The Collection of The End

Chapter 687 Prehistoric (24)


Looking south over Buzhou.

The "Golden-winged Dapeng" was knocked into the abdomen by the Taoist Taoist who took away the power source "Fixing Wind Bead" in the body, and then broke out of the back, and unexpectedly gained self-awareness.

Then he called himself "father" and called Jie Yin "son" to get scolded.

In this regard, Fuxi was funny but also had a sense of déjà vu. It seemed that "making things that should not be conscious originally" is also "her" style, but the two "what unconscious things" and "what kind of consciousness has been obtained" Things are unclear.

Contrary to the furious Golden-winged Dapeng, the scolded Taoist Taoist seemed to have completely forgotten his identity as a sub-sage or a "half-step saint", and just listened with a look of pain, and occasionally said: Echoed a few sentences and said "I see".

In this way, the Golden-winged Dapeng's constant scolding seemed quite rude, but it was obvious that he couldn't beat him with his hands. In the end, he said a harsh word, "Don't let your father see you again!" and fluttered his wings. flew away.

"[Infinite Buddha]," the Taoist guide finally said: "[This bird was born from heaven and earth. It jumped out of the three realms and was not among the five elements. If left alone, it would either dissipate into the void or be contaminated by the evil spirit of the world. Such a shocking killing, in order to prevent this, what's the harm in Pindao becoming his 'son'?】"

Fuxi was surprised at that time and sensed that there was something inexplicable, intangible and qualityless, like wool and rope, connecting the Taoist to the golden-winged roc. At this moment, there were actually many golden-winged rocs. The title "Buddha Mother Golden Winged Dapeng Mingwang" came out.

Therefore, nowadays, when sub-sages are everywhere, you must not think of yourself as an elder when you scold someone. If the person being scolded cruelly admits it, the scolder will be happy to be a father. When the time comes, the son will repay his debt to his father...

Just trying to take advantage of words, the result was extremely serious consequences, and the Golden Winged Dapeng business suffered a huge loss.

Speaking of which, the Taoist said that he had calculated a predestined relationship with "this thing", but at that time the golden-winged roc was just a "thing", so what he calculated was actually a parent-child connection?

If you have to... hold back and not laugh, then you are a half-step saint no matter what.

"[Infinite Buddha,]" Jieyin mentioned his strange oral habit again, and then looked at Fuxi: "[I had never noticed it before, but it turns out that fellow Taoists also have some predestined relationships.]"

Huh? etc?

"Brother has no shortage of sons." Turtle Spirit raised his shield directly and said solemnly.

That is a half-step saint! And the fate is not necessarily the fate between father and son! Fuxi was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, but was stunned by the next sentence.

What the quote says is: "[But he lacks a partner.]"

This guy is amazing. Although Fuxi came to Zhinu this time mainly to assist the Golden Crow clan, it was undeniable that he also wanted to make achievements to show to Xuandu.

"..." Guiling, who had always had no expression, was rarely shaken after hearing this. She looked at Jie Yin and then at Fu Xi, her expression changing slightly, and then she silently put away her shield and moved out of the way.

"[Fellow Taoist Fuxi, can you take Pindao with you on this searching trip?]" Jieyin took two steps forward: "[Pindao has calculated that Pindao needs to take action during this trip.]"

Even if he refused, he couldn't stop him from following, Fuxi complained in his heart, after all, the golden-winged roc flapped its wings and left, so everyone could only fly down by themselves.

"Then, I'm in need of help, fellow Taoist."


Xuanyuan Hill.

The originally barren hills, ponds surrounded by reeds and dead leaves, and dense forests filled with low shrubs and winding vines have now been transformed into a large and bustling village.

Orderly simple huts, beautiful wooden houses and solid stone houses make up the residence; there are many kinds of fruit trees, and fruitful orchards are surrounded by lush fields; a human race named "Ji Xuanyuan" is cooling clay stoves, anvils, and The pond, alchemy cauldron, carpentry frame, and motor shaft are busy with each other; and outside the village,

There are grazing cattle, sheep, horses, chickens, pigs and other domestic animals, guarded by a dog and a chicken who obviously don't deal with each other. There is also an unknown alpaca who kicks and attacks the disobedient livestock. bite.

There are smooth bluestone roads connecting each area of ​​the village. Idle two-wheeled vehicles and four-wheeled vehicles can be seen on the roadside. The target of Fuxi's trip, the Weaver Girl, seems to have grown up a bit. She is sitting sideways on a green cow and strolling along the road. Behind her were two human children, a boy and a girl, whining.

"[Pindao is a step late.]" Jie Yin stopped in mid-air and said.

"Why do you say that?" Fuxi responded, "Fellow Taoist, you are referring to those two children? They are all completely human, no matter what."

Viewed from a high altitude, the two young children followed the slow-walking green bull with their arms outstretched. They seemed to want Weaver Girl to hug her, but Weaver Girl ignored her and just fiddled with an object that looked like a giant bow in her hand. Only when the two young children got too close and tried to climb up the green bull, did they glare at them and drive them off.

Although he was very sure that it was not Zhinu's child, Fuxi still made some calculations.

