The Collection of The End

Chapter 804 Or mottled in the painting hall of vermilion paint


For the will of the world, distance is not a problem at all as long as it is within its own scope of authority.

For example, time stops, such as fixed-point teleportation. If it weren't for the doomsday element causing trouble this time, it might be solved with a snap of the fingers.

However, since Lu Ya was following me, my choice was to use my ability to control money to give Qixiang the "superlight jump" ability.

Anyway, this "magic weapon" has never been outstanding. As a transportation tool, isn't it normal to sacrifice part of its durability in exchange for high-speed movement?

Stupid System protested.

‘If a child is sick, won’t he get an injection because he’s afraid of pain? ’

'That's what you said. ’

I turned over my hand and took out a red ball and slapped it against the wall of the carriage.

"what is that?"

Lu Ya stared straight at the west after the loud noise, and couldn't help but ask when he saw it.

"The acceleration magic weapon given by Senior Brother Duobao." I said nonsense.

With just a roar, the Qixiang Car that was still parked took Lu Ya and me straight towards the west. All the surrounding scenery was stretched backwards and turned into lines of "colorful colors". Wire".

Hum, that's too naive. For the "Golden Spirit Mother" who controls money, what kind of track is not a matter of raising one's hand?

‘Stop screaming and show me what’s going on over there? At this speed, it will take about a few minutes to reach the location of the golden car. I have to plan how to deal with it first - won't it be 'blocked' again? ’

The stupid system is still barking.

‘This guy is useless… Tip sister? ’

This tip is absolutely tragic...

‘…When did I bring Brother Monkey? Journey to the World from the West? ’

The reminder sister stopped showing reminders and started playing a documentary featuring "Lin Hao" as the protagonist.

I estimated the time of arrival and decided to fast forward it.

In the image, Lin Hao collapsed on the ground after casting "Meteor Ichijo", and his age and body began to regress and shrink.

Later, Taoist Zhunti stabilized it with the Seven Treasures Tree, and then took it away with the consent of its relatives.

After Lin Hao was brought to the Western religion, it was still a primitive one. The Daleiyin Temple had nothing but the Main Hall. Zhunti and Jieyin worked together to create a twelve-grade lotus platform for her to rest on, and they treated her with With a concealment spell that would not be noticed by mortals.

For a long time, Lin Hao lay motionless on the lotus platform. It was not until Jieyin dug eight ponds around the lotus platform and put the "Eight Heavenly Dragons" into them that she raised her head slightly to "look" at them.

Later, the Western religion gradually gained followers, and they would occasionally worship the Eight Heavenly Dragons when paying homage to the two leaders. I don’t know whether he was interested in these believers or was disturbed by the chanting, but Lin Hao would change from lying to sitting from time to time, "Look. "To those who believe.

Then, Jieyin and Zhunti, who seemed to be unable to understand anything from her, began to be busy slaying demons and cultivating believers. They did not return for a long time, and the Great Leiyin Temple was also managed by mortal believers, many of whom were not so pious. The number of Western followers gradually increased, and those who spoke to Bade Pond were not all scriptures. Occasionally, they would complain about their own misfortunes. At that time, Lin Hao would pay special attention to those who complained.

Finally, after a chatty mortal complained a lot to the pond, Lin Hao climbed down from the Twelve-Rank Lotus Platform and followed him staggeringly.

I have nothing to say about this. Although she is only a temporary avatar, she is obviously affected by my mother's disease - bah! I don’t have Mary’s disease!

That man was originally a refugee who had neither enough food nor warm clothes, nor a fixed place to sleep. Others called him "Chang Tingzi". He had an attitude towards Western religions of "it doesn't cost any money anyway, so I have to believe in it." Afterwards, he planned to leave, but the mortal abbot who managed the Great Leiyin Temple noticed his physique and wanted to ask him to help with the temple's work.

Chang Tingzi had nowhere to go, so he simply settled in Daleiyin Temple, helping them with planting, construction, and occasionally exorcising monsters. Build up a small fortune.

At this time, Chang Tingzi was already a well-known foreman and warrior. Many acquaintances invited him to open up new villages and towns together, and there were also women who made secret glances at him - which would have been even more intense if it weren't for the fact that he was in a Buddhist temple.

After thinking about it carefully, he found that he was not much different from a few years ago. It was not because of his own strength that he gained respect, but because he was working for Daleiyin Temple and had good friends with many monks. Only then would he be looked down upon by mortals outside, so he finally decided to officially become a monk in Daleiyin Temple.

A few decades later, Chang Tingzi had become an eminent monk, and his reputation was unparalleled in the area around Daleiyin Temple. The original old abbot planned to pass the position of abbot to him before he died.

After inserting this inexplicable history of mortal struggle, the picture suddenly began to shrink and distort, and the "reality" of the abbot's succession finally turned into a mural. Next to the mural was the man who was stopped by the abbot just as he was about to leave the Great Leiyin Temple. Chang Tingzi, and Linhao was staring at him from a little distance behind him.

It was obvious that this person's achievements were all "targeted" by her. He had complained to Bade Pond before that the "physiological needs", "safety needs", "belonging needs" and "respect needs" he lacked had been Everything has come true. If he in the painting really chooses to take over as host, he will instantly return to the "reality" outside, and Lin Hao, who feels bored, will also return to the lotus platform to rest.

"Hahaha - hahaha!" But at this moment, Chang Tingzi in the mural and in reality laughed at the same time. Under the same astonished gaze of the two abbots with different appearances and different painting styles, the original "refugee" "Chang Tingzi" turned directly into "The eminent monk Chang Tingzi", and then walked out of the gate of Daleiyin Temple with a big smile.

"~" Lin Hao, half of his face covered by a blindfold, slightly raised the corners of his mouth and made a sound for the first time in the video.

The next moment, the screen zoomed out, and the Great Leiyin Temple and the small town at the foot of the mountain simultaneously bloomed with dazzling golden light rising into the sky.


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