The Collection of The End

Chapter 602 Biography of Liu Bei (20)

——AD 187——

North of Luoyang.

Liu Bei ordered several Bai'er soldiers to carry gifts and visit Sima's manor together with Zhang Fei and Xiahou Ji.

"So, brother, we are going to invite a 'Grand Sima'?"

"No, although Mr. Sima's ancestor was indeed given the surname 'Sima' because of his official position, his official position at this time was 'Luoyang Order'."


When Liu Bei was studying in Luoyang, he had a few contacts with Sima Fang. In his impression, the Luoyang Ling was an upright man who acted justly, was strict with himself, lenient towards others, loyal to the royal family, and had no cliques or cliques. minister.

When Luoyang encountered several disasters in recent years, he successively served as the Jingzhaoyin and Luoyang orders. He acted in an orderly manner and dealt with various emergencies without hesitation. Even if the ten permanent ministers, relatives and courtiers issued completely opposite orders on the same matter, He can also make the most appropriate response after weighing the situation.

His teacher Lu Zhi once mentioned that he liked to read the biographies of famous officials in the "Book of Han" and made tens of thousands of annotations to satirize those who were disobedient. He can be said to be a model among loyal officials.

However, according to the evaluation of his contemporaries, he deliberately maintained a dignified manner even on occasions such as banquets and poetry gatherings. When it was his turn to speak, he would make some remarks about loyalty to the emperor, the country, and the duties of a minister, which could easily lead to an awkward moment. Content.

Judging from the information he learned from "Luo Shen", he was very dissatisfied that no one in Luoyang took the emperor seriously at this time, so he quietly left Luoyang with his family while Lu Bu led the Liangzhou army into Luoyang. They are preparing to return to their hometown of Liyang to live in seclusion. At this time, the manor where they live temporarily is not too far from the "Baibo Taiping Road".

While the two brothers were discussing, they saw a scout returning on horseback and reported: "There is a man in the pavilion on the road ahead, E Guan Bodai, with extraordinary appearance. He cast a spell to stop his subordinates and asked you to go there for a while."

Of course, there were scouts exploring the road. Although Liu Bei was on his way to visit the wise men, he was also on the march, so there was no reason to relax his vigilance.

"Could it be Taiping Taoist Zhang Jiao?" Liu Bei guessed, "The troops I lead and the subsequent actions may cause many Taiping Taoist casualties. It is normal for Taoist ancestors who have always seen the dragon to come to warn them. "

Halfway through Liu Bei's words, he looked back at Zhang Fei who had already taken off the snake spear: "You are not allowed to make the first move."

"Tch..." Zhang Fei put away his weapon with regret.


After a while, Liu Bei saw the Taoist.

"You think it's Zhang Jiao? It's actually Zuo Yuanfang." Zuo Ci, with his hair standing on end and wearing a gray robe, stood in a viewing pavilion next to a waterfall on the roadside and smiled at Liu Bei, whose expression was hard to explain.

Behind him, a green bamboo fishing rod hung with a straight hook three feet away from the water, dangling on the water of the pool under the waterfall.

"I wonder if Zuo Xian has grown up here, what advice can you give me?" Liu Bei ignored the strange fishing rod and asked him.

Liu Bei's feelings towards Zuo Ci are somewhat complicated.

Although he affected his own childhood, he saved his father's life;

He made trouble everywhere and claimed that others were "great virtues", which caused him to be questioned a lot. However, he actually made a reputation as "Imperial Brother Liu Xuande", and receiving the "Belt Order" is not unrelated to this;

He has been working against the "Bodhisattva" for several years, but every time he is unlucky.

In short, Liu Bei couldn't find a reason to beat someone when they met.

"I'm just here to advise you, the Great Virtue, not to recruit people from the Sima family," Zuo Ci still used his unique name for Liu Bei: "Their family is a hawk watching the wolf, and there are rebels behind their heads. If you must If you cannot satisfy their pursuit of power within a certain period of time, they will abandon you, and if you are willing to satisfy this pursuit all the time, they will eventually swallow up your great cause."

"Please be careful what you say, Immortal Zuo," Liu Bei frowned slightly: "What you are talking about is a mature and prudent pillar of the country who is loyal to the emperor and the country.


"Perhaps Sima Fang is like this, but no one can guarantee that all his sons will be like this," Zuo Ci shook his head: "Anyway, Xiaosheng doesn't think that he can change his mind with just a few words. He just needs a reminder. Just watch out for them.”

After saying that, Zuo Ci did not wait for Liu Bei to respond, so he flew back in the air, stepped on the fishing rod and flew upside down into the water curtain of the waterfall, and the green bamboo fishing rod followed without anyone touching it.

"Anyway, that 'Sima' is just a civil servant," Zhang Fei snorted: "If he does anything strange, I can beat him flat with one hand."

"Let's go meet him first. 'Luo Shen' should not make mistakes in his judgment." Liu Bei shook his head and nodded.


The Sima family's villa is very easy to find, because according to "Luo Shen", Sima Fang's excuse for going out at this time was just to relax, and he had no clear intention to escape, so he did not conceal his whereabouts and casually asked passers-by about "the official residence from Luoyang". Wherever you live."

