The Collection of The End

Chapter 678: In the Fish-Dragon Formation, no one will surrender even though I am fighting

Pangu’s heart.

I was originally a little depressed because those guys were talking to themselves and sacrificing themselves, but then I got a surprise.

[Tip: After Ba Xia was promoted to Xuan Wu, his empty shell awakened his self-consciousness and transformed into the ‘Turtle Spirit Holy Mother’. 】

[Our Lady of Turtle Spirit (Lv80/80)]

Tsk... Look at the big shield, the school swimsuit-like armor, and the serious face that seems ready to complain at any time. This time the shield girl can be said to be perfectly restored. The only problem is that she still doesn’t have a name in brackets, and she looks happy-go-lucky. .

Although according to her past experience and current foundation, she should follow Taiyi, but it seems that there is no problem in following my cheap starling Fuxi. According to legend, Fuxi used the turtle shell to perform the Five Elements Bagua, which is also the shield sister. This makes sense for Mullard at this time.

In addition, if her body is just a turtle shell, it is equivalent to inadvertently eliminating a fatal disaster.

According to Fengshenyanyi, when the Holy Mother Guiling was chasing the fearful grandson, she met the Taoist guide. He beat her back to her original form and wanted to capture Du Hua. Unexpectedly, when the boy under him opened the cloth bag, a Western monster was released. Mosquitoes sucked the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit dry, leaving only an empty shell.

‘This Holy Mother is just an empty shell, let’s see what the mosquito can do. ’

[A plumber jumped out and kicked the turtle shell away? 】

‘Then next time he wants to jump over a big pit, be prepared to hit the invisible brick at the highest point! ’

[There are still 99 people as strong as him. 】

I was talking nonsense with the stupid system, and it reminded my sister that a new message had appeared:

[Tip: Taiyi conquered ‘Chaos’ and started to create ‘Golden-winged Dapeng’. 】

'What the hell? Is that Kong Xuan's brother? Swallow the golden-winged roc? So he was created by someone? ’

[Hmm... let me see...]

The stupid system drew a circle in the air and replayed the scene where Taiyi and his "daughters" beat "Zhonghuang Laojun".

That ball of yellow mud wearing a yellow robe, with eyes and arms and legs, made of end sand, looked like nothing important, but it wasn't his appearance that was troublesome:

[Chaos (Lv60/90) (Huanglong Zhenren) (former name: Zhonghuang Laojun)]

[Oh... I lost a big level after being beaten, but the level limit increased instead. Should I say it was a blessing in disguise? 】

‘Isn’t it true that even the name has been changed? And this name is a blessing! ’

I have never heard of Mr. Zhonghuang, but Mr. Huanglong? That is the "Four Wudao" who is said to have no power, no disciples, no brains, no victory, and will be defeated in every battle. Even when he meets the third generation disciples of Jie Jiao, he is driven away. What exactly does Yuanshi Tianzun fancy him? Was he accepted as his second disciple just now?

[Excellent feet? 】

‘It’s true, even though it’s not kneaded properly, the material is really excellent. ’

Judging from the fact that Enkidu was instantly accepted as a disciple by Taishang Laojun, this mud from the heart of Pangu may exude rare attributes like the "root breath" of the FZ world. If Yuanshi Tianzun believes that anyone with such attributes can "Excellent talent"...

It doesn't seem impossible to find an opportunity to create an avatar and sneak into the Chan Cult.

【Huh? Have you already acquiesced that if you want to enter Chanjiao, you can only "sneak" in? 】

‘…Stop talking and shut up. ’

Ignoring Huanglong for the moment, I turned to look at the "Golden-winged Dapeng" mentioned in the prompt.

[Golden Mechanic Vulture (Lv70/70) (Gold-winged Dapeng)]

Great, the shining golden Kaifune, Taichi Ryunosuke's identity became more and more confirmed. At that time, I was a little busy and didn't have the chance to meet him. I just found time to use my avatar to walk around in front of him.

At this time, because Pangea was divided into four, Taiyi had stopped beating Huang Laojun, and was instead constantly moving out gold plates, blocks or columnar materials to build the huge aircraft.

And Taotie, Qiongqi and Taotie are helping him or causing trouble. Although Taotie gnaws off a piece of gold from time to time, and Taotie often accidentally chops up the gold nugget in his hand, but because that one looks a bit like Nayako's Qiongqi is very capable, and the progress of the project has not been delayed too much.

‘And the power source of this golden-winged roc...oh haha? ’ I cut my perspective into the inside of the half-built machine vulture, and then I saw a translucent sphere made of emerald-like material.

It does not have any structure connected to the surrounding "body", and just floats and sinks out of thin air on a container like a cauldron.

‘Your brother? ’ I poked at the stupid system next to me.

[No, this is the ‘Wind Spirit Pearl’. ] After the stupid system reacted, it almost posted on the surveillance screen: [But how could this thing be generated naturally? 】

[Tip: Due to the influence of the 'secondary apocalyptic element' 'Galaxy Intrusion', Heaven's Way automatically generates the 'Five Elements Colored Stones' with attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the attributes of earth, water, fire and wind. , Lei's five 'Anti-Five Elements Spiritual Beads' for those who are destined to save the world. ] Prompted my sister to explain.

