The Collection of The End

Chapter 465 Zhang Jiao Biography (6)

——AD 175——

What should eunuchs, or eunuchs, look like?

According to the rumors, he should be a person with a fair face and beardless body, a thin body, a sinister expression, and a sharp voice. If you include strong martial arts skills, you have to add that he comes and goes like the wind, and his fingers are bent like claws. If you go down, there will be five more holes in the head of an ordinary person, etc.

The Jian Shuo in front of Ma Yuanyi obviously didn't look like that.

He was wearing a silk coat, with a fat body, a cunning face, a hoarse voice, and a very obvious fake beard on his lips. If you didn't know his identity in advance, you would probably think of him as an ordinary big businessman.

This place was his private residence outside the Luoyang Palace. After learning that Ma Yuanyi was the Taiping Dao envoy from Jizhou, Jian Shuo made a special trip to leave the palace to meet him. The servant beside him presented him with the gift list, but he only glanced at it briefly. Just put it aside.

"So, Mr. Jian, regarding the purchasing channels for these alchemy materials..." Ma Yuanyi asked tentatively.

Ma Yuanyi was the envoy from Taiping Dao who came to Luoyang this time to negotiate with the Shi Changshi who had blocked their material supply. As the first disciple to be accepted by Zhang Jiao, he was very young and very handsome. Although he was only A simple gown and headband can still reveal a sense of freedom and ease inadvertently.

He was accompanied by two children of about ten years old. Although they stood obediently behind him, their eyes kept moving around.

As for the goods on the gift list, they have been transported into Jian Shuo's warehouse by the coachman. If Jian Shuo agrees to this, or simply refuses, these goods will fall into his hands, but if you want more benefits, you have to contact this person. The envoy continued discussions - but at the same time, it also meant that he made a commitment to restore supply channels.

"No rush," Jian Shuo stroked his fake beard and looked at Ma Yuanyi: "I heard that Taiping Dao can control the wind and rain, sow beans into soldiers, and kill the living dead with flesh and bones. Is this true?"

"This..." Ma Yuanyi hesitated for a moment, then said: "Jiangong is joking, how can dead people and bones take our elixir?"

"In other words, it's true that you can summon wind and rain and spread the beans to make soldiers?" Jian Shuo nodded.

"...That's exactly the case, but only Dao Ancestor can use it." Although Ma Yuanyi deliberately denied it, this kind of thing was not a secret at all in Julu Zongtan.

I don’t know how many believers have seen Zhang Jiao summon a group of huge strong men out of thin air to build houses for them, or summon a burst of just-right rain to irrigate the farmland when it is short of water. These things can be known without the need for spies or informants.

"It would be strange if there were multiple people performing it," Jian Shuo said nonchalantly: "The reason why 'unparalleled' are called 'unparalleled' is precisely because they are 'unparalleled in this world'."

"Yeah." Although Ma Yuanyi also knew this common sense, Jian Shuo said it like a gift, and he could only express that he was taught.

"Out of his obsession with Ge Xuan's 'Five Stone Powder', Your Majesty ordered that all the materials used to make it be returned to the treasury. This is your order and cannot be violated." Jian Shuo turned to business: "However, Ge Xuan has already refined it. No matter who instigated his goal of 'cutting off all supply of materials to Taiping Road', it is completely unnecessary at this time. Instead of keeping those waste stones and reselling them Giving Taiping Road might make His Majesty happier."

He clearly said "resale". In this way, instead of buying directly from the place of origin, you will have to buy it from Shi Changshi at a higher price...

"That's natural. It's a lot of hard work for you, father-in-law, to collect them, and the road to Luoyang is smoother than those from the place of origin to Jizhou." Ma Yuanyi began to take the initiative to make excuses for the other party to raise the price.

Although I don’t know why the master spread the talisman water and elixir widely, the purpose must be much more important than the mere money to purchase the goods. For this, it is not wise to offend the Shichangshi who is currently backed by the "Sword Master". Lift.

