The Collection of The End

Chapter 763 The demon-attracting flag moves

Heaven, Penglai Island, Zizhi Cliff.

I was standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking Penglai Island below.

The "Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals" abducted from Heaven, or the "Three Thousand Earthly Guests", are gathering in groups to build, plant, hunt, dig and explore on the island.

Whenever they have done something that can be called a "result", such as building a strong house that is at least five feet long and wide, harvesting enough food for sixty-four people, knocking down beasts of a similar level to them, and digging out Rare stones needed to build Biyou Palace, clearing out a forest mansion haunted by ferocious monsters, and more.

The location where the "result" is achieved will scatter "spiritual energy" that looks like a colorful ball of light to the surroundings - although they can feel it, but cannot see it - and then be absorbed by the participants. Occasionally, after someone has absorbed enough, they will be The golden light flashes, and then he says "I feel stronger" quite comfortably, and his friends will applaud and say "congratulations".

Although these actions seem to be no different from the daily life of mortals, each action to obtain "results" is a test of the use of relevant magical powers and one's own wisdom. It is not just about finding some masons, hunters, or farmers in the human world. It can be done.

On every first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, Master Tongtian will give a sermon in Biyou Palace, one theory and one practice. The content will be more simple at the beginning of the year and more obscure at the end of the year. In addition, the content will be based on a nine-year cycle. , five years of foundation with different tendencies, three years of advancement in each field, and the last year is almost all practical testing. After the cycle is over, the course will start all over again.

Even a person who has just refined his energy and transformed into a god, after nine years of listening to the lectures, can at least reach the late stage of the realm of refining the spirit and returning to the void. After that, he will be involved in the mysterious and mysterious thing "Tao", unless this person is determined to completely Copy the Master's "Tao", otherwise you will no longer listen to this sermon for beginners. Instead, you will climb up Zizhi Cliff to live and practice on your own, and when you encounter problems, ask the "real" leader for advice.

Of course, this kind of repeated teaching cannot be repeated every time. After the leader designs a "teaching plan", he will hand it over to a treasure similar to a repeater to teach the disciples, but the "repeater" He can know what he sees, and if a disciple asks for advice at short notice, he can respond directly.

This kind of "education without distinction, thousands of immortals come to the court" seems to be full of déjà vu... just like a university with complete elementary, junior high and high schools attached.

We will give you equal teaching conditions. It is up to you to decide what to learn and how to learn. Even if your qualifications are not that good, nine years is not enough, so eighteen, thirty-six, or seventy-two years can be achieved with repeated practice. Make up for your weakness.

Although there are rumors that the nine-year teachings of Master Tongtian contain the method of sanctification, no one has been able to confirm it. However, some disciples who have "graduated" often listen to the basics of the basics and claim to benefit from them. , causing this rumor to become more confusing.


"Junior sister, you are indeed here," Taoist Duobao's voice came from behind: "You are indeed the 'Deputy Leader of Jie Jiao' among the immortals in Penglai."

"Brother is joking again. Master has never set up this position." I held the railing of the carriage and turned my head to look in the direction where the sound came from.

Perhaps due to the increasing number of juniors and juniors, Duobao's temperament has become more calm and profound over the years, and the style of clothes and accessories has gradually changed from ostentatious white and gold to deep black and purple, which makes people feel reliable when they see it. ——But I probably don’t want to change those long golden eyebrows.

"Oh, Master probably just casually said 'I will always watch you', but as a result, Junior Sister, you are always here staring at the Penglai immortals. No wonder they call you 'Deputy Leader'." Duobao chuckled. Shake his head.

[The head teacher on the back door window. ] Said the stupid system who transformed into a Qixiang car.

"I don't have to 'look at them',

"I twisted the railing hard in my hand and turned to glance at the bottom of Zizhi Cliff: "Not to mention three thousand people, even ten thousand people, scattered on this island, they are not conspicuous. "

If you have to say it, it's just a stupid system that uses the broadcast screen to follow a few acquaintances.

Oba...I mean Wu Yunxian, as the former boss of the three thousand Hongchen guests, he shouldered the responsibility of managing them and other demons and immortals who came here because of their fame. Fortunately, the "school rules" were only a few Three things that are easy to understand, otherwise this "teaching director" would probably be too busy.

[Strictly speaking, the student union president? 】

‘Talk too much! ’

Although the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit have no need to participate in the following ordinary "cultivation", they still have to go down. The reason is not difficult to guess, but because the "hunting" practice requires the submission of prey, so she finally turned to " "Purge" practice.

There is no problem for the Virgin Mary to participate in the "purge", but often she can clean up the target location by herself, so that others cannot gain "experience". In the end, it is replaced by "hunting", tracking, setting up traps, arranging disguises, etc. Participating in it is only responsible for the final "one-hit kill", which actually complements each other.

Unexpectedly, Our Lady of Golden Light did not become a formal disciple, but became an outer disciple together with Golden Winged Dapeng, Kong Xuan, and Kong Yi, and went to the Three Immortals Island to practice together.

The explanation of the leader of Tongtian is that the machine eagle, the descendants of the dragon and the phoenix, and the ferocious beast Qiongqi each have their own unique cultivation methods, which are not suitable for the teaching method of Jiejiao.

By analogy, the reason why he did not accept Zhao Gongming and San Xiao over there should be the same reason - at least partly.

Although there is no classification without education, the problem is not with "class", but with "teaching". To use an analogy, we will not stop training you just because your star rating is not enough, but we only gain experience by going on expeditions. But you are just a firecracker, so it is completely impossible to cultivate.

"So, are you worried about Junior Brother Zhao, Junior Brother Jin Wing and Junior Sister Jin Guang?" Duobao asked again.

"Well..." Although he wasn't worried about them, he couldn't refute it because he just thought of it, so he responded vaguely.

"Since you're worried, let's take a look together." Duobao walked to the car, raised his hand and threw a round, mirror-like magic weapon into the air. It made a bang sound and landed in the empty space in front of the cliff. A rather wide mirror with golden light unfolded.

After the mirror flickered for a few times, the scene of a prosperous human town slowly emerged. In the corner of the screen, Zhao Gongming, the Golden Virgin Mary and the golden-winged roc were in the invisible state, flying over the walls and following the cow driven by a man and a woman. After the car.

...Why does that arrogant green bull look so familiar?

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