The Collection of The End

Chapter 558 Zhao Yun Chuan (12)

——AD 184——

The Taiping Taoist disciples who fled Luoyang have arrived in Jizhou.

In addition to the assassins who planned the assassination of Zhang Rang, this team was also accompanied by Taiping Dao lurkers and their families who provided them with protection and cover, weapons and disguises, and intelligence from the Ten Constant Attendants during the assassination.

After all, this incident was too big. If the ten permanent attendants investigated carefully, all of them would be exposed. Even if some people who had no family to worry about wanted to take the risk and continue to lurk, Zhang Jie still made the decision to evacuate them all.

Not only because Sili has become too dangerous, but also because the nature of this time is different. The "imperial court's" attitude towards Taiping Dao has changed from secretly suppressing it to explicitly prohibiting it. All the branches of various states and ministries have been occupied. Even if they continue to stay, Doesn't make much sense.

At the same time, because Zhao Yun's strange "Wushuang" was used for this escape, the illusion was created in several places that the assassin was eliminated, protected by officials, and hid in secret passages, so the search scope of Shi Changshi was still limited to Luoyang City.

Because of this, until they left Sili, passed through Bingzhou, and entered Jizhou, there were no Shi Changshi's men or officers and soldiers chasing them. It can be said that this fleeing team was safe.

"Han Fu, the governor of Jizhou, is a good official who is mature, prudent, down-to-earth and close to the people, and respected by everyone." Ma Yuanyi comforted the Taoist disciples who were still anxious in the team: "Even if he received the order to close down various branches, he only sent it The notice required self-evacuation, but Julu General Forum has never paid attention to it or sent troops to embarrass it."

"Because he knows he can't beat him?" Zhang Jie, who was carrying an apricot-yellow flag, interrupted.

"Minjing..." Ma Yuanyi helplessly held her forehead.

"Hahaha——" "Yes, there is no difference between arriving in Jizhou and returning home." "If those guys come after me, give them a good look!" After the escapees joked for a while, the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

"This little junior sister of mine unexpectedly has some leadership skills." Zhao Yun, who volunteered to stay behind, said in a low voice to his master Zhang Jiao who was definitely following him in the "Mountains and Rivers Society Map" while cleaning the traces with cracks.

"Of course, it doesn't matter whose daughter it is." Zhang Jiao's ethereal voice was filled with a little pride and pride.

Just like Master Tong Yuan, Zhao Yun thought, Master Zhang Jiao can also vaguely detect the movements of people with "power" in the "outside world", but it is very difficult to interfere and influence, just like this sentence just now He is probably trying his best to convey it "outwardly", and the only one who can hear it is himself who can freely shuttle between the two worlds.

As for this junior sister, her mobility is also very amazing. Not only did she come to Luoyang to rescue the assassins after rescuing the group of Taoist disciples in Liangzhou, but she also proved to Zhao Yun that she was "one of her own" in a short time. In just a short period of time, he made the decision to obey this senior brother's orders.

Moreover, after the imperial court declared Taiping Dao a traitor and issued an arrest order, it was also because she ran around in advance that the commanders from various places did not directly rise up and cause greater trouble.

In the eyes of the imperial court, or perhaps the ten permanent ministers, this powerful and influential missionary organization had been completely eliminated. However, at this time, the reputation Taiping Dao had accumulated over the past decades came into play.

In the absence of a real rebellion in Taiping Dao, the state capitals unanimously adopted the method of "recruiting" the captured Taoist disciples. Therefore, while Taiping Dao disappeared, many state capitals had many standing armies. A brand-new branch of the army, the "medical soldier", was created.

After the dust settled, it was found that very few Taoist disciples actually died in this incident - Zhao Yun had already confirmed this through the number of people who fell into the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map everywhere.

As for those who will never surrender, those who think "why should I be ordered to be safe because I have developed a power based on my own ability", and those who have complete distrust of the government, they have returned to Julu General Altar early or after the incident, making Julu The county has completely become the headquarters of Taiping Road.

Han Fu, the governor of Jizhou, pretended not to see it at all, did not report to Luoyang at all, and even evacuated Julu's governor and lieutenant.

The combined result of this series of events has made Julu a "state within a state" that is willing to pay taxes normally and abide by most laws, but will never listen to Luoyang's orders. If you want to completely wipe them out, you will only need as much military power as possible. It must be more than five times the amount used to quell the Xiliang rebellion.

"Regarding this, can Julu County be self-sufficient with its own products? Master." Zhao Yun asked a little worriedly: "If there are difficulties, the disciple still has some connections in Changshan Kingdom..."

"Haha, you know how to care about this matter. It seems that Zilong is getting closer and closer to finding his own 'strategy to govern the world'," Zhang Jiao responded: "You don't have to worry about this, just send those idle and panicked people to become rangers." Can."

"That's good..." Zhao Yun paused and decided not to tell Dong Zhuo about becoming the leader of the world's knights for the time being. After all, it was just a plan.

