The Collection of The End

Chapter 641 A pair of clear eyes opened in the beginning of chaos


Before chaos, there is no space. At the beginning of chaos, Taihe came to Yan.

Yaoyaomingming is too easy. The vitality has not yet taken shape and is gradually becoming the beginning.

The vitality begins to sprout, and it is called Taishi. The beginning of form and energy is also called Taisu.

Form and Qi have quality, which is called Tai Chi.

This passage describes the changes from the early stage of chaos to the end of chaos. The further step is the creation of the world. Tai Chi gives birth to two yangs, two yangs give birth to four images, four images give birth to Bagua, and Bagua gives rise to all things.

This is how it should be.


"She" wakes up.

Before she had time to think about questions such as "Who am I?" "Where did I come from?" "Where am I going?", her thoughts were completely occupied by "I don't want to die!"

death death death death

death death blank death death

death death death death

She could feel that she was trapped in the middle of a whirlpool composed entirely of pitch-black "death", as if she was about to be sucked into a bottomless abyss by a huge force of suction.

No, it should be said that it was precisely because of her appearance that those dark ominous things suddenly spun and formed a vortex.

The strong obsession of "I don't want to die" makes the surrounding death vortexes rotate slightly slower, but that is meaningless.

If she can no longer think of a countermeasure, eventually becoming a part of them will be the only ending, perhaps, in the next moment.

However, even though she knew that she should think about ways to get out of the vortex at this time, her thoughts still involuntarily extended along the initial thought of "I don't want to die."

--"who I am?

It can be said that it is quite risky to recall one's own identity at this time, and the things that cannot be remembered may not be counted. Even if one succeeds in remembering who one is, it is not known whether the ability mastered will be helpful in the current situation.

According to common sense, it is more likely that "it is because my own abilities are ineffective that I am in a desperate situation at this time."

If she had been given plenty of time to think, she might not have made this decision, but at this time she could only rely on intuition to get this potentially useful answer.

She regretted the moment her thoughts expanded. If "she" today is a vast sea, then the answer to "who" is like a small boat on the sea. The chance of getting the answer is greater than finding a needle in a haystack, but Not much bigger than that.

However, if she wants to have the emotion of "regret", she must at least wait until the thought process of "Who am I" is over, and if this consideration does not achieve any results, she probably has no chance to have a third thought.

Even if the logic of "you will die if you don't find the answer" was too late for her judgment, she still used all her strength to "find herself" this time - although she had no idea what her "full strength" included.

"I am……"

Under enough pressure, "she" finally found the small boat struggling in the stormy waves, and her name was dancing in the wind along with the broken sail.

However, all she found was just a name. What skills did she have? Why does it appear here? The nearly capsized boat had no answer at all.

No, it is not "overturning", but "fusion". Her past and present will merge into one, regardless of each other.

But when a sea merges with a small boat, will there be anything left in the end besides the calm sea? Will the sea deliberately remember a small boat that sank somewhere?

At this moment, she realized that she would not "die". Before those [deaths] swallowed her up, her past self and her present self would complete the fusion. Even without any evidence, she could conclude that, The "fused" self will never be affected by the "vortex of death".

However, this kind of understanding cannot form actual thoughts at all, because at this time "she" is doing an action that has been predetermined when thinking about "who am I" - saying her name simultaneously.

If you don't think about it, you will get stuck halfway and bear some unknown, probably very bad consequences.

Fortunately, she succeeded.

"I am——[Luo Shen]!"


"Luo Shen" opened his eyes.

Death death death death death——

"Tsk..." She closed her eyes again, shook her head, and then opened them again, only to find that the situation did not get any better.

No matter which direction you look, your field of vision is filled with endless [death]. They overlap and convey words, images, objects, and events that symbolize death to everyone who sees them.

These "deaths" did not surround themselves into a whirlpool, ready to be swallowed and assimilated, as she had sensed before. They were not flowing too fast, nor were they flowing very slowly around, and they only slightly detoured when approaching the "Lo God" , keeping at least about an arm's length from her.

The feet of "Luo Shen" are naturally "deaths", but they are flat and smooth, as if they are the product of flattening and smashing those "deaths" flying around in the air. When you step on them, they feel quite flat and hard.

