The Collection of The End

Chapter 524 Biography of Liu Bei (10)

——AD 181——

How did things develop like this?

Liu Bei was wearing a brand new satin robe and holding a cup of tea in his hand. He sat in the pavilion and watched Zhang Fei shouting and instructing his servants to arrange the sworn items such as live chickens, rice wine, incense tables, big cauldrons, etc. Looking at Guan Yu standing beside him, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

This is a village named "Peach Garden" under Zhang Fei's name. However, due to the different seasons, many peach trees in the garden are all spreading their green leaves. Occasionally, you can see faint green peaches growing out, but the peach blossoms are... Not a single one.

Liu Bei's hometown, Lousang Village, belongs to Zhuo County. Therefore, before he went out to study, he had heard of the name of the Zhang family who opened a restaurant and raised cattle and sheep. He originally thought that the family who could run such a business would be very smart. Unexpectedly, the son of their family turned out to be very smart. So... upright.

Not to mention the speechless deeds that he rejected his childhood sweetheart's marriage proposal and continued to interact as if nothing had happened. He also offered to test his ability as a "future husband", which is speechless. Let's just talk about this inexplicable "sworn vows".

On that day, the fierce battle between Zhang Fei and Guan Yu somehow attracted the thunder, but the momentum competition between the two had reached its peak. Any retreat by either person would mean being flanked by the opponent and the thunder, so it was completely impossible to stop.

As a last resort, Liu Bei, who originally only wanted to watch the battle, picked up his swords and intervened in the battle, trying to repel the "lightning" alone. If he succeeded, he could separate it from the battle between Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. Whoever wins will only be slightly injured at most.

However, the result was that the other two people gave up their original attack target as if they had a tacit understanding, and attacked the spherical "Sky Thunder" together. Liu Bei had to hold back a little to free up their attack route. In the end, although he successfully knocked down the thunder Eliminated, but if anyone did not stop at that time, one person would die and two people would be injured.

Hmm... It shouldn't be so "inevitable"... Liu Bei unconsciously thought of the "Bodhisattva".

All in all, after this battle, Zhang Fei became extremely close to Liu Bei and Guan Yu for some unknown reason, and in a few words he came to the conclusion that "the three of them were sworn sworn brothers", while Guan Yu, who usually seemed a bit cold and arrogant, did not object.

Thus, the sworn vows between Liu, Guan, and Zhang were decided. When Liu Taishou learned about it later, he just said "double happiness" without much interest.

Presumably the "double happiness" he originally envisioned was not what it is now...

As for the other "happiness" of the "double happiness", it is the engagement between Gongsun Zan and Liu Ling. In Liu Bei's view, Brother Bogui was obviously very satisfied with this. He had once spoken out about his criteria for choosing a spouse, and concluded If you come down to it, you will be called "a lady who can fight very well", and Liu Ling obviously meets this condition perfectly.

Judging from the situation between the two of them, Liu Ling has completely given up on Zhang Fei. As for his behavior of always praising Gongsun Zan in front of Zhang Fei when there is no problem... Let's take it as saying to Zhang Fei, "I can survive without you." It means "very good".

However, some things still need to be nipped in the bud.

When Zhang Fei was once again directing his servants to pass by, Liu Bei stood up and stopped him: "Yide, let me ask you, what kind of woman do you like? This is not a liking in the ordinary sense, but a woman who is willing to get married. Then wait.”

"Uh, hehe..." Zhang Fei scratched his head and giggled: "If I say it, brother, don't laugh at me."

Even before the sworn vows, my brother called me, and why did his self-identification suddenly change? Liu Bei had no time to pay attention to this, he just nodded and said: "I promise not to laugh."

"I hope my wife will be about this tall, have a round face, neither long nor short hair, and speak softly..." Zhang Fei gestured.

"..." Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei making gestures at the height of his own waist, and didn't know what to say for a moment. This was a direction that Liu Ling couldn't even try hard.

Zhang Fei continued: "I don't know how to do needlework at all.

She only knows how to cook and grill. If she accidentally makes her angry, she will set fire to me..."

etc? This is no longer a criterion for choosing a mate, but a description of a specific person! And what happened to the arsonist?

"...She is roughly this kind of woman." After adding two more sentences of description, Zhang Fei concluded.

Very good, he can be single for the rest of his life. Liu Bei was helpless. Even with his experience in Luoyang during his years, he couldn't think of any family that could raise such a "wonderful" young lady.

"Well... you go and do your work..." Liu Bei saw other servants waiting in the distance, so he shook his head and stopped thinking about it. .

"When the preparations for the sworn ceremony are completed, I will come to invite the two brothers." Zhang Fei cupped his hands and left quickly.

"This kind of woman... my third brother and she probably met each other when they were young, and the impression remains so deeply that it remains to this day," Guan Yu on the side guessed: "It's just that children have unclear memories and often have delusions."

Forget it, there is nothing wrong with changing his words in advance. Liu Bei gave up correcting Guan Yu's title.

