The Collection of The End

Chapter 525 Zhao Yun Chuan (6)

——AD 181——

Zhao Yun was rushing from Yanzhou to Luoyang.

In the "other world" shrouded in faint green light, it is impossible to ride horses or ride in vehicles, because the cattle, horses and other livestock they need will fall asleep once they enter here. Therefore, the things Zhao Yun usually uses when walking on the abandoned official roads are The "Speed ​​Talisman" taught by Zhang Jiao.

The specific method is to write "Walking a thousand miles in a day" and "Walking eight hundred miles in a night" on two pieces of talisman paper respectively. After touching the water, pat the knees of both legs, and the walking will reach an incredible high speed. The user only needs to Just adjust the direction slightly to make sure you don't deviate from your original goal.

When this kind of charm is in the outside world, due to many obstacles, it cannot be used freely except in long-distance open plains. However, in the "other world", it is extremely suitable. After all, you only need to walk along the empty official road, and there is no need to do so. Worried about bumping into someone - as for the barbarian that Master Zhang Jiao said was unable to communicate, he had never seen it before.

This time when we went down the mountain, we had already met three of the four forces who needed to inquire about the strategies for governing the world. Although the Jiangdong Sun family did not want to see him due to some misunderstanding, they somehow talked about their own strategies, so it was easy for them to inquire. Come to reality.

The last one left was Dong Zhuo, who heard that he was named the governor of Liangzhou after the war, and fighting against the "unparalleled" Lu Bu was also one of the purposes of Zhao Yun's trip.

However, this time the journey was farther than before, passing through Luoyang and Chang'an, two huge cities that were the capitals of the Han Dynasty respectively. Zhao Yun was very curious about what their "ruins" would look like.

While Zhao Yun was thinking, the "divine speed" under his feet gradually slowed down, and finally he stopped in front of a vast ruin with an unusually large scope.

This ruin is different from the usual ruins that seem to have collapsed due to disrepair. Most of the city walls and buildings are still intact, but when you look at them, they are all scorched black. A half-burned wall hanging crookedly on the city gate. The plaque contains the almost illegible word "Luoyang".

This... Zhao Yun was slightly confused and quickly deduced the reason for this situation: before the "foreign race" invaded, Luoyang was completely burned down due to some accident.

However, this was the capital of the current dynasty. What happened that caused the fire to not be extinguished even after it was completely burned down?

With some doubts and vigilance, Zhao Yun carried the "gentian" upside down and walked towards the "ruins" of Luoyang City.

——[The lyre is melodious, and I get drunk together with He Bo]——


The moment he stepped into the ruins of the city, Zhao Yun heard a faint sound of a piano coming from somewhere. After looking around, he found nothing. It seemed that the fleeting sound of the piano was just an illusion he had.

"It's impossible. I'm not good at music, and the two masters don't have such a leisurely mood, so..." Zhao Yun thought for a while, turned around and climbed onto the charred city wall.

The condescending observation overturned his previous guess that there were "completely no inhabitants" in the "other world".

In the completely ruined city, there were nearly a hundred Han soldiers patrolling around, or at least people dressed as Han soldiers. Although it was difficult to see their faces from a distance, Zhao Yun could still feel that they were all immersed in In his own world, ignoring the ruins around him.

Others imprisoned by "Lin Hao"? Zhao Yung just came up with this idea and rejected it the next moment. It was not that he was bragging for his two masters. It can be said that people like this who obviously have no martial arts have no value in being "imprisoned".

In any case, after asking, Zhao Yunqing "Rgentan" jumped off the city wall and walked towards the nearest group of soldiers. They were wearing basically the same clothes, and they seemed to be patrolling, so there might be a possibility of communication.

"Excuse me--"

It was a group of six Han soldiers. Judging from the light armor on their bodies and the lack of weapons in their hands, maybe they were heavy troops?

Zhao Yun approached from behind,

As soon as they said hello, they all turned around and looked over in unison. Even Zhao Yun's courage faltered slightly: "...Excuse me, what are you doing?"

The six soldiers ignored Zhao Yun's question as if they had not heard it. Judging from the direction of their gazes, the target they were looking at seemed to be far behind Zhao Yun, but behind him was only the burned city wall.

"What is that?" When Zhao Yun was about to ask again, the man who looked like the captain of the team asked in confusion.

"Sounds like cavalry galloping?" "Are you crazy? This is a mountainous area." "Otherwise, what do you think it is?" Before Zhao Yun could respond, several other soldiers answered one after another and raised their eyebrows at each other.

They seem to be stuck in a re-enactment of some situation, completely unable to see themselves? Zhao Yun no longer tried to talk, but backed away slightly, deciding to wait and see what would happen.

