The Collection of The End

Chapter 539 Biography of Liu Bei (12)

——AD 184——

Youzhou, the eastern suburbs of Zhuo County.

"Don't worry about those Taiping Roads! Just don't leave Liu Yu!" "Whoever captures Gongsun Zan will be rewarded with thousands of fine horses!" "Whoever captures Liu Bei will be rewarded with five thousand cattle and sheep!"

People around were shouting and neighing, and it was chaos. Gongsun Zan, who was dressed in light riding clothes, and Liu Bei, who was wearing dark green armor, were protecting the governor Liu Yu and Liu Ling as they broke out to the north. Hearing the roars of the foreigners, he still had time to talk to Liu Bei. Laughing: "Haha, Xuande, listen, I am more valuable as a brother."

"Brother Bogui..." "Then what's there to show off!"

Before Liu Bei responded, Liu Ling, who was helping Liu Yu, shouted at Gongsun Zan, almost breaking his voice.

Although Liu Ling's dress is damaged, the marks look more like she tore it off herself. The light green soft armor exposed under her dress makes people feel a little sympathy for Gongsun Zan.

"Ah... oh, these assassins only put a reward on Xuande and me, but they are sure to win without a reward on my father-in-law. It can be seen that my father-in-law is much more valuable than us." Gongsun Zan changed his words and said.

"..." Liu Ling stared at him without saying a word.

"Haha..." Liu Bei had no intention of caring about the happy enemies. He was just quickly observing the battlefield to determine his next move.

This alien assassination and the ensuing siege were very hasty. It can be seen that this operation was entirely caused by the sudden and without warning military mobilization by Liu Jishishi after receiving Luoyang's order. If they continue to lurk, they may lose all their lives. Intelligence superiority has even been discovered.

At the beginning, Zhuojun's troops were negotiating with the surrounded Taoist disciples of Taiping Dao. One side wanted to recruit people, and the other side wanted to surrender. It can be said that they hit it off immediately, and there was no possibility of fighting. Unexpectedly, a group of Taiping soldiers dressed in crooked clothes appeared at this time. Wuhuan assassins in Taoist attire launched a surprise attack on Liu Yu, who was holding the battle in the rear and talking to his daughter.

At the critical moment, Liu Ling kicked over a large pot in the camp. Using the pot lid as a shield and a large spoon as a sword, he forced back a dozen people who came to Liu Yu, leaving him unscathed except for being slightly frightened. During this period, a total of six pot lids and two large spoons were consumed. It was not until Gongsun Zan and his soldiers came to support that they were replaced with normal weapons.

When the county soldiers saw this, the rear half rushed back to rescue them, while the other half in the front planned to capture Taiping Road in front of them first. As a result, some of these Taoist disciples did not want to be recruited and took the opportunity to escape, causing the two groups of people who did not want to fight at first After the battle, there was a conflict with a group of assassins who were ambushing...

When Liu Bei arrived after receiving Gongsun Zan's urgent request for help, what he saw was a chaotic battlefield with no distinction between the enemy and ourselves. Since two of the three groups of people could use talisman water to heal themselves, they intentionally or unintentionally began to gradually compress those people. The alien assassins' sphere of influence forced them to desperately search for Liu Yu.

"Xuande, where are your county soldiers?" Gongsun Zan asked Liu Bei after he shot away a foreigner who was rushing over with a roar.

"Led by Yide and Yun Chang, they are still on the way," Liu Bei said angrily: "Your messenger said that you were 'in a tough battle and about to be defeated', so I had no choice but to come here single-handedly."

"Haha... That's because I thought these Taiping Dao people were colluding with the Wuhuan aliens. This assassination had been planned for a long time, so it was in a critical situation." Gongsun Zan swung his gun and swept away a Zhuojun garrison with red eyes. Then he continued: "Then, how should we respond at this moment? Evacuate to Zhuojun City, or go to Jizhou to find an opportunity to meet up with reinforcements?"

"No," Liu Bei responded quickly: "With these assassins hiding so many people here, the city of Zhuojun must not be safe, and there are probably ambushes in the direction of Jizhou. At this time, we should go north and join up with the soldiers from Jixian and Liangxiang counties. They No matter how hard you infiltrate, you won't be able to get into 'those two' troops."

"It makes sense." Gongsun Zan nodded, and then slightly adjusted his direction.


"That's Wuhuan's 'Three Kings Army'."

At this time, Liu Yu discarded all decorations that could indicate his status as governor.

He looked like an ordinary soldier. After fighting with Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei for a period of time, he suddenly said.

"Father, what is the 'Three Kings' Army'?" Liu Ling, who had been guarding him, responded when he heard the words. Although Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan had no time to look back, they also showed a slight intention to listen.

"Unlike the Xiongnu tribes that often numbered in the dozens or hundreds, the Wuhuan tribes only had three larger tribes, which were known as the 'Three Kings' to the outside world - Bogui should know this." Liu Yu said.

"Oh, my son-in-law knows that the tribal leader who is the most capable of fighting is called 'Qiu Liju', and the other two are not familiar with him," Gongsun Zan responded: "So the 'Three Kings' Army' is a coalition of their various tribes?"

"Yes, and no. The armies of these three tribes are not subordinate to each other, but they will select elites to form an army to carry out special tasks deep into the Central Plains. However, ordinary plundering and clearing valleys cannot see them. "When Liu Yu said this, he suddenly smiled and said: "Oh, it seems that I have indeed posed a sufficient threat to them."

