The Collection of The End

Chapter 534 Biography of Sun Jian (5)

——AD 183——

Xuzhou, Xiapi.

Zhuge Gui, the magistrate of Taishan County, came to visit Xiapi. Sun Jian, the magistrate of Xiapi County, accompanied him personally and took a bus with him to visit the city.

It was noon, and the streets in the city were very lively. There was a blacksmith shop steaming with heat, and there was a constant sound of hammering and forging. There was a restaurant with a large pot in front of the door that was constantly stirring, and there was a burst of pepper fragrance. There were shops displaying cloth and silk. In the shop, the shopkeeper is haggling with customers, there is a carriage and horse station, the shopkeeper is instructing the work of unloading goods and changing horses, and there is also a shop that looks like a restaurant for some unknown purpose, with several big and round young people talking and laughing loudly.

"Brother Jungong, has he never seen such a 'Ranger Guild'?" Seeing that Zhuge Gui kept looking at the young men, Sun Jian took the initiative to explain: "They asked for a separate place to hand over the commission, and the restaurants were happy that these people would not come. Disrupting the business, both parties hit it off immediately, so I have no reason to stop him."

"I have also heard about this, but in many towns there are no other available places or people responsible for this except restaurants and their shopkeepers. Under Wentai's rule, it was implemented first, which shows that the management is good." Zhuge Gui praised. .

"Hahaha...Brother Jungong is overrated." Sun Jian responded.

"However, I saw many Yanzhou people doing business here. Why did Wentai allow them to open shops outside the market?" Zhuge Guixin pointed to a few shops: "If it is because of me that extra care is taken, there is no need for it. .”

Sun Jian shook his head: "This is not for Brother Jungong's sake. The reason I didn't stop it is that the imperial court has no regulations that stipulate that shops must be built in the market."

"But...oh?" Zhuge Gui hesitated before speaking, and seemed to have some insights while his thoughts were turning.

"Since the "Three Chapters of the Covenant" written by Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, up to the "Nine Chapters" and the "Sixty Laws", all the regulations have been "what crime requires what punishment", but there are no rules about "what must be done and how to do it". In the more serious events, When it's complicated, the subjective allusions from "Spring and Autumn" shall prevail. In addition, there are only the 'orders' issued by His Majesty and the 'codes' set by the local governor." Sun Jian continued: "Therefore, the people's behavior under the rule is inappropriate. I will not interfere in any way if criminal law is violated."

"What Wentai did has some Taoist meaning of 'governing by doing nothing'. Although Xiapi is a little chaotic, it is still developing in a good direction." Zhuge Gui praised, and then changed the subject: "The county has been This is true, but it cannot be implemented in counties, states, or even a country. I wonder if Wentai has a good plan?"

"Why can't it be implemented in this way?" Sun Jian glared: "The people naturally hope that their lives will get better and are willing to work hard for it. I only need to stop them when they want to harm others. Gaozu's 'murderers will die, and injuries and thefts will not be punished.'" 'The law is still applicable nearly four hundred years ago."

"Huh... I guess the policy of 'exchanging supplies with Taishan County' agreed with Wentai was also implemented in accordance with this approach." Zhuge Gui no longer took it seriously and changed the subject.

"That's right," Sun Jian said: "I sent manpower to repair the road leading to Taishan County, and sent more soldiers to patrol, because this route is profitable, even if I have not issued any decree, businessmen who are interested in this may Rangers can also travel on their own without being reprimanded by superiors - why don't we go check out that road now?"

"That's very good."


Xiapi County Government.

Since Zhuge Gui came for "private matters", he took his nine-year-old son Zhuge Jin and left him at the county government house while he and Sun Jian visited the town.

Because Wu Rong had to take care of her twin children, named Sun Quan and Sun Shangxiang respectively, she asked Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, who were the same age, to entertain them.

"What should I do? I'm not good at getting along with children who seem to be gentle and weak." Sun Ce, who was tall and could vaguely see the handsome appearance of the young man, was looking worriedly at the child sitting obediently in the main hall, and whispered to his side Zhou Yu said.

"What's so difficult about it? Just start by praising his merits.

"Zhou Yu also responded in a low voice: "When he compliments you politely, you can praise his father in return by saying that his father taught him well. Children generally admire their fathers and will often remember many of their fathers. deeds, and then you can tell about Uncle Sun's deeds in quelling the chaos in Xiliang. This will open up the topic. "

"Oh, that's a good idea." Sun Ce nodded, stood up and walked towards Zhuge Jin, and the child looked over as if he was aware of it.

"You..." Sun Ce was about to speak, but he was stuck. He held it in for a long time before he finally managed to say: "You have such a long face."

"..." Zhou Yu covered his face. Although Zhuge Gui and Zhuge Jin have the same long and thin faces, that is not an advantage.

"Oh...thank you." The child seemed to be stunned. He hesitated for a long time before replying, "You don't have a short face either."

"This is all due to my father's good teachings." Sun Ce continued as planned.