Specifically, the manor was located on the leeward side of a high mountain near a river. It was surrounded by a wide range of sparse groves, and the farm under its jurisdiction was engaged in collecting wild goods and excavating stones.

Liu Bei came to the village and knocked on the door. A tall and thin porter came out to greet him, and then informed him, "Liu Xuande has come to pay homage to Mr. Sima."

The porter looked at Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and his entourage, and saw that he was different from ordinary visitors. He did not seem to be someone who could be dismissed casually, so he asked: "Please tell us your official position, title, title or elegance, so that we can help you." A person reports back to his master.”

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it and said: "Then please inform your master that the general of Zhengxi, the Marquis of Jixian County, the governor of Guangyang County, the disciple of Grand Sima Lu Zhi, and the imperial younger brother Liu Bei Liu Xuande, are asking for an audience."

After finishing speaking, Liu Bei realized belatedly that he could be regarded as a famous person. Just seeing the concierge running back in panic to report back, you knew how scary this series of titles was.

"Brother, shouldn't we act in secret?" Zhang Fei interjected blankly.

"...If you have to hide your name when seeking talents, it will only appear that you are not sincere." Liu Bei explained to his third brother, but after asking himself, he found that the reason why he did not hide it was just that the "Luo Shen" said that there was no need to hide it.


However, after the servant ran back to report, there was no movement in the Sima Manor, and the faint human voices completely disappeared, as if the place instantly became empty.

"No, they escaped early." Liu Bei waited for a long time, and after knocking on the door again without getting any response, he later realized that it was probably one of his titles that caused Sima Fang to misunderstand. and decided to leave immediately.

As for which one it was, Liu Bei had no idea for the moment, but the top priority now was to stop them. "Luo Shen" had said that he was a lonely minister who was only loyal to the emperor. As long as he showed him the "Belt Order", he could successfully recruit them. She But he didn’t say that he would apply for those titles!

"Third brother! You immediately bring people to invite Mr. Sima and his family back. Remember not to be violent." Liu Bei sighed at the importance of having a wise man, and then began to mobilize his troops: "You, stay here and take care of the gifts." , you, you, follow General Zhang, and the rest of you follow me.”

"Got the order!" The gift-giving team instantly divided into three parts. Except for the white-eared soldier who stayed at the front door, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei each led people to the left and right to go around the back of the mansion.

Liu Bei only walked half way around before he found that there was no way to go, because the manor itself was built on a mountain. The wall on this side was connected to a towering cliff. There were no side entrances found along the way, so if the Sima family didn't use it, If it's a secret passage, it should be evacuated from the sparse woods on the other side.

Liu Bei hurriedly led the people back the way they came. At the same time, he thought that with the third brother's ability, it should not be difficult to intercept them. However, the clothing order was not on him, so he stopped some servants and a few servants without any evidence or rough words. As a scribe, there should be no problem... right?

This wishful thinking was shattered when Liu Bei rushed back to the main entrance of the Sima Manor.

"[You dare to say that my husband is black and ugly——?!]"

As Xiahou Ji inexplicably magnified his cry many times, a huge rabbit with black flames all over its body fell from the sky, and then rolled on the spot, directly destroying a large tract of bushes at that location.

And the little girl in black skirt standing on its head, who else could it be if she wasn't Xia Houji?

"[Don't even think about running away!]" Xiahou Ji's voice came from afar again, and then the rabbit made two pounce movements, seeming to have stopped someone who wanted to take the opportunity to leave.

"[My husband's lord has said that he is not allowed to use violence, but he never said not to set fire~]" Xiahou Ji was very proud for some reason: "[If you don't stay quietly, in this 'Fire of Nirvana' Let’s turn it into ashes!]”

"Alas..." Liu Bei sighed, raised his hand to his forehead, and led his men in that direction.

Thinking on the bright side, at least the great sage has been invited, although he doesn't know how long it will take before he is willing to make suggestions for him.

However, given Lord Sima Fang’s quality, he would not say such words as “dark and ugly” to his third brother. Who is it...


Where the flaming rabbit landed, in addition to some panicked servants, there was also a middle-aged man applying for a stern scribe, a simple and honest young man who had just been crowned, and a boy about five years old, who were all interested in the burning giant. Rabbit and the tall Zhang Fei don't care.

The scribe didn't seem to want to talk to Zhang Fei and Xia Houji and closed his eyes slightly. The young man seemed a little curious about the white-eared soldiers, but his father didn't say anything and he didn't dare to express anything.

Only the boy who looked quite smart with his eyes rolling around was left. He looked at the Flame Rabbit, then at Zhang Fei, and grinned: "But, he is indeed dark and ugly~ You can't Are you being serious with children?"

"[You!]" Since he was indeed "staying calm", Xiahouji had no reason to get angry, so she angrily stamped her feet on the rabbit's head.

"You're right." Zhang Fei nodded, and then took off a roll of hemp rope from his waist.

Sima Yi's smile froze on his face.

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