The Collection of The End

Chapter 577 Biography of Liu Bei (18)

——AD 187——

Youzhou, Guangyang County.

Liu Bei was not too surprised that his teacher Lu Zhi finally chose to settle in Guangyang County. With his teacher's intelligence, he could see the contradiction between the east and west tribes of Youzhou, that is, between the Gongsun family and the Liu family, as well as their relationship with each other. The fragile balance that can be maintained at all times can be said to be a piece of cake.

Because of this, he could not just choose one side as a "weight" of sufficient weight. After thinking for a long time, he chose Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan, two "weights" that originally played a balancing role between the two major forces.

It is a natural thing for a disciple to support his teacher, just like children to support their parents, and no one can question it.

Liu Bei, who had thought about this possibility, had already made some preparations. Soon after Lu Zhi made his decision, his mansion and academy in Jixian County were completed. If Lu Zhi was willing, he could teach some students in his spare time. come out.

For all parties in Youzhou, this is an acceptable result. After all, they were not qualified to appoint the former "Three Dukes" from the beginning. The purpose of wooing him was to ask him to continue teaching or to increase the cultural heritage of Youzhou. .

Precisely because he was supervised by a teacher who had been loyal to the emperor and the country all his life, Liu Bei had no chance of pretending not to know after receiving the "Belt Order".

After all, the messenger was so shrewd that he threw the emperor's edict directly on the desk in Teacher Lu Zhi's study.


"Destroy the traitors and restore peace to the country..." Liu Bei sighed and put the copy of the Clothing and Belt Order back on the table - the original copy was collected by Teacher Lu Zhi. He looked at the other people in the small study: "Brother Bogui , Xianhe, second brother, third brother, what do you think about this matter?"

As for the recently recruited Zhang He, Gao Lan and Yan Liang Wen Chou, since they have not yet gained full trust, they cannot be invited to participate in such confidential and important intelligence discussions for the time being.

"Fight!" Zhang Fei responded immediately: "Last time I went to Luoyang to pick up my eldest brother's teacher, it was said that many powerful guys went there. I was very sorry that I couldn't have a happy fight."

Didn't you and Dian Wei have a great time playing together? Liu Bei glanced at his third brother.

"In the past, traitors and sycophants were in power, and they were all deceived by saints. Now that your majesty has awakened, he is in jail. This is the time for us to do our part," Guan Yu replied, stroking his long beard.

As expected, Liu Bei looked at Guan Yu again. This second brother who loved reading "Spring and Autumn" had always behaved in this way, both loyal and righteous. In his opinion, all the problems in the world today originated from those who deceived the emperor. As long as the treacherous ministers of the eyes and ears are eliminated, the emperor will naturally make the right decision, but before that, he should use his own means to uphold justice.

Although this idea holds true in most cases, His Majesty's money-grubbing character cannot be guided by a few crafty men.

"This move is imperative," Jian Yong said, "but how to do it remains to be discussed."

"What are we discussing? Xuande's 'White Ear Soldiers' plus my 'White Horse Yi Cong', whether calculated or not, it is not difficult to enter Luoyang." Gongsun Zan continued.

"What should we do next? Besieged by many forces in the name of rebellion?" Jian Yong retorted: "Perhaps Xuande's two armies are much more elite than ordinary soldiers, but can they defeat a hundred enemies with one?"

"Humph...of course..." Gongsun Zan retorted without any confidence.

"Xuande, this is not what I want to advise you to abandon the emperor. However, everything must be done according to your ability." Jian Yong turned to Liu Bei and said: "Leading troops into Luoyang is a situation where there is no way to retreat. If you can't Save His Majesty from the situation of being unable to leave the house. Those traitors may at any time punish me and others for treason. I am not familiar with the specific military affairs. Just ask Xuande. I am 50% sure of this trip. ?”

Don't worry about victory, think about defeat first. Although Xianhe is a scholar, he acts very steadily, just like a general in the Chinese army... Liu Bei thought while thinking,

While shaking his head: "The chance of winning is less than 30%."

Based on Liu Bei's understanding of Luoyang's defense when he was studying under Lu Zhi, 30% is a bit high. After all, he had no siege equipment at all, and he couldn't prepare enough luggage in a hurry. He had to pass through Bingzhou or Jizhou...etc. ?

"In my opinion, this matter should be handed over to the governor Liu Yu," Jian Yong continued: "By uniting the Gongsun family and the Su family, and using the power of one state, we can accomplish this."

"If we can achieve something with the help of one state, wouldn't Liu Biao of Jingzhou, Liu Yan of Yizhou, and Liu Dai of Yanzhou have already succeeded?" Gongsun Zan seemed to be at odds with Jian Yong because his proposal was rejected: "Because the tail is too big to fall off. All we need to do is to rush into Luoyang with elite county soldiers and kill the ten regular servants before anyone can react, and it will be a big deal."

Brother Bo Gui... When he was a student, he talked a little about strategy, but now for some reason, he always wants to solve everything directly with force. Could it be that the people who are attracted by his cousin Liu Ling have similar traits?

"I'm afraid Bogui has forgotten that Xuande is still just the governor of Guangyang County. He will be punished if he sends troops and generals out of his jurisdiction at will, let alone going to an important place like Luoyang." Jian Yong said again.

"Uh..." Gongsun Zan's eyes widened, as if he had just thought of this.

