The Collection of The End

Chapter 582 The Biography of Cao Cao (26)

——AD 187——

Yanzhou, Dongjun.

The prefect of Dongjun was holding a welcoming banquet for the arrival of Cao Cao, the governor of Qingzhou. However, Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, who was supposed to be responsible for hosting the banquet, was deliberately excluded from the banquet and did not even know about it.

The governor of Yanzhou has a changeable personality, loves power and is indecisive. He is a clan member of the Han Dynasty and became the governor by "donating money" to the emperor. However, he was completely unable to suppress many aristocratic families in Yanzhou. Although Yanzhou governed Chenliu and Dongjun , Rencheng, Taishan, Jibei, Shanyang, Jiyin, and Dongping were eight large and small counties, but his own seat was squeezed into the small county of Changyi, which is enough to prove his incompetence.

Changyi had an emperor in the former Han Dynasty, named "Han Fei Emperor", which can be said to be quite suitable for the situation.

Just looking at the guests at the reception banquet at this time, one can tell that the day when he will be "deposed" is not far away.

Zhang Miao, the governor of Chenliu, was Cao Cao's childhood classmate. He was promoted to the governor of Chenliu because Cao Cao overthrew the previous governor - at that time, Cao Mengde was just a Dunqiu order.

Shanyang Prefect Yuan Yi, Yuan Shao's cousin, has always admired Yuan Shao and was very envious of his ability to win the favor of Princess Wannian. He once said in private, "I don't want to sweat like rain, but I want to marry a rich girl."

Although Bao Xin, the Prime Minister of Jibei, had no contact with Cao Cao before, he had a favorable impression of him inexplicably because he was the "Prime Minister of Jibei" and Cao Cao was the "Prime Minister of Jinan".

As for Qiao Mao, the governor of Dongjun, he was originally the governor of Yanzhou, but was overthrown by Liu Dai with money. He has always been dissatisfied. Anyone who wants to deal with Liu Dai is his friend.

In addition, although the other Yanzhou aristocratic families, although slightly powerful, can only settle in a corner, they basically came to express their position - "If Master Mengde wants to take over Yanzhou, we will strongly support it" and so on.

Finally, there is Xu You who is the go-between. He shuttles among the guests like half a master, and can chat with anyone he meets.

At the main seats of the banquet were Cao Cao and Xun Yu, who were also dressed in light blue, one wearing light armor and a large cloak, and the other wearing a crown and belt.

"At that time, Wen Ruo said that he would give me a state, and I thought Wen Ruo was joking," Cao Cao said to Xun Yu while holding a wine cup: "Seeing this situation, even if they have not returned to their respective affairs, Yanzhou can be considered It's in the palm of your hand, and I'm here to treat you like a cup of wine."

After saying this, Cao Cao raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Ha," Xun Yu couldn't be as heroic as Cao Cao. He raised his glass and took a sip before putting it down and said, "Gui Guzi once said: A villain seeks his life, a gentleman seeks his country, and a man seeks the world. Those who seek the country want to do it. "Educating people who can only protect themselves is like setting up a chess game by placing pieces. The black and white chess pieces only know how to fight each other, but how do they know what the chess player is planning?"

"Why should Wen Ruo be too humble? Your talents are not limited to the pursuit of the country?" Cao Cao refilled his wine glass and smiled at Xun Yu.

"Those who plan for the country must first be good at planning for themselves, which means knowing their own limits." Come to help?”

"Well..." Cao Cao picked up the wine glass, thoughtfully, and did not continue to drink it down.

"Yu is lucky enough to be praised by the Langya List as 'the talent of a king'. However, most people who heard it have never thought that the meaning of this comment is that Yu's talent is limited to the 'king'." Xun Yu shook his head and said: "Then The ability of a person who can conquer the world is beyond Yu's imagination."

"Perhaps, in her view, those who 'seek the country' are just like chess pieces." Cao Cao recalled that day, Xuan skirt and plain cloak, white hair and blue eyes, holding a staff and sword, resisted the sword master's "heavenly sword", and finally The female figure turned into golden light and dispersed, sighing.

She was probably still holding the white dog, picking up the scattered flower petals. I don't know if the "substitute" could see her after "transforming into a spirit body".


When the three Xun brothers—one of whom was a nephew—came to Qingzhou, Cao Cao instantly had a lot more manpower.

After all, he is now using military generals as civil servants. It is a blessing if five of them can be used as one. Three of them came at once. Although Xi Zhicai started to be lazy again, the overall efficiency of handling official affairs and making suggestions has doubled. That’s not all.

Regarding Xi Zhicai's plan to plan Yanzhou, Xun Yu only made a few additions, changing its nature from "control by force" to "active surrender." Therefore, there was no need for Li Dian and Le Jin to go together, and they instead After the dust settled in Luoyang, various changes occurred and he stayed in Qingzhou to fortify himself.

In the end, Cao Cao and Xun Yu were the only ones who came to Yanzhou and attended the banquet.

However, these two people who should be the focus of the audience are not disturbed at this time, which only proves that there is another more attractive person in the audience - Princess Liu Nai of Ten Thousand Years.

Although her own strength is comparable to that of ordinary unparalleled military generals, and her pair of double-headed meteor hammers have kept many "Diao Chan" and "Sanqi" from getting close, but at this moment she is not as a military general, but as "Cao Cao's westward march" "Reason" appeared, no matter how unwilling she was, she had to put on a luxurious dress suitable for the status of a princess to meet many officials in Yanzhou - at her own strong request, the color was chosen to be red with green, which was speechless. hue.