"'Elite'?" At this time, there were several Wuhuan assassins blocking the way ahead. Gongsun Zan shot them all away with two shots, and then mocked.

"The aliens who cannot understand the 'unparalleled', no matter how elite they are, can't compare with my Han family generals." Liu Yu paused, and suddenly the topic changed: "I don't think I have asked you yet, my dear son-in-law, what is your 'unparalleled'?" ?”

"..." Gongsun Zan was speechless, then he poked the enemy soldiers in front of him who were not blocking the way as if to cover up, and quietly winked at Liu Bei.

Although Brother Bogui has outstanding martial arts skills and is good at running an army, it seems that he has never understood "unparalleled"... Oh, isn't it the same for me? Liu Bei laughed at himself.

At this time, he was helping to cover up, but he couldn't talk nonsense. It would be troublesome if he was exposed directly. Liu Bei thought in his mind, and suddenly his ears twitched and he had an idea.

"Usually 'unparalleled' is either actively activated or passively manifested, mostly to strengthen the generals themselves, but the governor must have heard of some special 'unparalleled' that can affect many people." Liu Bei said, slightly deviating. route, leading this small team towards a group of "Three Kings' Army" gathered together, and at the same time signaling to Gongsun Zan, who was about to rush out, to be patient.

"Could it be..." Liu Yu was thoughtful.

"Brother Bogui, it's time for you to show your strength." Liu Bei stepped back slightly, letting Gongsun Zan stand in front.

There is nothing wrong with these words, but they are a little misleading. As long as Brother Bogui cooperates perfectly...

Gongsun Zan, who was originally a little panicked, suddenly calmed down after hearing a certain sound. Looking at the Wuhuan assassins who noticed his small team and began to surround him, he suddenly put his hand to his mouth and blew a loud whistle. Whistle.

Boom boom boom——

The ground began to tremble. When these Wuhuan aliens looked at each other in bewilderment, the "wall" composed of gunpowder smoke and flames on the side of the battlefield was suddenly knocked out of a huge gap. A cavalry composed entirely of silver-armored knights riding white horses. The team rushed over like mercury pouring down the ground, and like a river bursting open. The assassins only let out a little scream before being completely swallowed up by the silver torrent.

Gongsun Zan seemed to be completely in a state of excitement. He got on the white horse handed to him by a knight, came to the front of many white horse knights who gradually stopped, and said loudly: "This is the powerful cavalry that belongs to me Gongsun Bogui——[ White Horse Yi Cong]!"

"Well done, Yunchang." When Liu Yu and Liu Ling were overwhelmed by this courage, Liu Bei quietly walked around to the side of the white horse Yi Cong and found the real commander of the cavalry, Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang, "Where's Yide? ?”

"The 'White Ears' led by Yide are infantry and are still in the rear," Guan Yu responded: "Brother, I really don't like white horses. The red horse given by General Cao is better."



"Strange, maybe I went the wrong way?" Zhang Fei was wearing black armor, riding his big black horse, and leading a group of infantrymen wearing plain armor on the road from Ji County to Zhuo County. From time to time, there were Taiping Taoist disciples in front of him. The defenders of Zhuo County who came to flee met Zhang Fei, and then hid their faces and ran away. There were no Wuhuan assassins mentioned by the messenger.

This "White Eared Soldier" is an infantryman made by Liu Bei based on Gongsun Zan's "White Horse Yi Cong". It has the same silver helmet and silver armor, only an extra ear-like feather is decorated on the helmet to distinguish it.

In these two armies, the silver armor worn by soldiers and horses does not strengthen the actual "defense" like the "trapped camp", but focuses on "discharging force". The surface of the entire armor is very smooth, with almost no place to focus. Although it has poor defense against blunt objects, when it comes to swords, spears and other sharp weapons, as long as it avoids being hit from the front, it can easily "slide" away.

"General, are those guys the 'Wuhuan people'?" A white-eared soldier pointed at the strange man who was far away from the road, covered in black, and staggering away to the north.

"Haha! Do you think the Wuhuan people are 'black'?" Zhang Fei laughed: "Does that mean I am also a Wuhuan person?"

During the conversation, the "black men" ran faster.

"General! They must be Wuhuan people!" The white-eared soldier looked around in order to correct his mistakes. Suddenly he discovered something and quickly pointed in a certain direction and reported.

They were a group of aliens wearing weird leather outfits. Although it was a bit strange that they were rolling around and shouting "This is indeed Zhuojun," they must be Wuhuan people.

"Who's going to catch them——" "Boom——"

Zhang Fei was about to order them to be captured for interrogation, when he saw raging black flames suddenly rising from the feet of the aliens, burning them into the same charred appearance as those who had escaped before.

" seems they are really Wuhuan people." Zhang Fei watched these "black people" staggering away and turned his attention to the location where these people appeared.

From that direction walked out a little girl of about thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing a black silk satin palace dress with gold trim. She had bright eyes, a round face, and dark hair hanging loosely on her shoulders. She also held a white in her hand. Rabbit doll.

Zhang Fei was stunned. When his elder brother asked him to describe what kind of woman he liked, the image that came directly to his mind appeared in front of him. Could she be a phantom?

"Excuse me," the girl asked in a cute voice, "Is this Jinan?"

Oops, it’s a heart-pounding feeling.

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