The Collection of The End

Chapter 664 Prehistoric (9)


Over Zhongshan Island.

Luo Shen was sitting in Xihe's golden car in a daze.

As a person who "cannot fly" and is also "born with a Taoist body", she was protected by the Phoenix people. Except for Yuan Feng's arrangement, she showed her face in front of Zulong to show that the Phoenix people would not attack their family. After Xiao Longnu, who was born with Taoism, noticed, she has been watching the battle in mid-air.

Although she wanted to help several times, she didn't know what to do. Should she fill the "sea pit" below with "soil"?

Wouldn't that mean that the fallen aquatic tribe should also be buried together?

Originally, in order to deal with Zhulong's mist, after Zulong and Yuanfeng worked together to "create" the eleventh son "Kunpeng", the rescuer's combat power should be able to surpass Zhujiuyin.

And the clouds and mist Kunpeng inhaled did indeed make his own strength increase rapidly.

Both Tai Yi and Di Jun thought this was a good opportunity to rush in and rescue people, so they took advantage of the thick fog to descend quickly. However, halfway through, the cloud instantly turned red and transformed into the third "Innate Taoist" present. Hongyun", single-handedly stopped Kunpeng from advancing.

But Zhu Jiuyin didn't know why he was crazy. He didn't care about the sea beasts around Zhongshan Island and a certain dragon that broke into the island. He launched a life-threatening attack on the Golden Crows. It used countless branches within the canopy to create endless waves. In a "volley of thousands of arrows", if the "red cloud" hadn't blocked a large part of the "rain of arrows" by dissuading the fight normally instead of deflecting the fight, Taiyi and Dijun would still have suffered a small loss.

At that time, after dodging several arrows, Taiyi still laughed: "Hahaha! If I were in the position of Zhu Jiuyin, I would definitely add a one-hit kill method in addition to the normal arrow rain. Now it seems that, Although this [sub-sage] is powerful in ability, his wisdom is no more than this!"

Although Luo Shen felt that something was wrong, Taiyi's words were the truth, so he cooperated with the other two Golden Crows and praised him without any real feelings.

As a result, Zhulong's ability to control Ruomu to a certain extent could no longer be concealed.

Therefore, the reason why he targeted Jinwu was also obvious - he wanted to protect Ruomu from being burned.

Revealing that he is afraid of fire in front of Phoenix, who controls the power of fire and wind... This... Without Luo Shen's suggestion, a group of Phoenix spontaneously organized and attacked Ruomu's crown in batches to lure the candle dragon higher and farther. There was no time to pay attention to the rescue that was going very smoothly at the base of the tree.

Viewed from a high altitude, although there were some minor twists and turns, the captured tribesmen on both sides have been rescued. Their move to head to the seaside instead of taking off was very wise.

After all, this Zhulong is thousands of miles long and has been entrenched on Zhongshan and Ruomu for a long time. His own attack methods and range are limited. The various blocking methods transformed by Ruomu cannot affect the "waterless sea", and he His head has been attracted high enough by the phoenixes, and even spitting downwards is meaningless.

In this way, as long as those dragons and phoenixes escape successfully, the battle will be complete——


The huge, ear-piercing, but at the same time strangely strange sound of a baby's cry suddenly sounded, causing Luo Shen's thoughts to be interrupted for a moment.


What happened next was beyond everyone's expectation.

They are obviously enemies, but just because Kunpeng made a fuss and wanted to eat Hongyun, Hongyun just let him eat it?

If we had known this, wouldn't we have said so from the beginning?

After seeing Hongyun constantly separating his true self and feeding it to Kunpeng, Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help but wanted to go back and get a share of the pie. Naturally, the Phoenix and Golden Crows at the top of the tree refused and intensified their attacks on Ruomu, causing him to A dilemma.

As for the dragon clan below, it is his own nephew who is looking for food, and of course he will not stop it.

"You need to prepare so much food to raise a new creature?" Xi He stuttered in shock: "I decided not to lay eggs and just split them like a phoenix.


"I don't allow it." Di Jun answered without hesitation.

"What does it have to do with you? Are you going to find something to eat when the little golden crow hatches?" Xihe glared at him.

"Of course." Di Jun responded without hesitation again.

"..." Xihe was silent.

"Hahahaha! With such a stupid big body, it must be ridiculous to become a 'natural body'. Who can afford it, hahaha!" Taiyi passed by, looking at Kunpeng and laughing.

Did you really find nothing? !

No, wait, now is not the time to think about this problem... Luo Shen frowned and thought. Although he had no idea about the "innate Tao body", intuitively it should not be as big as Kunpeng. If he really transformed into such a big one, The appearance of a "natural Taoist body" might cause some serious problems.

Luo Shen felt vaguely uneasy, but couldn't think of the specific reason, and was a little irritated for a moment.

This irritability becomes more and more obvious as the shape of the red cloud gradually changes.

The long hair is bald; the red clothes are bleached; the red cloud surrounding the body gradually thins and disappears.

If it weren't for Kunpeng still sucking wildly and no one dared to approach, Luo Shen would have wanted to rush down, grab Hongyun's collar and shake it hard, asking him if he was stupid.

