The Collection of The End

Chapter 634 Chu Chuan

——AD 189——

Jiangdong, Jianye.

Two years older, although his features are still immature, Sun Quan already shows some heroic spirit and is carrying the "White Flame Emperor Wolf Sword" on his back to find Zhuge Liang.

This city is the former site of "Wucheng", the capital of King Helu (he, lv) of Wu in the past. It is also called "Stone City" because of the many stones used.

The Sun family's ancestral home in Fuchun was uninhabitable due to the damage caused by the White Tiger who came and disappeared for unknown reasons. Sun Jian could not afford to live in his wife Wu Rong's natal Wujun, so he finally chose to rename the old Wucheng. "Jianye" takes the name of "rebuilding the family business" and lives here temporarily.

But, that's just the superficial reason.

Even Sun Quan, who had a glimpse of the leopard through the "Water Mirror Technique", knew that what happened in Luoyang was far beyond the limit of ordinary human intervention, and his behavior of assisting the girls to eliminate the "Four Elephants" was just the icing on the cake. That’s all.

His father Sun Jian took a fancy to the reason why the old Wucheng site was easy to defend, difficult to attack and extremely strong, and wanted to "make contributions" here.

At this time, Liu Bei was called "King of Yan" in Youzhou, Cao Cao was called "Qi Gong" in Qingzhou, and Sun's insistence on having the "Jade Seal of the State" was not revealed. Various civil and military officials held an emergency meeting to discuss the matter and drove out Sun Quan who was eavesdropping.

"Hmph, are you discussing what title to give yourself soon? It's either Wu or Yue, what's so strange about it?" Sun Quan complained, raising his hand to knock on the door of Zhuge's house.

The two countries fought repeatedly in Jiangdong during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, leaving countless ancient city ruins and battlefield ruins. People from all over Yangzhou generally call themselves Wu people or Yue people, and take one of the countries as their title. It will be recognized by half of the people in Jiangdong, and coupled with Sun's untestable identity as a "descendant of Sun Wu", it is not difficult to unify the six counties in Jiangdong.

"Then you will be disappointed," Ji Liang opened the door and welcomed the boy in: "Sir, I judge that General Sun will call himself 'Chu'."

"..." Sun Quan paused and looked at him, then shook his head and walked in.

This was the second person who came to look for Zhuge Liang. He claimed to be the husband of the "girl Shui Jing". Shui Jing would beat him with a wooden sword every time he heard this, but he did not refute this statement.

Now the two of them have basically become Zhuge Liang's bookboys and maids, but they don't seem to be dissatisfied.

"This inference is not surprising." Zhuge Liang was setting up the "Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers" in his own courtyard of Zhuge Mansion. When he saw Sun Quan pushing the door in, he said directly as if he knew what he wanted to ask: "The Sun family cannot be called 'King' and his fiefdom are not enough to be called 'gong'. If he is called 'hou', his status is consistent, but it is not enough to compete with the two in the north."

"If you call yourself 'Chu', you will be the 'Overlord of Chu', and an overlord is also a king." Sun Quan continued: "But what if the descendants of the Xiang family object?"

This choice is actually quite convenient. At first, Xiang Yu was defeated by Liu Bang and failed to fight, rather than being overthrown. Therefore, although the Chu people did not agree with the Han people, they did not have any hatred. They called them Chu people and they should be called Han people. It should be noted that the Jiangdong people who call themselves "Chu people" have considerable overlap with the Wu and Yue people.

However, even if he gains the support of Jiangdong people, the separate clans will not recognize him. What's more, Sun Jian still holds the jade seal, and the new "Chu" is likely to be jointly attacked by surrounding forces.

"Objection? Attack? In the words of your elder brother -" Zhuge Liang smiled: "'If you don't beat him until his face is full of peach blossoms, he won't know why the flowers are so red.'"

That's right... The eldest brother already has the title of "Little Bully", and it's totally a name for himself.

"..." Sun Quan sighed deeply: "That's it, give me your sister back. I'm going back."

"Hmm, Shui Jing?" Zhuge Liang tilted his head.

"Yes, sir." The girl in white raised her wooden sword and began to draw the word "well" in the air.

From the scene through the tic tac toe, it can be vaguely seen that there should be a garden somewhere, but in any case, it should be near Sun Shangxiang.

When Luoyang was in chaos, my sister accidentally fell into Luoyang thousands of miles away through the "Water Mirror", and the situation was critical, but she was forcibly transformed into an adult after Zhuge Liang used a strange ability he called "strategic command" She looked like a girl, and used the super powerful "Wushuang" to protect herself - that thing like a waterfall still hasn't disappeared north of Luoyang.

Later, Sun Quan was worried about his sister, so he learned the "Water Mirror" and cut it four times, but he went to the strange golden theater and saw the "Qilin" who was on the verge of death.

At that time, he could only help others who were also in the theater to defeat the "Four Elephants" in the hope of alleviating Qilin's pain. However, before leaving, he found that the thread of death on Qilin's body had become more tightly wound. At that time, he did not know what had happened, but In the next two years, when no other extraordinary things such as "immortals" and "holy beasts" appeared, he realized that Qilin had taken away the power beyond the control of mortals and forcibly suppressed it. Those "threads of death" were now only I'm afraid it has been completely wrapped up...

