The Collection of The End

Chapter 595 Biography of Sun Jian (18)

——AD 187——

North of Luoyang.

Outside the palace, on the top floor of a building that was higher than other high-ranking officials' mansions, courtiers and many generals from the family alliance were gathering here. Although the servants had purchased a banquet, not many people were interested in tasting it.

However, although they are all generals, the only ones who can really take charge are Sun Jian from the Yang family and Yuan Shu from the Yuan family.

Sun Jian complained quite a bit about being inexplicably classified as a local courtier in Luoyang, but he could not clearly tell others that he came to serve the king on a secret edict - especially when there was no news about Zhu Jun and other teams.

At that time, Yuan Shu led his army into the palace to wipe out the remaining forces of the ten permanent servants. The situation was getting out of hand and Sun Jian led his army to stop it. The two sides fought in a melee in the palace courtyard. In the end, Yuan Shu was defeated and retreated angrily.

Unexpectedly, the Queen took advantage of the main forces of the two parties to restrain each other, and gathered the remaining forces of her relatives and Shi Changshi to launch a surprise attack on the Yang family, trying to rescue He Jin. Just when Sun Jian thought that the situation was over, the Queen's forces were ambushed by the ambushes who had already been waiting there. They made a sneak attack, and then were attacked by the "retreating" Yuan Shu, and were ultimately defeated.

Only then did Sun Jian suddenly realize that his and Yang Xiu's plan to "secretly infiltrate Chen Cang" was regarded by those cunning family heads as part of their plans to "hide the truth" and "lead the snake out of its hole".

In the end, the local and foreign aristocratic families made an alliance agreement, agreeing to rebuild the "inner and outer dynasty" system of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty after expelling the influence of foreign relatives and eunuchs. , and at the same time strictly prohibited eunuchs and relatives from taking power.

As for how much real power the emperor still has under this system, no one cares.

"Highway, since it was just a trick to hide the truth before, why do you want to be so ruthless?"

Although the positions of those present were roughly the same, Sun Jian was still a little dissatisfied with Yuan Shu's previous fake show in the palace, killing and wounding many soldiers, so he stepped forward to talk.

Yuan Shu was a handsome, tall, and imposing young man. He did not wear armor, but his imposing manner as a warrior did not diminish at all.

"Humph," Yuan Shu glanced at Sun Jian and responded lightly: "I'm happy."

This guy! Sun Jian's anger surged, but since this banquet was originally intended to resolve the previous conflicts between the two parties, he could not take action here.

"You should know that those soldiers are our important fighting force. They should not be injured or even die in a meaningless 'show'. Why don't you withdraw your troops immediately after your goal is achieved?" Sun Jian asked again.

"Oh," Yuan Shu replied directly without looking at Sun Jian this time: "I'm not happy."

"You—" Sun Jian tried to move forward, but Cheng Pu and Huang Gai held him back one by one.

"Young master, calm down, you should have heard his nickname." Cheng Pu quickly said in Sun Jian's ear.

Of course, Sun Jian thought, the two sons of the Yuan family, the eldest son Yuan Shao, has accomplished nothing and only knows how to follow Cao Cao. Not happy".

It is said that "Brainless" has climbed the high branch of the princess, and this title may be replaced by "Husband-in-law". And "Unhappy", a guy who is good at irritating others, is waiting to wear this title for the rest of his life!



Sun Jian was just giving himself some luck when he saw a strange ball of black and blood-red thunder and lightning rushing straight from the west of Luoyang, passing through whatever he encountered along the way, and finally crashed into the palace wall.

"Well, as expected, Zang Ba and his team are finished, and Zhu Jun may also be in danger." Sun Jian frowned. There was only one person in the world who could create such weird thunder and lightning and act so unscrupulously.

"Report, report!" Before the smoke and dust from the lightning hitting the palace wall had completely dispersed, a messenger rushed in: "Lu Bu! Lu Bu is here!"

Everyone else present had already seen the ball of thunder and lightning, and were not too surprised. They just waited for the messenger to continue talking.

"The Liangzhou army has occupied the west city gate and is advancing inside. Lu Bu came in alone and has gone straight to the emperor's Western Garden!" The messenger finished the report with a trembling voice, then lowered his hands and waited. General instructions.

"Send the order! All the troops are gathering towards the west garden! But don't take the initiative to attack! Wait until both the 'Sword Master' and Lu Bu are injured before cleaning up the mess!" Yuan Shu waved his hand and gave the order.

"Wait until they both lose? The strength of those two people is unfathomable. What if His Majesty and the prince are affected!" Sun Jian glared at Yuan Shu.

"It's enough if one of the emperor and the two princes survives," Yuan Shu showed a ferocious smile: "If there are more... it will be troublesome."

He actually said such treasonous words in public? !

Sun Jian was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to react. When he looked at the other courtiers and generals from aristocratic families present, he found that they either pretended not to hear, or were looking at the sky and admiring the scenery.

From an ordinary rich man, to a county magistrate, to a general, he carried the awe of imperial power all the way to a position where he could actually have contact with the emperor. However, he was shocked to find that those who had been at this level had already regarded the emperor as a human being. A kind of "goods" that can be used, traded, and even discarded if necessary. This huge contrast makes him almost unsteady.

But Cheng Pu, who had been encouraging him to return to his hometown and become independent, rarely said a word this time.

