The Collection of The End

Chapter 809 Conferred God (75)

——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou, Xiadu pours out the wine.

Zhao Gongming was wandering around the city, and everything he saw was a prosperous and prosperous scene. If you think about it, you can understand that even if King Xia is not smart enough, acts tyrannically, and is easily deceived, if he does not have the support of a certain number of people, , where did he get the troops and supplies to go around and conquer?

When he went out to conquer, all he took away were beauties and treasures that were meaningless to ordinary people. The substantial wealth was divided between the officials of the Xia Dynasty and the common people. Therefore, the people of the Xia capital evaluated him as "Although the king ignores government affairs, robs property, collects beauties, and plunders slaves, he is a good king."

Of course, the tribes whose property was plundered and the people of Fang State who were forced to become slaves would not think so, so the sayings of "all will perish with the sun" and "wipe out the bandits" among the surrounding tribes and Fang State became more and more intense.

At this time, [one year] has passed since Zhao Gongming and his two junior brothers and sisters protected Shang Junzilu and arrived in Xiadu.

After dealing with some assassinations that were both unsightly in terms of planning and strength, the changed "identities" of their protectors have basically been finalized. The Golden-winged Dapeng and the Golden Mother of Light are "little powerful ascetics" who can easily cause trouble. It can be easily solved, and Zhao Gongming is a "strong trump card" and the final means to solve the problem. Those seemingly powerful generals of the Xia Dynasty often visit him in the hope that he will not cause trouble.

Regarding this, Zhao Gongming just wants to say... Just have fun.

Regarding the inexplicable killing of the heavenly soldiers, since Zhao Gongming had no reasonable motive at all, the bored heavenly soldiers struggled for several months. After receiving feedback from the heavenly court, "I don't know how I died," they finally gave up, but they still continued to do so from time to time. Those who are picky about him show how powerful his ability to stir up trouble is.

Speaking of Qiongqi, I don’t know what she has done recently to successfully make Xia Wang Sigui have the strange idea that "beauties are beautiful because of the soil and water in their hometowns." First, she went to Meixi's Moxi family to transfer However, no one was found, and then went to the Youmin clan. This time, they successfully found several pretty women, but they were already married. According to them, they came from the mother clan of the Youmin clan, "Youmin". ”, located on the coast of the East China Sea.

When Sigui returned to Xiadu to find a reason for the expedition, Our Lady of Golden Light secretly handed over the relevant "excuse" - that the Youmin clan was actually an unauthorized branch of the Dongyi tribe that was supposed to be driven to Dongsheng Shenzhou - to that person. In the hands of the sycophant Zhao Liang, that guy didn't doubt where his subordinates got such intelligence gathering ability, so he went directly to ask the King of Xia for credit. The King of Xia was overjoyed when he heard about it, and after finding a few interfaces, he decided to march eastward.

She must have the power to improve her cultivation by provoking fights, right?

In addition, regarding the "volcanoes" she found where the slaves were accumulating dissatisfaction, after Zhao Gongming's actual inspection, she found that it was actually difficult to use. For no other reason than that they were captured to work, and the weapons and armor they could obtain were limited. , even if you can get some from guards and overseers in a sudden attack, you still can't fight for a long time.

Even if we take advantage of the fact that the Xia King is on an expedition and the main force is away, we can only hold on for five... No, three days of resistance is considered too much, and at most it will cause a certain degree of chaos. But if you want to occupy the Xia capital, it will be too long. It was unlikely, unless someone could calculate their influence, and they agreed to attack at the same time during the siege. Under the attack from both inside and outside, even a moment of chaos would be enough to seal the victory.

Of course, in this process, these "gods" will only play a supporting role. After all, Heavenly Court and Chanjiao still support the current Xia Dynasty. Only by being overthrown by mortals can they have an impact on their ideas. If it is Jiejiao has done everything, and Chanjiao will say, "You Jiejiao want to prove that our ideas are wrong, and you shamelessly use mortals" and do not recognize this result.

Generally speaking, protecting Lord Shang like this is basically the limit. As for other things, unless Chanjiao or Heavenly Court directly targets Shang Kingdom,

Otherwise, Jiejiao would not have intervened in Shang's anti-Xia campaign - even if their strategy was wrong and they were completely defeated or even wiped out.

However, during this process, if any outstanding mortals from the Shang Kingdom died in battle, they could be resurrected by some means and accepted as outer disciples of Jie Jiao. As the outer disciple, he still has the power and Qualified.

Just as he was thinking about this, Zhao Gongming happened to pass by the Xia Palace, so he turned his head and took a look inside.

Hmm... Although King Sigui of Xia doesn't know how to employ people, and there are half of the ministers in the court, there are not too few loyal and virtuous people. If they die in battle, it is not impossible to consider.

After thinking this, Zhao Gongming turned around and walked into the palace. The mortal guards guarding the door were naturally unaware, while the heavenly soldiers on duty glanced at him and ignored him.

Since King Xia had already set off for the Eastern Expedition, only some of the military attachés who were responsible for the follow-up transportation of supplies were left behind, and the location for preparing supplies was not in the court hall. Therefore, only civil servants were still handling political affairs in the palace at this time, and they were clearly divided into two groups. The two factions are the "serious work faction" and the "pretend to be serious work faction".

The most ridiculous thing is that because they try their best to pretend, the "serious work people" seem to be more serious than the "serious work people" who sometimes get lost in thinking. If they only look at the attitude and not the results, the not-smart King Xia will choose to trust There is absolutely no doubt about that.

Therefore, even if Zhao Liang's faction died in the war, Zhao Gongming would not even raise an eyebrow. Relatively speaking, the civil servants on Zhonggu's side are quite valuable to win over. To put it at a higher level, he is just a person without spiritual power. , Wu Yunxian, who does not have magical powers and has slower reactions, if he can bring Jiejiao, he can be enough to help manage the three thousand mortal guests - oh, now it's time to change his name to 'Ten Thousand Immortals'.

After roughly jotting down the faces of those "serious workers", Zhao Gongming wanted to return to the post house, but his attention was attracted by a flash of light inadvertently in King Xia's treasure house.

Speaking of which, as the "God of Wealth", Zhao Gong has plans to enter the treasure house tomorrow morning, but it is the place where King Xia used to "detain" the women he snatched, and he often goes there to stay, so he has never been too careful. Convenience - If you encounter a woman who doesn't know that she will be released as long as she persists in disobeying, and asks for help, should you save her or not?

However, at this time, King Xia is on an expedition and there are no women in the treasury. Why not go and take a look?

After all, he is the God of Wealth. No matter what kind of mortal treasure he is, he can create a genuine one at his fingertips. But if he has never seen the real thing and can only rely on imagination, well, Jin'ao Island is an example.

So, yes, I collected materials because of my duties.

After making up his mind, Zhao Gongming turned around and walked into King Xia's treasure house.

Well, look at this pearl, it is big and round, this jade belt is long and wide...

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