"Speaking of which, Zilong, what do you think of Jie'er?" Zhang Jiao's tone suddenly became a little strange.

"As for the junior sister, the moves attached to the flag are very strong, but she is not strong enough and may be targeted by her opponents. In addition, she is always lost and may put herself in danger," Zhao Yun replied: "And , although she is not tall, she is two years older than the disciple and entered the school earlier, so it seems that she should not be called junior sister."

"You think she's older than you?" Zhang Jiao replied with unclear meaning.

"..." With Zhao Yun's intelligence, even if he couldn't react just now, he already understood what the master meant when he heard this sentence. He couldn't help but feel speechless: "Uh, the junior sister seems to be quite close to the senior brother?"

"Ha," Zhang Jiao said with a relaxed tone after hearing that Zhao Yun understood what he meant: "As a teacher, I will not interfere with her choice. I will only create opportunities for her to get to know young heroes. Unfortunately, at present, it is almost None can surpass Yuan Yi's level, Zhou Cang is a bit darker, Liao Hua is a bit ugly, and Zhang Liao... is really too young."

"Well..." Zhao Yun was completely speechless.

"Zilong probably hasn't noticed, but I feel that Jie'er has a good impression of you." Zhang Jiao added.

"How is that possible? I met my junior sister just then—" Zhao Yun finished cleaning up some traces and then casually looked towards the front of the fleeing team.

But... Zhang Jie was talking to Ma Yuanyi, but her face was slightly tilted towards Zhao Yun, and her eyes glanced at his position from time to time. At this time, she saw Zhao Yun looking over, and looked away hastily. His face and even his speaking voice were a little louder or two.

No way? Zhao Yun rarely became a little overwhelmed.

"However, if Julu continues to develop like this, it is likely to become the Julu Kingdom. If Jie'er becomes the queen, other men will not dare to climb high..." Zhang Jiao naturally couldn't see this situation and began to chatter. Nagging.

No, if you dare to establish a country without authorization, you will only become a wandering army without a base...

Zhao Yun was about to respond to relieve his embarrassment when his eyes suddenly darkened. When he looked up, he found that the sky had become pitch black, with only a "round" of light remaining in the southwest.

"What's wrong?" "Tengu eats the sun?" "Who did it?" "It's not me!" The team of escapees started making noises.

"Don't move where you are! Everyone is on guard in defensive postures! Those who have torches at hand light the torches!" Zhang Jie shouted loudly.

She does have the potential to be a queen... Zhao Yun still had time to think this while staring at the "light" in the southwest.

The light did not move and looked like an arch bridge, but under this pitch-black sky, its existence itself was an anomaly.

"Zilong, what happened to the 'outside world'?" Zhang Jiao seemed not to notice anything unusual at all.

"The sky has turned dark inexplicably. It seems like -" Zhao Yun quickly made a judgment. "The 'Sword Master' has taken action, but the target is not far from Luoyang, so only an arc of light can be seen here."

"It's dark..." Zhang Jiao paused: "'The sky is dead'?"

"Uh, what?" Zhao Yun didn't hear Zhang Jue's originally vague voice: "Do you need me to open a 'gap' for Master to see?"

"No, Zilong, don't look at that arc of light," Zhang Jiao said very quickly: "Look at the sky in the opposite direction."

"Oh, okay." At this time, sporadic torches were lit, and Zhao Yun could see that most of the escapees were curiously looking at the only source of light. Although he was still a little curious, he still followed Zhang Jiao's instructions and looked in the opposite direction. Sky.


After a few breaths, some kind of illusory shattering sound sounded, and then, a dazzling golden light rose into the sky, starting from the position of the "arc light", and instantly dyed the entire sky into golden yellow, and this The golden color only lasted for a moment, and then instantly receded to reveal the original blue sky and white clouds.

"Ouch! My eyes!" "It flashed to death!" "What is that!" The team of escapees was in a panic again, but the person who lit the torch was not affected by the sudden flash and was calm.

"Master, you are right. The golden light erupted from that position just now, completely dispersing the black." Zhao Yun, who was also not affected, immediately said to Zhang Jiao: "What on earth is this..."

"Hey hey hey... Hahaha!" Zhang Jiao's laughter can be heard even through the "Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map": "'The sky is dead, the yellow sky will stand', is this true? "

"Master?" Zhao Yun felt that Zhang Jiao seemed to be a little strange. He glanced at Zhang Jie who was dealing with the chaos. Seeing that she was not paying attention, he raised his hand to open the gap and entered the "Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map".

Phew—a pink object floated past Zhao Yun's eyes.

Those are petals, endless petals.

From the direction of the golden light rising from the outside, countless pink petals are flying in all directions. Wherever the petals go, the lush plants that originally covered most of the ruins recede at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the originally gray ruins and The broken eaves and broken walls were restored to their appearance in the "outside world", and vivid colors were added.

At the age of Jiazi, will the world be in good luck?

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