The Collection of The End

Chapter 535 Zhang Jiao Biography (10)

——AD 184——

Liangzhou, an ordinary house in Zhangye County.

"Are you crazy! You actually organized an armed force? Now the court, no, the ten permanent servants have enough excuses to destroy Taipingdao?" The girl carrying an apricot-yellow flag was lowering her voice and accusing the middle-aged man in front of her. young people.

"Then what do you think we should do? My eldest niece? Just like the capitulationists, draw talisman for them honestly, collect the money with your left hand, and return it to them in the name of tax with your right hand?" The middle-aged man frowned, but he was not satisfied with the girl's offense. There was nothing unpleasant about it.

"There is always, there is always a way. Anyway, let the Taoist disciples disarm themselves first, so as not to be caught." The girl's voice was hesitant.

"We are hunters, farmers, butchers, and carpenters, not an army. At least in the eyes of people who don't know the inside story, there is no way to tell them apart, and there is no excuse to arrest them. As for those who are caught, they are all clinging to the division and unwilling to give up, or they have been recorded long ago. Those on file, such as the altar owner Qing Niujiao." The middle-aged man shook his head.

"Uncle Mancheng..." The girl looked like she didn't know what to say.

In another world that neither of them could notice, Zhang Jiao, who was wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe, was looking at them and sighing.

Naturally, he did not have the ability to tear open the "Mountains, Rivers, Society, and Country Map" like Zhao Yun, but he could temporarily make it transparent and visible and transmit sound.

While he was away from the "present world", his daughter Zhang Jie tried to unify the increasingly fragmented Taiping Dao on her own. She first persuaded those shallow Taoist disciples who had simply used Talisman Water and wanted to repay their kindness to leave Taiping Dao and make them unable to do so. The meeting was too large, and the various departments were asked to limit the number of public appearances. They even rushed to Jinan to find Zhang Jue, who had improved the "Fu Shui" and asked him to keep a low profile. Finally, after hearing that "Taiping Dao colluded with the Xiongnu", he directly Came here to quell this rumor - it seems that she hopes to reduce outsiders' vigilance and coveting of Taiping Dao while maintaining the original purpose of curing diseases and saving people, but it seems to have little effect.

There is no doubt that in the Liangzhou rebellion that had nothing to do with them, "Fu Shui" and "Jiuhua Yulu Pills" caused the miracle of the lucky survival of a large number of soldiers who should have died in the battle. They want to wipe out the Taiping Dao. The impression created by the world of "living dead, flesh and white bones" will only work if they disappear for more than twenty years.

The "Hongnu attack on the Taiping Dao branch" incident in Liangzhou ended with the Xiongnu being repelled by Dong Zhuo, the governor, and the rumors of Taiping Dao colluding with the Xiongnu were temporarily suppressed, but Shi Changshi refused. After giving up, he sent envoys to arrest all the Taoist disciples who had not left the altar in the name of "questioning".

Since Qingniujiao and the branch he established were well-known in Liangzhou, he gave up his escape and provided cover for Zhang Mancheng, Cheng Yuanzhi, Deng Mao and others who came from Julu to rebuild the Taipingdao branch. As for Zhang Yan and Guo Daxian, they were new recruits to Taiping Dao, but they were not in danger of being exposed.

Next, Zhang Jie began to persuade Zhang Mancheng and others to return to Julu. After all, as the general group, no one has dared to make trouble so far. However, Zhang Mancheng and others believed that going back would only give people a chance to catch everyone in one fell swoop. It happened that they here in Liangzhou They used tricks and took people, but the key is that they all succeeded, and they will definitely not attract attention again.


While Zhang Jiao was listening to the exchanges between the two sides, he was also thinking about the situation in "Huang Tian", which was full of ruins and had many souls of those who died in the Battle of Liangzhou wandering around.

He once thought that the fairy "Lin Hao" granted him the Book of Heaven and helped promote Fu Shui, making Taiping Dao develop into a huge organization that can influence eight states. Did he really not think about their final outcome?

From Zhang Jiao's perspective in the past, there were only three endings: being wiped out, being annexed and controlled, or rising up, but with the emergence of "Huang Tian", the fourth future quietly surfaced: "In this 'Mountains and Rivers Map' Let’s continue living as usual.”

In this world, the only intact buildings are the "Warrior's Pavilion", "Saint's Pavilion" or other "pavilions" with different appearances that "Lin Hao" enlightened.

Most of them had accidental intruders. Zhang Jiao did not approach them, but just like a long time ago, he rescued mortals who were in a certain death situation and conducted corresponding trials according to the treatment they chose.

Zhang Jiao had a hunch that although he could not use most of the spells in the "Book of Escape from Heaven" and "Book of Escape from Earth", if he wanted to use the Five Elements that could bring people from "this world" to "the other world" If you escape from the law, you will definitely succeed.

There is an extra way out, which makes Zhang Jiao feel less uneasy from time to time after learning the motto "Heaven is dead, Huang Tian is here to stand, and the world will be prosperous at the age of sixty years", but he still wants to know no matter what, If things continue to develop like this, what kind of ending will Taipingdao have? After all, this year is already the year of Jiazi.

"Dong dong." There was a gentle knock on the door. Zhang Jie stopped talking and glanced at Zhang Mancheng doubtfully.