"Hmph..." Ma Yuanyi heard that the "little boy" behind him seemed a little dissatisfied, so he took a moment to look back and glare at "him".

Did you agree that everything will be arranged by me this time out?

"...Well" the child ended with another meaningless little voice, as if it was just a silent cough.

Naturally, Jian Shuo didn't pay attention to the actions of his entourage, and continued to add conditions: "Since we have done so much, then the 'Great Master' should also reciprocate and help deal with some rebellions and evil spirits when we have no time to take care of them. That’s the kind of thing.”

"This is natural." Ma Yuanyi agreed.

I have always heard that Jian Shuo was greedy for money, and now it seems that it is indeed the case - to suppress rebellions and evil spirits, the emperor will naturally allocate funds to send troops, but if they can solve this problem without spending a single soldier, then the military expenses can naturally be collected. .

At the same time, this is also a warning: If you Taiping Dao people are disobedient, you can be labeled as a rebel or a monster, and it will be enough for you to drink a pot.

"Then, I won't keep the messenger." Jian Shuo picked up the tea cup to see the guest off.

Ma Yuanyi stood up to say goodbye, but before he could walk out of the living room, he saw a man in fine clothes who was over 10 years old barging into the hustle and bustle outside. He looked quite embarrassed. Without seeing what was going on in the room, he started shouting: "Jian Da Jian Er! Shouting!" Come on, let's go to the Northern Wei Yamen and hang up Cao Mengde and beat him! Don't worry, my nephew Jian Shuo will take care of everything!"

Phew - Jian Shuo remained motionless while serving the tea, but there was a cold wind blowing around him. The man in rich clothes who broke in froze and fell down on the spot while maintaining his running posture. Only then did he see the man on the main seat. Jian Shuo, his eyes widened, his throat roared, but he couldn't say a word.

"You send the Taiping Dao envoy away first." Jian Shuo stood up, strode to the man and directed the servants: "A few more people will come and move my 'Uncle Jiantu' to the backyard. I want to ask Ask, what is he going to ask me to do?"


Ma Yuanyi also wanted to know what the matter was. After all, it wouldn't be a bad thing to know something about the people or families who dared to provoke the Ten Constant Attendants.

In the north of Luoyang, there were many high-ranking officials and nobles, as well as many servants and handymen. With so many people talking, the matter was figured out within two streets of leaving Jian Mansion.

Cao Mengde, the newly appointed Northern Lieutenant of Luoyang, beat up Jian Shuo's uncle Jian Tu with a five-color stick on the pretext of cleaning up the streets. It is said that Jian Tu used Jian Shuo to threaten Cao Cao, but Cao Cao used Zhang Rang's name instead. Keep fighting.

"Hey~ Did it turn out to be an internal strife among Shi Changshi? Well done!" the "little boy" beside Ma Yuanyi said crisply.

No, calling her "kid" is no longer appropriate at this time.

"Miss, be careful what you say." Ma Yuanyi whispered.

After leaving Jian Shuo's mansion, one child remained the same, but the other one threw off his Tsing Yi hat, revealing a black and smooth ponytail, a rose-red base, a goose-yellow rimmed shirt and culottes, and he was playing tricks on his hands. Wearing an apricot-yellow flag with exquisite material, and looking at the delicate and playful facial features, who else could it be but Zhang Jiao's precious daughter Zhang Jie and Zhang Minjing.

Ma Yuanyi came to Luoyang this time. Halfway through, he discovered that the young lady had secretly followed him. However, he could no longer turn the convoy back, so he had to ask her to dress up as a book boy and follow him.

After all, Taiping Dao is very powerful at this time. If his daughter is captured by some careerists in Luoyang and used to coerce him into doing something, how should Zhang Jiao respond?

