The Collection of The End

Chapter 578 Biography of Sun Jian (14)

——AD 187——

Hongnong County, Yang's Manor.

Sun Jian had been an official for many years, but it was impossible to say that there had never been any scribes willing to serve.

It can only be said that there has never been a scribe with a level "beyond ordinary people" to serve.

At this time, Sun Jian had already discovered that his father, Sun Zhong, had pinned his hopes of bringing glory to his family from the very beginning.

Although the Sun family claims to be the descendants of Sun Bin, it is so old that it is difficult for contemporary people to admit it. Therefore, even today, with the vigorous development of his father, the Sun family has rich assets, extensive connections, and many tribes, which is faintly hidden. Although he has the power of being the number one clan in Jiangdong, he is still derided as a "melon grower" behind his back.

At this time, not only Gan Ning and Zhou Tai, but also the four generals who had been following him, Cheng Pu, Zu Mao, Huang Gai and... Han Dang, were all because of their father's kindness to them or their fathers. Willing to help.

He must do something great to make others call his father "the father of Sun Jian" instead of saying when introducing him that he is "the son of Sun Zhong from Jiangdong". Only then can there be people who think highly of themselves. Literary men came to serve.

Before that, Sun Jian could only accept gifts from his father and at the same time imitate his actions, recruit his subordinates by building closer relationships and showing kindness. So far, this approach has achieved one result, that is, Zhuge Jin, the son of the magistrate of Taishan County.

He was young and smart, and could use that kind of wonderful "magic". He had previously proposed to come to Luoyang to "see the world". This move was tantamount to wanting to surrender, but Sun Nuoya, who knew that the trip was dangerous, refused. He killed him - for some reason, Cheng Pu praised him as "the young master is wise".

Back to Cheng Pu, he is currently the only person under Sun Jian who can be called "wisdom and courage". He can lead the army in battle and make suggestions. He has almost no shortcomings except that he always advises Sun Jian to stand on his own.

However, even Cheng Pu was somewhat incapable of handling Xiapi's military affairs and planning certain difficult matters. Therefore, if those who came to serve could not surpass Cheng Pu, they would have to become an account official.

"It would be best if Mr. Yang Xiaolang is willing to assist the young master," Cheng Pu said after Yang Xiu left: "After Han Yigong finished reporting the information, I am still thinking about the inside story of this chaos in Luoyang. He has already concluded came to a conclusion and came in laughing.”

"It's a pity that he is the son of a Taiwei, so he probably doesn't look down on the little county magistrate," Sun Jian laughed at himself: "He probably just wants to go to Luoyang to see the excitement and test his guesses. Of course, he may also want to take advantage of the opportunity. Let him use his talents to do something, and we are just a 'stepping stone' for him to achieve his goal."

"It is also possible that he intends to compete with the 'people who create rumors' in his mouth." Cheng Pu said: "General Zhu Jun, who we belong to for the time being, is the unknown person who wants to muddy the waters, as well as the eunuchs, relatives and ministers. Different factions, there are people with different positions in Luoyang at this time... haha."

"Lord, I will kill all your enemies." Zhou Tai said every word.

"Well, indeed," Cheng Pu began to perform his "strategist" duties at this time: "In Luoyang, where you can't just kill anyone, Youping's Wushuang technique of immobilizing people is very useful, so this operation will You will protect Wentai at all times."

"I..." Zhou Tai was stunned for a moment. Although he wanted to explain that after immobilizing a person, he could choose the next move to take his life, he couldn't express it in as concise words as possible: "...accept the order."

"Come with me, Gongfu," Cheng Pu said, "I will pretend to be a rich man with a bad temper who always beats the coachman with a riding crop."

"No, I am the 'car driver'." Huang Gai laughed.

"There are not many trees in Luoyang. Zu Mao, you don't have to enter the city. You just have to prepare your carriages and horses in the forest in the southeast. In case of failure, you must promptly help the young master escape Sili and go to Jiangdong." Nodding, Cheng Pu asked Zu Mao again said.

"Wait? Why not Xiapi, Xuzhou?" Sun Jian asked in surprise.

"Haha...Young Master shouldn't think that 'Qing Jun's Side' is an ordinary act that can be gratifying even if it succeeds, and worry-free even if it fails?" Cheng Pu shook his head and said: "If the Young Master is worried about Xiapi's family members and Zhou Xian Cheng, , they have probably already set off for Jiangdong, at the same time they received the young master’s move.”

"Oh, um..." Sun Jian responded hesitantly.

"Now that the arrangements have been made, then——"

"And me?"


Following Han Dang's voice, like sunlight illuminating a dark corner, his tall figure appeared in the room. In fact, he had never changed positions since Yang Xiu came in.

"Just as usual, Mr. Righteous, you will use your characteristics to not be noticed to support all parties, but don't act alone rashly. I am sure that your move will not be hidden from the eyes of the 'Sword Master'." Cheng Pu responded quickly. .

Everyone nodded, as if they had never ignored him.


Xiapi, the county government.

"Make Jungong laugh," the county magistrate Zhou Yi said to Zhuge Gui while sorting out the documents and files: "I always like to do things from beginning to end. If Wentai succeeds, it will be fine. If unfortunately it fails, these things that Xiapi has done over the years will The paper trail can also be left with the next county magistrate.”

"Without rules, there is no rule," Zhuge Gui praised: "This is not a matter of sticking to rules, but of thorough consideration."

