The Collection of The End

Chapter 557 The Biography of Cao Cao (22)

——AD 184——

Luoyang East.

In Cao Cao's view, this trip to Luoyang was very smooth.

According to Xi Zhicai's plan, he investigated the detailed situation in Luoyang, persuaded and picked up his father and teacher, and successfully took away the "Princess of Ten Thousand Years" that he abducted from nowhere. Now he only needs to ensure that the teacher's books will not be lost along the way. , and arrive in Jinan safely.

This is how it should be.

But Xi Zhicai is still a young man who is quite expressive and pursues drama. Otherwise, he would not be able to do such a thing as "let Dian Wei sneak into the investigation and cover up the traces through some subsequent plans." If he pursues efficiency, let himself Or Zhenji could just take action herself.

All in all, whether there was a flaw in Xi Zhicai's plan or there was something traceable on the princess, the "Sword Master" who originally allowed them and the Shi Changshi to fight openly and secretly with each other has committed suicide himself.

Although many years have passed, Cao Cao's own strength has grown enough, but compared with when he saw the sword in Black Dragon Pond, the only difference is that he has changed from "not being able to see the trajectory clearly" to "being able to see the trajectory clearly."

The "stand-in" just now exclaimed "[Be careful]". When he looked along, he only saw the bright sword light streaking across the arc from the direction of Luoyang like lightning, but he had no time to react.

Seeing that the sword light was about to fall towards the carriage that the Cai sisters were riding in, Cao Cao's thought in the flash of lightning was: "Will Zhenji hit it back with a konghou?"

Tsk ding—boom!

The seemingly unstoppable sword light was actually blocked the moment it touched the roof of the carriage and exploded in mid-air. The aura it contained was so powerful that it was as powerful as black clouds pressing down on the city. Everyone present had some strength. Trembling, but the other mortals and mortal horses simply ran around in panic and confusion simply because of the loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, a clear female voice that Cao Cao remembered deeply sounded.

"[The dignified 'Sword Master' actually made things difficult for a group of little girls. Don't you think it's beneath your status?]"

Cao Cao was sure that he was staring at the sword light without blinking, but he did not see when "Merlin" appeared on the roof of the car.

The long snow-white hair exactly as in the impression, the exquisite black palace dress, the pure white hooded cloak that moves with the wind, the black cane that flashes with black light, the pink petals that fall by themselves, and the sword used to fly away The golden sword of light.

After not seeing each other for several years, he has grown from a naughty child to the head of a state, but she still has the same appearance... Is this the difference between immortals and mortals?


The sword light that cracked and exploded in mid-air gradually dissipated, and strands of white light intersected and converged. Finally, a tall swordsman wearing bright red ornate armor appeared in its original position. The pressure on the spectators increased sharply, and some less powerful guards He Jiading even lay down directly on the ground.

"You are indeed here, Jiangzuo Meilin." Wang Yue said in a slightly older voice: "It seems that you really intend to overthrow the big man."

"[Capsize?]" Merlin replied in an incredible tone: "If preventing the indiscriminate killing of innocent people is capsize, then it is better to capsize as soon as possible." ]"

"It's useless even if you try to cheat with your words," the sword master raised the broad-edged thick sword in his hand and pointed it at the carriage at Merlin's feet. : "Others can go on their own, but Wannian must stay."

This way of calling the princess by her title...does he really think that he is the "Sword of the Emperor"?

As soon as Wang Yue finished speaking, Cao Cao heard a slight movement from the carriage at the foot of Mei Lin. It seemed that someone was shouting something like "Why" and "I am the princess", and then was suppressed by Cai Wan.

"[What? Because my sister doesn't want to compete with her brothers for the family property, she can't clean up and leave the house?]" Merlin replied.

This metaphor... is not wrong, Cao Cao thought. Princess Wannian's biological mother was the former queen. Perhaps His Majesty felt something was wrong when he established the new queen, so he took the title in advance.

After Liu Nai, who had no power inside and outside Luoyang, left with Yuan Shao, the legitimate right to inherit the throne could not fall on her anyway. Even so, if she had to stay, could it be that the sword master was still taking orders from the queen... No, no possible.

"You guys, evacuate the nearby ordinary people and carriages as soon as possible." After the brief chaos, some leaders of the convoy guards began to organize order, and Xi Zhicai also whispered the order: "If they continue to gather here, , either being shocked to death by the aftermath of the battle, or hearing some inside information that shouldn’t be heard.”

As for other travelers, Dian Wei reacted quickly and came to Cao Cao's side to protect him. After Yuan Shao woke up from the shock, he looked like he wanted to rush to the carriage to protect the princess, but Cao Cao caught him back.

However, no one dared to speak loudly to interrupt the conversation between the two in the air - the top of the carriage can also be called the air.

"It's natural to leave the house if you want to, but you have to wait until the new emperor succeeds to the throne, so as not to--" Wang Yue glanced at Cao Cao with lightning eyes: "--to be taken advantage of by some 'capable ministers' or 'treacherous heroes' .”

Cao Cao was sure that that look was filled with murderous intent. Sweat was pouring down his back, but he still looked calm on the outside.

"[The old man seems to be able to vaguely sense me, partner,]" the "substitute" said in a voice that was deliberately lowered to the limit: "[I'll stay away first...]"

