The Collection of The End

Chapter 468 The Biography of Lu Bu (2)

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Although Lu Bu caused a large-scale frightening attack when he "activated Wushuang", the thousands of forward scouts did not panic or run away. The reason was basically as the captain who had secretly retreated to the back of the team said. The bottom line for an "unparalleled warrior" is to defeat 200 people alone, and the upper limit ranges from 300 to 400 people. Therefore, a thousand-man team is enough to surround and kill any "unparalleled warrior".

Moreover, since the Hu people, whether they were the Wuhuan, Xiongnu, Xianbei, Qiang people, or the Southern Xiongnu who had surrendered to the Han, they could not understand the inexplicable "unparalleled", so they had to come up with various ways to deal with this kind of possession. A man of great force.

So, those barbarians who were too forward and were thrown off their horses because they were unconscious picked up their shields and scimitars, stabilized their lower bodies, and slowly approached Lu Bu, who had black and red lightning flashing all over his body, while the others who were a step slower were lucky. The scouts then picked up their hunting bows and circled these "big men" at a distance. Whenever they saw an opportunity, they would take a cold shot and shoot an arrow.

"Get away! You bastard!" Lu Bu held the painted halberd upside down and rushed forward on his horse, then smashed it to the ground. The black and red lightning originally wrapped around the painted halberd suddenly exploded and scattered, scattering the nearby ones. A large number of sword and shield soldiers were directly blasted into charcoal.

The sword and shield soldiers who were not affected wanted to take the opportunity to hit Lu Bu or the red horse, but unexpectedly Lu picked up the halberd again without looking back, swung it twice above his head, and a new thunder and lightning scattered again. , the surrounding objects, whether they were people or horses, were blown away far away like fallen leaves in the wind.

"Hey! Wen You, stay with your father-in-law! I'll go and kill the enemy general and then come back!" Lu Bu shouted to Li Ru from a distance, then rode his horse and raised his halberd and shouted to the man who had been confident before, but now he was The Hu scout captain, who was desperately trying to escape, rushed to kill him.

"Stop looking! Maintain the circular formation!" Li Ru shouted to the nearly a hundred rangers who were at a loss: "Why do you think I chose you to go with Mr. Dong? It's not because you can fight, but because your combination is very suitable. Use it to set up a formation!"

Although this statement was suspected of belittling them, it also showed that the situation of being surrounded by a large army was expected by the commander. After a brief confusion, the rangers quickly formed a circular formation surrounding Dong Zhuo, with the sword and shield hand outside. , followed by long weapons, and in the middle were another group of shield-holders and crossbowmen. They fired several rounds at the barbarian scouts who were circling outside, causing a lot of casualties to the other side, but they themselves were unscathed, so their morale increased. Sheng.

"Father-in-law, first of all, he is..." Li Ru arranged his defense, and then looked at Dong Zhuo with some embarrassment. He had previously boasted that he would make Lu Bu ride like a thousand, but he never asked about Dong Zhuo's plan. Compared with the simple-minded Lu Bu, , Li Ru, who had already learned from Jia Xu's letter how Dong Zhuo made his fortune, could not guarantee that this person would care about the relationship between father-in-law and son-in-law after he made a mistake.

"There is nothing wrong with Fengxian's idea. Killing the leader is indeed the fastest way to defeat a thousand-man army." Dong Zhuo didn't seem to mind: "If you want to gradually shape his image as an enemy of thousands or ten thousand people, don't Just go around the bush and tell him directly, 'I hope you can kill a thousand enemies with your own hands'."

"My son-in-law is taught." Li Julius saluted, then turned around and continued to direct the rangers to form a defensive formation to resist the siege of the four hundred or so "fish that slipped through the net" - although the holes in the "net" were quite big.

"Hahaha! Run away! You bastard!" Because Lu Bu shouted "I'm going to kill the enemy general", when he rushed towards the barbarian scout captain, many "smart people" stayed away intentionally or unintentionally. The captain of the thousand-man team, and whenever he found an opportunity, he would stay far away from his escape route and Lu Bu's pursuit.

For this group of people, Lu Bu just threw a red and black thunderbolt casually. If he was hit, he would die. If he was not hit, he would ignore them and just chase the barbarian captain.

"But, damn it! He has obviously won, so why is he still chasing after him? Is there any way to stop him?" Captain Hu had less than fifty people left around him at this time.

This is not because they are loyal, but because their relationship with the captain is too close - if the captain dies, they will be executed if they return.

"The Han people have a saying: 'Capture the thief first, capture the king'..." The staff member was not very good at riding horses and said breathlessly.

"I just complained casually! You don't need to explain!" the captain was furious.

"Say, that's wrong. I mean, we have to 'shoot the man first, the horse'." The staff pointed back at the maroon Dawan horse that Lu Bu was riding, "Well, although that horse looks very strong, it is obviously already worn out." Boss, as long as we find a way to hurt it, that terrible person will definitely stop."

"Then what are you waiting for! You guys, if you have anything you can throw, go and call the guy behind - the horse!" The captain yelled, and he threw the saber on his waist first, making his body The mount accelerated slightly.

