The Collection of The End

Chapter 677 Prehistoric (18)


Beiju Luzhou.

Even after making clay figurines with Sister Nuwa for a long time, Fuxi still has difficulty understanding how she obtained those wonderful knowledge. In most cases, they are quite useful, but they do not give "appropriate" information. "Knowledge, it would only answer Nuwa's questions unconditionally, and it would continue to give advice after her thoughts went astray, causing her sister to go further and further down the wrong path.

At the beginning, Nuwa may have only planned to create some "natural Tao bodies" to eliminate the resentment of those who died in vain so that they would not block the six paths of reincarnation. However, as the number of "people" increased and they became a new ethnic group, her attitude changed. Unconsciously, it turned into "wanting to take good care of them". In addition to giving those villains the ability to protect themselves and knowledge about production and life, they also forcibly gave themselves the title of "Emperor", which is simply inexplicable. .

When he asked her why, her answer was "sense of responsibility". In this way, Fuxi had nothing to say. The younger sister Lin Hao probably sacrificed herself because of this illusory thing.

If we analyze the situation at that time, we can easily conclude that if Kunpeng had not been prevented from swallowing Hongyun, a disaster more terrible than fifty million creatures drowning in one breath might have occurred.

All my sisters seem to have this kind of compassionate character. So, this girl who calls herself "The Holy Mother"...

Fuxi looked at the girl who was holding a huge shield taller than herself and looking around expressionlessly and asked: "If I don't allow you to call me 'senior', what will you call me?"

"Hmm..." Our Lady of Turtle Spirit showed a slightly confused expression. She thought for a while, then looked at the shield in her hand, and then tentatively replied: "Brother?"

That's right! That's it! Born from the empty shell left by her own tyranny, she is naturally my sister!

Fuxi raised his hand to pat her on the head: "Good sister."

"..." Nuwa looked on with a expression that was hard to explain: "After you take in the new sister, help me find the five-color stone..."

"Refining five-color stones to mend the sky" is also the solution given by Nuwa based on the knowledge she obtained out of thin air.

"Heaven" is naturally not made of stone, and the "five-color stone" cannot be an ordinary stone. It must contain enough power of the five elements. Specifically, you can choose the five colors of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. , you can also choose the five colors of earth, water, fire, wind, and thunder. The thing that will be refined in the end, although it looks like stone, is actually similar to a "fresh air" when the world was created. As long as it is delivered to the entrance of the cave, it will It will fuse on its own to plug the hole.

Fuxi looked at the southern sky. Buzhou Mountain had been broken into three parts, one long and two short, and fell into the sea. Except for creating a rather large whirlpool, there was no difference. However, where it was originally located, there was an additional Zhengce constantly on the zenith. The "hole" from which "water" flows.

Even without asking his sister, Fuxi could clearly sense that the "water flow" was similar in nature to the "breathing soil" used by Nuwa to create humans. If it came into contact with those little clay figurines, it would probably dissolve them in an instant. , from this point of view, the decision to decisively divide the continent into four is absolutely correct - it is just difficult for those brothers.


Dongshengshenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, and Beijuluzhou were temporarily named by Nuwa when she decided to divide Pangu into four parts. I don’t know if they came from her “knowledge”.

Although such a major "tectonic shift" (Nuwa's words) occurred, due to the protection of the pillars of heaven formed by Baxia's four legs, there was basically no impact on the creatures on it. It only felt like an earthquake for a period of time.

But if some members of the human tribe crossed the original "border" because of visiting relatives or exploring, and were separated by the sea...

Well, unless you are lucky enough to meet Nuwa, ordinary dragons, phoenixes, beasts, immortals, gods and sub-sages will not have the leisure to help them "go home".

At present, Beiju Luzhou is a land of ice and snow, with almost no human beings. The residents are mainly the Feng Clan who enjoy the cool weather here and the Dragon Clan who followed.

Dongsheng Shenzhou is full of high mountains and broken islands, and there are not many people there.

Due to the tsunami in Xiniu Hezhou, demons and ghosts frequently appeared, but because the "Zhunti Taoist" who took Lin Hao and Chi Qi away was there, it was generally chaotic but still habitable.

In contrast, the Nanzhan tribe, which has a mild climate, rich resources, and the largest number of settlers, has almost completely become the world of the human race. However, because the human race lives there too densely, Nuwa has no way to go and see it. At first glance, the real body is not good either. After all, when she transformed into a half-dragon and half-human Dharmakaya, her appearance did not change at all. The level of beauty that is not ordinary (APP19) will be given by the little clay figurine in less than a quarter of an hour. make out.

But speaking of it, all the faces Nuwa pinches are uglier than her own... Well, don't point this out, let's go find the five-color stone.

