The Collection of The End

Chapter 642 Chaos (1)


What did the world look like in the first place?

"Laozi" says: There are things mixed together, born innately from heaven and earth.

It is also said: Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things; all things bear yin and embrace yang, and inject qi into harmony.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a Wu man wrote the "San Wu Li Ji", which said: The heaven and earth are not divided, they are shaped like chickens, the chaos is not opened, and their color is black and yellow.

However, this person was just guessing.

"Chicken! Ha! Xuanhuang! Bah! Yellow-mouthed kid! What nonsense!"

In the endless black and red turbulence, a big golden bird flew up and down. It was shaped like a crow, with golden feathers all over its body. It had three legs and was shouting with its mouth open.

It sounded like an angry young man.

But there are no "angry", "young" and "manly" in the world at this time.

Bang! "Damn Chaos!"

Due to a slight distraction, the big golden bird was hit head-on by a huge red and black wave and flew out, so it yelled angrily.

This world mixed with red and black and full of turbulence is called "chaos" by the Golden Crow, and it has been flying in this "chaos" without distinguishing between up and down since it became conscious.

It considered whether it would fall to the "ground" if it didn't flap its wings at all, but unfortunately, it couldn't. If it didn't fly, it would stay in place without any sign of "falling" in any direction. It can't last long, as those turbulent red and black turbulences will push it in all directions according to their respective flow directions.

The Golden Crow is surrounded by these "turbulent currents" that contain concepts such as death, annihilation, and destruction. Their forward directions are up, down, left, and right, and often conflict with each other. Only a certain "River Crossing Dragon" that is much thicker than ordinary turbulent currents passes by. , the nearby turbulence will temporarily move uniformly in a certain direction for a period of time.

In short, it has no reliable reference that can determine the direction.

The Golden Crow itself is located in the gaps of these turbulent currents.

It uses its powerful beak, wings and claws to tear the surrounding turbulent water into pieces, thereby passing through its original "river channel".

This behavior is skillful and quick, and it may have been repeated countless times before it awakened its consciousness, or it may be that it was precisely because it repeated this action all the time that it awakened its consciousness.

"But it seems to be of no use," Jinwu muttered: "If I do the same thing as before I awakened, what am I..."


Jinwu was knocked out and turned a series of somersaults.

This is impossible! I just avoided the turbulence that could knock me away!

The surprised Jinwu flapped his wings, steadied himself and looked back.

I saw that the thick turbulent flow that had just hit it with its "head" changed its direction of movement for some reason, causing its "tail" to flick out and slap the Golden Crow.

Also blown away were a dozen other turbulent flows nearby. They all turned around for a few times without any response, and then prepared to move in the direction after being "adjusted".

But Jinwu had no intention of giving up.

If it was me before my "consciousness awakening", I would probably continue to tear and attack other turbulent currents in a daze and fly away, but...

"The difference between consciousness and unconsciousness is whether there is a desire for revenge!" The Golden Crow waved its three claws and rushed towards the thick turbulent flow: "Go to hell! You gray mud loach!"

Regardless of how the turbulent flow, which originally represented "death", was going to die, and there was no such thing as a loach at this time, the Golden Crow's desire for revenge was real.

The Golden Crow followed the thick turbulent current and used its beak and claws to destroy it from behind.

The unfortunate turbulence itself has no consciousness or consciousness, so it will not turn around and attack the Golden Crow because its "tail" is destroyed. However, its own body shape is the best defense.

After Jinwu grabbed it with his claws, he instantly understood why he had unconsciously avoided it before: although this turbulent current was only about three times thicker than other small turbulent currents,

But the overall difficulty of destroying it has increased more than ten times.

However, since I have promised to kill it, I must kill it and keep my word. This is a matter of face - there is nothing else to do anyway, right?

Regardless of how many words the Golden Crow found incomprehensible came out of these thoughts, the movements on its hands and claws would not stop. Therefore, in this turbulent world, in addition to Peng, Pa, Shua Shua, In addition to the whirring and other sounds, there is also a clicking sound, like a rat gnawing on wood.


"Hahaha! Die! You stupid snake!"

Since the turbulent flow had no way of counterattacking, it was eventually torn apart from tail to head by the persevering Golden Crow.

In the end, Jinwu improved his evaluation of this turbulent flow from "loach" to "snake" because of its "difficulty".

The large turbulent flow naturally did not respond. In fact, it disappeared very simply after being torn into pieces. The Golden Crow was just talking in the space vacated after it disappeared.

