The Collection of The End

Chapter 808 Conferred God (74)

——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou and Shangqiu.

"Oh? King Xia wants to conquer the Min clan?"

After Meixi took the initiative to help sort and process the documents, Yiyin quickly found important information related to the Xia Dynasty.

The Youmin clan is the ancestral clan of the Youmin sisters "Wan" and "Yan". This clan once belonged to the Dongyi clan, but in the end they could not make up their minds to follow the Dongyi clan to Dongsheng Shenzhou, and finally settled in "Minshan" on the coast of the East China Sea, this mountain range extends in all directions, divided into the Min family who are based on the mountains, the Min family who produce jade, the Min family who are along the river, and the Yao family whose women are generally beautiful.

The level of naming by the clan chiefs of these branch clans was immediately obvious... Yi Yin was quite speechless when he learned about it.

In short, after losing Meixi and failing to capture Wanyan, King Xia turned his attention to the sisters' mother clan, and finally found an excuse to send troops to conquer.

But that is the land in the far east. The long journey takes a long time, and it is deserted along the way. There is almost no place to grab. According to the king of Xia's usual methods, it is not enough to reach it, so sufficient preparations must be made in Zhensu in advance. As a result, the matter of sending troops to conquer could no longer be concealed, and only then was Zilu's entourage reported to Shangqiu.

For the Shang State, which was determined to fight against Xia, this long-time expedition of the Xia King's army was a good opportunity, but the problem was that it would take time for the Shang State to contact the clans of various countries. It might be possible to ask those "immortals", but they There should be no need to do this.

Even if he chooses to contact Shang Jun along the way, he will only be able to contact at most two people in one trip. According to Yi Yin's plan, at least four clans must gather together to have the possibility of capturing Zhenxiu and resisting the Xia King's counterattack.

The most troublesome thing is that there is no way to quickly contact various places to act simultaneously...

"I'm done!" While I was thinking, I suddenly heard Meixi slam the table.

"Well done." Yi Yin complimented casually.

Well, the speed is a bit faster than usual, and it’s also because there hasn’t been much happening in Shangqiu recently.

However, in view of the possibility of war with the Xia Dynasty in the near future, if she continues to make progress, it is not impossible to give her more Shangqiu work.

"I, I, I didn't mean that just now!" Mei Xi clenched her fists and said loudly.

"Oh?" Yi Yin raised his eyes and looked at the girl.

"I, I, I want to be with you all the time!" After she finished speaking, she stared at Yi Yin closely, then pointed at the government affairs she had just finished and added: "And that's not what I want!"

"Okay, I will give you half of my future work," Yi Yin nodded, then pinched out half of the hill in front of him and gave it to Mei Xi: "That's all for today."

"..." Meixi stood stunned on the spot.

"Huh? Is it too much?" Yi Yin raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand to take back some.

"One, a little, no, more!" The girl gritted her teeth, and the shadow of a fox paw appeared on the surface of her arm, and she moved away the reports to be processed.

"[Ah ha ha ha ha!]" At this time, a burst of laughter interrupted Yi Yin's question.

When the two of them turned around to look, they saw a beauty with gorgeous appearance and graceful figure emerging from the air not far from the table in the government hall. She was wearing a sapphire blue palace dress with complicated styles and jingling accessories. Her temperament seemed to be better than Iggy is even more noble, but the way he holds his belly and laughs wildly makes this temperament more - kinder.

"Dare you ask the immortal about your purpose?" Yi Yin took a step forward and blocked Mei Xi.

Yi Yin did not feel any evil spirit, witchcraft or anything else from the woman, as if she was just an ordinary woman, but ordinary women would not appear so suddenly.

"[Hahaha - oops... I laughed too much,]" the woman stopped laughing, straightened her posture slightly, and then said: "[We came here to see how the little fox was doing, But I didn’t expect you to give us such a big joke first, so I’ll give you a way to quickly contact all human races.]”

She was well-dressed, looked calm, and acted normally.

The voice was just a little crisp and pleasant, and although the face was gorgeous, it was not too exaggerated. But when all the elements were combined, it created an attraction that was almost impossible to take away. After Yi Yin took two dull breaths, he finally With great perseverance, he turned to look at Mei Xi.

Wait, what am I watching her do? Looking ugly to calm down?

And Mei Xi was not much better than Yi Yin, her eyes were unblinking and she fell into complete sluggishness.

After Yi Yin adjusted her mood, she turned to the beautiful woman who seemed to have known that this would be the result and was waiting with a smile but not a smile: "Well...I don't know the immortal..."

【Squeak! 】

At this moment, there was something that seemed to resound throughout the world, but it was silent, like a sound of metal twisting and breaking that seemed to explode from the bottom of my heart.

Yiyin took a breath, looked at Meixi, and found that she felt the same way.

"[Oh, this is really not a good thing. We still want to have a little bond with Shang before sunset.]" The woman waved her hand towards Yi Yin who was about to ask a question: "[Come out with us." Look, this scene is rare.】"

Yi Yin and Mei Xi looked at each other and found that the other party didn't know what was going on. They put down their official documents and followed the woman who had walked out on her own.

Yi Yin was originally worried that the guards outside would make a fool of themselves after seeing the woman, but found that they had not noticed her at all, and that they were all looking at the sky in a daze.

Looking along their gaze, Yi Yin saw that the sun was falling downward at an extraordinary speed - at least ten times faster than the normal "setting" speed.

The surrounding officials, maids, and guards were all muttering to themselves a word that everyone was already familiar with - "Everyone will die with the sun."

"[Hehehe,]" the woman laughed softly: "[It seems that it is not up to you to decide when the anti-Xia war will begin.]"

"But I can decide when it will end." Yi Yin looked at her firmly, and the charm he felt seemed to have lessened a lot: "The method of contact mentioned by the immortal can now be handed over to me. "

"[Then, let's pass it on to you——]"

【Boom! 】

Before the woman in blue finished speaking, a similar voice sounded again. In everyone's horrified eyes, a brand new sun rose out of thin air from below, shattering the fallen sun in an instant, and the new sun There seemed to be some words floating around, but they were too far away to be seen clearly.

Two days of fighting, the day after tomorrow will be better than the day before.

"That dream of mine——" Meixi exclaimed in surprise.

"[Tsk, tut,]" the woman in blue shook her head: "[It's not up to you when it ends.]"

. m.

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