this place. After his daughter was born, he told the "South China Fairy" with the idea of ​​showing off, but the fairy kept asking if her name was Zhang Ning, and learned that her name was Zhang Ning. After naming her "Jie", she was silent for a long time and gave her an apricot-yellow flag.

There was usually nothing magical about the flag, and its origin could not be found in the heavenly book, so it was kept beside the altar. Until one day, it suddenly lit up with golden lotuses, shot straight through the air, and left Julu City outside the city. Rescued Zhang Jie who accidentally fell into the water while playing - no, Qi Zi caught the little girl the moment before she touched the water.

Only then did Zhang Jiao realize that it was actually a protective magic weapon given to his daughter... But why did the Southern Immortal Staff only have the function of an amplifying spell!

After this incident, my daughter fell in love with the flag and kept it with her at all times. She also learned many spells without any instruction from Zhang Jiao... Well, if I said before that I wanted to eat the flag, I could consider it. Taken back.

"Brother!" "Brother!" Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang walked into the quiet room and saluted Zhang Jiao with clasped fists, interrupting his meditation.

"Brother, you're welcome," Zhang Jiao waved his hand: "Is there any new news coming from various places?"

After years of growth, these two younger brothers have become reliable young people who can take charge of their own business. They are no longer chubby and skinny. They have also taken on the responsibility of promoting talisman water and elixirs. So far, they are doing very well.

"Jingyang and Yangzhou are full of waterways and have very high requirements for the water at the entrance, so Fu Shui is considered completely undrinkable," Zhang Liang said. "However, 'Jiuhua Yulu Pills' are quite popular. As for Jiaozhi, the journey is too far. No news has come back from those who went to preach.”

"Contrary to the south, the three states of Liang and You have always had demons and deceivers. The finished product 'Nine Flower Gyokuro Pills' was not very popular, but the immediate effect of Fu Shui was well received after it was verified to be effective. And due to more wars, emergency There have been a lot of additional orders, and Qing Niujiao said that if he doesn't send people to support him, he will raise the price." Zhang Bao showed his hands to his two brothers.

Qingniujiao's original name was Zhang Niujiao, but after a few confusions with Zhang Niujiao, the name was simply changed.

"I know you want to expand production, but this is not feasible for the time being." Zhang Jiao looked at his two younger brothers and shook his head slightly: "Not to mention that we don't have enough people to draw effective talismans or refine elixirs. The materials required for alchemy are also artificially restricted."

"Who restricted it? Those charlatans? Haha!" Zhang Liang laughed.

"Ten permanent attendants." Zhang Jiao said a word, which instantly made the expressions of the two younger brothers become serious.

Not only did this group of people hold imperial power to a certain extent, but there was also a master who was the best in the world behind them. Although that person had not made a move for several years, the weight of the word "Wang Yue" was there.

"Brother, I told you that there are two immortals who will try their best to oppose us. They are named Zuo Ci and Yu Ji." Zhang Jiao said.

Since what Taiping Dao itself did was close to immortality, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao had no objections to this.

"Because we are doing the work of curing diseases and saving people, they dare not stop it directly, otherwise they will be punished by heaven, but they can be obstructed through mortal forces." Zhang Jiao continued: "Zuo Ci has a disciple named Ge Xuan, who now lives in Luoyang , proficient in the art of alchemy, he invented a kind of elixir that can make people fall into a dream-like state, called "Five Stone Powder", which was deeply loved by the emperor, and he claimed that the things needed for refining include exactly the preparation Fu Shui and all the materials of 'Nine Flowers Yulu Pills'."

"So, in order to please the emperor, Shi Changshi bought all the materials on the market?" Zhang Liang snorted coldly.

"No, at least they can't buy all the water in the world." Zhang Bao said with a smile.

"Since the emperor and the 'Ten Permanent Attendants' are almost impossible to be injured, our quick healing tools are of no use to them," Zhang Jiao said: "My brother has sent Yuan Yi to Luoyang to try to recruit some money-grubbing Ten Chang Shi will give you money to recover some material channels."

"..." Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao looked at each other.

"What? Are you worried that Yuan Yi can't do this well?" Zhang Jiao raised his eyebrows: "Among the many second-generation disciples of Taiping Dao, he is the only one who knows how to change things. Even if he is made things difficult by the eunuchs, there is no possibility of conflict."

"Brother, have you noticed that Yuan Yi is not only the best at adapting to changes, but he is also the most handsome among your disciples?" Zhang Liang said.

"Brother, when we came to see you, Xiao Jie'er didn't come to greet you - how long has it been since you last seen her?" Zhang Bao said.

"Oops!" Zhang Jiao stood up suddenly, ran out of the quiet room in a few steps, and then hurried away.

"Do you think the eldest brother is worried about Jie'er's safety, or is he worried about her getting closer to Yuanyi?" Zhang Liang smiled at Zhang Bao.

"Both?" Zhang Bao spread his hands.

"Tang Zhou? Tang Zhou?" Zhang Jiao's voice came from far away: "If you have nothing to do, go to Luoyang and bring Jie'er and your senior brother back safely!"

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