Although she hates Queen He very much, she doesn't have much dislike for her father and two younger brothers. Therefore, she is quite supportive of Cao Cao's plan and has even planned what to do if the one she rescues is He Yao's son. What to do - do your best to be nice to him while he is young, and let him deal with He Yao and He Jin in the future. The expressions on their faces will definitely be very exciting.

As for how long these relatives could continue to hold on without an emperor's son to support them, she had never thought about it.

At this time, Yanzhou officials, big and small, surrounded her, but few dared to speak. Liu Nai understood the reason after thinking about it for a moment. These people just wanted to obtain the "capital" of "talking to the princess" ", but she had no plan at all to say what she would say specifically. In this regard, she simply followed her father's example and started talking to those who were too close to her: How is your work? How are people living? Are there any difficulties?

As a result, order was restored in the surroundings in an instant. From a distance, it even looked a bit like the emperor's courtiers coming forward to report one by one when they went to court - although the grades of these officials had dropped a lot.'s not that difficult to be an emperor, Liu Nai thought with some relief.


In the second half of the banquet, those petty officials and local aristocratic families who came here just to get acquainted with each other had already resigned with a wink, leaving the venue to the big guys who could really be the masters of Yanzhou. As for whether anyone would go there He informed Liu Dai, but no one cared at all.

Who can be sure that this was not a plan arranged by Xun Yu? I'm afraid he was arrested just as he approached the governor's office.

At this moment, Cao Cao saw Zuo Ci walking in swaggeringly.

For a moment, Cao Cao wanted to order his guards to capture this so-called "immortal" who was always against him, but the next moment he remembered that even if the ordinary guards came together, they would not be able to catch him. Only "unparalleled generals" can influence "immortals".

As for the "unparalleled military commanders"... The Cai sisters went shopping to walk the alpacas. Cao Chun and Zhang Jue were on standby in the camps of the "Tiger and Leopard Cavalry" and the "Qingzhou Soldiers". At this moment, except for Dian Wei who was guarding behind them, everyone else during the banquet Xu Chu, who was eating non-stop, and himself, didn't have any more people to call on. As for Princess Wannian and Yuan Shao who followed her every step of the way... let's forget it.

Although the current manpower may not necessarily lead to defeat, the scene will definitely be ugly. It is hard to say whether anyone will change their mind by then. Perhaps, that is Zuo Ci's original intention?

Cao Cao's eyes flickered, and he finally decided to wait and see what would happen. He walked around the table to greet him, and asked, "Is Zuo Xian here, but he wants to attend the banquet?"

"Hmm~ um~" Zuo Ci walked around the table as if he was seriously preparing to sit down, and then shook his head: "This banquet is indeed quite sumptuous, but it lacks the Shuzhong matsutake."

This was just a reception banquet held in a hurry by the local governor. It was rare for all the ingredients to be fresh. Where could I find fresh matsutake mushrooms?

"Oh? So the Immortal Chief obviously brought it with him?" Cao Cao asked with a smile instead of anger.

"If that thing is kept for more than seven days, I'm afraid it will be too old to be eaten," Zuo Ci responded: "Xiaosheng, please bring some fresh ones for you."

"[Partner, I can't see through this guy]" the "substitute" whispered in Cao Cao's ear.

"Just wait and see what happens," Cao Cao responded in a low voice and raised his hand: "Come here, prepare the clothes for the immortal to go into the mountain."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome~" Zuo Ci walked around again and walked towards a "Mountain Pine Forest Picture" hanging on the wall of the banquet hall. Then, amidst the admiration of the ordinary people in the hall, he reached into the painting and picked a few flowers with dew still on them. The matsutake comes out.

"[That's not a trick,]" the "substitute" circled around the painting and said to Cao Cao: "[His hand completely disappeared in this space just now.]"

Ha, I see, he planned to use this method to wear off the Yanzhou officials' awe of him - although he was powerful, he was still fooled by the immortal.

And this kind of anecdote can easily spread and have a very negative impact on subsequent actions.

"Take away the matsutake mushrooms sent by the Immortal Chief and make a new dish," Cao Cao ordered to the waiter at the banquet, and then continued to stare at Zuo Ci: "Yanzhou is mountainous and difficult to get around. It is difficult to eat fresh seafood. I don't know. Did the Immortal Chief bring it?"

It doesn't matter if Zuo Ci's reputation is even greater. Today, he must be positioned as a delivery person. Cao Cao made a decision. There are eight delicacies in the upper, middle and lower delicacies. They must all be tasted. Even if he finally succeeds in discrediting his In terms of reputation, "Cao Cao, the foodie" is better than "Cao Cao, the immortal fool".

"...Haha, I invite you all to try the sea fish today." Zuo Ci probably didn't expect Cao Cao to start "ordering". After a moment of stiffness, he turned around and took away the boom from a "Jiang Shang Fishing Picture" , and then swung the fishing rod to throw the straight hook and fishing line into a painting depicting the sea.

"Cao Qingzhou..." Zuo Ci was about to say something to Cao Cao when his hand suddenly sank. When he subconsciously pulled back, he pulled out a wet sailor directly from the "sea painting".

"You want me to die? Have your dreams come true!" The man pounced directly on Zuo Ci, pushed him to the ground and beat him.

"[Why does that guy look a bit like me...]" the "substitute" muttered in a low voice.

"Haha...haha...hahahaha!" Cao Cao laughed.

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