"Hey! If anyone dares to come to punish him, he will be hanged and beaten." Zhang Fei said.

"Loyalty lies in loyalty. Even if the small details are damaged, it is still a last resort." Guan Yu put on the same expression as when he was about to kill the county magistrate.

"Xuande?" "Xuande, look." "Brother, what do you say?"

Liu Bei originally wanted to listen to everyone's opinions for reference, but unexpectedly, the result of their discussion was to let him make the decision? If I hadn't been inspired halfway, wouldn't it be time to be speechless?

"Your Majesty issued an edict to punish thieves, and as ministers, we should obey the edict." Liu Bei said slowly.

Gongsun Zan and Zhang Fei looked a little excited as if they had received support, but Jian Yong and Guan Yu looked a little confused because of the word "should".

"However, His Majesty's edict did not require that we must use our 'original identity' to fight against traitors." Liu Bei added.

Guan Yu frowned, but Jian Yong seemed to understand.

"Brother Bogui, Yide, you have lived in Youzhou for a long time and have many relatives and friends in your family. If things are not harmonious, can you bear to see them being implicated for no reason?" Liu Bei turned to Gongsun Zan and Zhang Fei and said.

"Could it be that Xuande wants to order the troops not to display banners?" Gongsun Zan understood, but he was still quite confused: "But we set out from Youzhou. Anyone who is interested can know our identities with just a little investigation."

"So, we need a force that no one will ever ask for its origins." Seeing that several people were still confused, Liu Bei raised his hand and pointed south, "To the south of Zhuo County is the birthplace of Taiping Road, Julu."

"I heard that after the Taiping Dao branch altars in various places were defeated, their Taoist disciples either surrendered or fled. Only the Julu main altar was still concentrating its forces to resist the imperial purge. Unexpectedly, the emperor encountered misfortune and had no time to pay attention to them." Jian Yong said: "Could it be that Xuande wants to disguise himself as Julu's Taiping Army?"

"It's not a disguise, but the real 'Youzhou Taiping Army'," Liu Bei said: "On that day when Liu... the governor was confronting the Taiping Dao branch, he was attacked by the Wuhuan aliens. Although most of the Taoist disciples fled, some were still willing to surrender. Among them, Guo Tai, Yang Feng, Li Le, Hu Cai and others and their tribes have performed outstandingly in fighting Wuhuan invaders in recent years. The governor wanted to reward them, but they refused to accept the imperial reward of "ten permanent attendants" , the governor had no choice but to put them under my name. If we want to go to Luoyang to deal with the ten permanent servants, it would be most appropriate for them to lead the troops there."

"Even if we fail, as long as we can escape smoothly, we will not be traced?" Gongsun Zan thought for a moment and nodded.

"Once Taiping Road was destroyed, those who were not depressed and unable to calm down must have gone to Julu." Liu Bei saw that Guan Yu couldn't bear it, so he added: "We have provided them with an opportunity for revenge. If they can successfully kill the Shi Changshi , rescued the emperor, not only did they have no fault, but they actually made meritorious deeds."

"From my province." Guan Yu nodded.

"Oh? Are you really going to fight? That's great," Zhang Fei grinned and yelled: "But what about the armor? Those white helmets and white armor are too conspicuous - Oh! Right! I don't want to wear those ugly yellow ones of theirs. Taoist robe!"

"Even if I want to wear it, there is no one of your size," Liu Bei smiled: "You only need to tie yellow belts on the foreheads and left arms of the soldiers, and those Taiping Taoist disciples will wear Taoist robes."

"Yes," Jian Yong said: "When others talk about it, they will only say that it is 'a team led by several Taiping Taoists with yellow cloth belts on their foreheads and left arms.' As for the fact that the armor is all white, It will probably be ignored."

"However, hastily ordering the soldiers to disguise themselves and march to Luoyang may cause unnecessary misunderstandings," Guan Yu said, "However, before setting off, the purpose of the trip and the reason for the disguise should be clearly explained to the soldiers."

"Well, that's it..." Liu Bei nodded in agreement. Seeing that the others had nothing to add, he was about to let people disperse, but suddenly he heard someone outside the window read in a deep voice.

"——With all due respect, there is still a big loophole in your plan."

"What -" Zhang Fei was about to shout and ask who the visitor was, but Liu Bei raised his hand and suppressed him.

"It turns out to be General Gao. He came here late at night. What do you want to teach him?" Liu Bei opened the window and hung upside down. Gao Lan, wearing a hood and cloak, swooped in like a bat.

"One of General Gongsun and General Liu must guard Guangyang," Gao Lan held up the edge of his hood: "And one of General Guan and Zhang must stay."


"That's right," Jian Yong suddenly thought of the reason: "Guangyang can't be left unattended for a long time, and Generals Guan and Zhang are so distinctive. If they appear in front of people together, it can be said that half of their identity will be exposed."

"But...if there are not enough generals accompanying the army, there is no guarantee that the leaders of the Taiping Army will not do anything evil out of hatred." Liu Bei responded.

"So -" "So, you need a gorgeous, mysterious, elusive person like a butterfly to participate in this operation~" Following Gao Lan, the gorgeous and weird Zhang He also walked out of the window. "Float" in.

Well, very good. If they were involved, no one would have thought that this team would belong to Liu Xuande of Youzhou, Liu Bei thought idly.

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