The Collection of The End

Chapter 594 Zhao Yun Chuan (16)

——AD 187——

Map of mountains and rivers, imperial palace.

Although the real palace "outside" is riddled with holes, "inside" is still magnificent and splendid. If it weren't for the extremely faint light green mist floating in the air and the scattered pink petals flying in the wind, Zhao Yun would have almost died. The realm of "inside" and "outside" is mistaken.

"Master, why did Lu Bu suddenly become so weird?"

On the roof of a palace, Zhao Yunzheng and Tong Yuan stood side by side. Looking at the "outside world" from a distance, Lu Bu demolished houses and smashed walls along the way and rushed to a garden with a landscape pond as the main body, and then stared at the landscape pavilion in a daze.

Zhao Yun is not worried that Tong Yuan will not know what he is talking about, because both of his masters seem to have the ability to sense the situation in the "outside world". Master Tong Yuan and Sword Master Wang Yue have fought against each other several times in the air. Judging from his deeds, at least in terms of this ability, he realized it earlier than Master Zhang Jiao.

However, in order to take care of Zhang Jie who was not yet able to do that, he still opened a "gap" in front of his senior sister.

"Oh, it was probably the 'invisible little girl' who did it, in order to prevent him from discovering something or going to a certain place." Tong Yuan responded casually.

"Hmm..." Zhao Yun heard this and looked around, but did not find the "little Diao Chan".

Previously, a general named Yuan Shu took advantage of Zhang Rang and He Jin's forces being leaderless and the palace's defenses to be lax. He aggressively led his troops into the palace and cut down any man with a white face and a beardless face. Sun Jian then followed. He came with his family generals to try to stop him, and the two sides fought a battle in the palace. At this time, a large part of the damage to the palace in the "outside world" was caused at that time.

By the way, Zhao Yun had to stand on the roof of the palace at this time because there were too many "pale-faced and beardless men" below.

At that time, it was the "invisible little girl" who led the way for Sun Jian.

Sun Jian and his party seemed to have been communicating with a "little girl" who was "slightly short in height", "bossy", "changeable in personality", and "often hitting people", but Zhao Yun could not detect her presence anyway.

Finally, Zhang Jie, who was amazed at the magnificence of the palace, said, "It's time for Taiping Taoism to appear." After that, she waved the apricot-yellow flag to make the little girl's figure appear in the map of mountains and rivers.

However, her "figure" seems to be determined by the "gaze" of a specific person. After Sun Jian and his generals left the palace, the "little Diao Chan" who stayed in the palace suddenly disappeared. Regardless of Zhang Jie's No matter how much you wave the flag, it's useless.

"Let's not talk about others for the moment," Tong Yuan looked at Zhao Yun: "You said before that the emperor issued a 'clothes edict' to Liu Bei, asking him to rescue him from the situation of 'not going out according to government orders'. You plan to help someone." Well, do you have a plan now?"

"The disciple originally planned to secretly assist Liu Xuande when he invaded Luoyang, but judging from the current situation in Luoyang, even if he can arrive smoothly, whether he can get close to the palace is still a problem." Zhao Yun looked to the west and sighed: "Prepare If it is insufficient and unable to enforce orders and prohibitions, it has already lost in terms of speed.”

Although Lu Bu broke into the palace alone, the Liangzhou army had undoubtedly occupied the west gate. As for the Baibo Taiping Road, it was still far away from the Luoshui capital at this time.

After all, who would have thought that Luoyang's originally balanced situation would collapse to this point in an instant?

"If he has lost, why don't you come back to Julu with me, little junior brother?" Zhang Jie said without any scruples even though Tong Yuan, the "sharp gun", was by his side.

She was still holding on to the eggshell-shaped, translucent amber protection. Although Tong Yuan assured her that she would not fall asleep even if it was removed, the girl obviously didn't believe it.

"No, Liu Bei still has a slight chance of winning," Zhao Yun responded: "What makes him more advantageous than other forces is that he will not be attacked by the 'Sword Master'.

If he successfully rescued the emperor, it would be meaningless for others to occupy Luoyang or take away the prince. "

"Oh?" Tong Yuan raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you have found your own 'strategy to govern the world'? But you need Liu Bei's cooperation?"

"That's it." Zhao Yun remembered that he seemed to have never mentioned his thoughts to this master, so he simply explained: "Under the premise of maintaining the current status, we can establish an independent government that is isolated from the imperial court and can comprehensively control the entire court. For organizations that conduct monitoring and handling, their only criterion for punishment is——"

Zhao Yun looked at Zhang Jie: "Will that person hinder the 'peace of the world'?"

"Haha," Tong Yuan laughed: "I can find dozens of loopholes in this system even if I think on my knees, but the existence of this 'Mountain and River Society Map' ensures that most of them will not happen."

"Sorry, I think the two masters' ideas are not complete and correct enough." Zhao Yun lowered his head slightly.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. It's common sense that 'a young man is better than a young man.'" Tong Yuan sighed and looked at the "West Garden": "He has put too heavy a burden on himself, and it's time to rest."