"What! How is it possible -" "It's really the cavalry!" The next moment, the heavy troops exclaimed as if they saw some incredible sight, and each picked up the "air" from the "air" and assumed a defensive posture.

In Zhao Yun's view, they had nothing in their hands, and the place where they took out the imaginary object was in mid-air next to them. Each of these six people were holding non-existent weapons and trying to defend themselves against non-existent enemies. The scene was ridiculous and weird.

“Hold it—” “Bang!”

Just when Zhao Yun began to wonder if there was something wrong with their heads, the captain who bore the brunt of the attack seemed to be hit by something coming at high speed and flew backwards. The other five also made actions that were completely unlike their own. Movements that can be made with force - for example, one of the people turned around twice and then suddenly turned in the opposite direction without warning, while the other person fell to the ground, but lifted his legs in the air and dragged him backwards. After taking a dozen steps, the others dispersed with screams and frights.

This... Zhao Yun was confused for less than two breaths before he saw what this group of people had encountered - a group of cavalry with an astonishing speed and an equally astonishing number. They completely ignored this small group on the road and directly collided and crushed it. .

So...they're dead? Zhao Yun thought, unless there were powerful "unparalleled warriors" in this team, no one would be able to survive such an impact.

The six-person team finally fell to the ground and stopped moving. It seemed that the cavalry had left. When Zhao Yun took two steps forward to see if he could help, they each stood up staggeringly, as if nothing had happened before. If nothing happened, they would regroup into a small team and start patrolling along the original route.

In order to prevent them from "performing" like this again, Zhao Yun did not try to say hello again, but began to make assumptions based on the information revealed in this encounter.

The powerful cavalry that can walk freely in the mountains is undoubtedly the "mountain cavalry" that caused heavy casualties to the Han army during the Liangzhou Rebellion. It is said that they were not eliminated until the end of the war, but retreated to the west. In the grasslands outside Liang, the origin of this unfortunate baggage team cannot be verified.

There is no doubt that this team was all killed within a short time of coming into contact with the mountain riders, leaving them with no chance to use Fu Shui or Jiuhua Gyokuro Pills. But people who have clearly died in battle appear in the "other world"...perhaps just like those ruined cities. If it is not through something like the "Saint's Pavilion" or the "Martial Man's Pavilion", only the dead can come here.

Although I don't know what "Lin Hao" wants to do, she obviously has no intention of judging these dead people or sending them to reincarnation. She just wants them to act as they did in life and keep repeating the scene before death - no, If they hadn't interfered themselves, maybe they would have been patrolling instead of "performing".

"Then," Zhao Yun said to himself: "After ruling out other possibilities, the 'fairy' has only one purpose - she wants to find a suitable opportunity to 'resurrect' them, so she prevents them from contacting her. The 'other life' and the new memories left behind, and so on, all the "killed" people in the battle to quell the Liangzhou rebellion are probably in this world."

——[May I ask if the jade pendant is still in Luoyang]——

Next, Zhao Yun tried to contact several groups of "deaths". Although they would not respond to his questions, they all convinced Zhao Yun of his guesses by performing "dying scenes".

To put it simply, they are in a state of "death" in the eyes of ordinary people, including but not limited to being trampled by a large number of cavalry, having their throats cut while serving as sentries, stepping into an ambush and being fired upon by random arrows from the enemy, etc. They are completely useless. Excuses such as "the heart grew sideways" and "I was pretending to be dead" reappeared. I guess Lin Hao, who wanted to "resurrection" them, must also have a headache. Before he found a solution, he could only let them stay in the "other world" .

In addition, there is another point. Judging from their accents, they all seem to be locals in Luoyang. Could it be that they were sent back to their place of origin by the "fairy"? Thinking about it this way, if the number of casualties really reached the "more than 20,000" claimed by the court, there should be more soldiers "patroling" in the land of Sanhe and Liangbin without any awareness of the outside world. Once they see They will show how they died.

If there were such "dead people" along the way... For a moment, Zhao Yun hesitated a little about his previous decision to "go all the way to Liangzhou through the other world and meet Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu."

No, they are not the dead. Zhao Yun shook his head to get rid of his idea of ​​equating "the other world" with the "underworld". They are just... yes, that's right, they are just people who "have not yet been resurrected". Zhao Yun tried to convince himself while While bypassing the patrolling "soldiers", he headed west.

Otherwise, find a relatively secluded place in "this world", open a gap and cross there, spend money to buy a horse or hire a car or something, and then head west? No, no, be brave, Zhao Zilong, they are living people, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Zhao Yun was struggling when he suddenly heard a very familiar loud voice coming from the direction of the ruins of the palace.

"Wang Yue! I know you can sense me! Come on! Let's compete across the world! No fourth person will know the specific results!"

Master Tong?

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