The Collection of The End

Chapter 467 The Biography of Dong Zhuo (5)

——AD 176——

"Fengxian, have you ever heard of the name 'Tanshihuai'?"

"Just rats."

In Bingzhou, Wuyuan County, on the wall of a Wubao in the Lu family, Dong Zhuo was pointing to the grassland Gobi in the north and asked Lu Bu beside him, and Lu Bu's answer was extremely concise.

Dong Zhuo wore purple fish scale hard leather armor, a red two-piece armor on his coat, and a prison knife that was so red that it almost burned on his waist - no, its name now is "Shura".

Lu Bu wore a set of black lion-faced head-swallowing chain armor, a purple gold crown with double feathers on his head, a gold-patterned brocade robe, and held a fine iron painted halberd.

At this moment, Dong Zhuo, who was still white, was treated with courtesy by the Lu family, a wealthy family in Bingzhou. Naturally, it was not because he married his daughter to Lu Bu, at least not just.

Compared with Liangzhou and Youzhou, which are either desolate or bitterly cold, among the state capitals bordering the Hu people, only Bingzhou is the richest, so it has been plundered the most by the Hu people. It is not only the official army, but also ordinary people. When it comes to Xianbei When talking to the Xiongnu, the word "kill" would pop out of his mouth uncontrollably.

As a famous ranger and anti-Hu hero in Liangzhou, Dong Zhuo came to Bingzhou because he was unfairly treated by the court. As soon as he arrived, he led the local rangers to repel several groups of marauding Hu people. Therefore, he was criticized by most of the soldiers and civilians. Welcome.

"Of course he is a rat," Dong Zhuo nodded in agreement: "When this man instigated the major barbarian tribes to invade, he himself always hid in the rear. Whenever there was any trouble, he would directly flee back to the grassland. In this way, he could always be elected as the king. , It’s simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.”

"Haha——" Lu Bu sneered: "I think it's because he sent all the barbarians who didn't support him to our swords."

"Fengxian is as sharp as ever." Dong Zhuo praised.

"Father, no, father-in-law is ridiculous." Lu Bu responded immediately.

This son-in-law has always been like this, Dong Zhuo thought. Although he is very sensitive to what he hears and sees and can make correct judgments quickly, he is unwilling to make deeper inferences based on this judgment.

For example, in the martial arts competition that day, Lu Bu undoubtedly ranked first. He should have been recruited as a prefectural military attache, or at least a county lieutenant. However, the Cavalry Commander Ding Yuan wanted to recommend him to be the "master".

That Ding Yuan probably thought that Lu Bu was brave enough but lacked discipline and was too young, so he hoped to suppress him temporarily and work in a civil service for a few years to sharpen his temper for future use.

This decision can be said to be very correct. Dong Zhuo would have thought so if he had not been looking at Lu Bu.

After learning of this decision, Lu Bu's face darkened instantly, and he even showed murderous intent.

Obviously, he saw that Ding Yuan wanted to suppress him, but he did not continue to think about "why", but directly concluded: "Kill this dog official who looks down on himself when you have the chance."

Based on this situation, Dong Zhuo didn't beat around the bush when he went to recruit him: "Dong Zhuo of Xia Liangzhou has always heard that Lu Fengxian of Bingzhou has the courage of ten thousand people, so I hope you can help me deal with the Hu people. Although I don't have an official position at this time, if If you become prosperous in the future, you will definitely not treat Feng Xian badly."

There is no falsehood in these words. No matter how keen Lu Bu is, he can only make two judgments based on this: "believe it" or "disbelieve it." Coupled with Dong Zhuo's current reputation, the possibility of rejection is almost non-existent.

Well, he is now his son-in-law.

"Tan Shihuai is rumored to be the son of a foreign family member of the former Xianbei King." Dong Zhuo brought the topic back. "His mother claimed that one day she saw a meteorite falling from the sky and exploding in the sky. When she opened her mouth in surprise, she accidentally swallowed it. A piece of gravel was thrown down, and then Tanshihuai was born. The original meaning of this name in Xianbei language is 'stone falling from the sky'."

"..." Lu Bu showed an expression like "Are all Xianbei people fools?"

"However, this person is quite decisive and ruthless. A few years ago, when Zhang Huan, the general who was protecting the Xiongnu Zhonglang, was attacking Xianbei, he launched a coup in the royal court.

Succession as King of Xianbei cut off the retreat of many troops who invaded our Han Dynasty, causing all other princes on the front line who were qualified to succeed King of Xianbei to be killed or captured. "Dong Zhuo continued.

Lu Bu's expression changed to "Xianbei people are indeed fools."

"Now, Tanshihuai has integrated all the Xianbei tribes, and has contacted the Xiongnu, Wuhuan, Qiang and other foreign tribes again, and is preparing to go south together, with a huge momentum and unprecedented momentum." Dong Zhuo looked at the vast Gobi in the north with a slightly excited expression.

"Defend the country and make contributions?" Lu Bu asked.

"No, it's 'make famous.'" Dong Zhuo glanced at Lu Bu to prevent him from drawing any strange conclusions: "Zhang Huan resigned, Wang Yue could not leave, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun were fighting in Yizhou and Yangzhou respectively. , As for the Ten Constant Attendants, I don’t think they will leave Luoyang on their own initiative, so as long as we repel or completely destroy this group of foreigners, the imperial court will definitely give us a generous reward."

"If they don't give it to us, we will rob it." Lu Bu came to a conclusion that Dong Zhuo didn't know how to evaluate.