"Jungong is so complimentary." Zhou Yi smiled and continued to sort out the bamboo slips.

"But, has Uncle Zhou ever thought that if General Sun succeeds in the army, he will surely rise to great heights, and these documents must still be left to the next county magistrate." Zhuge Jin, who was standing behind his father, interjected.

"..." Zhou Yi froze for a moment, and kept moving, but a little slower: "Doesn't this prove that this matter is indeed done?"

"Go and take care of Mr. Qiao with Bo Fu Gongjin." Zhuge Gui waved his son away.

Zhuge Jin curled his lips and walked out of the meeting hall, and the compliments between the two people could be heard in his ears.

"Tzuyu is smart and has an unlimited future."

"Nowhere, Bo Fu and Gong Jin are the young heroes."


After meeting General Sun at the border of Taishan County, his father handed over the official affairs of Taishan County and dragged his family to Xiapi in the name of returning to his hometown to visit relatives. He had a pleasant talk with the Prime Minister of Zhou County.

However, Zhuge Jin did not like the son of Zhouxian Cheng very much. His own name was Jin, whose name was Ziyu, while the son of Zhouxian Cheng's son was named Yu, whose name was Gongjin. According to the Han system, the "gong" title was higher than the "zi" title. Waiting for five.

However, his advantage is that he is older and started serving as an official earlier than him. With similar intelligence, it is absolutely impossible for him to be a viscount while the other party is already a duke... maybe.

"Don't help me! I can walk by myself!" When he was approaching the county government's back garden, Zhuge Jin heard the angry quarrel of the old bridge man.

How did a former Taiwei who lived in seclusion near Luoyang bring his family to Xuzhou? Zhuge Jin was puzzled.

However, my father once said that if something cannot be explained by common sense, you can just blame it on "Wushuang" and "Immortal". If it is relatively close to Luoyang, you can also blame it on "Sword Master".

"Mr. Qiao." Zhuge Jin followed the sound and saw the old man who was waving his cane and trying to drive away the two teenagers.

Because he was wearing a wide robe and had large sleeves, Zhuge Jin could not see that his arms and legs were weak, but it could be seen from the posture of the two crutches under his arm that he was obviously unable to use one side.

"I said I can walk! Why is there another one!" The old man seemed to become even more angry when he saw Zhuge Jin. He raised his hand and was about to throw the crutch over. The boy with a stronger figure named Sun Ce quickly stopped him. Zhou Yu, who Zhuge Jin was still thinking just now, took three steps at a time to pull him away and out of the sight of Sun Ce and Qiao Lao.

"Fortunately you're here," the handsome Zhou Yu kept saying to Zhuge Jin at his feet: "Our brothers were originally building a wheelchair for Mr. Qiao, but he suddenly got angry for some reason and insisted on going out for a few steps. Make a pair of crutches for him temporarily, and while Bo Fu can hold on, let's go and finish that thing first."

"Wait?" Zhuge Jin had thought for a long time about how to talk when the two of them met alone without being accompanied by their elders, but the other party seemed to be completely silent?

The saddest thing is that she is no stronger than him, and there is no room to break free when being dragged away.

"" It wasn't until he was dragged into a room probably used by the carpenters in the mansion, with tools and workbenches everywhere, that Zhuge Jin finally had the chance to speak.

"Okay, don't say useless things." Zhou Yu let go of his hand and rolled out a wooden wheel-mounted Taishi chair from the corner of the room. "Come here and lend a hand - don't look reluctant, you've already Now that you have decided to serve Uncle Sun, you should do things in advance."

"..." Zhuge Jin blocked all the words he expected. He stared at Zhou Yu fiercely for a moment, then stepped forward to help, and said in his mouth: "...You are so cruel."

The problem with this "wheelchair" is that it is not big enough to be equipped with four wheels like a carriage. The overall structure has been installed. What is needed now is to adjust the balance to ensure that the person sitting on it will not tip over no matter how far he reclines. fall.

Zhuge Jin had some complaints at first, but after getting started, he was fascinated by its structure, and he kept marveling at it during the adjustment process.

Zhou Yu explained: "It uses some mechanism techniques of Mohism, but our research is not thorough enough. The wheels must be pushed by other people or the passengers themselves. Maybe in the future we will develop a wheelchair that can walk on its own -"

Halfway through the conversation, the little girl's laughter came from the inner courtyard separated by a wall.

"Hehehe~ Sister, look, this little wooden horse can walk on its own~"

"Don't touch them randomly. If you make them cry, your mother will scold them."

They seem to be... Mr. Qiao's two granddaughters? Zhuge Jin looked at the direction from which the sound came.

Speaking of which, due to the need to move the family to Jiangdong, in addition to Qiao Lao's daughter-in-law A'Zhu, General Sun's wife Wu, Zhou Xiancheng's wife Ji, and himself and Xiaoliang's mother He, all moved there Here, the female family members and boys under five years old also live temporarily in the backyard.

"Hee~ They won't cry~" The girl's voice from before sounded again: "Tell sister, what are your names?"

"...Zhuge Liang." A little boy's voice replied without energy.

"Hmm~ What about you?"

"I am Sun Quan~" The other boy's voice sounded a little naughty: "Sister-in-law of the Zhou family~"

"Hey!" The girl called out a strange tone of voice, and then there was a snapping sound, and she probably turned around and ran away.

"Well..." Zhuge Jin turned around and planned to say something to Zhou Yu, but saw that the handsome young man's face was green, white and red.

Haha, that’s it.

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