The Collection of The End

Chapter 807 Conferred God (73)

——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou and Shangqiu.

Yi Yin is handling all affairs of the Shang Kingdom in the palace hall.

[Three years] have passed since Zilu went to Xia Capital as a hostage to buy time for Shang to contact other countries and develop itself.

And most of what happened during this period was not beyond Yi Yin's expectations.

For example, after the King of Xia received the amount of taxes he had boasted about Haikou in installments, he still refused to release Shang Jun, and set the amount paid in each installment as the new tribute standard.

For example, those traitors who had secretly reported the total income of the Shang State to the King of Xia once again tried to send out the information that "it was not difficult for the Shang State to raise these taxes" among the tributes.

For example, some people who are related to the Lord Shang tried to seize the throne of the monarch on the grounds that "the country will last for many years without a king." Well... these people are probably not traitors, but just rebels who have taken a fancy to the income of the Shang Kingdom.

At first glance, it sounds like the business is about to collapse due to domestic and foreign troubles.

However, according to Yi Yin's habit, after listing the bad news, he must cite the same number of good news.

For example, the impact of ordering Shang Jun to clear out bandits along the way has fermented and spread, and "willing to kill all bandits in the world" has become a code word that does not need to be explained. The best thing is that people who are dedicated to the Xia Dynasty never think of this level. , and thanks to this tacit understanding, the business of Shang merchants in various places has improved a lot, so they can successfully raise the unreasonable taxes.

For example, those traitors who were trying to pass on information to the outside world had actually been identified and marked by Yi Yin. Their actions were just exposing their own manpower. Mei Xi could find out the information sneaked into the goods just by sniffing it. ——Well, by the way, her demonic power clearly belongs to a fox, not a dog, right?

For example, although Zilu is not here, Yiyin's sisters Yiji and Jifei are still there. When those so-called "qualified successors" jumped out to challenge, she showed that Youxin women have extraordinary political and military skills. With ordinary understanding and control, before Yi Yin was about to launch the hidden ambush that had been laid in advance, she had already disarmed and captured all the private soldiers trained by those guys, and imprisoned all the traitors who supported them in the court, relying only on They were just the assistant ministers and guards who stayed in the palace before Zilu left.

At that time, when Yi Yin entered the palace with his troops, next to a group of rebels who were lying on the ground in despair, he only saw a man in heroic military uniform, holding a riding crop in his hand, and proudly said to him, "Learn more, brother~" sister, about this. He had only one thought - Zi Lu, you have worked really hard.

As for Shang Junzilu, who went as a hostage, he continued to send back information about the Xia capital and surrounding countries via tribute convoys as he planned, and the spies of the Xia Dynasty had no doubts about him at all.

However, after hearing that Zilu had taken in a pair of sisters outside the capital of Xia and that King Lian Xia wanted to snatch the sisters away, her sister Yiji's face had been a little strange. Yiyin could only choose to believe the information about "the pair of sisters." This is true.

Although there are immortals who promise to protect Zilu from being poisoned, what will happen if he is beaten by the princess...



Yi Yin was slightly lost in thought because of the interesting scene, and then was awakened by Mei Xi's long call.

Yiyin himself is good at business and technology, while his sister Yiji is good at politics and military affairs, which are areas that Yiyin, as a foreign minister, is not convenient to completely control. However, Meixi is good at something strange, she is good at "public security".

No, it's actually not that strange. Just by seeing how easily she came out of the Xia Palace, we knew that she was very familiar with similar methods. In turn, she would be able to deal with those unscrupulous little characters in Shangqiu with ease.

Of course, Shangqiu was originally well governed by Yi Yin, and there was no need for public security. But as the saying goes, due to a series of actions after Zilu went to the Xia capital, the Xia king became more greedy, conquering and plundering everywhere, and was dissatisfied. In response to this "sun", the surrounding tribesmen who could not resist for the time being began to migrate to places far away from the Xia capital.

Although this is also part of Yiyin's plan, the sudden arrival of these outsiders in Shangqiu, a commercial city, will inevitably cause considerable public security problems.

My sister likes that when she is looking for lost property, she can find it by smelling the owner. When a business dispute develops into a quarrel, rushing over and scratching it a few times can knock both parties down. And if you happen to be robbed in the street, that's even better. , flying over the roof, walking over the walls, across the house and over the ridge, no thief can be her opponent.

So is she a cat or a dog... No, no, no, it's obviously a fox.

Yi Yin turned around and saw a slovenly girl wearing a Shang official robe and a sleepy-eyed but panic-stricken girl running out of the back hall.

Hmm... I had a nightmare, Yi Yin made a judgment.

"Xiao Yi - I had a nightmare -" Mei Xi ran over and grabbed Yi Yin's sleeve and started shaking it.

"Ahem! Hmm!" Yi Yin cleared his throat, and the minor officials, maids, and guards who were assisting in handling political affairs in the government hall withdrew one after another, and closed the door considerately.

They usually like to sleep, but when they wake up, they pester Yiyin. When they are led, um, taken out for a walk, they are particularly happy to maintain law and order. This is basically the daily life of Yiyin and Meixi. Although everyone thinks that they should be a couple, only Yi Yin herself knew that this girl had not yet figured it out. She would live in the back hall of the government hall instead of the house assigned to her just because it was close.

"Nightmare? What dream?" Yi Yin asked.

Those who have endless thoughts and act cautiously will often dream about the consequences of their own mistakes, which is an unintentional complement to the plan. People who usually think about nothing will have nightmares, although it may be due to improper sleeping posture. Okay, but it could also be some kind of omen.

"I dreamed that there were two suns fighting in the sky. The original one couldn't beat the new one, and then, uh... I woke up with a fright," Meixi said while rubbing her eyes with her sleeves, "Strange... carefully Come to think of it, this doesn’t seem to be scary.”

"No, this is indeed terrible. The sun... will die..." Yi Yin frowned and quickly began to check the official documents waiting to be processed on the table. He ignored the intelligence from Shang State and surrounding areas and focused on the transmission from Xia Capital. Those who come, even if it is an "everything is normal" report, take a second look.

Obviously, it is not without reason that Zilu will be favored by the immortals. Perhaps it is the "change of dynasty" that has never happened before. Meixihui dreamed of fighting for two days, which probably means that there is an opportunity to unite against Xia. When it arrives, there should be some signs that others cannot detect...

Meixi looked at Yiyin who was flipping through documents quickly after hearing that she had no peace after having a nightmare. She bit her lip and said loudly to him with determination:

"Yi Yin! I want to be with you!"

"Oh, let's deal with these first." Yi Yin casually took a few documents and handed them to her.


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