"Very good," Sun Jian quickly adjusted his expression and sneered: "You are afraid of Lu Bu, but I am not. At this time, he has attracted most of the attention of the eunuchs and relatives, which is just right for him to enter the palace - say goodbye!" "

Sun Jian turned around and left with his generals to gather his troops in the military camp, but Yuan Shu just watched quietly without saying a word.


"Young Master, do you really want to go to Xiyuan Qinwang?"

After Sun Jian led his people straight ahead, dismissed the scattered guards of relatives and eunuchs, and finally entered the palace, Cheng Pu finally couldn't help but ask.

"No, let's go to Changle Palace," Sun Jian replied: "We can't intervene in the battle in the West Garden, and the eldest prince Liu Bian is closely guarded by his relatives in Weiyang Palace, so the only goal is to be protected by the eunuchs and the remnants of the eunuchs. Wang Yun has his own wife Wang Mei and the second prince Liu Xie."

"Well, after all, everyone in the world knows that Your Majesty cares about the second prince. This can be regarded as a kind of 'King of Diligence'," Cheng Pu nodded and said, "Then, what happens after the rescue?"

"Leave it to the Yang and Wang families and return to Jiangdong." Sun Jian paused, and before Cheng Pu could say anything in a pleased tone, he continued directly: "The authority of the royal family has hit rock bottom. I can't imagine what will happen next. .”

"[Of course the world is in chaos~]"

With an enchanting "Migu~", Diao Chan's figure suddenly appeared in front of Sun Jian and his party.

Sun Jian only paused briefly, then waved his hand to the Yang family to continue moving forward, while he and several generals deviated from the marching route.

"Miss Diao Chan, could it be that things have changed and the queen wants to harm the second prince?" Sun Jian asked seriously.

The reason why he advocated rescuing Liu Xie was because Diao Chan promised to protect Liu Xie and Wang Rong's mother and son when the palace's defenses were severely weakened. In this way, his "King of Qin" operation would not turn into a random command. farce.

"[I would rather she was harmful to the second prince~]" Diao Chan raised her little hand to cover her golden eye: "[Because Lu Bu went straight to Xiyuan to kill, the queen thought she could no longer control the emperor. , but she didn’t have the guts to kill the king, so she ordered a certain ‘Diao Chan’ who was loyal to her to throw the imperial seal into the well. However, this incident itself did no harm to the emperor, and the sword master had no intention of taking care of it.]”

"..." Sun Jian fell into silence again.

Great, royal authority will fall into a well after hitting rock bottom.

"So, what is your intention in telling us about this?" Cheng Pu seemed to have noticed something.

"[It is an extremely deep sweet spring well, with spring water gushing out all year round. Even if it is buried by the collapse of the palace, it will become a spring. Even if someone later discovers that the jade seal is missing, no one will think of it and has the strength to go there. Look there,]" Diao Chan's eyes turned and she looked at Cheng Pu: "[Except you, Mr. Cheng.]"

"Haha..." Cheng Pu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that Cheng's 'Wushuang' is actually used here?"

Over the years, the Wushuang of Sun Jian's generals have their own uses, not to mention Huang Gai's "bitter meat", Zhou Tai's "flash", someone who is always ignored, even Zu Mao's "ignored" "Through the Forest" also has the effect of many surprises, but Cheng Pu's "Water Monster" has almost no chance of being used. After all, the people in Jiangdong are very good at water, and ordinary underwater activities can be easily completed. It is almost impossible to "in Breathing underwater”—until now.

"Young Master?" Cheng Pu turned to Sun Jian who seemed to have thought of this incident as well.

He's Bi, the Imperial Seal, "Ordered by Heaven, Live Long and Long", this is history and a symbol. No matter how loyal the young master of the Sun family has been to the royal family before, as long as he touches that thing, he will never There will be people who will regard him as a loyal minister again, so this decision must be made by himself.

"Haha," Sun Jian nodded with almost no change in expression: "There is nothing to hesitate, go help Miss Diao Chan fish out that 'toy'."

"As you command!...Lord!"


Off the coast of Wujun, there are ships from the Sun family building.

Sun Quan felt a little upset for some reason, and took his sister around on the bottom of the building. Taking advantage of his young age, he ruined Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's plan to get close to Xiao Qiao, and he also arranged Zhuge Jin's Eight Stone Soldiers Formation. It was demolished, but the uneasy feeling lingered.

[Unlocking the curtain~The hero is about to brush his sleeves~]

[Conspiracy ~ conspiracy ~ open hatred ~ secret struggle ~ ]

【Turn into a river of turbid waves flowing eastward~】

Finally, he met Zhuge Liang who was reciting poetry at the stern of the boat. He originally planned to ignore him and leave directly, but Sun Shangxiang was attracted by the content and stopped.

【Thousands of years have passed~It’s hard to look back~】

[Ask about ancient and modern times~rise and fall~]

[Several people shine in the history~Famous names remain~]

After listening to a few words casually, for some reason, Sun Quan felt less upset and simply stood aside and continued listening.

【Laughing and chatting~The clouds and smoke are old~】

【Stay in the end~Eternal sigh~】

[Giving a child should be like——]

who? Sun Quan waited for the last sentence with bright eyes.

Zhuge Liang, who read to the end, glanced at Sun Quan and then said, "[——Champion Hou~]"

Gee, the poem praising Huo Qubing is really boring.

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