The Collection of The End

Chapter 698: Maybe find the classics with inscriptions


After I transformed into the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, I was following Taoist Duobao and Master Tongtian back to Penglai Island where they were currently stationed. Due to my doubts, Duobao kept talking about magic weapons all the way.

Magic weapons have two characteristics: "material" and "magic power".

Materials can only be divided into "innate" and "acquired", that is, "out-of-print materials that existed before the beginning of the world and cannot be produced with existing methods" and "materials that only became available after the beginning of the world. You can find a lot of materials at will."

Just like MC, people who know how to play can build an iron brushing machine, but who can brush diamonds?

Use BUG brush? Then the account will be banned.

As for the material itself, there may not be anything special about it. It is more reflected in its durability when fighting with others and how strong magical powers it can be attached to. However, there can also be a restraint relationship between them. Brother Monkey’s phrase "Your... "The gourd is a female, and I am a male. If you meet me, it won't work." It may really happen, but considering today's human society, it may have to be the other way around.

"Supernatural powers" are roughly divided into magic weapons, spiritual treasures and supreme treasures based on their power and effects.

Although it is possible to further deduce the magic weapons against people, armies, cities and even the world, it is not necessary. Unless it is a special case like the immortal-killing flying knife, most magic weapons can change or increase or decrease their targets at will.

For example, an "innate treasure" like the "Tai Chi Diagram" and an "antireal treasure" was singled out for Yin Hong. He could have just said, "Sajia's life is worth it."

In addition, the more powerful the magic weapon, the better its material should be. If we use MC as an example, although it is not impossible to use junk materials for advanced enchantments, hitting "precision collection" on a stone pickaxe is obviously a retarded behavior—— I haven't done it!

Talking back to the fairy clothes Duobao gave me, they are basically acquired magic weapons or spiritual treasures. They are mainly made of linen, cotton, silk, gauze and other non-specific materials, with additional additions of gold, silver thread, jewelry and jade, etc. Accessories and additional magical powers are also various. In addition to the basic functions of warding off water and fire, protecting against cold and heat, and covering up dust and smoke, there are also many defensive effects such as protection, acceleration, and healing. It makes me feel like the trumpet has been beaten as soon as I left the novice village. It feels like the boss has lost his best equipment.

Although I'm bigger than him, that's all.

Regarding the question of why there are so many women's clothes in Duobao, he explained that because he himself has a kind of innate magical power that can prevent the magic weapons stacked together from conflicting with each other, and the storage space is quite large, so the Tongtian Cult Master refined the Or the found magic weapons were all given to him for safekeeping. This is indeed very convincing if you just look at the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the diagram of Zhu Xian Formation.

As for why the leader of Tongtian would refine or find women’s clothing? Of course it was because the saint had calculated that he would have a female disciple, what else could it be.

However, this does not explain Duobao's ability to easily find women's clothing and his complete set of behaviors from the inside out.

"Senior Brother's total amount of magic weapons has exceeded my knowledge, so I can't remember exactly how many there are and what their effects are," Duobao explained: "As long as you take it out when you need it, you will definitely be able to pull out the right one. A magic weapon for this situation.”

Doraemon flashes? A certain Ryunosuke wearing a C flash skin, come out and get beaten!


Thinking of Ryuunosuke's incarnation of Taichi, I asked the stupid system to turn on the monitoring system and wanted to pay attention to the situation in the human world after the "Ascension Incident". After all the people who were noticed by the saints left, there must be no war like that again. The foggy things obscured the view.

[‘Ascension Incident’? Are you sure you want to name it this way? 】Because the stupid system has not yet chosen which one to use as the "companion system" between "Dragon Tiger Jade Ruyi" and "Four Elephant Tower", now there are only sounds and images.

'Cut the nonsense, the sanctification event is even stupider. ’

[Okay then,] the stupid system unfolded a real scene of heaven in the corner of my field of vision, which was similar to the unparalleled battlefield.

But it’s more detailed: [After the ‘Ascension Incident’, Nuwa, Fuxi, Huangdi, Xuandu, and Zhinu disappeared at the same time, and the ‘Heavenly Court’, which had begun to take shape, was jointly managed by Emperor Jun and Taiyi. 】

Well, the Demon Clan Heaven has become the Witch Clan Heaven.

[Taiyi was called the 'Eastern Emperor', and Emperor Jun was called the 'Western Emperor'. Taiyi was not willing to take care of things, but Emperor Jun didn't know how to take care of things. Xihe also had to patrol the sky every day, so he appointed his nine sons as the 'Jiuyaoxingjun'. Manage matters in heaven. 】

‘Oh, the nine planets. ’

[Lu Ya refused the appointment, claiming that he wanted to pursue freedom and freedom, and left the heaven with the immortal-killing flying knife. 】

‘Oh, Pluto got kicked out. ’

[It seems that this is really the case. 】

‘Cut the nonsense and carry on. ’

[Because Baxingjun is the son of the Western Emperor, he is also called the ‘Western King’, so Xihe is called the ‘Western Queen Mother’ because her residence is the ‘Yaochi Palace’ and she is the mother of the Golden Crow, also known as the ‘Yaochi Golden Mother’. 】

‘So my brothers can collectively be called [West Eight Kings]? ’

[Hmm... Di Jun intended to name it this way, but Xi He rejected it. 】

‘Oh, the name is still the same. ’

[The magic weapons 'Hetu Luoshu', 'Xuanyuan Sword', 'Shen Nong's Cauldron', 'Fuxi Qin', 'Nuwa Stone' and 'Jiuli Pot' left over from the 'Ascension Incident' were obtained by Taiyi, and he decided to retreat for meditation. Enlighten them in order to ascend. 】

‘Tsk, how should I put it? Sure enough, if you put on C Flash’s shell, you will be attracted to Enkidu. ’

[Fairy Hongyun left the Heavenly Court in an attempt to clear out the ‘poisons’ and ‘harmful things’; the real Huanglong disappeared and was concealed by the saint. Combined with his abrupt move to carry the Yellow Emperor to heaven, he might have been accepted as a disciple by a certain saint. 】

Hmm... Combined with the story in Journey to the West that Monkey Brother was unable to carry Tang Monk and fly straight to the west, we know that flying with a mortal on his back is like carrying a mountain on his back. He forcefully carried Ji Xuanyuan to the sky. It was impossible without instructions from others.

