The Collection of The End

Chapter 663: The Boundless Sky Han is nothing but a hero’s outlook

[Aura Suffocation] At present, I will chat with the stupid system about the power system and other trivial matters. It is really because there is a surplus of combat power and solutions.

First of all, if that Hong Yun is the real [Hong Yun], he is a "good person" and told him that fighting Kunpeng will lead to the destruction of the world. Regardless of whether he believes it or not, he must stop.

Then there is Kunpeng. Although he is quite big, he is still a child and will always listen to the words of his father Yuanfeng and mother Zulong.

[Is it the other way around? 】

‘Think about it carefully? ’


Even if the two of them don't listen to the advice and insist on fighting to the end, the few golden crows present are not for nothing. Not to mention Xihe and her golden chariot, Taiyi and Dijun, the twin emperors of the demon clan's heaven, have the "Chaos Bell" "With it in hand, it's easy to control them.

After a series of countermeasures failed, it was my turn, a little girl who had just hatched, to take action.

[Where did the little girl come from? I only saw an old--Caw! 】

"Ninth sister... don't always bully your tenth brother." Negative Xi turned around helplessly and said.

"Okay~Bago~" I raised my hand in response, then touched the place where Chi Qi had just been punched by me, and twisted it a little.

At this moment, I was riding on the back of Stupid System to follow the Eight Brothers, the Second Brother and the Second Sister-in-law who were going through all kinds of hardships - I mean Bi Fang, these two weirdos have the characteristic of "definitely fight back when they are attacked", even if they don't get along, When we are together, there is no room for others to interfere.

In addition, "overcoming thorns and thorns" has a literal meaning.

The previous "platform blast" blew away all the sea beasts and firebirds except for the current few dragons and phoenixes. Those who could not resist this blow basically fell into the "forest" composed of the intricate "support roots" and were shut down again. stand up.

Since the arrow that shot the sun was broken by me and could not be fired, Zhulong was using other methods to drive away the Golden Crow approaching Ruomu. However, our little prison escape was not taken too seriously by him. The only person responsible for the pursuit was Ruomu. Roots and branches like spiritual snakes, but they are meaningless in front of the "Breath of Alduin" that is hanging on the fingertips.

"We leave Zhongshan Island from the ground," Ying Xi explained the plan quickly while clearing the way in front: "The candle dragon absorbed the seawater at an unknown distance in a radius, making it impossible for sea beasts to approach the island, but at the same time it also lost this piece of land. Without control over the underwater space of sea water, his means of defense in the air cannot affect here, and the means of defense in the water cannot attack due to its own actions. Therefore, we can fly through this "waterless sea area" .”

"Good idea." I switched several monitors and noticed that although the sea beasts were trapped in the ravine on the seabed and could not climb out, and were squealing from the boiling water poured from the air, they were also rooting many seaweeds and coral-like " Enemies" fight.

The stupid system was carrying me to follow Fu Xi's footsteps. After hearing these words, it seemed to think for a moment, and then suddenly sang:

[I am a fish standing on the shore~Oh~oh~How can I forget that I once lived in the sea~]


[A fish out of water~can’t survive~]

‘Do you think I don’t know that you are slandering my small-mindedness and bad temper? Ah da! ’

【The end of the world~I won’t~leave~~】



A sharp and loud cry suddenly sounded, causing me to secretly squeeze the stupid system's hand.

After listening carefully, I realized that it was not the stupid system crying, but it was coming from Kunpeng who had been sucking the red cloud for a long time but didn't suck anything.

Then, the giant "whale" in the air, which was bigger than Zhongshan Island, with a blue back and a white belly, began to cry and roll, knocking away a large area of ​​the dragons and phoenixes that were originally friendly forces.

"what happened?"

Negative Xi's breakthrough movement temporarily stopped,

He raised his dragon head and looked at the changes in the sky.

I also pressed the eye mask to switch to close-range monitoring.

Zulong and Yuanfeng were also caught off guard, and were trying to evacuate their tribesmen from the area where Kunpeng was rolling.

Zhulong is confronting the Golden Crows across the red clouds.

Although Hongyun appeared because of his actions and did not assist any party. He just repeatedly said "Don't fight, don't fight" to prevent the two parties from contacting each other. However, when he heard Kunpeng's crying, the half without the mask There was obvious helplessness on his face.

‘I have a bad feeling. ’

[Yes, although the two of them are the source of the 'spiritual suffocation', if they are like just now, even if they stand against each other for ten thousand years, it will not have any effect. 】

"[嘤嘤嘤——]" Kunpeng was still crying.

Snap, I clearly saw Hongyun take off his mask - there was nothing special about his covered face - and then pieces of smoke-like "fire clouds" began to emit from around his body.

"[嘤嘤——嘤嘤——嘤嘤——]" Kunpeng stopped crying instantly, opened his mouth and directly inhaled the dissipated red smoke into his mouth, and then made a sound of "um na um na" and stared at Hongyun.

This is really troublesome... Although I have probably guessed the reason, I still want to confirm...

‘Hint sister? Is this how they caused [Aura Suffocation]? ’

[Tip: Because the first bite of food that 'Kunpeng' ate when he was born was the true form of 'Hongyun', he cannot eat other things before he matures. However, Hongyun has already transformed into 'Ya Sheng' unless he voluntarily Return to his true form and disappear into ashes, otherwise Kunpeng will never be able to take another bite of 'Red Cloud'. 】

Hello! It’s too much to be a good guy! This is worse than cutting off meat to feed eagles or feeding tigers with your body, isn’t it? Go and teach in the West!