Forget it, anyway, the [Six Paths of Reincarnation] she currently opened is mainly for ordinary creatures, and basically all of them go in and out of the animal realm. If this guy who is obviously going to leave the "human realm" comes over, then treat him like this. .

No, wait... Although his current behavior will lead to annihilation, it is not "destruction of body and soul". Hasn't he already planned to use his six paths of reincarnation?

When he thought of this section, Luo Shen immediately looked down at Hongyun.

However, before she could see Hongyun's expression clearly, her eyes were attracted by a dazzling, crystal clear linear stream of red, yellow, and green colors. At the same time, a very familiar but fundamental voice came to her ears. Unable to understand sounds.

【! 】


The light rose from Zhongshan Island near the seaside and pointed diagonally at Kunpeng in the sky. Although it seemed to be an arrow, it had no "track" at all and directly "connected" or "hit" Kunpeng.

At this moment, both Hongyun and Kunpeng were involuntarily motionless.

Luo Shen didn't know what it was, but her intuition told her that after this light appeared, it meant that a "person" with the same origin as her would disappear.

This strange premonition made her impatient to wait for the golden car to pull the cart, so she casually pulled a feather of Taiyi who was still "hahahaha" and jumped directly from the golden cart.

"Hahaha! Luo Shen, are you looking for death?"


"Female Dig!"

Can you three be called by the same name?

When Luo Shen was flying down, she noticed that Yuan Feng's wings moved slightly, but she did not stop her and signaled the phoenixes in the direction of her fall to get out of the way.

Although the Phoenix's behavior was a little strange to her, out of trust in Yuan Feng, they continued to block Zhulong instead of coming to rescue.


Luo Shen descended rapidly and soon passed by Hong Yun and Kunpeng. Hong Yun was now completely bald, and his clothes were so white that they were scorched yellow. At this time, he was looking at the palm of his hand with an expression of inexplicable understanding, and said He said "I see".

As for Kunpeng, it is rapidly changing its shape in the light. Currently, the pair of giant fins under its eyes are transforming into phoenix-like wings. Its expression is dull, as if it is very confused about the situation at this time - originally, it was a What can a baby who only knows how to eat understand?

After Luoshen passed by them, it was already close to the sea. At this time, there were two problems: she could not fly, the position directly below was far away from the island, and she would explode violently as long as it touched the ground.

However, since she dared to jump, she naturally had something to rely on.

Boom! Luo Shen took out the Taiyi feather she had just plucked out, and lit it on fire with a wave of her hand. In just a moment, three pairs of six flame-like wings sprouted from her back. They stretched slightly, turning Luo Shen's "fall" into a "Glide", flying towards the "root" of the gradually fading light.

As Luo Shen approached the ground, the Ruomu roots that were still under the control of Zhulong were entangled with her. Luo Shen just waved the sickle in her hand, cutting off all the branches and logs along the way, and easily opened a path. .

When she finally arrived at her destination, she directly sprayed [Breathing Soil] to create a thick layer of soil at the planned landing location. With a bang, she landed steadily without explosion.

As she landed, the stream of light also disappeared, and Luo Shen quickly took a look at the surrounding situation.

The roots of the surrounding Ruomu are still approaching, and Yaizhen and Bifang are expelling them. The source of the flowing light is a huge red dragon, a small koi, and a very familiar little girl.

She looked to be less than ten years old, wearing heavy armor made of jet-black dragon scales that covered her whole body. Her face was pale, her eyes were closed, and she wore a small mask on her forehead. There was also a mask smaller than hers on her hand. I also want a taller longbow.

"Get away!" The red dragon, which had been staring at her blankly, noticed that Luo Shen was approaching, and immediately curled its tail to protect her, and showed its claws burning with black flames and roared at Luo Shen.

This fire? Never mind, I don’t have time to care about that now.

"It's you who should get out of here! Idiot!" Luo Shen held a sickle in one hand and threw soil to pave the way for where she was going: "Didn't you notice that she was turning back into a dragon egg?"

"I..." Hong Long opened his mouth to speak but couldn't say anything. He had to turn his head to look at the girl.


The girl closed her eyes tightly and breathed shallowly, but when Luo Shen and Fu Xi were confronting each other, she shrank in size visible to the naked eye and became less than eight years old. The koi Chiqiu beside her also It also became smaller, and it seemed to be more affected. It no longer remembered that it was actually a dragon or a fish, and started to flap on the ground with its tail swung.

"I don't have time to pay attention to you!" Luo Shen's soul was in chaos at this time, as if there were earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and volcanoes happening at the same time. She had no logic to pay attention to Fu Xi, and rushed to her side brandishing her sickle and Xi soil. Then, he took a deep breath and yelled at her:

"Long Jiu Mei! Lin Hao! I declare in the name of the [Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation] that I will [never accept] you!"


The girl was about to shrink to six years old again, but she paused strangely after Luo Shen shouted these words, and then slowly changed back to her eight-year-old appearance.

Chi Qi next to him didn't change much at all. He stood motionless on the ground like a salted fish - wait, what is a salted fish?

"How is my sister?" Negative Xi lowered his huge dragon head.

"I do not know……"

"[Hehehe~ Don't worry,]" a voice that Luo Shen seemed to have heard sounded in the air: "[She is destined to Pindao, she will be fine.]"

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