‘So, what about the dynasty left by Ji Xuanyuan in the human world? ’

[Because he flew into the sky on the Yellow Dragon before his death, shocking everyone in the world, Ji Feng and Ji Yue ruled without pressure. The emperor at this time was his son Zhuanxu. Men are gradually getting equal treatment as women. It is worth mentioning that Huang Di There was no queen, so Leizu's identity was always the concubine. 】

‘Hmph, it’s not worth mentioning at all. Now tell me about the girls who follow me? ’

[After Fuxi disappeared, Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit turned to guard Taotie, Qiongqi, and Yaozhu. After the two parties exchanged information, they agreed that it was the Taoist priest who was causing trouble, so they were ready to find trouble with the Western Sect and unified their slogans. 】

'I have an ominous feeling... What slogan? ’

[If gods block the gods, they will eat the gods; if the Buddha blocks the Buddha, they will eat the Buddha. 】



Penglai Island.

I ran into an invisible wall.

"Junior sister?" Duobao, who stopped a step ahead of me, looked surprised: "Senior brother just said that you can't enter the island until you unlock the mountain protection formation."

Since the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is a newly born golden spirit with some common sense, although her appearance is sharp, she is rather dull and cute, so I didn’t explain anything and directly covered my forehead and looked at the leader of Tongtian:

"Master is Tangtang Saint, how long does it take to disable a formation?"

"[It's really not necessary.]" The leader of Tongtian Cult nodded slightly, his body and limbs barely moved, and the "what" in front of him was relieved.

"Ah...hey?" Duobao grabbed the void twice, with a confused look on his face.

"[Rebuilding a mountain-protecting formation that does not take time to enter is your next mission.]" The black-haired and black-robed saint nodded, and landed first on Penglai Island.

"Then you don't have to dismantle the entire formation..." Duobao's face wrinkled.

"Oh, it turns out that this formation was set up by senior brother." I continued to nod in a cute way.

"Haha..." Duobao sighed longly: "Master originally said that this mountain-protecting formation is good, so that disciples who want to become a master in the future must break it if they want to enter the island. This is the first test, but..."

"But you can't untie it yourself, so you're not qualified." I answered.

"It will take time to untie it directly... Come on, Master has finished dismantling it. It's useless to talk more. Junior sister, please go with the master. Senior brother needs to think about how to make a new one." Duobao shook his head: "The forbidden island on the island The flying formation was set up by Master, so when you see the cliff, junior sister must not try to fly over it."

"Thank you for the reminder, senior brother." I nodded, landed on the edge of the magic circle, and stepped into Penglai Island.

Although Penglai Island is called an island, it is actually a huge mountain standing in the sea. There are some beach trees near the seaside. After you go a little deeper into the island, you will see a huge deep purple mountain rising from the ground, occupying About three-quarters of the area in the center of the island is purple, but it is mostly due to the purple vines wrapped around the mountain. It does not look like Ganoderma lucidum itself, nor does it produce Ganoderma lucidum. It is not known why this "Purple Zhizhi Cliff" came to be. name.

"[Jin Ling, you can climb all the way up this 'Zizhi Cliff'.]" The Tongtian leader turned his black jade sword and put his hand behind his back. He just stepped on the mountain wall, and his whole body became vertical. Go up.

Either way?

I looked at the cliff in front of me. It was surrounded by a gentle and rugged winding mountain road. On the cliff without a road, there were obviously vines and footholds that could be used to climb. As for the position where the leader of Tongtian Cult was almost in the air, there was a line. Footprints imprinted on rocks.


[If I guess, it doesn’t matter which one you choose. This is just to test your style of doing things.] The stupid system said in a show off tone: [Choose the winding mountain road, which proves that you prefer stability, even if it is a bit slow, and choose vines. , it means that you are willing to listen to the experience of predecessors and are willing to take risks to a certain extent. If you follow the footsteps of the leader, it means that you like taking risks very much and are willing to gamble on certain things with a low probability of success. 】

‘Let’s bet that there is a specific magical power that can send people up that road? ’ I looked at the footprints that Master Tongtian had just stepped on, leaving on the nearly ninety-degree cliff.

【So which one will you choose? Now we are not in a situation where we can say ‘I want them all’. 】

‘I choose… you. ’

【Huh? 】

‘Hey, hey, come down here! ’


A moment later, I rode the [Qixiang Car] that was the incarnation of the stupid system and drove all the way along the winding mountain road to the top of the mountain. I swore to my sister that I saw Master Tongtian’s eyebrows twitch.

"[In this case, you can carve your name on this 'stele'.]" In the end, the leader of the Tongtian cult did not comment on my behavior of conjuring a car. He just pointed at a car with a big word "Jie" written on it. The black stone tablet pointed.

【Tongtian Jiejiao Monument】

Hmm... This is certain. At this time, Jie Jiao has been established, although there are only two disciples, Duobao and me.

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