【Are you qualified to talk about others...】

'ah! ? What are you saying, fish? ’

【I said nothing. 】

My sister naturally ignored my quarrel with the stupid system and continued to generate rows of prompts on her own:

[Reminder: At the same time, because Hongyun is a 'natural Tao body', Kunpeng will transform after being eaten voluntarily. The natural Tao body he transforms will be too large, and it will cause direct damage within a breath of time. 'Aura suffocation'. 】

At the same time, the mask that the good old man Hongyun had just taken off had disappeared, his original long hair gradually shortened, and the red clothes on his body began to fade.

But Kunpeng continued to suck in the "Fire Cloud" that escaped from his body without realizing it.

The immediate solution now is to kill Hongyun or Kunpeng. Considering that the source of spiritual suffocation is Kunpeng, he should be killed, but he is my "brother" now, and Hongyun, I have already planned to eat you for your brother. Still want to kill someone?

Or separate the two of them from a distance. Kunpeng can cry as much as he wants. He won't starve to death anyway, but for such a [sub-sage] level guy, distance is not a problem at all.

‘…Find a way for me! ’ I’m kicking the system.

[Everyone who knows my name, how are you? The world is so small and we are destined to have nowhere to escape~] The stupid system was beaten and started singing again, but since it still has the leisure to sing, it proves that there is still something going on. Save room.

"Second brother, ninth sister, tenth brother," negative Xi, who was staring at the sky, suddenly said in a tone like "the wind is rustling and the water is cold": "Please believe that no matter what I want to do, it will be possible." There is a reason, but if father wants to punish me, there is no need to speak for me."

As he spoke, dark flames ignited between his claws. Judging from the direction he was aiming, it should be... Kunpeng.

Huh? He's quite sharp. He's worthy of being the former Ender Dragon. Is he planning to break the rule of "brothers are not allowed to kill each other" and kill Kunpeng?

[When you decide to burn for your ideal~Which is more important, the pressure of life or the dignity of life~]

I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have sang to the stupid system in the first place.


While I was complaining about the stupid system, in the blink of an eye I saw that Fu Xi was about to make a move, and I opened my blindfold directly at him.


"Sister...sister?" Probably because he had the breath of the Doomsday Dragon, the petrified Fu Xi could still move his eyes and speak with difficulty.

"Hmph, the code stipulates that 'brothers are not allowed to kill each other', right? That guy and I are not brothers." I turned around and used the "Twisted Magic Eye" to twist an arc-shaped branch and a flexible vine, and twisted them They form a bow.

Perhaps because Ruomu itself was made by me, under the threat of the "Sword of War", they did not dare to approach when they were hunting before. The bow they turned into this time was even more exquisite and perfect.

‘Tsk, I’ve obviously stopped Zhulong from shooting the Golden Crow, but now I have to do this again. ’

I put the "Sword of War" on the "Ruomu Bow" with my backhand, and aimed at Kunpeng, who didn't need to aim at all.

At this time, the stupid system should...

[Hmph, did you think I would say, ‘The Holy Mother killed her brother’? That's impossible~] The stupid system shouted very proudly: [Not only did I not speak, but I also sang~]

Tsk, he was discovered.

【I am a little bird~I want to fly but I can’t fly high~】

As for the "innate Taoist body", there is another one here. If it is mixed into the smoke of Hongyun, my stupid brother must not be able to distinguish it at all, and as long as he dares to swallow it, hum~

[Tip: The level has been reduced. The level of ‘Ender Hatchling Linhao’ is 15/100, 13/100, 11/100...]

"Jiu Mei?!" The second brother Yaizhen, who was not petrified, tried to approach, but was stopped by the stupid system.

[Tip: Reduce the level to the lowest, 1/100.]

‘Hey, the level is really useless, it can only be used for enchanting. ’ I said to the stupid system.

[If you act so recklessly, although the avatar probably won't die, there's no doubt that something will go wrong. ] The stupid system responded.

‘Just keep an eye on it and don’t let anyone take away the [God List]. ’

At this time, Kunpeng had sucked Hongyun into a bald head, and his red clothes were almost completely white. He looked like he was going to rush to buy discounted goods.

"!" I loosened the bow string and launched the "Sword of War".

But strictly speaking, it should be called "Transformation and Feeding Arrow" now.

Just when Hongyun on the screen showed an expression of enlightenment and wanting to ascend, my arrow/sword arrived.


That three-color lightsaber had no lethality against the huge Kunpeng, but it directly turned it into a chicken, maybe a Peng?

The "Kun Peng" flying in the air in the form of Kun could no longer fly after being forcibly switched to "Peng", and plunged directly into the sea far away.

The food this "eleventh brother" sucked from Hongyun plus me should be enough for him to reach adulthood, but without my permission, he would not be able to jump out from below the sea level.

Just be honest and say "water hits three thousand miles". If you want to "surge up to ninety thousand miles", it depends on your sister's mood~

Swish, swish—after the "Aura Suffocation Maker" on the list of gods, the names of Kunpeng and Hongyun disappeared.

'Hey...why do I feel so tired suddenly...'

[You can even shout "Hou Yi shoots the sun with a bow", but what about shooting stars? Do you understand what you say? This account has been blocked, please rest quietly. 】

etc? Hello! I'm not cheating!

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