The Collection of The End

Chapter 686 Prehistoric (23)


The back of the golden-winged roc.

Fuxi was flying towards Nanzhanbuzhou on the strange golden giant bird created by Taiyi.

As dragons who are born to fly, the act of riding on another thing is roughly equivalent to the act of a beast with all four legs intact standing on the back of another beast to make it move forward.

But Nuwa said that this is a normal behavior of "taking transportation", so there is nothing wrong with taking a ride.

However, who knows how this bird-shaped object made entirely of gold and emeralds can fly, especially if it does not flap its wings or use spiritual power.

Forget it, this kind of thing is not too important.

On the way, Fuxi once again confirmed his judgment about Xuandu, or in other words, "her".

Xuandu suddenly appeared without any warning.

Xuandu is surrounded by a rich "vortex of death".

Xuandu remembers the "last world".

Xuandu implies that there is a place outside the world that only a "sage" can reach.

When Nuwa was just convinced that Kuafu would die, Xuandu used the "Lock of Heaven" to lock him tightly. When Fuxi looked at it from "another perspective", all the "deaths" on Kuafu followed the path. The chain was absorbed by her.

Xuandu raised a threat about the "demon" that no one knew about before she said it.

The most important thing is that she said the decisive words "Don't let anyone die", and then, she openly abandoned the mission of the saint master and focused on locking up the "enchanted" and dying Kuafu, and looked at that It looks like he has to hold on for a long time.

It perfectly fits the impression left on Fuxi by the "back figure" he has been chasing.

As for what Taiyi calls a "best friend"? Humph, there is no need to doubt "her" charm, and she has been mistaken for her not once or twice.

According to Fuxi's "experience", the identity of this "disciple of the saint" is probably a cover-up. When the world "ends", she should throw out an unexpected new identity and ask those recognized by her if they are willing to follow. As far as this world is concerned, he is probably the [Saint], well, there should be nothing above him.

So, what do you do after you identify your goals? Who immediately confessed that he had followed her for several worlds... asked her to take him with her next?

No, this is the last resort.

If he would be taken away if he stayed by her side, wouldn't he take away a lot of relatives, friends and neighbors in every world?

According to Fuxi's limited intelligence, the key to whether she will be taken away is whether it will help "her" in the "mission" she needs to complete in this world.

These tasks are often related to "saving people who are destined to die", "preventing tragedies from happening" and "compensating for major disasters".

To prove this is very simple, just look at the "sisters" in this world:

In order to prevent Kunpeng from eating Hongyun and starting a war between the dragon and phoenix clans, Lin Hao did not hesitate to degenerate himself into a dragon egg;

Nuwa created the Six Paths of Reincarnation in order to prevent the souls of the dead beasts from scattering. After that, she worked hard to create humans. Even though the creatures did not understand her painstaking efforts at all, they did not teach her harsh lessons;

Buzhou, the mountain fell, the sky fell and the earth fell - this incident was stopped by his brother and sister-in-law who transformed into the "Four Symbols" before it happened, and Ba Xia changed from a brother to a sister... Wait a minute, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit is here Said it seemed to be his niece? Never mind.

In addition, Taiyi abducted the "Four Evils" from nowhere. As twisted and weird "Four Symbols", they should be causing trouble in their respective territories, but due to the influence of the Golden Crow, they turned into juvenile forms. "Born with Taoism", this seems to coincide with "her" style.

This kind of style may be very unpleasant for those who like to be aggressive and aggressive, and prey on the weak, but it is just right for Fuxi, so that no one will compete with him for "her".

The only opponent currently is Taiyi.

He has obviously figured out "her" preferences and catered to a certain extent, but Fuxi will not admit defeat!

During this trip to the surface, Fuxi's mission was naturally to find the "Weaver Girl" who had fallen out of the golden chariot.

Although each of the little Golden Crows shed tears or gritted their teeth or panicked and described how the sister who was born with Taoism was hit by an arrow, everyone present did not pay much attention to it - a joke, those arrows were made from random branches broken from Ruomu. , how could it cause fatal damage to the Golden Crow that existed before the creation of the world?

However, because the little Golden Crows were confused when they were concerned, and what Qiongqi said, "Will he lose his memory and be picked up by the human race?", even the calmer one named Lu Ya was of no avail. In the end, Ya Sheng and Ya Sheng near the Tianzhi Kong The immortals had no choice but to leave them to Taiyi's care, while Fuxi rode the "gold-winged roc" to search for the place where Weaver Girl fell.

Haha, why is that behavior of risking your life to block the arrows of other brothers so familiar? Don't you want another sister?


Looking south to Buzhou.

Since you may have to go to a human settlement, the appearance of the four evil spirits will cause the abnormality to be unable to follow. And if you encounter a witch or demon, it will be troublesome for Fairy Hongyun to kill the "poison" and "harm" of others, so Fuxi finally took only the Holy Mother Guiling to Nanzhan Buzhou.

However, referring to the chain in Xuandu, if there is really any trouble, they can kill it in various forms in a blink of an eye.