Speaking of this, what are your own standards? Liu Bei thought that his teacher Lu Zhi had intended to introduce some officials' daughters to him, but he knew that he would not stay in Luoyang, so he declined politely.

Gongsun Zan once said that he did not like those daughters of the Wu family, but Liu Ling just showed that she "can be" a well-educated and sensible "lady", so Brother Bogui surrendered directly.

He once made a bold statement that he hoped that his future wife would be both civilized and military, but he had no idea about Liu Ling who met this standard. Although he had the same surname, could this standard itself be wrong?


"Book of Changes" says: "If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can break metal." Therefore, sworn brothers are also called "friends who break metal." In order to fulfill this meaning, when sworn brothers are sworn brothers, they must hold the same sharp weapon and work together to chop. Opening a large cauldron that is at least half a person's height is called "Broken Gold".

Since parents and brothers cannot choose, and the Liu family has been fighting for generations and relatives have seized power first, in today's world, the strongest relationship is that of sworn brothers. It is a relationship that people in the world can upgrade from friends to relatives based on their own vision. , if there is no special and sufficient reason, those who betray their sworn brothers will lose the trust of almost everyone in the world.

Ordinary sworn worship involves just burning yellow paper to offer sacrifices to heaven. More complicated ones require killing a chicken and drinking rice wine mixed with a few drops of chicken blood. Although there is a further practice of using the sworn person's own blood, it is not very mainstream. accept.

In addition, the most important thing are the spectators and the master of ceremonies, who are the relatives and friends of the sworn sworn persons and the local respected people respectively. The master of ceremony invited by Zhang Fei is an old Beijing official named Zhang. It is said that he was because of the character of someone he personally recommended. His reputation was damaged due to poor sexual performance, so he resigned in anger and returned to his hometown to become a teacher.

Although the preparations were a little hasty, the Zhang family mobilized a large number of people and successfully built the ceremony platform before the auspicious time arrived. At the same time, they also transported an abandoned and useless cauldron to "cut off the gold" - that thing was at this time There is no reason to give them new ones to chop up the more commonly used containers for fun.

After Liu Bei and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei went through the ritual steps of killing chickens, burning yellow paper to offer sacrifices to the sky, and drinking gold orchid wine, they encountered difficulties in the final step of "cutting off the gold."

"I just thought that we are three sworn brothers and cannot hold the same sword together." Liu Bei looked at the giant cauldron in front of him and the ceremonial sword handed over by the master of ceremonies, shook his head and said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

"If we don't attack at the same time... it's not appropriate, it's not appropriate." Guan Yu shook his head in the middle of his words. There is no doubt that no matter who the three people present can easily break the cauldron, but they cannot do it "at the same time."

"What's so difficult about this?" Zhang Fei thought for a moment and suddenly said: "Isn't it the 'double sword' that the eldest brother uses? The second brother and I can do it alone."

That's a great idea, but what kind of pose is that? Didn't you even look at the emcee and laugh?

Liu Bei wanted to object, but he couldn't think of a better way. The auspicious moment passed by in a moment, so he had to sigh and walk to the big ceremonial cauldron. He raised the black and white swords with both hands, while Zhang Fei and Guan Yu each stretched out their hands to join him. Hold the hilts of those two swords.

"Today there are Liu Bei," "Guan Yu," "Zhang Fei," the three of them read together: "Although they have different surnames, they are willing to become brothers. Emperors, emperors, and empresses. I have learned this heart. I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I want to be born on the same day." Die in the same year, same month, same day!”

Qiang Rang - The three of them worked together to chop down the two swords. A staggered crack appeared on the big cauldron in front of them, and then it split neatly into four halves.

Liu Bei was about to say something when he heard a disembodied voice from nowhere:

"【as you wish】"

Following that sound, a hurricane suddenly blew up in the Taoyuan, causing the spectators to cover their faces.

The three people on the stage, Liu Guan and Zhang, saw that wherever the hurricane passed, countless pink and white peach blossoms, like snow flakes, rushed to bloom on the surrounding peach trees.

Liu Bei could clearly feel that the "goodwill" originally connected to his father on the wooden sculpture hanging around his neck was interrupted. The new "goodwill" was connected to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei respectively. At the same time, the nature also changed. Anyone affected by If he hits a wound, he will absorb the other two for treatment, unless they are more seriously injured than him.

These three people who have just become sworn brothers will truly "die on the same day, the same year, the same month," as the saying goes.

"Hmm..." Liu Bei looked at his two brothers-in-law who were staring at him, and he spread his hands and said, "If I say that I am the 'Wu Shuang' who is my brother's friend, do you believe it?"

"Ha, unless a dragon falls from the sky now, I will believe what brother said." Zhang Fei responded.

"This is..." Liu Bei was about to make a joke when he saw a golden dragon falling from the southern sky accompanied by colorful clouds.

"Okay, I believe it." Zhang Fei changed his words calmly.

This - Liu Bei was stunned. The dragon didn't matter, but the clouds somehow attracted his attention.

Is that so? Liu Bei had a clear understanding that preferences, standards, etc. were all trivial matters, and it was just that person who was waiting from the beginning to the end.

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