The Collection of The End

Chapter 603 Biography of Liu Bei (21)

——AD 187——

North of Luoyang, Sima Manor.

"Governor Liu must have made a plan on how to rescue His Majesty, but the details have not yet been finalized. That's why you came to consult me?"

Sima Fang did as Lu Zhi said, putting his loyalty to the emperor and his duties as a minister before anything else - even ignoring the fact that his son was being tied up with a hemp rope by a big black man.

Of course, this has something to do with Liu Bei's timely arrival and display of the imperial edict, and the fact that Zhang Fei only tied Sima Yi's hands instead of tying them up.

Liu Bei successfully "invited" the Sima family who tried to escape back to the manor. After the two parties sat down in the living room and had a brief conversation, they discovered that this was basically a misunderstanding.

The problem lies in Liu Bei's self-reported title of "General of the Expedition to the West." Although Liu Bei thought that this was a title for the "General of the Expedition to the West" under "General of the Expedition to the West", unfortunately, this title actually existed. Yes, it belongs to Xia Shi, one of the ten permanent servants.

At this time, due to Lu Bu's suppression, courtiers, relatives and even eunuchs from all sides were trying to win over neutral officials to join their own camp. The other camps were fine, but the guys in the eunuch camp among them were in a very bad situation, so they basically adopted the method of "courtesy before fighting" "——First ask politely, and if you don't agree, you will directly send troops to arrest the person.

As the order of Luoyang, Sima Fang had a sensitive position. He should have been among the last ones to be recruited. It was normal to go out of the city to "relax" occasionally, but this time he wanted to escape from Luoyang and felt a little guilty. Suddenly he heard a report from his subordinates that "Ten Constant Attendants" "If we send someone to visit, do we have to start an evacuation plan immediately?

Although, when the big rabbit burning with black flames fell from the sky, he knew that he had made an mistake, but there was no way to reason with the black man and the little girl. He could only stay where he was and wait for the person to come.

"That's right," Liu Bei responded: "If possible, please ask Mr. Sima to continue to give you advice after your Majesty is rescued."

Taking out the Clothes Order can only prove the legitimacy of rescuing the emperor and taking him to Youzhou, and asking him to assist in the process, but it cannot be directly recruited. With the emperor's current situation, I am afraid there is not much possibility that he will suddenly He woke up and asked Sima Fang to accompany him - to be disrespectful, the emperor may not even know who served as his Luoyang order.

With Sima Fang's "lonely minister" personality, he might follow him, or he might insist on his plan of "reclusion". Even if the third brother kept tying up his youngest son, it would be useless.

"Well," Sima Fang responded noncommittally, "I'll ask Commander Liu to explain the plan."

It's watertight...Liu Bei sighed, and then organized some words:

"Xiaguan brought part of the 'Baibo Taiping Road' from Youzhou. They seem to be able to establish contact with the 'Heishan Taiping Road' incorporated by the Liangzhou Army. The specific plan is-"


In the northwest of Luoyang, near Hangu Pass, there is a temporary altar.

"——Contact the Taiping Taoist disciples in the Liangzhou army and invite them to ignore orders when they invade Luoyang and join forces to annihilate the remaining Shichang servants. If the other party shows intention to recruit them, they will recruit them in turn, and the meeting must be ended in an unpleasant way. And San' is over."

After Yang Feng read the military orders Liu Bei left for him before he went to "visit the wise", he looked at his deputy general Guo Tai with confusion:

"Although Governor Liu's order is very clear, its meaning is unclear. If it ends on a bad note, is it necessary to mention the conditions at the beginning?"

Yang Feng and Guo Taijun were both over thirty years old. The former wore a Taoist robe and carried a whisk at his waist, while the latter wore a regular military commander's armor and carried an iron spear on his back.

"You ask me?" Mrs. Guo stared: "If I can understand the meaning, maybe I am just a deputy general?"

"Oh, that's right..." Yang Feng shook his head and waved his whisk, and the water in the cauldron on the temporary altar behind him turned into silver threads and flew out, twisting and combining into words in the air in front of the two of them,

The few soldiers around him looked as if they were used to it.

"North of Hangu and south of Luoshui, old friends invite me to take the time to meet you."

The sixteen "water characters" changed their shapes slightly in the air, and emitted a faint yellow light, then turned into a puff of water vapor and dispersed in all directions.

"Every time I see you playing with water like this, I find it very interesting." Mrs. Guo said while looking at the place where the water vapor disappeared.

"Fellow Taoists nearby who have mastered the basic 'Taiping Dao Technique' will see it nearby on the water surface." Yang Feng took back the Buddha dust: "Although there should be no outsiders to disturb you, you should still be prepared for battle. .”

"Hey, you can do it anytime." Mrs. Guo played two guns and flowers.


On a high cliff some distance away from the temporary altar of Baibo Taiping Road, Zhang He, dressed like a butterfly, and Gao Lan, whose face was covered by a white hood, were observing the camp from a distance.

"——If someone approaches from the direction of Luoyang, intercept them, but do not capture or kill them. When you let them escape, you must show that you don't know who they are, you don't know what they are doing, and you are just following orders to drive away the idlers. Such an attitude."