"Hehehehe! I thought something big had happened and the continent was torn apart. It turned out to be Nvdou and Bi Fang, you two - oh, and a group of dragons." When Fuxi was about to set off to look for the five-color stone, Then he saw a strange golden giant eagle descending from the sky, and at the same time, a slightly familiar and arrogant-sounding man's voice came from its back.

No, that was not a giant eagle. Fuxi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at it.

It was an eagle made entirely of a mineral called gold and a green gemstone...well, who knows what it is.

It seemed to be able to fly without flapping its wings. At this time, it was carrying a proud man who used Taiyi's voice and fell from the sky. Judging from his tone, it was indeed Taiyi.

"And this is the [Golden-winged Dapeng] made by this king. How about it? Aren't you very envious of it, the eighth son of Zulong?" The strange man, holding a book in one hand and an ax in the other, said to Fuxi.

"In addition," he added, "you dragon clan seems to account for three of the 'Four Elephants', but unfortunately, the 'Four Evils' are all under my command."

What is he saying? Fuxi wanted to answer directly, but found that Taiyi's human form seemed to be "handsome and handsome (still in Nuwa language)" than himself, so he frowned, and the red dragon appeared and responded: "It seems to be average."

"Huh?" "Ah..."

The original red dragon of Ning Xi is slightly taller than the half-human and half-dragon in "Fuxi" state, which just makes his head exceed the height of the "Golden-winged Dapeng".

So, in addition to the human man who took the form of Taiyi, he also saw three other people and one monster.

Judging by visual age, from lowest to highest, they are: a blue-eyed girl in a pink skirt with long horns, a girl in black clothes and a mask, and a girl in a black and white plaid skirt with long hair sticking up.

As for that monster, it was as irregular in shape as the lump of mud that Nuwa pinched and crushed, and it was also strangely dressed in yellow clothes.

"You..." Although Fuxi felt very kind to them, they were brought by Taiyi after all, so he was a little hesitant about what to call them.

"Brother!" "Brother!" "...Brother!"

But the girls didn't have such worries. The first two called their brothers and jumped off the Golden-winged Dapeng. The third one was a little slower, rolled her eyes, and shouted the same words without sincerity before jumping off. .

"This..." Fuxi was a little at a loss when he saw the girls jumping on his back in a few seconds.

"How many good sisters do you have..." Nuwa stood beside her and put her hand on her forehead.

"Hehehehe...hehehe...hahahahaha!" Taiyi laughed: "My good nephew, can you call uncle to listen?"


"Brother~" Before Fuxi could understand Taiyi's words, the "sister" with particularly long hair on her head spoke: "That's dad~"



Thanks to the help of Taiyi, an uninvited guest, it didn't take long for Nuwa to collect all the five-color stones.

After all, as the Golden Crow, he followed Xihe and Dijun around the entire "Earth" countless times. He knew exactly where the mines were in Pangea. Even if the continent itself had been torn apart, he could find the current location with just a little thought. Location.

In addition, Nuwa's strange black box can be connected to any corner of the Pangea continent, so collecting five-color stones is sometimes simply a matter of exploring the "box" to retrieve items.

In the end, the tool Nuwa used to "refining stone" was a strange pot. It was in the shape of a blue column with nine sides on the outside. Each side had an entrance to put the materials that needed to be refined, and the top of it was It was in the shape of half a house. After the five-color stones were put in, curls of white smoke began to escape from the windows of the "house", and finally gathered on the roof to form several strange stones, with many on them. The body of the hole is pure white, and the surface is flashing with stones of five colors.

After Nuwa named them [Jiuli Pot] and [Nuwa Stone], because she was too lazy to fly, she simply took Taiyi's "Golden Winged Dapeng" and rushed to the big hole in the sky.

On the way, Fuxi and Taiyi had a tit-for-tat discussion with each other on the issue of what the girls would call them, and temporarily reached an agreement on their own terms. Moreover, since the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit refused to call Taiyi daddy, Fuxi had a slight upper hand.

However, when they arrived near the "Heaven's Hole", the appearance of a girl destroyed this fragile agreement.

The green-haired girl, wearing a white dress that looked like white cloth tied up randomly, descended from the hole along the water flow, and smiled slightly at the group of people who were planning to "patch the sky":

"I'm in Xia Xuandu, from heaven. My master asked me to pick up the broken Buzhou Shanlian Formula Poseidon Needle. Can you please not block it for the time being?"

At this moment, Fuxi was in the state of "observing himself" again. From this perspective, the girl was a whirlpool full of "death". Wasn't it the "her" he had been chasing?

In Taiyi's eyes, the elements that make up her are incomparably compatible with himself as the Golden Crow. It can be said that they are a match made in heaven.

"Of course!" The two "people" responded in unison, and then stared at each other as if they were aware of it.

As their eyes intertwined, swords flashed and sparks flew everywhere.

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