The Collection of The End

Chapter 805 But here too

High in the human world.

Even the two leaders of the Western Church probably don't understand what is going on with the so-called "Lin Hao" behavior of laymen watching the show and insiders watching the door, but they are obviously happy to see the results.

First, Linhao received the wish of the person praying by the pool through the "Holy Grail Prayer" and became curious about it.

Although she reminded my sister that she did not show it, most of the worshipers she had "watched" had their wishes come true by chance - the small wishes of mortals are not even a simple effort for beings at this level.

Then, she meets "Chang Tingzi" just like the original Holy Grail met Kiritsugu.

Others were just looking for wealth, health, and love, but he was better. He spoke loudly while praying, stated his entire life plan, and asked Buddha to bless him.

Are you worshiping Buddha or hiring a nanny?

‘Is the gap between these two goddesses too big? Oh, stupid system, are you awake? ’

‘I seem to be speeding myself up? Never mind. ’

In short, "Lin Hao" was stunned for a long time after receiving such an exaggerated prayer. He seemed to be really ready to follow the guy all the way to realize his wish, but finally when he was about to leave the door, he saw the people on both sides. Mural, a flash of inspiration decided to give him a dream - although there should be no such word yet.

Then, he puts the long tingzi into a dream-like virtual space, or Valmina's annihilation realm, and then accelerates the time in it crazily, realizing all his wishes in an instant. At the end of this false life, as long as he has no new wishes , all this will come to nothing in an instant.

As a result... that guy probably had some wisdom, and suddenly became a Buddha with great enlightenment, and gained the ability to see the future.

Although due to the relationship between persons, this so-called "future" is only the "original future" without the intervention of saints. It is not bad and specious.

As for the title... "Amitabha" has just appeared, the one with a big smile and a big belly.

Then, due to the cultivation of a true Buddha, that virtual space was affected and directly evolved into the "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss".

Judging from the future performance of the two half-step saints, they clearly had some suspicions about her style of behavior and were trying their best to imitate and get closer to her. However, because they did not learn the same way, although the great wish they made gradually came closer, it still did not involve them. The content itself is therefore rejected by me.

In the screen,

The town at the foot of Lingshan Mountain expanded rapidly, eventually forming an extremely huge city that was more like a country than a city.

Ah... This kind of thing often happens when playing SimCity or Civilization, because the world is too big, and it's okay to focus on one place, but once you zoom or pan, it becomes like a ppt.

‘That’s right, that’s right. ’

In the picture-in-picture shown in the corner of the screen, "Lin Hao" is sitting on the lotus platform in the middle of Bade Pond, looking up at the sky slightly dullly - although he can't see anything because of the blindfold. .

Behind her, there was a looming door.

Hey...wait? Even though it’s already past tense, why don’t you wait for me?

The black clothes on the little girl began to change in subtle ways, eventually transforming from an almost leather corset to a yarn-like velvet blouse. The only thing that remained unchanged was the eye patch on her face.

Both sides are worth complaining about!

At this moment, colorful lights flashed through the Gate of Annihilation behind Lin Hao. The originally motionless girl turned her head slightly and glanced at the direction in which the light left.

Prompt my sister to show a picture of a group of people falling on a somersault cloud.

Hmm... Putting aside the sense of inconsistency and the things worth complaining about, can I see the Great Sage later?

The stupid system complained.

‘No, no, no, think about it, he is the only ‘traveler’ among all the worlds I have created. ’

‘Oh, it’s all my world. Can it be called time travel if I wear it myself? ’

‘…of course I choose to forgive him. ’

Tip: My sister will naturally ignore the complaints between me and the stupid system, and continue to play what happened next while explaining.


In short, Amitabha wanted to help the Great Sage for some unknown purpose, but it turned out that the Great Sage was also a half-hearted person. He also wanted to take away the eyepatch for some unknown purpose, but he did not know that the eyepatch sealed two After being removed, the power of the magic eye was greatly increased because it merged with the "door" to form the "keyhole" on the forehead. And because the little girl kept looking up at the sky, it directly penetrated and hit the magic eye that had just automatically moved to the top of the Lingshan Mountain. Golden car.

If Xi He was here, she could not only dodge but also block the direct shot of the evil eye, but she ran back to the heaven early and was jealous with Wangshu Zhengfeng. After all, even if Hou Yi came out from the human race, he would not be able to penetrate the armor of the golden chariot. no?

Moreover, those who have the ability to stop the golden chariot from falling know that Taoist Jieyin is cultivating in the Pure Land. Of course, they can easily solve the problem, but no one knows that he has to prioritize the issue of the imminent annihilation of the Pure Land.

After all, just a golden chariot falling down is not the end of the world.

——So now no one except me will care about that broken car, right?


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