At this time, no matter whether the guards were obeying orders or planning to lighten their load, they were all throwing things at Lu Bu who was chasing behind him. For a moment, it was even like a rain of weapons.

If the throw is accurate, the object will be bounced away by lightning before it hits Lu Bu. If it is not accurate, it will be ignored. After chasing for a while, when the opponent is about to have nothing to throw, a handle exudes darkness. The dagger of light passed by, only to be slightly deflected by the black and red thunder and lightning, and then made a bloody gash on the leg of the maroon horse.

The maroon horse neighed and fell down. Lu Bu flipped and landed smoothly, but it was no longer possible to chase the captain.

"... Damn it!" Lu Bu checked the red horse that he had grown up with. Although it was not seriously injured, it was still unable to ride in battle within a few months.

The black and red lightning that was still filling his body made Lu Bu's expression look quite ferocious. He looked at the remnants of the scouts who were almost disappearing from sight from a distance, suddenly kicked up a stone at his feet, and then hit the stone hard with his halberd. From the side, it flew towards the team with red and black electric current like a sharp sword.

The scout captain happened to turn sideways to confirm the result of the battle and avoided a blow in the middle of the back. However, his arm was broken and he fell off the horse. The guards around him hurriedly supported him and fled far away without looking back.

"Hmph." Lu Bu checked the maroon horse again and determined that it could only walk slowly at best, and could not run fast, let alone run. So he used his arms to lift it up and drove back on foot. .


Lu Bu's return was slower, of course not because he had no horses.

For Lu Bu, who could carry a sheep in one hand at the age of ten, it was not difficult for him to hold a horse and walk quickly. What's more, since he had grown up with him, he could roughly guess what was going on now, so it was basically It won't move around.

But the problem now is that what he boasted before leaving was shattered. His "kill the enemy generals and come back as soon as they go" obviously just drove people away. The number of barbarians who actually died in his hands was at most only three hundred.

Li Ru hoped that he could break the record of the "Unparalleled Warrior" in single combat, but he was screwed up by himself. Well, if there were still three or four hundred enemies somewhere...

"Everyone, work harder! They can't hold on for long!" A voice came from far down the wind: "The most powerful Lu Bu is chasing the captain, so as long as we take the opportunity to take down these people, not only will we have no fault, but we will have merit!"

"..." After Lu Bu heard these words, he was stunned for a moment and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

Li Ru is the kind of "strategist" who can't fight, but has all kinds of wonderful strategies. This kind of person's "unparalleled" generally does not strengthen everyone's force. Most of them are reflected in strengthening soldiers, laying traps, and remote command. Fighting and other general trends.

Therefore, if he is said to be at a disadvantage when he takes the initiative to do something, Lu Bu is the first to not believe it. Then, the conclusion is obvious. He is leaving these people to himself. Knowing this is enough, no matter he deliberately leaves Is Bing trying to have a good relationship with him or something else... "I, Lu Feng, will remember this favor first!"

Lu Bu put down his bay red horse and followed the sound to find the Hu commander who was besieging his father-in-law and brother-in-law's team. He was probably the deputy of the previous captain. At this moment, he temporarily stepped forward to take over the command. It must be said that he did a pretty good job. Ru deliberately held back his hand and successfully gained an advantage - at least that's what it looked like on the scene.

“We just have to try harder—ah!!”


Many of the Hu cavalry who were trying to open up Dong Zhuo's defensive formation looked back in shock, just in time to see Lu Bu falling from the sky with red and black lightning like a meteor, and struck the ground next to the temporary commander... with a halberd.

Many black and red thunderbolts rolled on the ground, and then suddenly exploded into the sky, knocking down the temporary commander and all the guards around him. As for whether they were killed, it was not clear yet.

"You bastards should just lie down on the ground and look up at me like dogs! Therefore, I will only say this once - Surrender! Or die!" The peerless warrior with black armor and red robes, surrounded by thunder and lightning. Standing on the high ground where the commander was, with blood all over his body and flashes of thunder and lightning, he looked like a god and demon, holding a painted halberd and shouting at them.

Snap, snap... Many Hu soldiers dropped their weapons one after another, but the Hu soldiers who were originally far away turned their horses, seemingly planning to take the opportunity to escape.

"Cavalry attack! Stop them!" Li Ru, who was in the defensive formation, ordered loudly.

Many rangers who were originally arranged in a circular defensive formation instantly turned their formation into arrows. Many knights who were originally protected in the middle instantly reached the tip of the arrow, leading the rangers to penetrate the "formation" of the fleeing barbarians without any hindrance. "After that, they dispersed to both sides and completely surrounded them again. This time they didn't hold back at all. They waved their sabers or lances and directly killed all those who escaped.

"Father-in-law... I..." "In this battle, I killed 300 people, captured 200 people, and defeated 500 people with one person's power. It can be called 'unparalleled in the world'!" Lu Bu walked back to the formation and was about to plan Reporting to Dong Zhuo, but was interrupted by Li Ru's praise.

The number seems to be correct. Lu Bu thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement. As for "unparalleled in the world", isn't that a matter of course?

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