Gao Lan read a military order in his hand with a calm tone.

"Hehehehe," he laughed without a smile at all: "We are indeed just following orders, and we really know nothing about the identity and purpose of the person coming."

"Huhu~ Although Governor Liu's strategy is still immature, it already has the style of 'an antelope hangs its horns and cannot be traced', so it is not an exaggeration to say 'gorgeous'~" Zhang He was still playing with his paws.

"However, this does not look like his style. It is more like referring to a 'chess record' given to him by someone who fully understands the movements of all parties. Although it is innovative, it comes!" Gao Lan quickly stopped talking and lowered his body - at such a distance, although he could hide for a while, it was not necessary.

From the position of Gao Lan, pedestrians, riders, or vehicles all appeared inexplicably from Hangu Pass, Luoyang, and some places that looked like ordinary farms or even nothing at all, heading towards Yang Fenghe in various directions. They rushed in the direction of Mrs. Guo. Although they tried to act natural, their purpose was the same and the timing of their appearance was the same. They were completely invisible in front of Gao Lan's hawk-like gaze.

"Then I'll leave my back to you."

Gao Lan greeted Zhang He, straightened his body, stretched out his arms, and then, accompanied by the sharp cry of a frightened bald falcon, he plummeted from the top of the mountain to the dense jungle below.


"...That's it. The 'Taiping Taoists' recruited privately through various forces will definitely have a huge Taiping Taoist force that is about to arrive in Luoyang and is suspected to be in contact with the Liangzhou Army.' The Liangzhou Army has something to do with this force." Friction', 'There are many additional forces preventing outsiders from finding out the details', etc. If you think about it carefully, more and more 'intelligence' will be passed on," Liu Bei said: "It makes many forces controlling Luoyang at this time suspicious, even Lu Bu I will also wait and see what happens under the persuasion of my subordinates. At this time, cooperating with the sword master is the best time to rescue the emperor."

"If Commander Liu can come up with such a plan, why do you need my help?" Sima Fang continued to ask, still noncommittal.

But that's what "Luo Shen" taught...

Although Liu Bei thought so, he couldn't express it clearly, so he said instead: "Because I can't guarantee that it will not be seen through by others, I must set up a second strategy to make people think that this 'surprise attack rescued His Majesty'" The plan is also a smoke screen. In essence, it is to capture the prince or deal with a certain force, and then ensure that no one will actually defend himself in order to "rescue His Majesty in a surprise attack." However, this level of strategy is beyond the imagination of the subordinate. out……"

Sima Fang nodded slowly, while his eldest son Sima Lang was sweating on his forehead and seemed to be unable to keep up with his thoughts. Sima Yi was staring at Zhang Fei. It was obvious that one of them had already figured out a countermeasure, and the other could not even listen. Didn't even listen.

"This is easy," Sima Fang finally said: "Since you have arranged it to this extent, there is no need to make many changes in subsequent improvements, and there is no need to add more manpower. You only need to add a few more to the several generals involved at this time. Just give the order."

"I would like to hear the details." Liu Bei said as if he was all ears.

"Since you have the clothing and belt edict in hand, I will help you. However," Sima Fang changed the topic: "There are two things, please tell Commander Liu in advance. Otherwise, I will be blamed for resisting and disobeying the edict. I will also I won’t give you even a single idea.”

"Excuse me, sir." Liu Bei, who had some premonition of what the problem was, responded solemnly.

"At this time, Luoyang is like a swamp. After you rescue His Majesty, can you find a way to quell the chaos in Luoyang?" Sima Fang asked.

"Move the capital." Liu Bei replied without thinking. It was obvious that he had considered this matter several times: "Welcome Your Majesty to Jixian County, Youzhou and establish a new capital. Then the chaos in Luoyang will subside. Although the place is not very prosperous yet, it will There is huge potential for development.”

"Hmm..." Obviously this answer was recognized by Sima Fang himself. He nodded slightly to express his agreement.

"Second question, even I know that your majesty is no longer able to govern at this time. After the imperial edict, does Governor Liu want to be Zhang Liang, Han Xin, or Xiao He?" Sima Fang asked again.

The Three Heroes of the Early Han Dynasty? Liu Bei thought for a moment.

Zhang Liang retired and died a good death; Han Xin refused to delegate power and was killed; Xiao He dedicated his life and died in the line of duty.

Is this really a choice rather than a threat?

However, there is an essential difference between himself and those ministers.

——They are not named Liu.

Liu Bei recalled how Zuo Ci, Luo Shen, and even "Bodhisattva" looked at him with special eyes, and a confident smile appeared on his face. At the same time, he also changed the "Xiaguan" self-identification he had just used:

"My current strength is limited. At most I can rescue His Majesty from the wolves. The two princes may be robbed by them and even become puppets of the false emperor."

"In order to restore the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty, if things are not harmonious, I am willing to be [Guangwu]. I wonder if Mr. Sima has any advice?"

Before Sima Fang could answer, the large amount of "warmth" coming from the wooden sculpture on Liu Bei's chest had already proven his attitude.

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