"Yes." Cao Cao responded slightly and said no more. It was obvious that Wang Yue already knew his intention to nominate the empress. Maybe he couldn't spy on everyone, but those who were specially followed were not an exception.

When the "substitute" quietly ran away, Merlin also made her response.

"[Use or not, what if I have to let her leave Luoyang today?]"

"Then today I will learn the clever tricks of 'Jiangzuo Meilin'!" Wang Yue's words popped out as if he had been waiting for them for a long time.

Wait... Cao Cao suddenly realized that even if Princess Wannian had some appeal and the possibility of succeeding to the throne, it would not be enough to immediately affect the fight for the throne after leaving Luoyang. This Wang Yue's purpose from the beginning was to use Cai Merlin appears to threaten the lives of his sisters and princess! He must have some killer move against "Merlin"!

Cao Cao felt a little anxious in his heart, but couldn't remind him. Even though he had an unparalleled substitute and excellent weapons such as the Yitian Sword, there was still a big gap between him and this battle that was obviously an extraordinary one. If he became the target of the Sword Master, If Merlin, who originally had to protect the princess, was distracted and defeated...

"[If I win today, will you let the princess go?]" Merlin asked again on the roof of the car.

"I guarantee it in the name of the Sword Master," Wang Yue said, "but if you lose, just stay with the princess."

"[Heh, you sound quite confident. Could it be that you have learned some tricks recently that can restrain my 'Eternal Garden'?]" Merlin raised his cane and tapped on the roof of the carriage at his feet.


A huge garden full of unknown lavender, red and pink flowers suddenly spread out with the Merlin as the center, completely covering all the horses, horses and livestock in the convoy.

Such an astonishing sight, but no one uttered a word of surprise because of Wang Yue's heavy pressure that was exuding all the time.

As for Wang Yue himself, he clearly stayed where he was, but after the "garden" was spread out, he gave people a strong impression of being "not in the garden".

"Soldiers are deadly weapons. Saints have to use them as a last resort." Wang Yue began to draw his sword slowly: "I will never return the sword. If you still have any moves, just use them all."

"[Are you serious?]" Merlin responded in a strange tone.

Wang Yue did not respond, but the slightly increased pressure and the sword that was still slowly unsheathed showed his firm determination.

"[I remember that your 'Tianhen Fufudo True Sword' has a large range, but it failed to penetrate the garden... placed by us. The 'Tianliu Fufudo True Sword' just now was only extremely fast. So, Presumably, the last sword of the 'three swords reaching the sky' must be earth-shattering.]" As Merlin said, he let go of the long staff in his hand, making it disappear into the air, and then held the sword she had just used to knock it away with both hands. The golden sword of light.

Could it be that she planned to have a sword duel with the "Sword Master"? Even with Cao Cao's calmness, he still had the urge to stop him loudly.

You are a fairy! What about immortal magic? Why do you want to fight with a "Sword Master"?

You can obviously use the sword skills that made you rush here from Luoyang in an instant, but you are slowly drawing the sword at this moment. Think about it, there must be something wrong!

Cao Cao turned his eyes for a moment and looked at the half-drawn blade of the Sword Master, but he was forced to look away due to the "sharpness" before he could see clearly what the sword looked like.

"[However, since you plan to use the 'Three Swords of Reaching the Heaven', then I will also use the 'Four Swords of Killing Immortals'. This one is called the 'Extreme Immortal Sword'.]" Merlin let go of his hand and was held tightly by her. Hui's golden rapier floated in the air and started gesticulating on its own.

"[ are the 'Zhu Xian Sword'.]" Merlin conjured another broad sword out of thin air, slightly wider than the golden sword and with many bright blue decorations.

"['Immortal Killing Sword', it's quite appropriate.]" The newly appeared sword was completely black, with several blood-red circles nested on it.

"[Hmm...]" The last thing Merlin took out was a giant sword similar in style to the golden and blue sword, but at least three times larger: "[Okay, 'Immortal Trap Sword', there is no point in objecting. 】 "

When Merlin suspended the four swords, which were more like decorations than weapons, around him, Wang Yue's sword was finally unsheathed.

Although it took a very long time to unsheath, no one can describe its appearance, because when looking towards it, even if the eyes are not opened by the excitement of killing, the line of sight itself will be "cut off" by it, so All that can be seen is nothingness.

The next moment, the "Sword of Nothingness" hit the "Garden" without even being able to see its trajectory. Then the entire "Garden" seemed to be swallowed up by the wave of "Nothingness" and began to disappear one after another from the direction where Wang Yue took out the sword. , revealing the people, horses and vehicles that were originally shrouded in a sea of ​​flowers.

When the "wave" was about to engulf Mei Lin, Cao Cao heard her sigh: "[This is really——]"

Then, the four suspended swords simultaneously burst into blazing white and dazzling light pillars soaring into the sky.

The last time Cao Cao saw this pillar of light was when he was dealing with the rebellious Qiang in Xiliang, and it was a top-down trend.


The beam of light dissipated and the sea of ​​flowers disappeared, as if the fight just now was just an illusion. However, not far from the motorcade, the Sword Master Wang Yue, who was holding a simple broken sword and with an extremely ugly face, proved that it was not an illusion.

"Huh!" He glanced at the carriage where Cao Cao and Liu Nai were sitting for the last time, turned around and leapt towards Luoyang.

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