The Collection of The End

Chapter 581 History of Three Kingdoms (9)

Map of Mountains and Rivers, East China Sea.

[This completely proves that it’s not my fault that I couldn’t find that ancient artifact! 】

When Zhao Yun was reading the "Edict on Clothes and Belts", the stupid system screamed loudly.

"Yes, yes, it's not your fault." I picked up a petal floating on the sea, glanced at the seal on the screen, and said casually.

At that time, without looking back, Zhao Yun used the "gentian" he had just poked out from the gap to block Gao Lan's hidden sword. Then he hit his arms with his left and right bows, making him temporarily unable to fight back. Then he spun around and fired the silver spear directly. Pierced through his clothes, he picked him up and swung the gun barrel up and down, stun him and then slapped it hard on the ground, knocking the white-clothed assassin to the ground almost silently.

Of course, this is not the point. There is no pressure on Zhao Yun to defeat Gao Lan.

The point is, when Zhao Yun went to look at the "Edict on Clothes and Belts", it suddenly shone brightly, and then prompted his sister to give a hint:

[Tip: Found traces of ‘Kongtong Seal’]

So, the "Kongtong Seal" came to the jade seal passed down from the country? That's really a blind spot. Even though I've been to Luoyang so many times, I haven't even thought about hitting that thing - the Sword Master must be keeping an eye on it.

[I hate things that come from 'outside the world' in this setting.] The stupid system is still complaining: [Even if I scanned the jade seal a hundred times before, I could only conclude that it is the jade seal of the country. This conclusion, if no one in this world triggers it, will remain in a state of 'non-existence'. 】

"Basically, it's like someone inserted a USB flash drive into the 'computer' of the 'world'? If no one calls it, because it doesn't belong to this 'computer', we have no way to control it?" I thought about it. Relevant tips from the last time the stupid system "frozen".

For example, the Clock Tower, the Demon God's Annihilation Realm, or the Heavenly Court, there are always places that are not under my control and cannot be seen.

[It's close, but we don't have a physical host, it's just a virtual machine. 】

Nonsense, it was uninstalled.

"Hmm... So, this proves that Mr. Pang De is telling the truth? Is there really a 'fairyland' or something else 'up there'? Is it the same as the journey to the west?"

[I'm not sure about that time on the journey to the West. It probably existed, but this time I can be sure that the only thing that really 'exists' is its 'influence' on the world of the Three Kingdoms. If Pang Degong said that the 'Stairway to Heaven' 'Reconstruction means the unification of the Three Kingdoms. In that case, we will directly 'end the game'. It doesn't matter whether we have it or not. 】

"So, the last question, why does this 'Edict on Clothes and Belts' emit light that can only be seen in the 'Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map'?" I pointed at Zhao Yun who was reading the edict.

[Who knows, maybe he’s calling for friends? 】

"Well, then..."

When I was about to switch to another monitor, I saw a cloud of mist-like water vapor drifting in from outside the tent, and dispersed with a crash, revealing Zhang Jie's figure.

It's so rare that she didn't fail to cast a spell or get lost.

"Junior Brother Zilong~ You are indeed here!" Zhang Jie, who was holding the apricot-yellow flag, first greeted Zhao Yun happily, and then looked around slightly strangely: "The banquet is held in such a small place?"

Very good, it’s not that I didn’t get lost, I just hit the wrong path.

Zhang Jie looked around for another week, looked at the belt edict in Zhao Yun's hand, and then looked at Gao Lan who fell to the ground unconscious, and said as if he suddenly realized: "Is this so? Junior brother, I need senior sister to help you 'deal' with this person No?"

What is this girl thinking about? !

"No, senior sister, this is -" halfway through Zhao Yun's words, the clothing edict in his hand and the apricot-yellow flag in Zhang Jie's hand suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light at the same time, causing them both to raise their hands to cover their eyes.

In the flash of golden light, the "Belt Edict", which was originally just an ordinary belt, became gleaming and seemed to be woven with gold and silver threads.

The writing and seal on it all shimmered.

"Then, what is that?" Because the golden light was dazzling, Zhang Jie directly hid Xinghuang Qi behind her back, and the Yidai Zhao, who no longer "faced" Xinghuang Qi directly, also changed back to its original state.

"It's a big trouble." Zhao Yun looked at the belt edict and responded: "It seems that I have to stop my current plan and go with them quietly."

"Then...I want to go too!" Zhang Jie responded: "This group of 'Baibo Taiping Road' are originally here to ask for help. I will send people to support them and just follow them quietly."

"This... is good..."

Haha, Zhao Yun's only weakness is that he won't reject girls. Now Luoyang is really busy.


"So, Sister Tip? What happened to the 'Clothes and Belts Edict'?" I watched Zhao Yun mention Gao Lan and walk out of the camp with Zhang Jie, then turned to Sister Tip and asked.

[Tip: Due to the simultaneous influence of the ‘Wuji Xinghuang Banner’, ‘Taiping Yaoshu’ and ‘Kongtong Seal’, the ‘Yidai Zhao’ was upgraded to the ‘Feng Shen Bang’. 】prompted my sister to respond.

ha? These two things that are not artifacts have also "arrived" to play?

