The Collection of The End

Chapter 538 The Biography of Cao Cao (18)

——AD 184——


"Mengde, you recruited tens of thousands of elites without my knowledge, as the leader of the country, and caused the surrounding feudal lords to become excited and intend to rebel?"

Liu Kang, the leader of the Kingdom of Jinan, sent Fu Zhao to meet with the Prime Minister Cao Cao. This sentence was at the beginning. If he were an ordinary official, he would have been broken and would have bowed his head to plead guilty - but Cao Cao was not in this case.

This Liu Kang is nearly forty years old, somewhat fat, wearing a dark red robe of a county prince, and a feather crown on his head. Although his words were spoken in a harsh tone, there was a faint smile on his face.

The meeting took place in the back garden of the palace, and there was no one else nearby except the imperial master, who could be said to be the confidant of the king. It was obvious that this was not an attack on him. At most, the king made his own decisions against him without informing him in advance. Just a little annoyed.

Moreover, the focus of this statement is not at all on "ignorance" and "tens of thousands of elites", but on "boiling".

There were five levels of enfeoffment in the Han Dynasty. In addition to the princes who had long since ceased to enfeoff, from top to bottom they were commandery, county, township and pavilion. Among them, the commander who "regarded the county as the country" was also called the head of the country. Intervening in local political affairs, other low-level feudal lords were just as Cao Cao worried before, and they only had the right to collect taxes indiscriminately and gather hundreds of people to carry out "village chief fighting".

This time they were robbed by Guan Cheng, and when they came to ask Liu Kang for help, they saw Cao Cao's troops that were far beyond the specifications, and they also asked for the right to control the army. Liu Kang was so annoyed that he recruited Cao Cao. Negotiate.

"The Lord of the Kingdom, please reply to each feudal lord. If you are not worried about your own safety, you can send the Jinan Kingdom's garrison to 'assist in defense' for him." Cao Cao responded according to what Xi Zhicai had warned him before coming here.

"Meng De, you-hahaha!" Liu Kang was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Don't these feudal lords want to take control of the army? He directly gave them the ready-made army, just to see if they dared to take it.

The leader of a country has two people, the Fu who manages the royal palace and the Prime Minister who manages the county. They are roughly the chief executive and prime minister under the emperor. Cao Cao can assign the soldiers recruited in Jinan to do anything, and even pull them away. It's not a problem to vote for someone else, but the only thing you can't do is take action against Liu Kang, the original initiator, otherwise not only the soldiers will mutiny, but there will be no other place to go in this vast world.

Therefore, in Liu Kang's view, forget about the generals under Cao Cao, but the soldiers he recruited belong to him, so he has no worries about being controlled by those small feudal lords after sending them out. If they really dare to try to control them, they will At that time, it was hard to say what the surnames of those fiefdoms were - well, it seemed that they would all be named Liu no matter what.

He obviously didn't know what was going on with the Qingzhou soldiers, which were mainly composed of Taiping Taoist disciples, and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, all from Qiao County.

"Those small feudal lords were obsessed with fighting with each other, which made it difficult to capture Taiping Dao, and caused the thieves to sweep Guan Cheng into Qingzhou. When the lord of the country climbed up and shouted, tens of thousands of warriors in the country responded. What excuse is there for making noise?" Cao Cao thought for a moment, Giving Liu Kang another clear excuse.

"Yes, yes, that's it, hahaha, in this case, the defense of Qingzhou will be left to you," Liu Kang turned around and said, "I have prepared some wine in the garden, and I will drink it with Meng De."

As the leader of Jinan, do you want to be in charge of Qingzhou's defense? Sure enough, since the sons of the four consecutive generations did not inherit the father's business, everyone in the old Liu family was more or less a little confused.

"Your Majesty, the thieves have been driven towards Beihai Kingdom at this time. Do you want to send an order to withdraw the troops?" In order to confirm this, Cao Cao asked.

"Recruit any troops, just go to 'assist in defense'," Liu Kang waved his hand proudly: "Let those Confucian scholars study hard!"



North Sea.

"I seem to understand Xi Zhicai's strategy a little bit."

Guan Cheng, who was completely unable to fight, once again abandoned some of his men and fled. Le Jin, who was ordered not to pursue, joined Li Dian and Zhang Jue who came from the rear, climbed up and looked at the group of defeated soldiers from a distance, and said so.

"It's convenient to recruit and you don't want to go to the black man with him?" Zhang Jue looked at the prisoners over there who were hurriedly trying to surrender: "I had to use the 'life and death talisman' in the first few days, but now they don't even give me a chance. .”

"Show force to the counties and counties in Qingzhou to make those who have dissent think that Jinan is empty. By the way, this group is not so much a Taiping Taoist, but rather someone who has tried the 'Fu Shui' and made up his mind to use it to do something." 'The thieves rushed to the territory that has always been at odds with Jinan, and while expelling the thieves, they took the opportunity to control them." Li Dian responded: "There may be other purposes, but I can't think of them with my head."

"The leader of the Beihai Kingdom is not very capable, but the Prime Minister Kong Rong is a powerful character," Le Jin said while looking at Guan Cheng's subordinates who were fleeing northeast, "Maybe he can defeat that Guan Cheng."

"Defeat with what? Pears?" Zhang Jue mocked.

"When you are four years old, you can make pears." As a model of brotherhood and brotherly respect, it was mentioned and praised by many great scholars. Because of this incident, Kong Rong himself was promoted to Xiaolian. He was the prime minister of Beihai at the time, and it is said that he was promoted to the governor of Qingzhou. possible.

"It's not the pear, it's the person who came here for the pear." Le Jin said solemnly: "A person who values ​​filial piety will definitely be good at what he does."