Leaving aside the uninterrupted Qilin issue for the moment, my sister Sun Shangxiang also has some problems now. She has taken a liking to Liu Bei for some reason. Maybe she should be called King Yan now? She vowed to marry him when she grew up.

If that's all, forget it. After all, they are far apart. Maybe the little girl will give up this idea when she grows up, but Zhuge Liang has a "water mirror" that can send her there!

When his sister came to find her, Zhuge Liang not only didn't stop her, he even asked "Shui Jing" to take her to Youzhou.

But fortunately, Liu Bei was a gentleman after all and did not do anything to withhold the terms of the negotiation. He would send her back before nightfall. Others thought she was pestering Sun Quan and didn't care.

Hell, there are a bunch of fools and fools in the family. This kind of "gentleman" - no matter whether he is hypocritical or not - can just attract my sister. If this continues, one day -

"Brother~" Miss Sun Shangxiang skillfully broke through the "mouth" in the middle of the word "well" and jumped out, hugging Sun Quan's arm.

Hum, fortunately, so far I have no intention of relying on Liu Bei and refusing to leave, so...

"I have a child. His name is Liu Chan, and his nickname is Adou. I gave it to him~" Sun Shangxiang continued.


The "White Flame Emperor Wolf Sword" instantly burst into blazing white flames. Without saying a word, the boy drew the sword with his backhand and strode towards the unclosed "well". With every step he took, the white flames surged. points, finally completely covering the boy, and the momentum was overwhelming.

"In the future..." Sun Shangxiang completed the suffix of that sentence blankly, blinking and looking at Zhuge Liang.

"That's Liu Bei's 'companion unicorn'." Seeing that Sun Quan was about to step into the "well" gate to kill someone, Zhuge Liang added calmly.

This brat!

Sun Quan stopped about to step forward, took two deep breaths, and suddenly swung his sword to blast out the large flames around him towards the center of the word "well".

When the white flames passed through the character "well", they gradually stretched it into the character "口" that deformed outward. Before all the flames passed through, the character "口" exploded.

Before the passage blew up, Sun Quan vaguely saw that the flames passing through were easily stopped by a woman wearing light armor with white background and red edges and holding a rapier, without causing any greater damage there.

"Hey, that guy over there who is so smart and so close to a demon," Sun Quan felt the flames around him and shouted to Zhuge Liang, "These 'white flames' will explode if they are not released, and we, those of Sun's blood, are It won’t be affected, it’s up to you!”

"I simply can't deal with the Sun family." Zhuge Liang sighed, raised his hand and threw a red and white pillar out: "[Eight-Door Golden Lock]!"

But I saw this pillar spinning continuously in the air, one turning into two, two turning into four, and four turning into eight. The pillar that was originally only as big as Zhuge Liang's hand had become half a man tall when it was nailed into the ground around Sun Quan.

As they were nailed firmly, several illusory golden chains were projected from their tops, weaving a ceiling like a spider web over Sun Quan's head.

Qilin didn't even lock this guy up...

Sun Quan only had time to think of this, and the uncontrollable white flames all around him exploded instantly.


"Cough cough cough!"

After the flames dissipated, in addition to the unharmed Sun Quan, there was also a little girl inexplicably in the "Eight-Door Golden Lock".

I saw that she was not tall, wearing a red and black off-shoulder gauze skirt, a gauze hat on her head, and two long braids on the back of her head. She was coughing and glaring at Sun Quan fiercely. What was strange was that her One eye is golden yellow.

"Uh... this girl?" Sun Quan was sure that there was no one around him just now.

"..." The girl stared at Sun Quan for a while, sighed, and turned to Zhuge Liang who smiled inexplicably: "Is this how you treat 'Qilin'?"

"Qilin?" Sun Quan looked at her with strange eyes: "Even if my father is called the 'Overlord of Chu', you shouldn't be my 'companion Qilin', right?"

"How do I know!" The girl who called herself Qilin rolled her eyes, and something that looked like words began to appear on her golden eyes. After taking a look at it, she read: "I am both the 'Jade Seal of the Nation' and 'Diao Chan'. ', and 'Step Trainer'? Is there any mistake?"

"Haha..." Zhuge Liang looked at the sky: "In this case, you are right."


Sun Jian, the contemporary head of the Sun family in Jiangdong, after Liu Bei became the "King of Yan" in the Jin Dynasty and Cao Cao called him "Qi Gong", he used the jade seal passed down in his own hands as an excuse to proclaim himself the "Marquis of Chu" and the title "Overlord of Chu", and officially named him The eldest son Sun Ce is the "little overlord".

For a time, the whole country was in an uproar. Except for Wu County, which expressed support, the governors of Kuaiji, Danyang, Yuzhang, Luling, and Lujiang counties all issued documents to denounce it and raised troops.

Sun Jian was not afraid at all and declared: "If no one in Chu can defeat me, then I, Sun Wentai, will be the overlord of Chu!"

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