The grandson of the eunuch, a disciple of Cai Yong, had good relations with the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the third prince. After being promoted as a filial and honest person, he was appointed as the Northern Lieutenant by Zhang Rang... Among the gossips of the passers-by, all these unconcealed information were included by Ma Yuanyi in the ears.

As for those things that may be Zhang Rang's instructions, Shi Chang's face and heart are at odds, and if there is no sword master to hold the battle, they will fight each other, so just listen to it.

"They said that Xu Shao and Xu Zi will be very accurate in seeing people, why don't we let him see it too?" Zhang Jie suggested to Ma Yuanyi excitedly: "Didn't that man named Cao Cao drive everyone away? We are now If you go to visit, you will definitely be able to go in directly, and there is also the Nirvana in Fire—"

"That's fine..." Ma Yuanyi frowned, but still agreed.

Since Zhang Jiao's name was not on the "Langya List" compiled by the Xu brothers, Ma Yuanyi wondered what they thought of his master.

The top two spots on the Nirvana List have not changed for many years. The top one is "Sword Master" Wang Yue, who is evaluated as "Luoyang Wang Yue, a talented person with extraordinary talents, who can bring peace to the world." The second is "Magic Spear" Tong Yuan, who is evaluated as "Runan Tongyuan is a talented person from the latitude and longitude of the country. If you get it, you can conquer all directions."

After that, there are some people who are not understood by ordinary people, but have a good reputation in the relevant areas, who have not yet become officials, and there are fixed formats. For example, Cai Yong, the imperial censor of the dynasty, was once evaluated as "Chen Liu Cai Yong, music history" With his talent, he can be appointed as the ninth minister."

Once those on the list become officials, they will be removed from the list immediately to avoid conflicts between their official positions and evaluations, causing the emperor's dissatisfaction. For the same reason, the Xu brothers have never commented on relatives of the emperor. So far, they have been evaluated and Those who have been re-employed include current senior officials such as Fan Zizhao, He Yangshi, Yu Chengxian, Guo Ziyu, etc., and their positions are almost the same as those originally evaluated.

However, there are rumors that there is also a secret list of the Langya List, and the people on the list are all people who cannot be evaluated according to a fixed format, that is, they are absolutely impossible to be used by the imperial court.

Although Xu Shao denied it, Ma Yuanyi believed that if Master Zhang Jiao could be on the list, he would definitely be on the secret list.

"Hehe~ I wonder what that 'chan' would say about me?"

Zhang Jie hummed a little tune and was about to leave, but was pulled back by Ma Yuanyi: "This way."

"I, I know." Zhang Jie checked the direction again, and then walked onto the right road with a slightly red cheek.

After going astray several times, Ma Yuanyi and Zhang Jie finally arrived at the gate of Xu Shao's mansion. By this time, Cao Cao had already left, and only some of the Northern Lieutenant's officers were holding five-color sticks to maintain order. Seeing the two politely asking for permission, they also Didn't interfere.

Perhaps because there were so many people asking for opinions and comments, Xu Shao was hardly polite to anyone, and would often send people away with just a few words, such as "local chickens and tile dogs", "concierge and jailer", etc., which led to those who thought they were extraordinary. Guys often go in with their heads held high and come out with their faces covered.

"You two are quite interesting. You are a good combination." When he saw Ma Yuanyi and Zhang Jie, he stood up and took a few more glances. "[A scholar will die for a confidant, and a woman will look good for herself]."

"Hey!" Zhang Jie quickly covered her face.

"I'm not asking for it for myself." Ma Yuanyi thought about his comment. It seemed to be a good symbol of loyalty, so he asked, "Mr. Xu, what do you think of my teacher Zhang Jiao?"

"..." When Xu Shao heard this, he became silent for a rare moment, and then said uncertainly: "[If you are born in Jiazi, the world will be blessed]?"

Year of Jiazi... Ma Yuanyi calculated that it seemed to be nine years later. What does that mean? Is Master's name spread to the Thirteen States of the Han Dynasty?

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