"..." Zhuge Jin looked at Sun Ce, and then looked at Zhou Yu who was covering his forehead a little further away, with a confused look on his face.

"Presumably your father is also longer." Sun Ce entered the next stage very comfortably.

"Although, although it's true, a son never blames his father..." Zhuge Jin looked like he was about to cry: "Can you please stop continuing this topic."

"Haha, don't worry, my father was that long when he was fighting the chaos in Liangzhou." Sun Ce laughed.

"Really, is this really true?" Zhuge Jin seemed to be starting to imagine the image of Sun Jian, who had a long face, with misty eyes.

"No, wait, he's just joking." Zhou Yu, who couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and tried to stop this ridiculous conversation.

"Yes, really?" Zhuge Jin flinched.

"Hey! Didn't you teach me this?" Sun Ce shouted.

Seeing Zhuge Jin looking back and forth between the two of them, with an expression on his face that said, "So they are both weirdos", Zhou Yu wanted to pick up a stick and beat Sun Ce.

"I didn't teach him what he said, or in other words, I didn't teach him what he actually said..." Zhou Yu began to explain patiently and forbade Sun Ce from speaking. If he didn't explain clearly, the Taishan County magistrate would pick up his son. When I went back, I asked about it and found out that all the sons of Xiapi County Magistrate H County were weird. Even if the children's words were not taken seriously, they would have a negative impact.


The house behind the county government office.

Wu Rong coaxed her twin children, who were a little over one year old, to sleep deeply, and they also fell asleep quietly beside them.

The pregnancy of these two children took half a year longer than ordinary babies. Fortunately, the mother and baby were safe, but Wu Rong became a little lethargic because of this. She originally vowed to take care of the children by herself, but in the end she had to look for a lot of food because she was really tired. Servants and maids help.

At this time, they saw the mistress, the young master and the young lady sleeping together. The servants, wives and maids left only two of them in the house in case they woke up and called, while the others left quietly to avoid disturbing them.

"The young master is still so steady and cute..." "The young lady is also lively and nice..." They talked quietly and gradually moved away.

After the surroundings quieted down, even the faint hawking sounds coming from the street seemed very hypnotic. The two maids who were left behind sat on the couch, their eyes gradually closed, and their heads gradually lowered.

After they finally fell asleep, as a breeze blew, an old Taoist appeared in the room. He looked kind and kind-hearted, but his big dark circles under his eyes and his somewhat burnt beard completely ruined his appearance. image.

"The secrets of heaven are so confused that my calculations are wrong again and again," the Taoist said to himself: "As expected, Sun Jian and Sun Ce are not the ones who revitalized Soochow, but these twin brothers and sisters are. "

"At this time, the ten permanent servants are taking action against Taiping Dao. [Lin Hao], who must have been supporting them, has no time to care about it at this time. There is no doubt that this operation will be successful." The old Taoist stood on the spot and rambled, not knowing whether he was following him. Whether you speak to yourself or to a specific person.

"She wants to [save everyone], which is impossible. If she wants to end the troubled times as soon as possible, the only way is to cut off those inexplicable separatist forces as soon as possible, and reunify the Han Dynasty before the losses have increased - or other countries. It doesn't matter." The old man's voice was not too quiet, but Wu Rong and the two servant girls were sleeping without any signs of waking up.

"Well... after saying so much, she didn't [come] to kill her. It seems that she really doesn't have time to pay attention." The old man nodded, slightly narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand to the two sleeping babies: "If the killer is killed, She will definitely appear, so just erase their 'Wushuang'. Not many people will be willing to follow a monarch without any strength - strange, how can this 'Red Dragon' attribute be so stable?"

The old man, who thought he had it all, opened his eyes and looked at the two babies in surprise, and then saw two children who were supposed to be sleeping, staring at him, one pair of ice-blue eyes, and the other pair of green eyes.

“This is not——” “Zheng!!”

The pair of ice-blue eyes suddenly narrowed, and two staggered arc-shaped knife marks struck the old Taoist fiercely, leaving deep intersecting white marks. The fragments of the Taoist robe that were split and scattered flew away from him. The body turned into ice crystals and completely shattered within a foot.

The old man staggered two steps, with a slightly frightened look on his face, and wanted to turn into the breeze again and escape. Unexpectedly, in the next moment, he was completely enveloped by a ball of blazing flames, and there was no air at all, so what's the wind?

Seeing that her beard, eyebrows, hair and Taoist robe were about to be completely burned, the baby girl with ice blue eyes bumped into the baby boy with green eyes dissatisfied. The baby boy made a helpless expression that was not suitable for his age, and then blinked slightly. , the burning flame exploded, and the old man, who had no hair or beard and only his pants left, flew far away from the open window.

There was quite a commotion, and Wu Rong and the two maids woke up, but they only saw the strange old man from the window who was being chased by Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, and even his clothes were torn.

"Damn Yu Ji! How dare you come!" "Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving!"

"You don't know anything at all - ow!"

Wu Rong looked down at the brother and sister Sun Quan and Sun Shangxiang, and found that they were holding each other's hands and sleeping soundly.

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