The Collection of The End

Chapter 814 Conferred God (80)

——Feng Shen——

Heaven, Kunlun Mountain.

"What Saint Yuqing said is correct. I just arrived a little late, and the two senior brothers were beaten by the nephew... well, they were beaten well."

When Master Huanglong emerged from the ground, he heard a familiar voice say so.

After a little bit of identification, I found out that it was Yun Zhongzi, the casual cultivator who only had a name in Chanjiao.

It is said that this casual cultivator with mysterious origins once refused the recruitment of two saints, Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Cult Leader, because "the Tao is different and unreasonable." This is the most powerful reason for "Taoists" , it’s hard for the saint to say anything.

Regarding his "Tao", Huang Long had heard of it - "Establish a heart for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the people, carry on the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations". It does not sound like the teachings of the three religions have much in common. ...Hmm, wait a minute, isn’t it because of his words of “carrying on the unique knowledge to the saints” that he was favored by the saints?

But in the end, when he discussed Taoism with the Yuqing sage, the sage talked about Chan's views on the world. He did not say "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude" or "three, six, nine, etc." as usual, but "everyone should return to his place and do his best." "Office", this made Yun Zhongzi relent and become a registered disciple.

The new saint Nuwa is not interested in him. Could it be because Nuwa has no unique skills to inherit?

No, no, no, it should be that this "Tao" itself is very consistent with Nuwa's approach, so there is no need to recruit at all.

"Ah... this is an accident." Master Huang Long climbed up from the ground, shook his body and transformed from a pangolin back into a human form, and then responded to Yun Zhongzi: "Who would have thought that my nephew would have no knowledge of the 'natural enemy transformation' Self-taught?"

"Uncle." At the same time that Huanglong was changing, a giant brown bear on the side also shrank in size, and finally turned into the appearance of young Yang Jian.

"If your guess is correct, this is not the first time?" Yun Zhongzi looked at the fallen trees, broken streams, broken stones, and large holes of unknown origin on the ground, and asked Huang Long.

"Ah..." Huang Long sighed: "At first I wanted to turn into a sparrow, but he immediately turned into a vulture, I turned into a hyena, he turned into a cheetah, and finally I turned into a turtle. , and then he turned into a monkey."

"Monkey?" Yun Zhongzi asked doubtfully.

"I just turned the turtle shell over and found rocks to try to break it open..." Huanglong said with a depressed face: "I had to turn into a pangolin and burrow into the ground, but he turned into a bear and guarded it. Clap it down with a slap.”

"Hmm...Yang Jian? You should know that your master is just teaching you the art of transformation, right?" Yun Zhongzi turned to the young man and asked.

"Because it's too simple," the young man responded, "I just want to see how long it takes for my uncle to say, 'You have learned it.'"

"..." Huang Long was speechless. Yes, if he just learned the seventy-two transformations, he would be considered a master if he was so proficient. Those who followed were just asking for trouble because he wanted to transform into a form where Yang Jian could not find his natural enemy. .

"Pfft..." Standing in the distance, Master Yuding, holding the Sky-defying Eagle and Roaring Dog, finally couldn't hold back his laughter.

"So, what else do you want to teach me? Master?" Yang Jian looked at Huang Long and asked.

"Uh huh...'Three heads and six arms', do you want to learn it?" Huang Long suddenly stretched out six tentacles from behind, four of which became arms, and two of which became heads.

"Too ugly, don't learn." Yang Jian shrugged his nose in disgust.

"Senior brother, please stay here," Yun Zhongzi stopped Huang Long from using any more magical powers: "Sage Yuqing has something to call upon, so it would be best if we all go with him to Qilin Cliff as soon as possible.


"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Master," Master Yuding sighed: "But with his qualifications, I really can't teach him anything. I was really impulsive when I saw Lie Xinxi. How about changing..."

"Once a teacher, always a teacher." Yang Jian suddenly interrupted Yuding.

"Ah, my good disciple!" Yuding looked very moved: "I will give you my best treasures as a master——"

Isn't it easy for you to handle it? And many things were clearly taught by me, Huang Long pouted beside him.

"This...well, this is the magic weapon that accompanies the master when he transforms into a human form. However, for some reason the master cannot use it, so I will give it to the disciple." Jade Cauldron fumbled for a long time and took out a golden slingshot from the sleeve of his robe. And a handful of silver bullets were solemnly handed over to Yang Jian.

You really can't use it... Huanglong recognized the object and didn't know whether to laugh or not.

That slingshot is clearly the "ringing ball" used to strike the chime. As the jade chime's incarnation, is it not possible for the real person Yuding to use it?

"This disciple will use this thing to kill enemies more often in the future." Yang Jian promised, not knowing whether he understood it or not.

Whether it can kill the enemy or not is a matter of debate, but if you use this to hit Master Yuding, you can hit him accurately every time. Master Huanglong cursed, it was the first time he saw the master handing over his cover or weakness to his disciple, although the slingshot itself was also Just be strong.

"If there's nothing else, shall we set off now?" Yun Zhongzi, who had been watching, swung his silver spear in the air with his backhand, tearing a dark gap in mid-air.

Hmm... The paradoxical scene inside is the same as when Chaos first opened, which is also one of the reasons why the saints recruited him, right? Huang Long looked at the passage called "the gap".

"Uncle, do you want to grab it too? We can compete some other time." The young man Yang Jian looked at the silver gun in Yun Zhongzi's hand, and then at his own three-pointed, two-edged gun, and seemed to be interested.


"If you have time, you can do anything." Yun Zhongzi nodded, and then walked towards the crack first.

"..." Yang Jian seemed to be hesitant, opening the third eye on his forehead and looking at the crack.

"Don't look at it, even a few saints can't see it. It must be some kind of innate magical power." Yuding patted the young apprentice's head and pulled him to step in together.

After Yang Jian walked into the crack, he turned his head and looked around in confusion, until he saw Huang Long who followed him in. Then he nodded with conviction and closed it.

How? After seeing the "invisible monster", are you sure that your eyes are fine? Huang Long felt more and more that he couldn't get along with his nephew. If Yu Ding was not around in the future, it would be better to have less contact with him.

"When the Western Cult Master Zhunti comes to visit, don't make any noise." Yun Zhongzi warned as he opened a new crack.

"Well, of course." Master Huang Long responded.

This registered junior fellow student actually doesn’t care much about teaching things, but when he takes on this identity, he will still fulfill his duty as a disciple. Maybe this is called “each performing his duties”?

"Don't be nervous. It should be a good thing to see Senior Brother Ran Deng's attitude when we come down." Perhaps because Yang Jian revealed his intention to learn spear skills, Yun Zhongzi said one more thing to him.

"Yes." Yang Jian followed Yuding and nodded lightly.

After walking out of the rift, before they could see their surroundings clearly, they heard the angry shout from Taoist Ran Deng:

"[Taoist Zhunti, what do you mean by the Western religion knocking down the golden chariot in heaven? Are you trying to say that it was all Jin Ling's personal doing?]"

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