The Collection of The End

Chapter 540 Biography of Liu Bei (13)

——AD 184——

Youzhou, Liangxiang County.

After receiving the support of the "White Horse Yicon" and the "White Ear Soldiers", the ordinary Wuhuan assassins were no longer useful. After finding that they could no longer fish in troubled waters, they fled. Liu Yu's Zhuoxian army became more courageous after joining the White Horse Yicong. Satisfied, upon seeing this, the remaining Taiping Taoist disciples also gave up their plans to continue the confrontation, surrendered or dispersed on their own, and the white-eared soldiers who were busy stopping the current chaotic scene did not have the time to trouble them.

In order to prevent Wuhuan assassins from lurking in Zhuo County, Gongsun Zan, after commanding Baima Yi to generally control the situation, returned local security to the defenders and returned to his territory with his father-in-law and his wife.

Since this was not an ordinary incident of bandits attacking the government, but an attack by foreigners from abroad on Han Dynasty officials. Unable to conclude that this was just an isolated incident, Liu Yu wrote to Gongsun Yan, the contemporary head of the Liaodong family, asking him to meet and work together to deal with it. An official letter was also sent to Luoyang to report the matter.

Because their legitimate son was involved in the attack, the Gongsun family took it seriously and immediately sent 50,000 reinforcements to assist in the defense. The troops who needed to defend the border and could not leave their posts without authorization rushed out of the border. No matter which tribe they were, they would fight whenever they saw—— Anyway, the "Three Kings Army" is a coalition of their three tribes, so they will never attack the wrong person.

As for the messengers who went to Luoyang, they returned without success and did not even see the city wall. It is said that there were madmen who assassinated the ten constant servants in Luoyang. Although they were unsuccessful, they also frightened the eunuchs living outside the palace. He hid in the palace and did not dare to go out. At the same time, he ordered Luoyang to be under martial law again. The level was even stricter than during the plague. This time, he was not even allowed to enter. He looked like he would never give up until the murderer was found.

It is said that this move aroused the dissatisfaction of almost most of the ministers in the court. After all, the plague is a major event that affects everyone, but what does it matter if a few eunuchs are assassinated?

Of course, the most important reason is that these "righteous men" did not commit any crime against anyone other than the ten regular servants. When Cao Jie, the only one who was stabbed, was attacked, the guard guarding the door for him was only knocked unconscious and tied up.

However, such official matters have nothing to do with Liu Bei for the time being. He is busy dealing with his brother's problems.

"Yide, let me confirm again." In a courtyard of the Liangxiang County Post House, Liu Bei pinched his forehead and asked Zhang Fei: "You just said that you picked this girl up on the way, right?"

"Yes, brother." Zhang Fei replied.

This courtyard was specially arranged by Gongsun Zan for the usual visits of brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang. A similar courtyard was also arranged for Gongsun Zan and his wife in Jixian County under Liu Bei's rule, so there were basically no outsiders passing by unexpectedly.

At this time, Liu Bei was sitting on the main seat in the living room, with Guan Yu at his side. However, Zhang Fei, who was supposed to be beside Guan Yu, was standing opposite Liu Bei behind a girl in black skirt. There was Liu Ling, who was deliberately brought here to avoid suspicion, and Gongsun Zan, who had no idea what the purpose was, but was probably just here to watch the fun.

"You don't know her name, family, or address. You only know that she wants to go to Jinan, but is that true?" Liu Bei asked again.

"I don't know, brother."

"This girl has obviously not yet had haircuts, and you are about ten years older than her, right?" Liu Bei asked again.

"Yes, brother."

"Did you just say that you wanted to marry her?" Liu Bei continued to ask in an almost sighing tone.

"That's right! Brother!" Zhang Fei replied decisively in an instant.

"Haha, haha..." Liu Ling put his hand on his forehead and sighed because the emotions contained were too complicated to distinguish.

I'm sorry, but if you still have a trace of thoughts, it will not be a good thing for Brother Bogui, Yide, or even yourself. Liu Bei secretly thought in his heart, and then turned to the person who heard this conversation. It has nothing to do with him at all. The girl who kept taking the snacks on the table and eating them said: "So, this girl, can you tell us where your home is and who you are looking for when you go to Jinan, even if it is just the last name so that we can call him.


The girl in the black skirt looked at Liu Bei, put down the snacks in her hands, clapped her hands, and then raised the rabbit doll in her hands.

Is this happening again... Liu Bei sighed secretly.

"[I am the beginning of the end! The shadow that covers the sun! The death knell of destruction!]" The girl shook the rabbit and said in a weird tone: "[Witness the pain and despair! Mortal!]"

"..." Everyone looked at the girl speechlessly, but she thought she had made the right response without any conscious thought. She put away the rabbit and started eating snacks again.

"Third brother, you have to think carefully." Guan Yu said to Zhang Fei in shock.

"Yes, it's her." Zhang Fei didn't seem to feel anything was wrong at all.

"Hmm... I feel like I've heard something similar somewhere, and the method to resolve it is very simple..." On the contrary, Gongsun Zan began to mutter thoughtfully.