If you think about it carefully, maybe this is a good idea?

While Dong Zhuo was thinking, sporadic black spots began to appear on the horizon.


"I'm only going to say it once! Surrender or die!"

"As you wish! Prepare to die!"

The two cavalrymen met, yelled at each other in Hun and Chinese, and then fought directly.

It was still early for Tan Shihuai's army to arrive, but there were already many small tribes and scout teams of small ethnic groups wandering around the surrounding Wubao and villages. Although these tribes were forced to come together by the big families and big tribes, they Obviously everyone has their own thoughts.

If the warriors they sent participated in a head-to-head battle and lost all of them, they were afraid that the entire tribe would be removed or annexed later, so they took the initiative to take over the work of reconnaissance or logistics transportation, and sent out a ranger team to determine which villages and docks in advance The fort is worth looting, and if possible, grab a handful and run.

This kind of team, which has little strength but has real combat achievements, is the favorite of many rangers. They often see rangers coming and going. The rangers would form their own teams to intercept. After the two met, they all believed that they could easily eliminate the other. Therefore, similar words appeared frequently before the battle, but it was basically impossible to achieve any results. In the end, the decision had to be taken. High or low.

Dong Zhuo did not participate in this ridiculous encounter where both sides rode horses and fought and ran, with almost no results in the end. Before the decisive battle with Tan Shihuai's large army, he just followed Li Ru's suggestion and led about a hundred people to round up Zheng Duo Wu. A team of rangers who raided forts or villages.

Li Ru's original words were: "The ability of such free and unorganized Hu people to form a scout team has reached its limit. When faced with the property in the villages and forts, they will definitely become a piece of loose sand. At this time, use A strong general and his troops can attack with a single blow and defeat it."

"Surrender or die!"

"Don't attack! We surrender!"

Dong Zhuo, together with Lu Bu and Li Ru, led a group of rangers who were good at riding and shooting to surround the "plundered village". Needless to say, the leader of the barbarians would kneel down and surrender. If anyone was blinded by money, Those who want to resist to the end are left to Lu Bu for "handling".

"It's ridiculous," Lu Bu said to Dong Zhuo after "dealing" with a group of recalcitrant barbarians again: "It is completely impossible for such a poor village to accumulate the kind of wealth they found. If it were me, seeing all that wealth When the goods arrive, they will definitely determine that this place is a trap."

"People die for money, and birds die for food. Even in Luoyang, there are such fools." Li Ru continued.

Li Ru, with an elegant character, lives up to his name. He looks like a Confucian scholar who writes well, but his equestrian skills are actually good. He was originally from Bingzhou. Because he met Dong Zhuo's old friend Jia Xu, after Dong Zhuo came to Bingzhou, he insisted on He came with a letter of recommendation, and later he and Lu Bu divided Dong Zhuo's two daughters (...).

"Huh... Luoyang?" Lu Bu was thinking when he suddenly saw a cavalry team with almost a thousand people rushing out of the small village. The equipment was obviously better than that of the scouts, and they surrounded the small village and the rangers.

"Surrender, or die -" the leading scout captain said in awkward Chinese, and then laughed: "How many times do you think this little trick can be used? Hahahaha!"

"We have forced you into a desperate situation. Surrender quickly," the scout captain, a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, who looked like an aide, shouted from a distance: "Don't worry, those who are worthy of redemption will be able to return home safely after receiving the ransom! "

"Haha, I didn't expect that there are guys with long heads among these barbarians," Li Ru said with a smile: "This strategy of luring the enemy deep and dividing them into enemies is quite good."

"If I'm not wrong, this situation should have been expected by you, Wen You, so what's the strategy to defeat the enemy?" Although Dong Zhuo was surrounded, he did not feel panic. It would be better to say that when Li Ru asked When neither he nor Lu Bu used any strength beyond ordinary people, they already had some guesses about his plan.

"With Tan Shihuai's methods, it is impossible to leave such an important task of investigation to those small tribes. There must be real scout troops coming," Li Ru nodded: "Our target was not those small fish and shrimps from the beginning. , but this cunning jackal."

"Now is the time to talk big!" The barbarian staff with sharp mouths and monkey cheeks shouted loudly: "You have no reinforcements at all! A mere hundred people will be trampled into powder by us in less than half a quarter of an hour! Even if one of you is an 'unparalleled warrior', At most, he can defeat 200 of us!"

Although he was shouting fiercely, he was quietly retreating, and at the same time desperately signaling to the scout captain to order an attack.

"Leave no one behind!" The scout captain had a vague premonition and immediately waved his hand to order an attack.

"I heard that the standard for an 'unparalleled warrior' is to defeat two hundred people with one person," Li Ru looked at Lu Bu nonchalantly: "Fengxian, it's time to raise the standard - one against a thousand, how about that?"

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Lu Bu suddenly raised the painted halberd in his hand to the sky, and a blazing red and black lightning struck straight down. Accompanied by the sound of explosive electricity, it intertwined around the painted halberd and the ink-colored armor. , causing his entire body to exude a ferocious aura like that of an ancient ferocious beast, causing most of the scout cavalry who had already started to charge to be stunned in the middle of the road, while those who were still charging with their heads down, after crossing a certain limit, all the horses seemed to be in a coma. They all fell down, knocking the riders to pieces.

"Haha..." Dong Zhuo, who was originally pressing "Shura" on his waist, stopped his movements and nodded slightly: "The name of the 'Wushuang' that my son has given me is [Wushuang]."

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