"Tch, it's boring. I might as well use this little time to find the 'ground' or 'place to stay'." The Golden Crow did not get the sense of accomplishment that he expected. He flapped his wings and turned around, preparing to tear up a few turbulent streams and leave, but found that, The small turbulence around it that would have crashed towards it took the initiative to avoid it, forming a spherical open area around it.

"Bullying the weak and fearing the strong? Huh?" Obviously, in the logic of this golden crow, there is no such thing as "forgiving others if you have to give them a chance". When it saw the turbulence and started to avoid it, its reaction was: "Now you know that you are afraid? Too late?" Got it!"

In turn, it pounces on those turbulences that actively avoid it.

Bang, bang! Crack, crackle!

The Golden Crow finally understood why those turbulent currents avoided it. It used to need three pecks and two claws to eliminate one such small turbulent current, but now it only needs one simple pounce to eliminate all the turbulent currents along the way. It was so devastated that its wings didn't even feel resistance.

"Hmm...I see." Jinwu stopped his attacking movements and thought: "The only difference between me and before is that I destroyed that dead snake. Therefore, in this chaos, the way to become stronger is to defeat Bi." I am the stronger guy. These turbulent currents collided with each other and won by coincidence, and finally formed one as big as a dead snake. So, its number should not be too many, so I have to hurry up."

At this time, Jinwu finally found his first goal after awakening his self-awareness: to tear up those "turbulences" that were thick enough to make himself stronger, and what should he do after becoming stronger?

Humph, just think about this kind of thing when nothing else is stronger than yourself.


After an unknown amount of time, Golden Crow could no longer find any "turbulence" that was stronger than it.

It had encountered those that were extremely fast and huge, those that rotated on their own to form a vortex, and those that were completely solid and almost indestructible, but in the end, they were all scratched and torn apart by the Golden Crow's sharp beak and claws.

Obviously, the intensity of "death turbulence" has its limits, and the Golden Crow has grown enough to ignore any of their forms.

Sometimes, a large enough turbulence will fall apart as soon as it appears in Jin Crow's sight. Jin Crow is not sure whether it is frightened or whether it is strong enough to destroy the turbulence with its gaze.

Because the Golden Crow is already so powerful, the range within which those turbulent currents can avoid it is also large enough. It has roughly estimated that the distance between itself and the edge of the spherical "wall" composed of the surrounding small turbulent currents is about one hundred and fourteen times its own wingspan. Nineteen and a half times.

Such a large field of view is enough for it to find the "ground" it has always wanted to find.

But it is a pity that there is no difference between "ground" and "air". It is composed of solidified and flattened, the smallest "turbulence", which cannot flow freely at all. They are so miserable that the Golden Crow cannot attack and No thought of destruction.

Sure enough, the destination of the "bird" is still the "sky". The Golden Crow shook its head and prepared to flap its wings and fly into the sky - although it did not need to "flap its wings" and its movement method was not "flying".

Before that, it found "half a tree."

This is a situation that seems weird even if I describe it in my own inexplicable words.

Jinwu landed slightly curiously.

This half of the tree looks as tall as ten of us, but the upper half suddenly disappears, and some branches in the lower half are swaying in the wind - what is wind?

Do, do, do.

The Golden Crow landed on the branch and tried to peck it a few times. Several large holes appeared on the trunk.

It seems that it is not indestructible, but it does not collapse like other turbulences. So, should we try to destroy it?


A hoarse scream came from the tree trunk, making Jinwu jump involuntarily and temporarily gave up his plan to destroy it.

Looking down at the tree, Jinwu saw a marmot emerging from a small tree hole next to the root of the tree. It looked up at the Golden Crow on the tree and let out another scream:


"What are you calling!" Jinwu was annoyed by the noise and said angrily: "If you scream again, I'll eat you!"

"——!" The groundhog opened his mouth wide, but made no sound.

"Who are you? What's going on with this tree?" Jinwu asked. Seeing that the groundhog looked like he wanted to scream again, he added: "No barking! Answer in words I can understand!" "

In fact, even Jinwu himself could not understand many of the words in these words, but he could understand their meaning.

"..." The groundhog was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth again, his voice was like a child's: "Pindao Zhen Yuanzi, this is the spiritual root born from heaven and earth, it is called the ginseng fruit tree."


The Golden Crow tilted his head and tried to think about what the marmot said, but each word would bring up a large explanation containing more new and incomprehensible words. The same thing happened when he continued to think about the new words, which made it Extremely irritable.

"I don't know where you are from, why do you want to destroy Pindao's fruit trees?" Zhen Yuanzi asked again.

The change of topic made Jinwu less angry. He ignored Zhen Yuanzi's claim that the tree belonged to him and snorted:

"This is the beginning, and I am the only Golden Crow, so I am named——"


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