Zhao Yun's plan does not sound complicated or novel. It can even be said that it completely copied the behavior of the "Sword Master". However, the structure of the "organization" that has not yet been established is determined that it will not be like Wang Yue. Due to various factors, he constantly compromises, turns a blind eye to certain things, and even takes action against truly innocent people.

"So, I will stay here for the time being and not get involved in the fights between courtiers and relatives. I will only ensure that no one will be unfavorable to the emperor when foreign forces enter the capital." Zhao Yun looked at Zhang Jie and said, "Sister, if you think boring……"

"No, no, no, father told me that you cannot be left alone with Tong Yuan, otherwise you will be abducted." Zhang Jie responded quickly.

Doesn't this girl talk like she's got her wits about her?

Master never said anything like this!

Tong Yuan and Zhao Yun fell into silence for different reasons.



In front of the viewing pond, Lu Bu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly laughed wildly, attracting master and disciple Zhao Yun who had nothing to say.

"No matter who you are or what tricks you are playing, but since you have offended me, you have to pay the price!" I saw the Fangtian Painted Halberd in Lu Bu's hand suddenly covered with a layer of creaking red and black thunder and lightning, and then After being struck down hard by him, the originally intact pavilion instantly fell apart, half of the structure fell into the pond, and the other half scattered suddenly.

With a click, Lu Bu directly reached out and caught a stone pillar that flew past him, and smoothly put Fang Tian's painted halberd back behind his back.

When Zhao Yunzheng was puzzled by his actions, the raging black and red lightning "flowed" to the stone pillar like liquid and "washed" it.

After the black dragon's lightning current passed through, the material of the stone pillar became fierce and ferocious, leaving behind the same color as the thunder and lightning, with dark red and jet black colors overlapping, twisting lines like dragons and snakes.

"We seem to have witnessed an 'unparalleled evolution'," Tong Yuan sighed: "My teacher originally had the confidence to tie with him, but now, we can only protect ourselves."

"Eh? Wait? If his strength is greatly enhanced, wouldn't it be possible that he could discover us?" Zhang Jie said suddenly.

Buzz - The apricot-yellow flag in Zhang Jie's hand suddenly emitted a burst of yellow light.

"What - wow!" The girl looked down at the apricot flag, only to see that the stone pillar was thrown directly by Lu Bu, punching through the roof of the palace where the three of them were standing.

"Calm down, he is tearing down the roof of the 'outside world', maybe he is just venting his anger——"

Zhao Yun stopped talking in the middle of his words of persuasion. Lu Bu quickly picked up the scattered stone pillars, "transformed them" and threw them towards the palace. It didn't look like a random move at all. .

Boom boom boom! The palace of the "outside world" could not withstand the repeated blows and finally collapsed, and Lu Bu just carried the last stone pillar obtained by dismantling the pavilion and walked straight towards the ruins of the palace.

"Is he already so keen?" Zhao Yun glanced left and right and saw the "gap observation hole" that had been opened for Zhang Jie.

The only person who can discover the "inside" through this "crack" that does not exist in the outside world was only the Sword Master Wang Yue who could do it before. When he tried to investigate the West Garden, he attracted a person who almost penetrated the "inside". Sword Qi - Lu Bu didn't have that ability at this time.

Zhao Yun rushed before Lu Bu could approach, and swung his "gentian" to close the "crack" in front of Zhang Jie, and then connected the gun tip in the other direction, opening and closing the "gap" in the void, creating a "gap" A sign that the invisible voyeur is quickly moving away.

"Want to leave!?" Lu Bu threw a stone pillar in that direction without hesitation, then picked up Fang Tian's painted halberd and ran away quickly.

"...I have always heard that Lu Fengxian's military power is unparalleled in the world, but he is clumsy in strategy. It seems that is the case." Zhao Yun withdrew his gun and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for this person to enter the capital." Tong Yuan shook his head: "I want to be closer to the Xiyuan as a teacher, so as not to be unable to take action in case of trouble. What are your plans with Miss Zhang?"

"Secretly make preparations for Liu Bei's entry into Beijing, and also intervene appropriately in some of the battles among the forces in Beijing at this time, so that they do not disturb the people too much and cause too many casualties." Zhao Yun responded.

"...Zilong" Tong Yuan was silent for a moment: "Excluding the scope of influence, don't you think what you are doing is 90% similar to that of 'Fairy'?"

"..." Zhao Yun was speechless.

"Huh," Tong Yuan turned around and drifted away in the direction of the West Garden: "I thought she had taken a fancy to our talents and just stopped Zhang Jiao and me from fighting for life and death, but unexpectedly she came to steal the apprentice... …”

After thinking about what he had done and his plans for the future, Zhao Yun discovered that what Master Tong Yuan said was absolutely right...

However, the "fairy" did not teach him anything, he only provided him with enough height and vision, and paved a certain road in advance, and the decision to embark on that road was entirely made by himself.

Zhao Yun was thinking when he saw the sky suddenly brighten up. When he turned around, he found a golden light beam that could only be seen in the "Mountains and Rivers of the State" rising into the sky, and its position was exactly in the direction in which Lu Bu had just run.

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