The Collection of The End

Chapter 635 Jin Biography

——AD 190——

Sili, Chang'an.

In the Battle of Luoyang, the Liangzhou Army suffered the greatest losses.

This loss was not in terms of manpower or reputation. In fact, although the "trapped camp" failed to achieve their goals in several battles, they also demonstrated their extremely high combat effectiveness and were called "the best army in the world". As for the generals, No one was injured or killed.

The real loss is that Dong Zhuo lost the "Wushuang" of "Noise Prophecy" for unknown reasons.

Lu Lingqi cannot build such a huge "city wall" again - unless she demolishes the Luoyang side.

Lu Bu lost his "unparalleled stunt" of transforming into a giant thunder dragon, and swaggered around the city with a girl who could be called "the most beautiful girl in the world" all day long. The girl seemed to have nothing special except being pretty and cute, but many people claimed that I have seen her sometimes suddenly popping up a pair of black wings from her back, fanning them twice and then disappearing again. According to reliable sources, General Lu's first wife, Mrs. Dong, was not dissatisfied with this.

Finally, the most incredible thing is that Dong Bai suffers from anorexia. No matter what delicacies the secret guards bring, she refuses to eat. When pressed, she will burp and drive the secret guards away.

Some secret guards boldly speculated that Miss Dong actually ate all the "Four Elephants", but this was dismissed as nonsense by secret guards who had participated in the Battle of Luoyang.

At that time, after Miss Lingqi used the giant wall that towered into the sky, the two little girls had already evacuated to the northwest. Although they did not appear in everyone's field of vision all the time, it was impossible to have enough time to rush back to Luoyang to remove the "Four Elephants". "Eat it.

In these discussions, no one doubted whether Dong Bai "could" eat the four elephants.

However, since after this battle, those who could really threaten Lu Bu, such as the Sword Master, were all hidden. As the de facto "unparalleled" in the world, it has not yet been determined whether the strength of the Liangzhou Army will increase or decrease.

Oh, no, maybe soon they won't be able to call themselves the "Liangzhou Army".

The secret guards have just learned that after Liu Bei was named "King of Yan" and Cao Cao was named "Qi Gong", Sun Jian of Jiangdong also named himself "King of Chu". At this time, Master Dong was convening the queen, the eldest prince, and the ministers for discussion. this matter.


Weiyang Palace.

"This is unreasonable! How dare they do such a kingless and fatherless act!"

After Xiao Huangmen who reported the matter finished speaking, the eldest prince Liu Bian jumped up from the dragon chair and threw the jade slip in his hand to the floor and smashed it to pieces.

Oh... This is because he is very dissatisfied with me. Dong Zhuo sat on the grand master's chair at the foot of the stairs and raised his eyelids to take a look.

This palace was built after the "Changle Palace" in Luoyang, so the shapes of "Weiyang" and "Changle" belonging to Chang'an and Luoyang are opposite, but the function has not changed. Weiyang's front hall receives courtiers, and Changle's harem It is used for living - although no one else is qualified to move in except He Yao and Liu Bian.

The specific specifications for holding a court meeting in Weiyang Palace are that the ministers are divided into two columns: civil and military. Liu Bian sits on the dragon chair in front, and He Yao is behind the curtain listening to politics. Dong Zhuo's position is between the ministers and the prince, and is horizontally of.

These ministers were the ones who recommended Liu Bian to the throne. After the "Battle of Luoyang", they came to Chang'an and formed a decent small court with the queen and the eldest prince. However, Dong Zhuo's own subordinates did not participate in this at all. of.

There is a distinction between superior and inferior among Liu Bian, He Yao and the ministers, but for Dong Zhuo, it is a distinction between left and right.

As for the decisions made at this court meeting, Dong Zhuo has agreed with them all so far. If there is a reason...

"Dong Taiwei has not yet been called 'Gong', so what qualifications do they have to act like this!?"

"Master Dong is the pillar of the country and should also be honored as a public servant!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

Look, it's like this again. Dong Zhuo shook his head secretly, his face expressionless.

In the words of Li Ru and Jia Xu, they wanted to "praise and kill" themselves.

Use various means to make yourself arrogant, and eventually do something to usurp the throne or do something else that will arouse opposition from the people of the world, causing a group to attack.

It's a pity that even if they praise themselves to the sky, they don't want to do anything on their own initiative. Do they think that Dong Zhongying is a powerful minister, eunuch or relative who met the emperors of previous generations? He thought too much, he only came to the meeting for one purpose——

——That is to listen to them blowing themselves out of the flowers.

Dong Zhuo picked up the teacup handed to him by the secret guard and took a sip.

"Master Dong should be promoted to Grand Master, and he will be called 'Qin Gong' based on the old Qin land in Guanzhong!"

"I second the proposal!"


Dong Zhuo almost spit out the tea.

These two guys are so cruel. Dong Zhuo turned to look at the speaker.

Those two people seemed to be named Li Jue and Guo Si. They were the staunch eldest princes. They stood relatively forward, which showed that they were somewhat capable and had more appeal. However, after these two sentences of singing a harmony, A large area of ​​space suddenly filled up around them, and even the little kid Liu Bian looked at them as if they were fools.

The Han Dynasty granted titles to kings and dukes, and even enfeoffed feudal lords. You can use any font name at will, even "Chu", which was competing with Liu Bang for the world. If you are brave enough, you can even use Xia, Shang, and Zhou, but the only one you cannot use is "Chu". The word is "Qin", a word that even Wang Mang didn't dare to use.

How? Want to rebel against Han and restore Qin, and become the third emperor of Qin?