[Hmm...nothing wrong. This edict was written by the emperor in cinnabar. The crooked handwriting is like a talisman. And the little protective flag you gave to Zhang Jie was casually named 'Wuji Xinghuang Flag' at the time, wasn't it? 】The stupid system interjected.

"Can't the world's will be a joke? Who knew at that time that it would involve ancient artifacts?"

[This is called ‘unpreventable’, so when you joke, it’s better to make jokes that are absolutely impossible to come true. 】

"For example...'Stupid systems will stop being stupid one day'"?

【Fu? Fu! 】

Well, it's really impossible.

Speaking of which, the historical "Edict on Clothes and Belts" is indeed a "list of gods" in a sense. Except for Liu Bei, all those who left their names on it died.

But this time this...

"Reminder, sister, what is the function of this 'Bang of Gods'? It shouldn't be like the original version, right?" I asked, looking at the belt edict.

[Tip: When the holder knows the name, appearance, and identity, he can summon the deceased in this world to the present world in the form of a 'heroic spirit' in his heyday, which can last for up to seven days. Multiple 'heroic spirits' can exist at the same time. Can be used three hundred and sixty-five times. 】

Very good... in the future, when you scold people and say, "Why do you have the face to meet the twenty-fourth generation of emperors?", you can directly summon those emperors.

"Huh? Wait? As long as they are 'dead'? They don't have to do deeds 'enough to become legends' to be counted as heroic spirits?"

[You still call me stupid,] The prompt sister did not answer, but the stupid system interjected: [Think about it again, what is the standard for becoming a heroic spirit? 】

"Alaya or Gaia's approval... uh..." Well, I am Alaya, and the stupid system is Gaia.

[But now there is a question, whether the people you throw into this ‘Emerald Dream’ or ‘Mountains, Rivers and Land’ are considered ‘deaths’. 】

"Hmm... How about doing an experiment?" I looked at the sea "outside", and there was not even a ship in sight.


The reason why I came to the East China Sea was not only to collect the petals that were scattered by the sword master, fell into the river, and were eventually washed into the sea, but also because I wanted to hide from Zhao Yun for a while.

He plans to establish a "Ranger Guild" with the help of "strongholds" in various places. I naturally support it, so I will say hello to Mr. Pang De in advance. However, during the establishment and development process of this "guild", if I appear frequently But it's not appropriate, and it can easily make Zhao Zilong feel like he's "working for others."

Therefore, like Zhang Jiao did with Taiping Dao, retreating behind the scenes and taking action only when absolutely necessary is the right approach.

[So, the boss behind the overthrow of the big man is really you? 】

"Stop talking nonsense, name, appearance, identity." I opened my hand.

[Gan Zhe, uncle of the Gan Ning tribe, was killed a year ago due to a fire between pirates.] The stupid system gathered a portrait in my hand: [Currently, the ship was scuttled with the crew member who was killed on the same day. The boats are wandering in the "Mountains and Rivers of the Country". 】

Hmm... This is the kind of "resurrection" strategy I made before that was not easy to deal with. Killed in a "never likely to survive" way, and the murderer is still wandering nearby, and you have to wait for them to be far away Only after you have left or completely forgotten that you have killed such a person can you arrange for his "resurrection".

"Gangcane...why isn't he called Bingtang..." I threw Fufu up a little, and it flashed in the air. When it reappeared, the "Apotheosis of the Gods" was hanging on its paws.

"Jumping between gaps", the eye that was used to save Xiahou Dun last time also has this ability. After all, there are "immortal" level guys wandering around inside and outside the "Mountain and River Sheji Map". Even if I can appear and disappear, I still don't give it to them. It's better to leave this impression.

"The decision is yours! Gan Zhe!" I caught the "Feng Shen Bang", activated it and pointed towards the sea in front of me.

There was a faint golden light that continued to converge into a human shape at the same location in the outside world. Finally, with a faint flash of light, a middle-aged man dressed similar to a fisherman appeared on the sea surface, and then fell into the sea with a thud.

At the same time, the other person who was just in a daze on the old ghost ship also disappeared.

"Puff, puff, puff!" The middle-aged sailor popped his head out of the sea, spitting water and cursed loudly: "Damn Hong Tang! Don't let your grandpa catch you!"

Oh... isn't it rock sugar but brown sugar? Moreover, people are indeed considered dead in the "Picture of Mountains and Rivers".

[Strength is no different from when he was alive,] The stupid system also completed the scan: [There are basically no ships passing by here. If left alone, he will drown or die of thirst. How about disbanding him? 】

"Well, Liu Bei doesn't know how to use this thing anyway, so just leave it with him." I threw the edict to Fu Fu and asked her to send it back, and then prepared to "dismiss" the old sailor - after all, it relied on the will of the world. "Heroic Spirit", I want him to "come back" early without any problem.

"...Haha, today Xiaosheng invites you to try sea fish."

As a familiar voice sounded, a fishing line and a straight hook three feet above the water suddenly appeared out of thin air, dangling above Gan Zhe's head.

"Hey...this looks like..."

[Yes, that’s right...]

After shaking the straight hook for a few times, aiming at a big fish and preparing to stab it, Gan Zhe, who finally understood the situation at this moment, suddenly burst out and firmly grasped the fishing line.

Then, he was fished away by Zuo Ci who was far away in Yanzhou.

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