Zhang Jue slightly hesitated and said, "Well...this does have some truth to it, but Kong Rong has been famous for many years and has been the Prime Minister for a long time. It would not be such a coincidence for us to meet -"

Halfway through his words, he heard a roar like thunder coming from directly in front of Guan Cheng and the remaining members of the so-called "Taiping Army".

"Ziyi, the Grand Historian of Donglai, is here! Where dare thieves invade our Beihai!"

Then, he saw a heroic general holding a pair of red maces charging head-on into the array of remaining soldiers led by Guan Cheng. All those who stood in front of him were swept away by the two iron rods.

"Speaking of which, before leaving, I asked the military advisor what would happen if other counties sent large armies or generals to stop Guan Cheng and defeat or disperse them," Le Jin said.

"Oh? What did he say?" Zhang Jue asked cooperatively.

"He asked back -" Le Jin put the iron gun in order, stepped heavily and rushed down the hillside: "-'Are you willing to let others take away the credit for your achievements?'!"

"Well... my sixth sense tells me that we have one more comrade." Li Dian did not follow, but turned around and called for the Jinan soldiers behind to step forward and surround the unexpected battlefield.


Southeast of Qingzhou.

"Dun, Brother Dun, what should I do?"

"Don't panic, although we can't help them, they can't help us either."

The 20,000 heavy armored cavalry "Tiger and Leopard Cavalry" were fighting on their own at this time, protecting the infantry while also trying to kill the enemies in front of them. However, no matter how hard they tried, the number of enemies did not decrease at all. On the contrary, there were more and more potential.

They were a group of "soldiers" whose whole bodies exuded a faint blue light, and whose figures were constantly flowing like water waves. The tiger and leopard riders could easily split or pierce them with their powerful and heavy chops and thrusts, but the next moment the soldiers would look like Bubbles in the water disappear and reshape themselves not far away.

"I didn't expect that besides Zhang Jue, there are people who can transform the 'Fu Shui'." These monsters."

"Brother Dun, have you found it?" Xia Houyuan shot two arrows through the "soldier" who rushed over with the phantom sword.

"I didn't notice it. Maybe I'm using the wrong eyes." Xiahou Dun took the time to change the blindfold on his face to another eye.

There was nothing wrong with this pre-selected battlefield. In the early stages of the war, they did repel or scare away two groups of Taiping Taoist disciples coming from Yanzhou and Xuzhou respectively. However, the third group coming from Yuzhou was this weird. The "phantom men" of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry have no effect on them, but fortunately, although their "phantom weapons" do damage, they are not enough to break through the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry's heavy armor defense.

But if they continue to be restrained like this, the originally repelled enemies will take the opportunity to return and enter Qingzhou. Xiahou Yuan has no guarantee that Xiahou Dun will really "apologise with death."

"Brother Dun, why don't we ignore them and retreat to the gate of Qingzhou?"

"We have no way to retreat! Jinan County is behind us!"

"Uh, okay..."

Xia Houyuan was at a loss when he suddenly heard a heavy "Boom! Boom! Boom!" sound like a huge beast walking slowly from the direction of Yuzhou, and the "phantom people" in front of him also began to ripple in response to the sound. .

"As long as it's not these 'phantom' reinforcements, anyone can come." Xia Houyuan muttered.

Boom! !

A dark iron ball, almost as tall as Xia Houyuan, fell from the sky, smashing several "phantom men" who could not react in time into flying water splashes.

Boom! !

Before Brother Xiahou could react, a fat man with a round face, round eyes, and wearing blue leather armor also descended from the sky. He easily picked up the "iron ball". Only then did Brother Xiahou realize that The "Iron Ball" was originally a huge hammer.

The "phantom men" around him reacted and attacked the big fat man one after another, but he let the attacks jingle on him and turned to the Xiahou brothers without realizing it. He raised his fat hand and waved: "Yo~ You guys are Are you one of Lord Cao Cao’s men?”

Being called "Sir", he must not be an enemy. Xia Houyuan responded: "That's right."

"Oh, then these annoying guys are the enemies that prevent me from going to eat at Lord Cao Cao's place?" The big fat man, with a strange accent and intonation, waved his hand randomly and knocked away several approaching "phantom men": "Look even!"

"Wait..." Xia Houyuan had a bad feeling and was about to stop him when he saw the big fat man raising his hand and throwing the black hammer high into the sky.

"Anyone who stops me from eating will be beaten flat by me!" The fat man exerted force on his feet and flew high into the sky with a movement that was not suitable for his body shape.

"Tiger and Leopard Cavalry! Defend in a circular formation on the spot!" Xiahou Yuan's eyes widened and he gave the order loudly, while dragging Xiahou Dun, who was still admiring, to turn around and run away.

"[It's about to fall!]" The big fat man in the air caught the iron ball and sledgehammer that he had just thrown away, shouted loudly, and then threw it hard towards the ground.

Boom - boom -!

Xia Houyuan felt like he was a bean tossed over in a basket when he was a child. He was trembling up and down, and he didn't even notice which tremor caused him to lie on the ground.

Along with the tremors, all the "phantom men" turned into water splashes and scattered, revealing a Taoist wearing a strange Taoist robe with upside-down hair. Although he walked staggeringly, he ran away without looking back.

"Yo!" The big fat man fell down and picked up the sledgehammer that was deeply sunk into the ground again: "My name is Xu Chu~ Can you take me to see Master Cao Cao for dinner?"

It must be that Qiao County can't afford it... Xia Houyuan thought as he looked at the tiger and leopard riders who were also lying on the ground and unable to get up.

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