"Luoshen" took a few tentative steps, and then noticed that the "death" in front was moving away, while the "death" behind was approaching, always keeping about an arm's length from her, making her feel like she was walking in a strange place. In the strange fog.

"Chaos...?" Luo Shen said to herself. She found that her voice was quite young, but it was a little hoarse because she had just shouted "I am Luo Shen".

Are they blocking something, or is that how it is? "Luo Shen" withdrew his gaze and began to check his own status.

Her figure looks like that of a young girl, wearing a set of light soft leather armor with a dark red base and gold thread edging, black leather boots and dark red stockings on her feet, and elbow-length gloves on her hands. He wears a hard armor shoulder guard on one shoulder, his hair is not long, and he wears a pair of buns on the back of his head, but the color cannot be judged by just touching it.

The movements of her hands and feet are very natural, and there is no sense of disharmony due to her height and weight, which proves that this is indeed her own body, the "Luo Shen".

"..." Everything seems to be normal, but this is the biggest abnormality.

For example, she can easily understand and use the origins and names of all equipment, the names of colors and styles, and some of the words used when checking herself. However, if she thinks about their origins, it will be like when she was looking for When I heard my name, I entered a confused state of "looking for a needle in a haystack".

If you want to continue to be serious, look for a needle in a haystack? What is the sea? What is a needle?

what is what"? What is "is"?

If you continue to get into trouble, there will be no end. "Luoshen" decisively decided to give up thinking in this area, including the newly born phrase, "What does it mean to get into trouble?"

She determined that her original self should be strong enough and experienced, and she only had to follow her heart to explore this world full of weird [deaths].


Since there was [Death] in all directions, Luo Shen chose a direction at will and started to move forward without deliberately keeping a straight line.

She was convinced that when she first gained consciousness, the feeling of being dragged into the whirlpool was not an illusion. If she had not found her "name" at that time, she might have become as muddy as these [deaths], floating around at will and strangling anyone. Something that is not one of them.

Although it is very safe to wait in place, it will not help in finding out who "you" are. If you just hold on to the name "Luo Shen", those [deaths] will most likely find you again after a period of time. At that time, I was at the end of my rope.

Hmm...Have you thought about something again that you don't know the meaning of? Whatever.

"Luo Shen" spread his hands and then twirled his fingers twice.


Let's not mention what the action of "spreading hands" represents, but the action of turning the fingers shows a new concept, that is, "weapon".

It should be a, no, a pair of small and light weapons that can spin and fly on the fingertips, so that they can develop this habit of expressing helplessness and indifference.

If it is a weapon, maybe he often fights? Well, this makes sense. After all, a considerable part of these flying [deaths] express death in battle. Could it be that he was plotted against me——

Snapped! Wow! "Why--"

Because the "earth" formed by "death" was too flat, "Luo Shen"'s footsteps were quite brisk, so when a large pile of "death" appeared, she kicked it without reacting.

This lump of [Death] was quite loose and fell apart with a kick, but it still stumbled "Luo Shen" - but she landed firmly on the ground with a wonderful balancing act.

This proves from the side that my skills are really good... huh?

Before he finished boasting, "Luo Shen" discovered something unique under his feet.

After looking at [Death] for a long time, this ordinary thing seemed to be emitting a dazzling light in the eyes of "Luo Shen".

"Is this...a pickaxe?"

This is a pickaxe, or pickaxe, made entirely of wood. The craftsmanship is quite exquisite and beautiful, as if it was made by a top carpenter. However, its handle has been disconnected from the center and cannot be used.

"Is there someone nearby?" Luo Shen was really shocked this time: "In this case, it's not the world that has a problem but my eyes that have a problem? What kind of world is this?"

Naturally, Mu Hao would not answer her, and Luo Shen also found a new goal after abandoning a lot of new words and sentences that suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Just use this place as the center, and search the surroundings in a spiral, at least to find out where this is," she said to herself: "But it's a pity that this pickaxe can't be used. If it is convenient, I hope it can Use it to make a weapon or something...uh."

Before "Luo Shen" could finish his words, he saw that the pickaxe, which was divided into two halves and was clearly made of wood, "melted" and then flowed and deformed like a real liquid, finally forming a pair of equally exquisite wooden daggers.

"...I'm sure this is no ordinary world," "Luo Shen" said blankly: "Besides, the farmer who abandoned it casually is probably a fool."

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