After all, it’s all Nuwa’s job, right?

‘Oh…either refine the five-color stone to mend the sky, or use the five-color pearl to protect the common people? What's the difference between them? ’ I asked, looking at the bead.

I haven’t seen the colorful stone yet, but this spirit bead is quite beautiful...

[Tip: If you use five-color stones to patch the sky, 'spiritual suffocation' will still occur normally. After using five-color stones to protect the common people, the 'world scale' will be updated to 'small', and the doomsday element will be updated to 'time paradox'. And cannot be collected in this game. 】

‘If you do that, the world will be destroyed, right? Who else ruined my list of gods? ! ’

In response, Tip Sister did not respond.

[The 'Tianhe Backflow' itself was caused by you, and any deduction based on this cannot be carried out.] The stupid system touched the screen and said: [If you don't want the fake Nuwa below to choose the ending of Five Spirit Beads, You can use the power of the world's origin to destroy it now. 】

"Don't think I didn't hear that you secretly put me in the position of the real Nuwa again," I glanced at her, "We all know what Heaven's way is, how could I be a saint who still obeys Heaven's way?" ’

[That said, there are also legends about Nuwa creating the world...] The stupid system is still mumbling.

‘I want this “Wind Spirit Pearl” to disappear immediately. ’ I didn’t have time to pay attention to that guy, so I snapped my fingers at the surveillance screen.

[There is the strongest Golden Crow here, as well as the ‘Four Evils’ who have become many times stronger after the magic transformation. It’s hard for me to imagine how to reasonably make them disappear, uh...]


Right next to the container of the Wind Spirit Pearl, a strange gray mist suddenly appeared, and then a young man who was swaying as if he hadn't woken up walked out of it.

Because of the Three Pure Saints, I can't see his name, but it's either Zhuang Zhou or Zhou Zhuang.

Although I can't directly monitor him, since he bumped into my gun, there is no way he can escape for the time being.

"Hmm... Phew..." Zhuang Zhou stretched and then yawned: "Am I... awake? Forget it, it doesn't matter."

‘How did Taishang Laojun’s eldest disciple receive this? ’

[I collected it in my dream...]

"Hmm... Wind Lingzhu Wind Lingzhu..." Zhuang Zhou wandered around the big cauldron containing the Wind Lingzhu for several times, looking around but not looking above the cauldron.

Well... here you can see the strength of Sanqing. Taiyi and the others were building airplanes outside, and Zhuang Zhou was wandering around inside, but they seemed not to be discovered at all.

It was not until the "gold-winged roc" was almost completed that Zhuang Zhou caught a glimpse of the floating wind spirit beads.

"You are so beautiful," he said to the bead in a daze, "come to sleep with me."

‘Forget it Enkidu, at least he looks beautiful on the outside, but this bead? ’ I feel a bit of toothache for no reason.

【Hmm...I guessed it! ] The stupid system hesitated for a long time and suddenly shouted.

'speak. ’

[As a dream, or nightmare, he has a dream world similar to the "Mountains and Rivers of the State", and the way to get there is to sleep with him - not sleep together. 】The stupid system gave a close-up of the smoke.

Well, it seems that there was a demon god in the ancient world who controlled something similar to the spiritual realm, and Merlin also——

Tsk, Merlin himself is a nightmare hybrid, and when I took on the appearance of Merlin in the Three Kingdoms world, I called myself the Fairy of Nanhua...

This is really a constant cutting and chaos.

"Hehehehe, if you don't object, I'll take it as your agreement," Zhuang Zhou walked to the side of the cauldron and looked at the "Wind Spirit Pearl" and said, "So, are you ready to go?"

The light around Feng Lingzhu flashed on and off, seeming to express agreement.

‘This bead actually has self-awareness? ’

[The Five Spiritual Pearls and Five Colored Stones both have simple consciousness, but do not have the concept of 'self'. It is natural for them to sacrifice themselves for the purpose of 'repairing the sky' and 'blessing'. 】


[Look, before you awakened, I was still a Gaia whose mission was to destroy the world. 】

‘Thank you for your comfort! ’ I casually knocked the stupid system’s chestnut.

"Huh...huh...ha..." While I was talking to the stupid system, Zhuang Zhou had already fallen asleep holding the big cauldron.

The prompting sister took the time to pop up a prompt.

[Reminder: ‘Wind Lingzhu’ was transformed into ‘Feng Lingzhu’ due to ‘unknown factors’. 】


As Zhuang Zhou took a long breath, he disappeared together with the cloud of smoke, and the original emerald green wind spirit beads in the picture instantly changed into another form with a bright yellow halo crisscrossing the entire body.


As the last component of Taiyi was installed, the Golden Winged Dapeng began to tremble as a whole, like a tractor being started?

"Okay, girls, now follow me to see which old friend is responsible for such a big commotion."

Taiyi's voice came from outside the screen.

"Let me take a look. They seem to be on the land in the north - Hey! Who activated it?"

The next moment, he, the "Golden Winged Dapeng" and the passengers on it disappeared into the northern sky, leaving only the lingering sound of Taotie's voice:

"Oh...that's incredible."

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