"Well... this is where the golden chariot was attacked." Fuxi stood on the back of the golden-winged roc hanging high in the sky, and raised his eyes to look at the earth below: "What's wrong with the accuracy of the guys from the Houyi tribe? degree?"

Although he was at a high altitude at this time, he could easily tell that this position was quite far away from the battle lines between the Lich and the Liches. It could be called the "rear area", and the crossbows made for frontline battles could actually hit such a distance. The golden chariots on the battlefield really have no actual combat value at all.

"Anyway, let's go down first - what are you going to do?" Fuxi suddenly turned his head and looked at the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit who was approaching with a shield for some reason.

"..." Our Lady of Turtle Spirit was stunned, put down the shield she held high, and took half a step back: "Strange, I really wanted to hit you on the head with my shield just now, but I took action before I realized it, brother. "

"Is there something wrong with my image?" Fuxi judged that this "sister" was not lying and was affected by a strange spell, and then used his spiritual consciousness to look at himself.

Although his body is a red dragon, Sister Nuwa used the red color, and after Taiyi transformed, he took up the gold and blue colors he had considered. Finally, when Fuxi changed the appearance of his "natural Taoist body" , chose his own body, the black of the ender dragon as the main color of his transformation.

In order to widen the gap between Taichi's look that was all about showing off his muscles and a gleaming golden look, he chose a style of armor that tightly wrapped him after his transformation, and added many low-key and gorgeous patterns.

The face and medium-long hair were not adjusted too much, but Fuxi still added an interesting function to the helmet of this armor. As long as you wear it, the eyes will emit red light, and you can even make it move when you walk fast. A red light streaked in the sky, looking mysterious and powerful.

"Well... I won't really do that, senior." Our Lady of Turtle Spirit took a few deep breaths, seemed to have adjusted her mentality, and then said.

"Then, we-"


Fuxi was about to command the Golden-winged Dapeng to descend, but his feet suddenly trembled and he was thrown up. After that, a loud noise came from the abdomen of the Golden-winged Dapoc.

Buzz buzz...quack...the golden-winged roc trembled as a whole, and strange noises came from inside from time to time.

"Did something hit it?" Fuxi frowned and looked at his feet: "If it breaks, it will be in trouble. I don't know how to repair this golden-winged roc."

This was originally just a casual remark, but the next moment a response came from the belly of the golden giant bird:

"[Pindao is not a 'thing'. If you damage something that fellow Taoists cherish, you will be responsible for it."

It was a man's voice, his tone was calm, but there was an inexplicable hint of pain in his tone.

"This..." Fuxi didn't know how to answer for a moment. Could it be that he said: The poor Taoist made a mistake, and the fellow Taoist is indeed not a thing?

"I didn't sense any living things inside the Golden-winged Dapeng, brother." On the contrary, Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit immediately reacted with combat readiness, but her vigilant movements towards her feet looked a bit weird: "This proves that' Something that isn't something is stronger than us."

"..." Fuxi was speechless for a moment. If he bumped into someone who was really a sub-sage or a half-step saint, would it be appropriate for you to speak like this?

"Fuxi, I wonder which fellow Taoist is here. Can you show up and see me?" he finally said.

"[The poor way leads me,]" the voice responded: "[If we show up to meet you, this strange bird will probably collapse.]"

"Is it stuck inside?" Fuxi frowned: "Just come out, we are riding this thing just for convenience, each of us has the magical power of flying."

"[In this case, fellow Taoist, please step back further, I will come out right now.]" Jie Yin replied.

How to get far away from this bird? Fuxi looked around and pulled the Turtle Spirit Mother back to the tip of the golden-winged roc.


With a strange sound, like the bursting of underwater bubbles, the back of the golden-winged roc split from the central axis, and then, a figure with the same golden light, but with enough brightness and luster to distinguish it, rose up from it.

He is a tall man with a square appearance, slightly curly blond hair, a little cinnabar between his eyebrows, and a slightly sad look on his face. He is wearing a bright zodiac robe, a round light behind his head, a string of rosary beads in his left hand, and a wind-sounding rosary in his right hand. of orbs.

"Fellow Taoist Guide, is this what you are looking for?" Fuxi looked at the bead and judged that it was probably the power source of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

"[Exactly, this thing is related to Pindao, so it is waiting here. Unexpectedly, it will directly crash into the belly of this strange bird.]" Jie Yin responded.

oh? Could it be that the creation of Taiyi can make even a quasi-sage or a half-step saint unable to calculate it?

squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak

During the conversation, the gold and emeralds on the golden-winged roc quickly dimmed, as if they were about to fall apart in the next moment.

"Oh, you can be 'responsible' for it now." Fuxi pointed to his feet.

"[Infinite light, immeasurable Buddha, immeasurable life.]" Taoist Taoist Jieyin muttered something. He took out a big green pestle from his sleeve and poked it at the back of the golden-winged roc. The golden and green colors that were about to collapse instantly returned. rolled up and stabilized.

"[I don't know how to 'repair' this thing, but I can 'cure' it-"

Before he finished speaking, the golden-winged roc at his feet let out a roar that still sounded like gold and stone:

"Which son dares to plot against your father!?"

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