The Collection of The End

Comments on the launch.

It took two years to write before it was put on the shelves. In fact, it had a lot to do with Xiaojing's own suicide attempt.

The heroine? First person? Group portrait? Farewell!

If someone could insist on reading Xiaojing’s article until now, they probably wouldn’t care about this anymore.

However, an explanation still needs to be explained.

First of all, imagine that if there is an omniscient and omnipotent supreme will in our world, would you like his gender to be male or female?

There may be a certain bias, but it is very likely that men will use this world as a stepping stone to achieve some goal that mortals cannot understand, while women will try their best to make all living creatures in the world live a good life.

Secondly, the first person is used to better display psychological activities, so as not to be regarded as a brainless virgin - although in fact it is. In addition, it can also avoid the dilemma of not being able to find the protagonist when switching between multiple perspectives. As long as the "I" chapter is used, That must mean Zero didn't run away.

Then there is the issue of group portraits. In addition to showing the heroine's behavior and consequences from multiple perspectives, it also provides a convincing explanation for "changing the plot", otherwise there will be doubts about "this is not in line with the setting at all."

Then there is the question of whitewashing. Why does even the famous Xia Jie have to wash his hands of the fact that he did not rob civilian girls?

Because Xiaojing hates those plots and plots.

For example, the issue of human traffickers made a big fuss some time ago. The authors of many articles had the protagonists meet the traffickers and then punish them happily, which received a round of applause.

But - why does that kind of garbage appear in Xiaojing's world?

What is the difference between this behavior and opening a window to let a fly in and kill it at home?

This window won't open.

Before Xiaojing became an author, she was first and foremost a reader. Although her own likes and dislikes cannot represent all readers, at least the things Xiaojing hates will not appear in her articles.

Regarding this point, it seems that some people don't like FZ's Sora... But Xiaojing thinks that the Queen of Strength is not bad, but she just targets her husband and doesn't bully passers-by casually...

What? Broken chapter? this……

Ahem, let’s get back to the subject. Since many readers will disappear directly after being listed on the shelves, Xiaojing will give these friends a parting gift:

Yes, before the Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty had to fight to defeat the Xia Dynasty first, inheriting the tradition of crazy things happening before the plot begins (Journey to the West and Three Kingdoms cried together)

After Fengshen ends as a "world-class world", Zero will go to the "Galaxy-class world", which is scheduled to be based on the setting of Mass Effect (Mass), integrating Spore, EVE, Interstellar, Halo, Avengers, etc. The story of a "Galaxy-level" world.

Then, there is the infinite space mentioned in the copy. Yes, Zero became the main god, and then began to go to the two-dimensional world to do mischief, such as Asami, Chedori, Ella and so on...

There are many people who just skip the previous steps and run around doing whatever they want. Is it really true that the being who is the main god or allows you to travel through time is dead?

——But if the Lord God himself does something, no one can stop him.

end? The ending is of course kept secret.

If you have other comments or suggestions, you can search for "Collecting Doomsday Book Friends Group", which will not be reviewed.

Let me end my speech with a quote from my idol.

"If you're good enough but can't stand out, you should at least be so good that there's no other me - Feng Bujue."

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