It did sound familiar, but it shouldn't be the same words. It was just that the content and tone were similar. Liu Bei also began to think about it. She once told her third brother that she was going to Jinan. It can be seen that she could communicate normally at that time. The difference between then and now is …

"Ah! Isn't that the way Xiahou Dun spoke? And General Cao seems to have been named Prime Minister of Jinan!" Gongsun Zan suddenly clapped his hands and said.

"Yuan Rang is not so... strange." Guan Yu retorted directly after hearing this.

"Whether it is yes or not, you will know in one try." Gongsun Zan stood up, sat down again after thinking for a while, and said to Liu Ling, who was in a daze, "Ling'er, go and take the rabbit away from that girl's hand."

"So it's this kind of kid..." Liu Ling seemed to hear it, but seemed not to hear it as he muttered to himself, stood up and walked towards the girl.

Although other people present felt that something was wrong, most of them also wanted to know what would happen, so they did not say anything to stop it.

Oh, Liu Ling took the rabbit doll away from the girl: "It's nothing..."


At this moment, there seemed to be a phantom of a black pillar of fire rising into the sky, surrounding the two of them, but upon closer inspection, nothing happened.

"It's nothing special." Liu Ling finished his words without any pause, as if he didn't notice anything strange.

However, the seat was facing the girl, and Liu Bei, who had been paying attention to this possible "younger brother and sister", noticed the difference. If we say, the girl holding the rabbit was a proud and unruly person who did not take anyone present at all. As for the princess, then the girl who had the rabbit taken away was a shy and uneasy lady who had just discovered that she had accidentally gotten into trouble.

"This girl," Liu Bei tried to repeat the question just now: "Can you tell us where your home is and why you went to Jinan alone?"

"I, my name is Xia Houji..." The girl seemed to shrink before saying: "I am from Qiao County, Yuzhou, and I went to Jinan to visit my relatives with an uncle of my clan. Unexpectedly, I was scattered by a large number of ferocious beasts on the way. The uncle chased the beasts on a whim. Go, I don’t know the direction, I’m lost here..."

What happened to the large number of ferocious beasts?

There seems to be something wrong with this uncle's head, right?

How can you get lost from Yuzhou, which is thousands of miles away, to Youzhou?

rabbit! The key is the rabbit!

Everyone present had different expressions. They all wanted to ask something, but they felt that if they asked, they would only get an even more speechless answer, so they all looked at Liu Bei.

"So, what is the name of the relative you want to vote for? Could it be Xiahou Dun?" Liu Bei would not follow their wishes and just continued to ask the questions he had planned.

"Yes..." Xiahou Ji responded: "I was originally going to join my cousin Xiahou Yuan and my cousin Xiahou Dun."

"..." Liu Bei tried his best to restrain himself from questioning the relationship between the two people, and then asked: "What happened after you separated from your cousin and before you met this big black man?"

"" Xiahou Ji tilted her head and thought, but there was no logic or connection in what she said.

Obviously, it was what she did in the "rabbit hugging form", so it's not clear, but even if you ask her in that form, you will only get answers like "death knell" and "doomsday".

"Last question," Liu Bei pointed at Zhang Fei and asked, "This black... brother wants to marry you, what do you think?"

It was so dangerous that he almost called him a black uncle. Liu Bei secretly wiped his sweat. If the girl didn't want to, he would have to stop him from robbing the girl even if he had to have a big fight with his third brother.

"Well..." Xiahou Ji turned her head slightly and glanced at Zhang Fei.

"Hehe~ I will be nice to you." Zhang Fei scratched his head and giggled.

"But...but it's up to the husband to make the decision." The girl said in a tone that sounded like a mosquito bite.

Did you even call your husband? Liu Bei felt more and more unable to understand the world: " seems that now I can only consider going to Jinan to propose marriage to Cao Mengde."

"Haha, I wish you a happy marriage." Liu Ling, who was holding the rabbit doll, couldn't bear to listen. He threw the rabbit back to Xiahou Ji and quickly pushed out the door.

Oops, it seems that the girl's opinion of "holding a bunny form" was not considered in this matter.

Just when Liu Bei thought of this, he saw black flames igniting all over "Xiahou Ji", and said in the same tone as when he declared "death knell" and "doomsday" before: "[Hehehe-hahaha! If you want to marry this princess, you That’s five hundred years too early!]”

It seems that the "unruly princess" that I subconsciously thought of just now is not a coincidence?

Just when Liu Bei thought of this, he saw the black flames contracting and releasing, and then, a circle of fire that had no temperature and even seemed a little cold suddenly spread out with Xiahou Ji as the center.

scold! drink!

Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Gongsun Zan each took action and extinguished the black flames that spread in front of them. Zhang Fei, who was the closest, was burned without any defense at all - but it seemed that nothing had changed?

"[Humph...]" "Xiahou Ji" looked Zhang Fei up and down, and said with a little reluctance: "[Since I passed the test, I will temporarily sign a contract with you.]"

It's better not to get too close to the third brother when this "younger brother and sister" is present, Liu Bei thought as he quietly wiped his sweat.

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