The Collection of The End

Chapter 803 Hero’s Past

Heaven, Hall of Heroes.

I'm studying the "Command Seal" in my hand...probably a Command Seal.

There are five groups of arcs in red, yellow, blue, white, and black colors. They look like a simple drawing of a golden crow.

They are very close together, their lines are intertwined, as if they are holding hands or embracing.

However, if you look closely, there is still a slight difference between closeness and distance. For example, blue and black are the farthest apart, and are only pulled from them by white and yellow, while red, which intersects with each color, is huddled together and seems to be completely afraid to move.

If blue and black each symbolize the color of the sky, then they should be Xihe and Wangshu, while white and yellow are Zhinv and Lu Ya who are trying to keep their two mothers from falling apart. As for the last red... haha , who else could it be besides Di Jun?

The breath of Shura Field is about to come out.

This thing appeared in my hand after I sang the song "True Hero". Since the location is not as obvious as the back of my hand, there is no pain or itching. It was not until I went to beat the stupid system that I accidentally discovered it.

According to what my sister mentioned before, regarding the setting of the Glorious Pavilion, this pattern means that I can summon all five Golden Crows in the picture to fight for me.

Hmm... Summoning yourself is too cool. Is it flashing in place?

Moreover, because I am the founder, I don’t have to wait a thousand years before everyone has forgotten about me... Well, it’s a bit silly to sing too much.

Originally, I was just a little emotional when I heard the discussion of those heavenly soldiers, and I was also a little dissatisfied with the silent and depressed atmosphere in the Hall of Valor. I planned to liven up the atmosphere and encourage them to sing.

The result... as I sang a different song, the number of heavenly soldiers and earthly visitors in that "doomsday prophecy" would be greatly reduced to an extremely exaggerated degree. By the time I finished singing the last song At that time, the main forces of both sides in the sky battlefield had all disappeared. Except for Taiyi and Zhao Gongming, only a few scattered immortals were left.

At that time, I was still thinking, could it be that I held a concert elsewhere while they were fighting and attracted everyone away?

As a result, the stupid system dared to complain

Well...that's why I rushed out and beat Qixiang Che.

However, after playing the "prophecy" repeatedly, I discovered that although some of the disappearing immortals left the battlefield completely, many also quietly sneaked into the human battlefield below.


In the end, the ending of Xi and the golden car falling has not changed. Even if it changes from the whole into countless bolides, the final scene of the "doomsday" is still it.

‘Speaking of which, is this prediction accurate? ’ I sat on the Qixiang Car and looked at it twice more, and found that there was no change in general, but the details were different.

The stupid system replied

‘I very much doubt whether they know the existence of spiritual suffocation. It seems that all the saints are preparing for King Wu’s expedition to Xia. ’

'whatever. ’

Tolstoy once said, "Happiness is always similar, but misfortune is different." With a slight change, it can be said that "the kings of subjugated countries are always similar, but the founders of countries are different."

However, this does not apply here. Not only were the reasons for the demise of the Xia Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty almost identical, but the founding circumstances of the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty were also exactly the same. The degree of similarity caused many scholars to deny the existence of the Xia Dynasty at all.

If you create a virtual conversation——

Xia Jie's name was Sigui, and he was both civil and military.

Zhou Zhen of Shang Dynasty was called Zishou, and he was both civil and military.

Xia Jie Zhen had four kingdoms: southeast, northwest and northwest.

Zhou Zhen in Shang Dynasty also had four great uncles: southeast, northwest and northwest.

Xia Jie died in the Xia Dynasty to a woman named Meixi.

The Shang Dynasty also died due to a woman named Daji.

Xia Jie defeated me by Lu, a gentleman of the Shang Kingdom, named King Wu.

The one who defeated me during the Shang Dynasty was Xibohou Jifa, also known as King Wu.

Xia Jie Zhen once imprisoned Zi Lu in the Night Palace, but did not kill him.

Shang Zhou once imprisoned Ji Fa's father Ji Chang in Lutai but did not kill him.

The prime minister of Xia Jie Zilu was Yi Yin, who was a wise prime minister through the ages.

The prime minister of Shang Dynasty was Jiang Shang, who was also a wise prime minister through the ages.

Xia Jie Zhen had no children. After his defeat, he was exiled to Nanchao and died.

Shang Zhou hahaha! I have two sons, and they were named Tianxixing after their death!

Pfft... If the dialogue was established, the two of them would have started fighting, right?

The stupid system interjected.

"Sister? Sister?" When he came back to his senses, Lu Ya was lying on the car's body and waving in front of my eyes. "Really, sister, you are in a daze again. How could someone be so dazed?"

"Can you please change your words first?" I raised my hand and pinched his little face and pulled him to both sides.

"Hu, Hu Qin is disturbing you——" Lu Ya struggled to say.

"Really?" I let go of my hand and jumped off the Qixiang car. "If you ask me to sing again, there's no way. My voice is almost hoarse."

‘What do you think about my dad’s playlist? ’


"Uh-huh..." Lu Ya looked at me, who was kicking Qixiang's car again, and said while rubbing his face, "Father seems to have meant exactly that, but he doesn't need to sing so many kinds. He seems to be planning to use his magical power to record photos. A complete song, played on a loop in the Hall of Valor.”

"Which one?" I threw away the Qixiang Cart, took Lu Ya and walked towards the Hall of Heroes.

"I don't know the name, it's that song -" Lu Ya cleared his throat and imitated my accent and sang a few lines ""

‘Have I sung this? ’

'Well, it doesn't matter. I've been singing for so long anyway, and if something happened, it would have happened long ago. My sister hasn't done anything yet, which proves that it's nothing serious -'


A sound of metal breaking that resounded throughout the world, but could only be heard by those with spiritual power and supernatural powers, sounded from the west. I could even clearly feel Lu Ya and even his whole body trembling.

The Golden Crow is also a crow, right?


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