"The scouts outside who warned her didn't respond. They were probably people she knew." Zhang Mancheng nodded to signal her to relax, then stood up and opened the door.

Outside the door is a strong man like an iron tower. Judging from his clothing and armor, he seems to be a lieutenant general of Dong Zhuo's army.

"General Guan Hai is here unexpectedly. Do you have anything important to do?" Zhang Mancheng obviously knew this man. After looking outside for a moment, he invited him in.

"Uncle Mancheng, who is he?" Zhang Jie asked with confusion.

"This is Guan Hai, a general who belongs to the camp that fell under Dong Zhuo, the governor of Liangzhou. This special unit has a good attitude towards us because of the 'Fu Shui' and was sent as our liaison officer," Zhang Mancheng introduced Said: "This is the daughter of the 'Great Master'."

"Hmm... I always feel that he is destined to be with us..." Zhang Jie turned the apricot-yellow flag in her hand twice, thoughtfully.

"I won't stay any longer," Guan Hai said seriously: "There is news from Luoyang that there are rumors of 'Taiping Dao colluding with foreigners' in many places in Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Liangzhou, and there are people among the invading Hu people. I saw the Taiping Dao’s standard robes.”

"What!" Zhang Jie's eyes widened: "How dare they!"

"It seems that the governor's efforts to prevent the spread of rumors were in vain. Instead of framing the rumors, he directly sent people to fight in person." Zhang Mancheng sighed: "So, how will Luoyang respond?"

"The emperor was furious and issued an order to garrison troops from various places to capture Taiping Taoist disciples. However, Lord Dong Zhuo had the help of rangers and the news was received earlier," Guan Hai said: "I am here to ask you how to deal with it."

As expected, Zhang Jiao sighed. It seemed that no matter how much they gave in, they would not be able to satisfy the greed of the Shi Changshi. However, they were concerned about the opinion of the "Sword Master" Wang Yue, so they had to find a way to label Taiping Road as "colluding with Hu". After all, everyone knows that the sword master who once "pinged Helan with one sword" hated barbarians the most.

"Oh, damn it, I want to go back to Julu!" Zhang Jie looked a little flustered, but still quickly made an analysis and decision: "No matter what, the main altar will be their last attack point, I have to evacuate the Taoist disciples in advance , but also to rescue two uncles."

"With all due respect, Miss Zhang's activities in recent years may have attracted the attention of the imperial court. As long as she appears in towns outside Liangzhou, she will be captured by local police or defenders."

"..." Zhang Jie was stunned.

Indeed, Zhang Jiao shook his head. In the process of trying to integrate Taiping Dao, she almost never concealed her identity. Sometimes she would fight with people. In addition, she got lost from time to time, and she was willing to lend a helping hand to those who needed help. Although this move won a good reputation for Taiping Dao, it would be effortless for the imperial eagle and dog to find her.

However, with him watching from the side, unless Wang Yue took action personally regardless of his face, everything he came would be in vain, Zhang Jiao thought with a hint of pride.

"You can rest assured that I will definitely protect Miss Zhou Quan with my life." At this time, Ma Yuanyi, who had been standing next to Zhang Jie, responded in a deep voice.

"Elder brother..." Zhang Jie looked excited, but looked like she didn't know what to say.

Haha... Zhang Jiao nodded with satisfaction. When he left in a hurry, he just casually mentioned that he should protect Jie'er. Unexpectedly, he has been actually protecting Jie'er these years. This shows that he was quite accurate in judging people at the beginning. However, Jie'er Now that my son is so old, he is still called "Big Brother". It seems that he is not so enlightened.

"What your Lord means is that no matter how hidden the members of the 'Taiping Army' are, as long as they communicate with each other, there will always be signs to follow." Guan Hai interrupted the Taiping Dao people who looked like they were about to say goodbye, and told him why he came here. The purpose: "Why don't you join the 'Liangzhou Army' for the time being, and then make plans after the people from Luoyang return without success, and Miss Zhang's family can also play with Lord Dong Zhuo's two granddaughters for a while. If anyone wants to When inspecting the back house, you must first ask Lord Lu Bu if he has the [Fangtian Painted Halberd]."

...Tsk, the forging method of Fang Tian's painted halberd turned out to be that Lu Bu kept bombarding it with unparalleled thunder and lightning. If it couldn't withstand it and turned into molten iron, it had to be remade. There were lightning and thunder in the workshop for a long time. It is said that the perfect halberd was found later. Only the outer crystals that would not be melted by thunder and lightning were forged successfully.

Speaking of Lu Bu, Zhang Jiao recalled the "Lü Bu" he had seen in the Trial Fairyland. Although he had exactly the same appearance and similar armor, he only used ordinary martial arts throughout the whole process and did not have such red and black thunder and lightning." "Unparalleled", what's more, if you count his age, Lu Bu here was just born.

This further proves his speculation that the pair of "Lin Hao" fairies came from the future. Presumably, in the original history, the imperial court's comprehensive encirclement and suppression of Taiping Road was the end of his "great sage and mentor".

However, as the governor of a state, concealing imperial prisoners can be regarded as treason according to law. In other words, was Dong Zhuo originally interested in this?

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