These two guys must be mentally retarded... Dong Zhuo raised his hand that was not holding the tea cup and waved it casually.

"Sir~ Your hat is crooked~ Let us help you fix it~"

Four "Diao Chan" wearing the costumes of palace ladies quickly walked out of the shadow of the main hall. They took Li Jue and Guo Si away one by one, and at the same time they did not forget to explain the "reason", but in fact, they should be taken away To Jia Xu.

Dong Zhuo's current point of view is that if military officers commit crimes, leave it to Lu Bu, and if civilian officials commit crimes, leave it to Jia Xu and Li Ru. It is up to them to decide how to deal with it, and this desperate unknown is enough to scare some young people.

Seeing Li Jue and Guo Bang being stuffed with a handful of "Hua Shuangfen" and being dragged out without saying anything, Dong Zhuo recalled some past events.

These tens of thousands of "Diao Chan", because the sword master disappeared, they wanted to be loyal to the queen when he took him away from Luoyang. However, they found that the queen and the eldest prince were so...well, how do you say that to Dong Zhuo? Licking a dog? Quite vivid.

In short, they all belong to Dong Zhuo now.

After arriving in Chang'an, some senior "Diao Chan" seemed to be uneasy about Dong Zhuo, the new boss, so they mobilized their distinctive companions, such as plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums, to "serve" Dong Zhuo, probably in the name of the past. Unexpectedly, Dong Zhuo chased away the idea of ​​feeding tigers, and threatened them that if they really wanted men, they would be assigned to soldiers who were trapped in the camp. Only then did these women stop, and then it was reported that Mr. Dong had expressed his disapproval of his original wife. Such deep love.

Speaking of which, his first wife... Dong Zhuo frowned and thought,

Long white and white dress...acting erratically and unpredictable...

Merlin? !

Impossible, impossible! !

She seems to have never had a specific image, and there are no details about her relationship. She "died" after leaving behind her three children, Dong Qing, Dong Yi and Dong Yuan, and there is no memory of where she was buried. This doubt seems to have always been there. It exists, but it wasn’t until the “Battle of Luoyang” that I suddenly realized what this was...

"Tai, Taishi... What kind of title do you think is best?" A few nominal Sangong came over, while Liu Bian and He Yao also looked here pretending to be calm.

"'Qin' cannot be used," Dong Zhuo looked around them and said, "Although this place once belonged to Qin, it was also occupied by Jin earlier, so there are good allusions between Qin and Jin, so I can call it ' Jin'!"


Jia Mansion.

"Oh, you two suggested that my lord should be called 'Qin'?" Jia Xu looked at the two prisoners in the hall with a half-smile.

"Dong, Master Dong's achievements are comparable to those of the 'Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period' and the 'Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period'. Why not use the word 'Qin'?" Li Jue was still speaking harshly, but Guo Si's face was already pale.

There is no other reason...

"The Qin Dynasty was destroyed by the Han Dynasty. Doesn't your suggestion like this mean you are cursing my father-in-law?"

Click! Fang Tian's painted halberd fiercely drew a ravine in front of the two of them, and there were red and black thunder and lightning residues. Li Jue shivered and did not dare to say anything again.

Yes, Lu Bu was tired of being talked about by Chen Gong, so he came to Jia Xu to hide. Although Jia Xu was a counselor, one good thing was that Lu Bu couldn't understand what he said.

"Diao Chan, what's going on in the palace now?" Jia Xu shook his head and asked the female officer escorting the two prisoners.

"My lord chose the word Jin and called him 'Jin Wen Gong'." "Ah? I don't know." Two voices sounded at the same time.

"...Miss Diao Chan, I'm asking about 'Ms. Diao Chan', not you." Jia Xu turned her head helplessly and looked at the girl sitting next to Lu Bu.

According to Jia Xu's analysis, this girl should be a key factor in the "Battle of Luoyang", but after being brought back by Lu Bu, there was nothing magical about her except for the illusory black wings that could not touch people. , although it is further deduced that she may have participated in ending that battle, there is still no evidence.

"But my name is Diao Chan..." The girl turned her head and looked at Lu Bu with a hint of distress, "How about you give me a name for me, my late master?"

"No," Lu Bu took back Fang Tian's painted halberd and walked back into the house: "The Diao Chan who is not Diao Chan is not the Diao Chan I want."

"... General Lu was able to say something that made me think for a moment, which shows that he has worked hard." Jia Xu praised.

"Ah..." Lu Bu responded: "Although Chen Gongtai is long-winded, some strategies are still useful. For example, when facing smart people, if you say something that you don't even know what it means, you will not be guessed."

"Then I'll do it myself~" Diao Chan seemed to be a little obsessed with this matter. She started counting on her fingers: "My foster father's surname is Wang. I was born in the first month of the year, so why not call me [Wang Yuanji]?"

The moment the name was spoken, the pair of black wings behind Diao Chan suddenly appeared and grew in size, completely surrounding her.

Lu Bu was shocked and stepped forward to grab the black wing, then threw it outward.

"Huh? What's wrong? Master Fengxian doesn't like it?" Diao Chan seemed to be completely unaware as she finished counting her fingers and looked up at Lu Bu.

"No, I..." "It hurts, it hurts..."

Lu Bu was about to answer when he heard that a little girl with snow-white skin and eyebrows somewhat similar to Diao Chan appeared in the direction he had thrown away before.

She was kneeling on a pair of wings stretched out from her back - with the unlucky Li Jue and Guo Bang underneath.

"Yo~" Lu Bu and Diao Chan looked over, and she raised her hand and said, "Father~Mother~I am your daughter Wang Yuanji~"

Something seems wrong?

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