He almost immediately came to the conclusion that the mother of the pair of young children was a woman named "Lei Zu" who lived at the foot of a mountain not far away. She was studying the method of raising silkworms and collecting silk, and often came to Ji Xuanyuan is here to borrow some tools and eat and drink along the way.

Because of her big personality and poor memory, she found Ji Xuanyuan's name too difficult to remember, and the tools here were complete, so she kept calling him a "tool man."

For the human race in the matriarchal clan at this time, this behavior is very normal. After all, men go out to open up wasteland to better support the women and their daughters in the family. If it were not for the presence of the Weaver Girl, a girl who is very difficult to mess with, she would Maybe he would dare to pack Ji Xuanyuan away.

As for this pair of children, they were born when Lei Zu borrowed a large cart of tools. She thanked her loudly and drove the cart away, leaving only her twin siblings and her twins who had just been born "poof". The Weaver Girl looked at each other. At that time, the Weaver Girl rolled her eyes, picked up the baby girl and said, "Your name is Ji Yue" and then picked up the baby boy and said, "Your name is Ji Feng." Then she put them on the bullock cart and took them back to Ji Xuanyuan to see.

Fuxi couldn't figure out what exactly happened after that, but there was indeed a causal connection between Ji Xuanyuan and Leizu. However, they were trapped in a cocoon. Now the two dolls believe that Weaver Girl is their mother and completely ignore Leizu. Leizu is busy with work. I am also happy to see this happen, and this is how Weaver Girl ignores the two dolls.

"[What Pindao said is that the time to introduce this 'Human Emperor' to our Western religion has passed.]" Jie Yin responded, and then moved his eyes away from the green bull.

"How will you know if you don't try?" Fuxi said casually: "...But, what does 'Western teaching' mean?"

"[I, the Western Sect, started due to ancient floods, vowed to save all innocent drowned creatures, and are currently formulating canon rules in order to seek approval from Heaven.]" Jie Yin replied.

Uh...flood? The one caused by Kunpeng? It's better to pretend to be deaf on this topic.

Fuxi nodded, smiling and saying nothing.

"[However, what fellow Taoist said is indeed reasonable," Jieyin continued: "[The poor Taoist will ferry him across.]"

After finishing speaking, the Taoist leader unfurled a large green flag embroidered with cloud patterns and shouted to Ji Xuanyuan who was busy: "Have you ever been disturbed by women? Join our Western religion. There are no women in our religion. Any woman can join us." All Western followers will be reincarnated as men——】"

His voice was as powerful as that of Hong Zhongdalu, and it could only be heard by Ji Xuanyuan, which proved that his magical power was extremely profound, but the content...

This Western religion doesn’t want to receive people at all! Fuxi roared in his heart.

"Um... no, thank you for your kindness, Chief Immortal," Ji Xuanyuan seemed to be stunned by the inexplicable voice, but quickly reacted and rejected him: "I think Zhinu and Lei Zu can be troublesome occasionally. , but most of the time it’s quite cute.”

"[The so-called beauty and white bones, in the blink of an eye...]" Jie Yin has not given up yet and is still communicating with him attentively.

You Ji Xuanyuan, you only mentioned women in the introduction, but you named her by name! Sure enough, there is an intention, right?

Fuxi was glaring at Ji Xuanyuan when he saw Weaver Girl falling off the back of the green bull with a pop. Then, she and the green bull stared fiercely in the direction of Jie Yin.

Strange thing, they shouldn't be able to discover our talents. Could this be the "woman's intuition" that Nuwa once mentioned?

"Ah, mommy has fallen off the cow, should we help it?" "Are you stupid? We can take this opportunity to ride on it."

On the other side, the two children paid no attention to the Weaver Girl and quickly climbed onto the back of the green bull.

"No ride allowed!" Weaver Girl immediately stood up and shouted.

"Hehehe~" the boy made a face at her: "We've already boarded it!"

"And we will never go down!" The girl hugged Qingniu's neck and refused to let go.

"When did you climb up?" Weaver Girl seemed to have just discovered that the two little ghosts climbed up on the back of the cow. She frowned and looked at them, shook her head, took up the cow rope and walked towards the village: "Huh, now that we are up, ‘This stuff’, you’ll have to bear the consequences.”

"Thank you Taoist Priest for your kindness." On the other side, the invitation was rejected again. Ji Xuanyuan said sternly: "Men don't have to take care of young children, and unlike women, they don't have any leisure in their prime. More efforts should be made so that women do not have to work hard to take care of children and take care of the family at the same time. This has nothing to do with whether they are beautiful, gentle, cute and playful. I do not agree with the teachings of Taoist priest Westernism, so please go back."

This "Human Emperor" is pretty good. He has already changed his name to Taoist Master. If he says a few more words, he might be called Demon Taoist instead.

Fuxi looked on as if it had nothing to do with him.

"[Well, it seems that he is quite stubborn, and he will not agree with Pindao's teachings without threats,]" Jieyin put away the blue cloud flag and said to Fuxi: "[However, thanks to fellow Taoist Fuxi for reminding him, , Pindao will arrange some hardships for him where women will get in the way.】"

awake? Fuxi was stunned.

I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!

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